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Chapter 83

[Congratulations!No. 999 Beginner Area "Rust Town" became the first town to clear the level!】

[Congratulations!No. 999 Beginner Area "Rust Town" became the first town to clear the level!】

[Congratulations!No. 999 Beginner Area "Rust Town" became the first town to clear the level!】


The announcement sounded 5 times in a row, and the sound was doubled with vibration mode, for fear that someone wouldn't notice!

Moreover, this is an unprecedented continent-wide announcement!

Straight to the top of the board!

The first town to be cleared, its importance and weight can be imagined!

You can't go wrong with announcements.

And after confirming this news, the commanders of Talan Town and Green Lake Town were so shocked that they didn't know what to say!

Everyone put down the work at hand, some sat on the ground, and some threw away the bread in their hands in a daze.

There are even many people who fall into a stupor and can't come back to their senses for a long time!

Defeat a powerful legion.....

In their opinion, this is simply impossible to do!

At least, if the Scorpion Legion comes to Green Lake and Taran, they really can't resist it!

But Rust Town.

"Actually.... It really worked!"

"I'll go, what kind of immortals are the commanders of Rust Town?!"

"By the way, I remembered, I seem to have seen a post before, saying that Su Yan is also in Rust Town!"

"Su Yan, the big guy who got the only S-level talent in the novice trial?is actually him?!"

"No wonder! Now it makes sense! With Su Yan here, it is not impossible to win this war!"

"Is this big guy really as powerful as you say? I hid at the back of the trial and panicked, and I didn't see ....... at all."

"Byeon, brothers, don't wait in this Green Lake Town, I'll pack up and go to Rust Town to hug my thighs!"

The announcement was broadcast continent-wide.

Except for the No. 999 novice area, all the forces in all other regions have noticed this news.

No. 003 Beginner Area.

A group of soldiers dressed in uniform green camouflage, armed with steel guns, lined up along the street in an orderly manner.

At the end of the street, on the castle lord's mansion, the flag representing the town slowly fell.

Instead, a mighty banner with a golden dragon pattern and a red background slowly rose!

That's the banner of the Longxia Legion!

And at the moment when this flag was raised, the crowd erupted in a tsunami-like cheer!

Eat pot pulp to welcome the king, nothing more than this!

In front of the mayor's mansion, a simple high platform was built.

The mayor and a group of his men were on their knees facing ahead with their hands tied, and beside them a young legion stood still, reciting their indictments aloud.

Rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves flew in their heads, listening to these accusations, the townspeople could no longer hold back the anger in their hearts!

A middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes and a dignified appearance watched this scene from a distance, showing a satisfied expression after a long absence.

Suddenly, an announcement sounded:

[Congratulations!No. 999 Beginner Area "Rust Town" became the first town to clear the level!】

The middle-aged man suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Actually, someone is faster than them?!

"Commander Zhou, this ...... `."

The adjutant beside him immediately ran over, and the shock on his face was not much less than that of the man called "Commander Zhou".

Circumference, before crossing over to the War Continent, was the commander-in-chief of the Western Region of the Longxia Legion!

"Wang, what do you think?"

Zhou Changying looked at his adjutant with some meaning, Wang Wuyue.

Wang Wuyue pondered the vocabulary for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "If it is our person, then I will call him a hero." "

"But if it's the White Eagle Federation's dogs... Ahem, those bastards who have no bottom line, the situation will be troublesome in the future. "

After a pause, he cautiously asked:

"Commander Zhou, do you really want to do this?"

"You see, too, the people of this continent... It's simply hopeless and probably not worth ......."

Zhou Changying shook his head,

"No matter where it is, no matter what the situation is. "

"As long as the people there are still suffering, as long as the people there still need us, we must all stand up!"

"The Dragon Xia Legion must not forget their original intention, and they must always remember what their mission is!"

"Otherwise, the Dragon Summer Legion will no longer be the Dragon Xia Legion!"

"Even if.... Hell there?"

"Even if it's hell there!"

Zhou Changying's eyes were condensed and extremely serious!

There was no hesitation in his words, and his righteousness was as sharp as a sword!

With a wave of his hand, he no longer paid attention to the clearance of the novice town:

"Mayor Mare's trial, let's continue!"

No. 677 No. 677 No. 177 No. 677 No. 677

Groups of lobster soldiers dressed in red combat uniforms and high-top leather boots lined up and entered the battlefield full of gunsmoke.

A middle-aged man with blond hair dressed in a gorgeous royal costume took off his saber from his waist and pointed forward, ordering his soldiers to attack.

"It is incumbent upon our generation to recast the glory of the sun that never sets!"

"For the glory of the Empire, charge!"

Charles's expression was extremely smug at this time, after two centuries, they had a new land to conquer!

This is a great opportunity, a chance to prove yourself to the world!

