Water Magician

Chapter 462: The Decision

Editor: Tseirp

Three days after the four-person meeting, Ryo and Abel stepped out of the Wannya branch of the Blue Jade Trading Company in the commercial port.

“Thank you for all your help.”

“No, it’s thanks to you, Abel-san, that no one was hurt. Feel free to use our services anytime.”

Abel said, thanking him for their hospitality, and Bansox replied.

“I’m counting on you to handle the repatriation of everyone.”

“Leave it to us. We’ll ensure everyone is safely delivered back to Suje Kingdom.”

Ryo asked, and Banton, the branch manager, replied with a nod.

The Rain Shooter was an elegant and reasonably large ship, but it couldn’t accommodate all 100 people who had come with Princess Iliaja.

All of them had declared that if the princess was returning, they would too, which caused a lot of complications…

After all, these were people who had refused to be separated from the princess even during the transport from Manyamya.

Over the past three days, Princess Iliaja and Kabui Somal had repeatedly tried to persuade them…

Eventually, ten of them, mostly royal guards, agreed to board the Rain Shooter with the princess, while the remaining ninety agreed to return to the kingdom on a separate vessel.

Arranged by the Wannya branch of the Blue Jade Trading Company.

For Ryo and Abel, this was the most trustworthy company.

They believed that everything would be fine… as long as the Blue Jade Trading Company was handling it.

When the two reached the Rain Shooter, Kabui Somal was already there.

“Thank you for coming.”

He said, shaking hands with Abel and Ryo.

“Your departure was quite well executed.”

“Admiral Gus was eager to get rid of the princess and me from the Principality. We just took advantage of that.”

Abel remarked, praising Somal’s efficiency, and Kabui Somal replied with a laugh.

After the four-person meeting, Kabui Somal maneuvered several first secretaries in various ministries of the vassal kingdom into pushing for the expulsion of Princess Iliaja and himself during a council meeting.

“I just made a few requests, and it went through easily.”

At that moment, the princess’s carriage arrived.

Greeted by Kabui Somal and the sailors.

Watching Somal laugh, Ryo couldn’t help but worry.

About the Kingdom of Knightley…

This led him to voice his concerns to Abel.

“Abel, isn’t it possible that other countries are interfering with the policy-making process in Knightley? Are we safe in that regard?”

“There’s always that possibility.”


“But Marquess Heinlein is in charge of counterintelligence. It should be harder for them to infiltrate us compared to other countries.”

“Still, it’s not perfect, is it?”

“Of course not. Perfection is impossible when humans are involved. Striving for it often means sacrificing a lot. Sometimes, you must aim for perfection, even if it requires sacrifices… but if you tighten the reins too much on governance, all the strain falls on the people… The goal of governance is to make the people happy. If it ends up making them miserable, then it’s a failure, isn’t it?”

Abel, as a king, was a realist.

Governance was truly difficult.

But one must never forget the most important question:

‘Is this truly making the people happy?’

That was the one perspective that should never be lost.

Princess Iliaja approached the two of them.

“Abel-san, Ryo-san, I look forward to your support.”

“I promise to do my best.”

“And you’ve promised us excellent treatment too, so leave it to us!”

Abel assured her, and Ryo added with a pleased smile.

As they were boarding the ship, Abel turned to Kabui Somal with a question.

“Is there any chance that the Principality’s navy will attack us on the way?”

“Ah, you’re referring to Admiral Gus, aren’t you?”

Kabui Somal understood the intention behind Abel’s question and smiled wryly.

Admiral Gus, who was one of the key figures behind the exile of Princess Iliaja and Kabui Somal, was also a staunch advocate of war against the kingdom.

He had fought numerous battles against the kingdom’s navy, led by Kabui Somal.

“If it’s Gus we’re talking about, that won’t happen.”


“Gus is stubborn, hates the kingdom, and probably wants to destroy it… but he’s the kind of man who wants to defeat his enemies fair and square. He despises deceit and won’t engage in underhanded tactics. He’s a true man of the sea.”

