Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 148 ~ Uninvolved

“Hey Aika, let’s go to the cafeteria.”


“Mm. We should go quickly before it gets crowded.”


Right as the bell rang for lunch time and the teacher left their class, Murayama and Katase approached Aika’s table in a hurry. 


The trio pervert and some of their classmates have already left the class, hurriedly making their way to the cafeteria before it gets crowded. The more they dally, the more people would’ve arrived in the cafeteria and the longer they’d have to wait in line. 


“Ah, sure! But, I’ll just be going to buy some bread and milk, and leave.”


“Eh? Why?”


“I was called to the student council room. Not sure what they wanted, but I’ll have to go there.”


“Oh… Alright. Then, let’s go!”


The three then quickly make their way to the cafeteria. 


And although they left only a few minutes after the bell rang, a long line had already been established in front of the store. 


“Damn… They got here so fast…!”

“Hah… Well, it can’t be helped. Let’s just line up. Is it okay for you to be a bit late to the student council, Aika?”


“Yes, don’t worry about it.”


Having made their decision, the three went to the end of the line and began lining up.


But as soon as they arrived, people, specifically boys, in front of them began… giving up their spots. 


“A-Ah, K-Kiryuu-san! Please go ahead!”


“Y-Yes! Please take our spot! It’s a long line, and you must be feeling hungry already! Don’t mind us!!!”


Aika smiled inwardly as she looked at these little boys trying to curry favor with her.


They must think their kindness would make her indebted to them and perhaps begin some sort of friendship. Then, they would get closer and closer… And then, once they’ve become close enough, they could have the chance to confess to her and become her boyfriend!


To become her boyfriend and have that super sexy body all to themselves was the wet dream of every single teenage boy in this academy. 


Moreover, she was once a pervert too, right? Then perhaps, once they become her boyfriend, she would do stuff that they could only imagine and bring them to the heights of pleasure!!!


Aika could clearly see it on their faces and perverted gazes that had been eyeing her watermelons which exclusively belonged to Yuuji. 


They must be thinking something that would only happen in their fantasy and wet dreams. 


Well, she was generous enough to let them think all they wanted. After all, none of them would be able to actually make their dreams a reality since this sexy body, heart, and soul already belonged to Yuuji~ 


And she wouldn’t pass up on their offers to make her life easier for her. 


“Really~? Thank you very much~ You guys are sooo kind~!”




Aika giggled inwardly, seeing how much these boys blush from her cutesy act, and walked forward, taking their spot in the line as they moved back behind her. 


And seeing what those two boys had done and what they could get in return, many others in front of her began doing the same thing. 


Soon enough, she was at the front of the line, and the three quickly brought their lunch and left. 


“Hah… I can’t believe they're openly ogling at your chest during all that… Don’t they know Aika already has a wonderful boyfriend?”


“Yeah, I can’t believe it. Especially those trio perverts. I would’ve taught them a lesson if I brought my shinai.”


Murayama and Katase still looked very upset. How dare those perverted idiots openly ogle at their friend, who they knew already has an extremely wonderful boyfriend?! 


Especially those perverted trio. They were all drooling and didn’t even try to hide the fact that they’re staring at Aika’s breasts. 


They should’ve pummeled them to the ground!


“Well well, thanks to their perversion, we got our food a lot faster, didn’t we~? So it’s fine~”


Aika waved her hand and simply brushed over the matter. After all, this was all they could do. Simply ogle and fantasize. 


And, it made her life easier. So it was a win win. They could have their fantasy, and she could have an easy life thanks to those simps. 


“Then, I’ll be going ahead, okay? See you girls during class!”


“Uhn! See you.”


“See you~”


With curry bread, red bean bread, and a carton of strawberry milk in hand, Aika made her way to the student council room as she had promised. 


Arriving before their office, Aika knocked and opened the door once she heard Sona’s voice welcoming her in. 


And inside, she saw Sona sitting behind her large, mahogany desk, Tsubaki standing by her side, and the rest of her peerage standing around the room, numbering at five with the sole boy, Saji, who immediately blushed at the sight of the academy’s most beautiful girl. 


Despite his feelings for his King, Sona, the primal lust and attraction men would have towards a beauty of Aika’s level was not something an experience, old devil could simply suppress, much less a young, teenage boy filled to the brim with hormones. 


While the girls all held their breath for varying moments when they finally saw her up close; some for just an instant before trying to hide it, and some for a while.


Sona would belong to the former group and quickly regain herself. 


“Welcome, Kiryuu Aika-san. Thank you very much for accepting our invitation to come to our student council’s office.”


Her commanding voice snapped her peerage members out of their daze as they quickly straightened themselves.


Aika nodded to her and let out a brilliant smile that made the poor boy’s heart skip a beat once more. 


“It’s nice to see you again, Shitori-senpai, Shinra-senpai.”


“Please, take a seat.”


Sona stood up from her seat, gestured at the couch, before making her way to the one opposite it and took her seat. 


Aika made her way to the couch Sona indicated and sat down as the rest of Sona’s peerage went behind Sona and stood there, their eyes all focused solely on the Goddess-like beauty before them. 


And to Sona’s surprise, being in such a situation didn’t even make her nervous. 


It wouldn’t be strange if someone showed signs of being uncomfortable if they were to be stared at by so many eyes and be in a position where she was alone before a large group of people. 


But she was calm… As if she and her peerage won’t even be able to do anything that would harm her in any way. 


And the magic she was emanating… Yes, she was definitely suppressing them. But what truly shocked her was just how sophisticated and thoroughly did she suppress them. 


Just like trying to calm a vicious wave, to suppress magic was not so simple. The only one she knew could control their magic in such a sophisticated manner was her sister, the demon kings, and the “strongest queen”. 