He must have shown the whole world that his charles' ability to lead was no worse than that of his mother, Queen Victoria!

During this time, under the leadership of Charles, MI5 gave full play to the fine tradition of the ancestral-stirring stick in England.

Sow discord and fan the flames in the surrounding towns.

The old offshore balancer is up.

At this moment, several surrounding towns have become a mess of porridge, beating out all the dog's brains!

And this gives Charles and a kind of Western Union countries an opportunity to take advantage of!

While they were still in civil strife and their strength was reduced by the first mate, they brazenly launched an attack, preparing to bring all these towns under their rule!

In this way, he will be able to prove his strength and restore the glory of the empire, just around the corner!

But at this moment........

[Congratulations!No. 999 Beginner Area "Rust Town" became the first town to clear the level!】

This announcement made Charles's eyes widen suddenly!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh no, Fake!"

Who is it, who is it?!

Snatched his chance to make a name for himself!

Charles instantly became furious!

"Damn, damn!"

"If I let me know who stole the glory that belongs to the empire on which the sun never sets, I must tear him apart with my own hands!"

No. 882 No. 882 No. 1 No. 1

The town was full of fires and smoke, accompanied by incessant screams and women's cries!

Under the cover of a huge steel chariot, a group of soldiers wearing standard yellow-green combat uniforms rushed into the town, burning, killing and looting in the town, doing all kinds of evil, like locusts crossing the border!

One soldier carried the mayor's bloody head in one hand, and a large handful of gold bars in the other.

I watched with pride as the flag of the Star-Spantiled White Eagle was raised in the middle of the town square!

"Heyhahahaha, open the door, send the oil to cook!"

"If you don't come to the Dark Cook, then the Dark Cook will run to you, hahahaha!"

"Long live the Dark!"

A fat officer with a golden mustache with his hands behind his back ascended to the podium in the square surrounded by the crowd, ignoring the soldiers who were frantically robbing the townspeople along the way.

In his opinion, this is a matter of course, the soldiers of the White Eagle Federation have worked so hard to bring you advanced ideas and civilizations, what's wrong with taking you some compensation?

You untouchables should be grateful!

This legion's name is Lawrence, and the four stars on his shoulders represent his noble status - a four-star admiral of the White Eagle Federation Marine Corps!

How could the admiral speak without an audience? Soon a group of soldiers escorted the surviving people of the town to the square to assemble!

In their fearful eyes, Lawrence smiled and began his wonderful speech.

"Your mayor is a dictator and a tyrant!"

"Why? Because he doesn't want to take the town's own interests, and doesn't want to share them with us!"

"But now, congratulations, my dear townspeople!"

"His tyrannical rule has been ended by us!"

"From now on, this town will be taken over by our White Eagle Federation!"

"We will bring you dishes and civilization!"

"Rejoice, my people!"

"You have lost everything, but you have gained freedom!"

In the drizzle, the image of the townspeople looked extremely miserable.

Under the coercion of the cannon of the black hole, those townspeople trembled, but they still desperately applauded Lawrence!

Lawrence couldn't be more proud.

This town is about to be brought under his rule, and his next step is to march into the War Continent!

The GIs of the White Eagle Federation are the most powerful army in the world.

They must be the fastest to clear the novice town, and they will definitely be able to get the most generous rewards!

He's already planned what he's going to do with those rewards, and what he's going to do when he goes to the mainland!

He couldn't help but think of his son, who didn't know where he was gone.

"Oh, my dear son John, I wonder where you are now, and how are you doing?"

"Presumably, with the technology of our White Eagle Federation, you should have already achieved a career, and I look forward to meeting you again. "

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you're not doing well, because your hero, your four-star admiral's father, is coming to you!"

That's right.

Lawrence is the father of Iron John!

However, at this time, the system prompt in the ear suddenly sounded:

[Congratulations!No. 999 Beginner Area "Rust Town" became the first town to clear the level!】

Lawrence's little eyes immediately widened!


"Someone is faster than our White Eagle Federation's GIs?!"

"God, how is this possible?!"

"They're hanging!"

Surprise was written all over his face at this point.

I didn't expect that in terms of the speed of aggression, the high-tech soldiers of the White Eagle Federation actually lost to a region that I had never heard of!

Why are they so fast?!

Is it powerful?

It can't be!

Lawrence quickly rejected the idea, in his concept, the White Eagle Federation's army was the best in the world, and no one knew more about aggression than them!

Then there is only one truth!

That is, the strength of the town in that novice area is too weak!

Yes, it must be!

"No. 999 Novice Village, right? I remember you........."

"Hmph, you actually dare to snatch the spoils of the White Eagle Federation, I don't know how thick the sky is!"

"This behavior of yours is very unscrupulous, be prepared to face the righteous sanctions!".

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