“…With that kind of straight-laced attitude, it’s no wonder he can’t win battles.”

“Exactly. That’s why I’ve never lost to him.”

Abel was astounded, and Kabui Somal said with a shrug.

“Well, he may be an enemy, but he’s also an admirable person. He would never betray his lord.”

Kabui Somal added, though his expression turned a bit self-deprecating.

After all, even if it was by royal command, he had led a rebellion.

“It was a royal command. No one can blame you.”

“That does make me feel a little better.”

Abel said, offering some comfort, and Kabui Somal replied with a small shake of his head.

Abel boarded the Rain Shooter with Kabui Somal.

Ahead of them… Ryo stood frozen.


“Oh, Abel… we’ve finally boarded. The revolutionary ship, the Rain Shooter.”

“Uh, yeah…”

“The interior is elegant. And it’s quite spacious. The ship must be around fifty meters long? It’s incredible.”

“I see… This is Ryo’s first time boarding this ship.”

“No way, have you been on this before? That’s not fair!”

“I don’t see how it’s unfair.”

Ryo protested, and Abel replied, bemused.

Ryo wandered around the cabin, exploring every corner with wide-eyed curiosity.

“We’ll depart in five minutes. While we’re still in the harbor, please take a seat somewhere suitable. Once we’re out of the harbor, feel free to relax anywhere you like, be it the bow or the stern.”

Kabui Somal approached Abel and explained.

Just then, Ryo, who had been wandering around excitedly, came up to them.

“I think this ship uses a hybrid propulsion system, with wind-attribute magic above the waterline and water-attribute magic below it. Do you know the specifics of how it works, Abel?”

“No, I only know that it involves alchemy.”

“Hmm… I’ll have to look into that later. Oh, Kabui Somal-san, could you show me how it works?”

Ryo asked, noticing Kabui Somal nearby.

“I don’t mind showing you, but… I’ve been curious. How do you both know so much about this ship?”


“Remember when you shouted in the square? That you wanted to talk about the Rain Shooter? This ship is currently known as the Bralcau. It was renamed by the navy after being seized. No one knew its real name. Until six months later, during maintenance, when we found the name ‘Rain Shooter’ inscribed somewhere.”

“Was it on the ship’s wheel?”

Abel asked, and Kabui Somal’s eyes widened.

He seemed genuinely surprised.

“Yes. It seems you’re quite knowledgeable about this ship.”

“Indeed. It was built in our Knightley Kingdom. But it went missing during an oceanic survey.”

“I see… The Suje Kingdom Navy seized it from pirates. They found it when they raided the pirates’ base.”

“Pirates, huh…”

Ryo’s gaze grew somber as he looked at the Rain Shooter.

Gently running his hand along the wall.

“Our navy, and even the pirates, seemed to have cherished this ship. It was well-maintained when we seized it…”

“Oh! Even the pirates could recognize its value. That’s good to hear, Rain Shooter…”

Ryo said happily, patting the ship’s wall.

He was relieved to know that the Rain Shooter had been well cared for, even after leaving the Knightley Kingdom.

“Abel, it seems the Rain Shooter was treated with care.”

“Y-yeah, it appears so.”

“I don’t think we should try to take the Rain Shooter back to Knightley Kingdom by force. I believe it’s best if she remains here, ruling as the queen of ships in this archipelago…”

“Well, I had no plans to steal it, and I never mentioned anything of the sort. Be careful, the Lord Protector is already watching us suspiciously. But yes, calling it the queen of ships is quite fitting. For its elegant appearance.”

Abel said, attempting to rein in Ryo’s wild ideas.

Kabui Somal, who had been listening to their conversation, raised an eyebrow slightly.

“We have no intention of asking you to return the Rain Shooter.”

Abel said firmly to Kabui Somal.

“I appreciate that. Although you two are the princess’s benefactors and important guests who will continue to assist us, this ship belongs to the kingdom’s navy. It’s not something I can simply give away at my discretion.”

