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Chapter 90

The strength and development potential of a force depends to a great extent on the internal management ability of that force.

The Red Scorpion, who had been the commander of the legion, was convinced of this.

If the factory responsible for the production of equipment is not properly laid out, and the personnel schedules and lines of action are chaotic, then the factory, no matter how large, will not be able to play much potential in the war.

There will even be a reduction in production due to excessive tension ~ and chaos in wartime.

The result was fatal.

In the battle against the "Skull Banner" legion, the Scorpion Legion suffered a big loss in this regard.

Their factories and production lines were overly dispersed, and in the midst of a high-intensity war, there were major mistakes in the deployment of production lines.

Several factories were blown up, which eventually led to a complete shutdown of the repair and manufacture of combat vehicles.

But Su Yan's layout of war space was completely different.

I have to say that Su Yan's regional planning and utilization of the war space is simply extreme, and he can't even find fault with obsessive-compulsive disorder!

The movement of personnel, the optimization of routes, the stacking location of production materials, the separation of construction and maintenance of production lines, and even the fire fighting, canteen, and living rest areas of personnel are all extremely strictly planned!

It's incredibly clear, and there's not even the slightest confusion in sight!

The whole space seems to be integrated, and every factory, every production line, and even every person in it is just a part of this huge machine!

The logistics are simply invincible!

In Su Yan's opinion, there is nothing to make a fuss about, it is just the standardization and modularization that are common to all factories on the earth.

But in the eyes of the red scorpion, it is different.

During this time of captivity here.

Every time the red scorpion saw this huge war factory, he sighed heartily:

If the Scorpion Legion also had such a factory in the first place, and did not completely lose its production capacity, how could it have been so completely defeated!

At worst, they can also struggle and bite off a piece of meat from the "Skull Banner" legion!

And Su Yan, who owns this factory, even if he puts aside those amazing tactics and vehicle designs, he is still a commander with incomparably huge potential!

Based on this cognition, they judged that it was not unacceptable for them to become Su Yan's subordinates.

Because Su Yan has something worth learning from them in all aspects!

After being silent for a while, the red scorpion lowered his head, showed a humble and convincing attitude, and answered Su Yan's question sincerely.

"Yes, Commander, can you give me a map of Rusty Town?"

Su Yan immediately ordered someone to take a map and spread it on the ground.

"If you take Rust Town as the starting point, there is a city of considerable size due north, east of north, and west of the town. "

The red scorpion's fingers followed the direction of Rust Town, pointing forward.

"The city due north is the closest to Rust Town, about 270 kilometers away, called Red Furnace City, with a population of about 200,000. "

"And the other two cities. "

"The one to the east of Red Furnace City is called Black Cliff City, and the one to the west is called Yellow Water City, which is more than 300 kilometers away from Rust Town. "

"Both cities are smaller than Red Furnace City, but they both have populations of more than 100,000. "

In addition to this, there are several villages, small towns and fortresses around the city. "

"These cities have their own characteristics, and there are many mines in Black Cliff City, especially iron mines, so the mining industry is very developed. "

"And Huangshui City is on the verge of a big river called Huangshui River, and the shipping is developed, so the business is prosperous. "

"The Red Furnace City has developed on the basis of these two towns, and it is full of factories, especially excellent in the metallurgical and forging industry, capable of producing a large number of war materials, and has a strong war strength. "

"There used to be three big forces here, in addition to my scorpion legion, there were also the Skull Banner Legion and the Black Tomahawk Legion. "

"The three forces checked and balanced each other, each occupying a city, the Scorpion Legion occupied Yellow Water City, the Skull Banner occupied Black Cliff City, and the Black Battle Ax occupied Red Furnace City. "

"On the surface, the Black Tomahawk Legion is the official force of Red Furnace City, so the city's security is also more stable. "

"But after the defeat of our Scorpion Legion, it is not necessarily, the Skull Banner occupies the other two towns and will inevitably launch an attack on the Red Furnace City. "

Su Yan nodded, the information of the red scorpion was indeed very detailed, and then he spoke:

"So, you mean I should go to Red Furnace City?"

The red scorpion nodded, "Yes." "

"Depending on your plan, it seems like you want to become a mercenary. "

"Compared to the other two cities, Red Furnace City is the best place to become a mercenary....... On Skull Banner's turf, you can't be reasonable, it's a bunch of crazy people. "

"In Red Furnace City, there is an official mercenary union, where you can register as a legal mercenary and accept official employment. "

"To tell you the truth, I was also a mercenary before I became the commander of the legion, and I can introduce you when I arrive in Red Furnace City. "

Su Yan nodded again, which was much more convenient, but soon he noticed a detail and asked curiously:

"You just said that there are legal mercenaries, are there still illegal mercenaries?"

"That's right. "

The red scorpion immediately replied, "In addition to the mercenary guild in Red Furnace City, there is also an underground mercenary guild, which specializes in killing people and stealing goods, reselling contraband, and even assassinating officials. "

"Among them, the one you need to pay attention to the most is an underground guild called the hyena, to be precise, the Bounty Hunter Guild. "

Ask for flowers

"Everything they do is to get a bounty – whether it's legal or illegal, and whenever someone posts a bounty, they act. "

"These people are filthy and despicable, and they will do anything to achieve their goals, and even I almost died at their hands back then. "

After that, the red scorpion pointed to the hideous face on his face covered by scorpion tattoos:

"This was made by that group of people. "

Then, he stared closely at the medal on Su Yan's chest, and said solemnly:

"Your Excellency, please be extremely careful. "

"According to the bounty of the Bounty Hunter Guild, a [Rookie King] medal worth 500,000 alloy coins. "

"A golden medal, worth more than 200,000 alloy coins. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"A silver medal, worth more than 100,000 alloy coins. "

After a pause, he said in a deep voice:

"You....... It's worth a lot of money. "

It's broken.

I'm 500,000?

Su Yan picked up the medal and thought thoughtfully.

He considered this to be the most valuable part of all the words of the red scorpion.

One [Rookie King], one [Town Defender], and one [Rust Town Clearance Medal].

Counting a few silver medals, he is worth more than a million alloy coins.

Counting and calculating, he himself was moved!

This is not a small amount, and if he can, he would like to claim his bounty in person!

And for those outlaws on the mainland, the temptation can be imagined!

Maybe he'll be targeted as soon as he enters the city!

"Wait, you're being targeted as soon as you enter the city?"

Su Yan suddenly remembered something, he still remembered that when he first entered Rust Town, Mayor Cord's gaze had also stayed on his medal!

Only then did he react in hindsight.

Mayor Mare probably also knows the value of the medal, so at that time he planned to sell himself to the Scorpion Legion in exchange for a bounty!

No wonder the mayor of the town was not enthusiastic, he thought it was because of the secret letter!

Now that I think about it, it turns out that the problem is the medal!

If it hadn't been for the red scorpion to say it, he would have been kept in the dark until now!

"Hey, this old lamp. "

Su Yan rubbed his chin, "The stroke that knocked him at the beginning was still missing!"

At the same time, Su Yan's heart was also very happy.

Fortunately, he didn't choose to kill the red scorpion in the first place.

Otherwise, in the city of the War Continent, he might not even know how to die!

"It's really convenient to have a reliable guide!"

Su Yan sighed from the bottom of his heart.

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