And she was doing it as if it was nothing. 


‘If she didn’t decide to show her powers… would we even notice it?’


She shook her head inwardly and focused her attention at the girl before her. 


“Kiryuu Aika-san… I believe with the talk you had with Rias yesterday… You can guess why we wish to talk to you?”


Aika simply nodded, and Sona continued. 


“Then, I will not be taking up much of your time. I simply wish to ask you a few questions. Please feel free to eat your bread while we talk.”


“Uhn. Then, I’ll take you up on your offer.”


Aika then began eating her curry bread, taking in little bites. And as she ate, even her mundane little actions seemed so adorable and beautiful to onlookers that Sona’s peerage members couldn't help but stare at her in a daze. 


“Firstly, we are all devils. I believe you can already guess from sensing our magic?”




Aika nodded as she took another small bite. 


“My name is Sona Sitri, heiress of the Sitri Clan, one of the remaining 32 pillar households of the Underworld. And this is my peerage. Along with Rias, we are in charge of ruling Kuoh, the territory that belonged to the Underworld.”


Sona continued.


“And as we are in charge of it, we have the duty to know everything that happens within this town to make sure there is no disturbance or anomalies that could harm the innocent people of this town.”


Sona narrowed her eyes and stared deeper into Aika, as she kept assuming her relaxed stance and eating her bread. 


“The fallen angels having made a lair within our territory was a shameful display of Rias and my negligence that we shall not repeat for the second time. We didn’t expect any fallen to boldly plant their roots within a devil’s territory and even dare harm the people living within it. 


Hyoudou Issei was a victim due to one of them noticing the sacred gear slumbering within him. He was brought back to life by Rias and made into her pawn. And you were a second victim… Or at least, you could’ve been. Until you revealed your power and “beat the fallen to a bloody pulp”, as Rias put it. 


So… I would like to ask. Who are you…? What are you and your “group” doing in this devil-owned territory? And what are you planning on doing…?”


A tense silence fell as soon as Sona asked her questions. 


Aika stopped eating her curry bread, which was now already half-eaten, and began staring at Sona. 


Tsubaki and the rest of Sona’s peerage members kept absolutely silent as they waited for Aika’s answer in bated anticipation, as if fearing of breaking the silence for some unfathomable reason. 


Then… Aika gave her answer.


“I’m Kiryuu Aika. And I just want to have a lovey-dovey time with my hubby here~!!!”


Another silence fell upon the room. But this time… it was an awkward silence filled with disbelief. 




A voice of disbelief escaped the lips of, not Sona, but Tsubaki, who failed to hold back her shock. 


Similarly in disbelief, Sona and the rest of her peerage members also froze in shock at Aika’s words. 


“Fufufu~ Is that so shocking~? Why do you think we’ve been living quietly like this~? It’s clear that we only wanted to live a normal life. I revealed my true appearance because I wanted to please my boyfriend, and that would’ve been it! If it wasn’t for that black chicken, I would’ve stayed as Aika, the “female pervert” and just be a beautiful, yet normal, girl.”




Sona could see the truth in Aika’s words.


If she wasn’t attacked by the rogue fallen, she’d have no reason to reveal her power. 


And although she changed her appearance drastically, it didn’t mean she’d cause harm to anyone. Even after changing her appearance, she had done nothing that would harm her, Rias, and their peerage. 


There was no need for her to deliberately display her power and bring attention to her if they intend on living quietly. 


“...I see. Then, is that all you plan on doing? Just… living quietly… Uninvolved…?”

Aika nodded.


“Of course~ I only plan to live normally with my boyfriend, enjoy his delicious home cooking, and have fun with my friends~ We don’t actually want to get too involved with the supernatural world if we could help it.”


She shrugged her shoulders and let out a “disappointed” sigh. But inwardly, she was quite satisfied with the explanation she was giving them. 


This way, when Yuuji and the rest of the multiverse chat group members come, they’d be considered a neutral group that didn’t want to get involved in others’ business. 


And when they want to complete missions, they could frame it as the situation being forced upon them. 


Sona fell into a deep thought in silence. And although Aika couldn’t hear her thoughts, she could easily guess what this logic-oriented girl was thinking. 


After hearing her words, Sona must be weighing out what would be better for her; to take a step back and keep a friendly relationship, or to continue investigating and poking at them to find out more about this secret group. 


And knowing Sona, as the smart girl she is, Aika knew she would make the right decision. 


“Then… One more question. And I hope this won’t offend you.”




Aika nodded with a smile.


“How… powerful are you compared to the rest of your group…?”


Knowing how intrusive or possibly offensive this question might sound, Sona needed to ask just as an assurance. 


She had decided not to continue investigating and risk damaging her relationship with this possibly powerful group. After all, given the amount of magic power Aika was emanating even if she was holding it back, Sona could roughly guess how powerful this unknown group was. 


But in order to not be completely blind to the situation, she needed to be able to at least have a clearer estimation of this unknown group’s strength and consider what kind of stance she’d take. 


Aika, who heard her question, began thinking about it… 


Yuuji was undoubtedly one of, if not, the strongest. Tatsuya, Erika, and Suzaku-san would follow closely after, given their innate capabilities and SSR. 


Cecilia was an immortal prior to gaining her SSR. And now, she was undoubtedly the best healer and support in the group. An immortal Goddess of Life. 


In a fight, she might only be able to take on Lelouch with her magic. And that’s because his SSR was specialized in information gathering and foresight. Even with his geass, she could prevent him from using it with her necklace of anti magic. 


So perhaps… 

“In terms of raw power… Then I’m probably one of the weakest of them all for now.”


The room fell silent once more, as all members of the student council froze in shock and disbelief.



AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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