He knew that national assets couldn’t be handed over lightly.

“As long as the Rain Shooter is happy, that’s all that matters!”

Ryo declared with conviction.

“Our navy treats it with great care.”

Kabui Somal assured him.

With the firm resolve of a seasoned sailor.

Who valued the ships that carried him and his crew.

Hearing this, Ryo smiled and began patting the Rain Shooter’s walls again.

A habit he seemed to have when expressing satisfaction or joy.

“Well, as long as everyone’s happy, that’s what matters…”

Abel said, trying to convince himself.

The Rain Shooter quietly left the harbor.

Moving with an almost eerie silence…

“This ship doesn’t have a deep draft. So it can sail in shallow waters and dock in smaller ports. It’s also very quiet.”

“Usually, such ships are unstable, but the trimaran design compensates for that, as I was once told.”

“Exactly. You really do know your stuff, Sir Abel.”

“Well, it was a rare ship. So I asked a lot of questions back then.”

Kabui Somal said, impressed, and Abel replied with a slight smile.

Meanwhile, Ryo was glued to the window, eagerly watching the scenery pass by.

Occasionally, he would wander around the cabin, patting walls and surfaces.

His joy and delight were quite evident.

“Ryo-san seems to really like this ship.”

“Yes, Your Highness! It’s an excellent ship. I recommend making it your royal yacht in the future.”

“I can’t make that decision alone… but I’ll keep it in mind.”

Ryo suggested enthusiastically, and Princess Iliaja noted.

Their conversation was easily overheard by Abel and Kabui Somal.

“He’s making quite the proposal.”

“Indeed… But it’s not something I can decide on either… The ship is one of our navy’s flagships… Still, I’ll keep it in mind.”

Abel commented, and Kabui Somal replied, clearly uncertain how to respond to such a bold suggestion.

Innocent proposals like Ryo’s can sometimes leave adults in a difficult position.

Once the ship had completely left the harbor, the Rain Shooter picked up speed.


Ryo exclaimed with delight.

His voice echoed with pure joy, causing the captain and helmsman to smile.

“The top speed is much faster, but this should be sufficient, right?”

“Yes, it’s incredible! Truly befitting of the queen of ships.”

Ryo replied happily to Kabui Somal’s words.

It seemed that, in Ryo’s mind, the Rain Shooter was already firmly established as the queen of ships.

“Your Highness, let me inform you once again of the upcoming schedule.”


Kabui Somal began explaining the upcoming schedule to Princess Iliaja.

Ryo and Abel were also listening in quietly from the side.

Well, quietly is only from Ryo’s perspective.

Of course, Abel, the princess, and even the Lord Protector knew they were listening.

“In three hours, we will cross the border. On the Suje Kingdom’s side of the border, four hundred ships of the Royal Navy are anchored, and we will join them.”

“Four hundred is quite a lot. If I recall correctly, isn’t that nearly the entire central navy?”

“You’re correct. We have mobilized them to apply pressure on the Principality Additionally, they are here to escort the princess and to make a grand entrance at the capital port.”

Princess Iliaja tilted her head in question, and Kabui Somal nodded in response.

With a slight smile.

The king’s arrival at the capital is one of the major events.

While it serves as a display of power, more importantly, it is a necessary demonstration to the people that their protector has returned.

In an archipelago, this takes the form of a ‘port entry’.

The royal ship carrying the king enters the capital port, and the king disembarks from there.

A kind of ceremony.

In terms of marking a transition, ceremonies and rituals are necessary.

They may seem unnecessary at first glance, but holding a ceremony serves as a notification to the outside and a means of mental preparation for those within… it is pretty much a compulsory process.

“After entering the castle, the coronation ceremony is scheduled for one week later.”

“That’s soon. The coronation involves the nobility from all over the kingdom gathering in the capital, doesn’t it? Will they be able to make it in time?”

“The nobles from the outer regions will likely be cutting it close… but it should be fine. Arrangements have been made so that the schedule and invitations for the coronation will be sent to each noble as soon as we enter the castle.”

Ryo was quietly impressed by Kabui Somal’s explanation.

(This man is capable.)

He thought about glancing at Abel beside him but restrained himself.

He figured he would get scolded for something if he did.

A wise man stays away from danger.

“I understand. I’ll leave the scheduling and arrangements to you. Is there anything I should be particularly mindful of?”

“Please be wary of poison.”

Kabui Somal immediately answered Princess Iliaja’s question.

With those words, the princess’s expression changed.

Naturally, this precaution against poison is due to the high likelihood of intervention from the Atinjo Grand Duchy.

“Many, including myself, have narrowly escaped death from their poisons. Some, unfortunately, have lost their lives. The Central Alchemy Research Institute and others are working on developing antidotes, but… it’s challenging. Well, that’s to be expected. If it were easy, it would have been developed long ago.”

Kabui Somal shrugged as he spoke.

“It is a symptomatic treatment, but in the royal castle, various antidotes from across the archipelago region and the continent have been prepared. Additionally, we have healers who can diagnose the type of poison. Therefore, as long as you are within the royal castle, unless it is a very fast-acting lethal poison, you should be safe. You will learn about the characteristics of these poisons in the castle.”

Kabui Somal paused for a moment.

Before continuing.

“The more likely threat is a direct attack.”

“Even within the royal castle?”

“Yes. The Atinjo Grand Duchy has long specialized in using assassins to kill rulers, causing chaos, and exploiting it. The civil war in the Federation was likely their doing. They have also targeted our kingdom… initially, it seemed to be a plot to prevent the archipelago region from intervening in the Federation’s civil war, but that may not be the only reason.”

“…In other words, they want to extend their influence over the Suje Kingdom itself?”

“Or perhaps, more directly, they want to seize the throne.”

“No way…”

Princess Iliaja was shocked by Kabui Somal’s words.

Ryo and Abel, however, were struggling to grasp the situation.

“Pardon me for interrupting. Is there someone with a higher claim to the throne than Princess Iliaja?”

“It’s a complicated matter.”

Kabui Somal shook his head slightly as he answered Abel’s question.

“The one they are trying to put forward is Prince Jolt, the eldest son of the Crown Prince. He is only five years old. Naturally, his mother, the First Crown Princess would become the regent, but she is the niece of the Atinjo Grand Duke.”


Ryo nodded at Kabui Somal’s explanation.

It was a plausible scenario.

“Indeed, aside from Princess Iliaja and Prince Jolt, there are no more direct royal descendants. If the king had passed away and the throne had been transferred to the Crown Prince, then Prince Jolt would certainly have been first in line for the throne. However, the Crown Prince and the king passed away almost simultaneously. In such a case, according to the kingdom’s law, Prince Jolt’s claim to the throne is much lower than Princess Iliaja’s…”

“That’s a matter that varies from country to country.”

Abel shook his head slightly.

“Currently, Princess Iliaja is first in line for the throne. But…”

“Yes, there are those who won’t easily accept that.”

“Indeed. They claim that the king passed away first…”

“That’s troublesome…”

Abel frowned, Kabui Somal added clarification, and Ryo sighed.

Princess Iliaja, the person at the center of this, listened with a wry smile.

She must have anticipated this issue.

With the smile fading, she spoke clearly and decisively.

“However, I have decided to become queen.”

Hearing this, Kabui Somal instinctively bowed his head.

Ryo nodded vigorously

Abel, too, nodded repeatedly, thinking,

(As expected, someone raised as a princess is different.)

A ruler needs to be flexible, but once they have thoroughly considered and made a decision, there are many situations where they must not waver.

If the ruler wavers, it confuses those around them.

Abel, who knew this from experience, found Princess Iliaja’s actions admirable.

Naturally, he wanted to support her.

TLN: Please read my translations at tseirptranslations.com, I did not give permission to any site to host my translations. 

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