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Chapter 76

"Lord Red Scorpion, our reconnaissance company... The whole army was annihilated. "

"Our anti-tank battalion also lost a third ........."

"We can't afford to go on like this, or we'll lose all our advantages. "

In the command vehicle behind the Scorpion Legion's position, the red scorpion listened to the battle damage report from his subordinates, and his face was no longer as indifferent as before, with a strong sense of anxiety.

At this time, the distance between him and Rust Town was only a dozen kilometers, and the mobility of the tank was not a problem at all.

But at this moment, it was like a moat in front of his eyes, but it was out of reach.

For no other reason, anti-tank guns and medium tanks in ambush in the grass were the biggest obstacles.

Once these anti-tank guns are in groups, they are extremely ferocious, with a huge caliber of 76 mm, but their accuracy and rate of fire are extremely terrifying.

Even the performance of the "Needle Scorpion" anti-tank gun is completely incomparable.

That kind of medium tank is also very rebellious, and when it is hidden and does not move, it is difficult to detect even the reconnaissance ability of a light tank.

If he could destroy it completely, he would do whatever it took to drag back a research.

But alas, they simply can't.

Such a heavy loss, in exchange for only two T-34s were damaged and not completely destroyed!

The thought of being able to go into battle again after repairing them made the red scorpion feel a tingling in his scalp.

He felt a bit of PTSD.

And more importantly, the opposing commander's tactics are very correct, and every move is precisely aimed at his weak points!

It was completely out of his plans.

More than once, he wanted to burn the grassland to the ground, which was more in line with the style of the Scorpion Legion.

Unfortunately, they have little fuel left to support them.

"yes, I can't go on like this. "

He showed a fierce "one-three-seven" light, the scorpion army was exhausted and had no way out, he had to gnaw this bone off!

Even at any cost!

Only in this way can they have a glimmer of life.

Through the observation window, he looked at the rebelled Stick Country Commanders, his expression grim.

It's time to put this waste to work.

"Mr. Park Dae-geun, take your men out of the ranks and charge Rust Town as the vanguard. "

The voice of the red scorpion came from the radio, which suddenly made Park Dagen like five thunderbolts.

He'd seen the horrors of the anti-tank guns in Rust in the battle he had just seen.

Even the regular army of the Scorpion Legion charged several times, but without success.

There were even quite a few troops lost.

Isn't it for nothing that these stupid and slow chariots are to take the lead?

"My lord, we, our chariots, are not suitable for such ......."

Park Daegen wanted to refute a few words, but was immediately interrupted by the red scorpion mercilessly.

"It's okay, we'll back you up. "

"Lord Red Scorpion, we are now members of your legion, you can't do that....... Are you doubting our loyalty?!"

"Hehe, yes, it is because I consider you to be a member of the legion that I give you such an order. "

"Every member of the legion must contribute to the collective. "

"Now, it's time to prove your loyalty. "

"Why, is your loyalty just a lip service?"

The red scorpion's tone was unmistakable.

Park Dae-geun and a group of stick commanders, their expressions at this time were more ugly than crying.

Lead the charge, and you'll have to face the fury and terrifying firepower of Rust Town.

I'm afraid that there will be no return when the time comes!

The stick commanders are vaguely aware that they seem to be being treated as outcasts and meat shields!

Could it be, from the beginning, the wrong thing to do to join the Scorpion Legion?

For the first time, they had doubts about their choice.

And the first time they realized this, their choice was.... Infighting!

That's right.

The spearhead of the stick commander is aimed at Park Dae-geun as the leader!

"Mr. Park, if I'm not mistaken, you were the first to propose to join the Scorpion Legion!"

"Why did you make this choice, what kind of heart do you press, do you want to kill all of us!"

"You must be responsible for this decision!"

"We elected you to be the leader, you must find a way to keep us alive!"

"Yes, you can't live up to the trust we have in you, Smecta!"

"Mr. Park, if I die, I won't let you go!"

The narrow national character of the people of the country is exposed before they are full of desire to survive at this moment!

Park Dagen looked at the group of compatriots in front of him who were still respectful to him just now, but at this time they changed their faces faster than turning a book, and spoke ill of themselves.

The mood at this time is not enough to describe it by eating!

He was angry in his heart, too!

West Eight!

It was obviously a decision made by everyone, and he never forced anyone!

Why did everyone put the pot on his head when something happened!

As if it were his responsibility alone!

At this moment, he suddenly experienced what it was like to be the president of a stick country!

But it is impossible to disobey an order.

They had already made their choice of faction and had committed a blatant rebellion in the fortress.

It's impossible to go back.

The wrath of the Rust Commander's wrath could shatter them to pieces!

If you disobey the orders of the red scorpion again....

Then they don't even have the last place to stay!

"Damn, I didn't choose the Scorpion Legion camp if I knew it........"

If you want to talk about Park Dagen's mood at this time, it is regret!

Very regretful!

But... The wood has become a boat, and it is time to regret it!

Under the organization of the Red Scorpion, the Scorpion Legion launched a charge.

The Stick Commander's chariot led the way, followed by the Iron Scorpion, and the Wolf Scorpion and the Needle Scorpion were distributed on the two wings.

The rumbling engine roar quickly attracted the attention of Su Yan and other SU-76 commanders.

It didn't take long for them to receive information from the T-34 that was scouting ahead, and they saw the big stick country logo on the enemy tank.


The public channel of the radio was lively, and the stick commander desperately sent a message begging for mercy.

"I'm sorry everyone in Rust Town, it was our fault before, but now we know that we were wrong!"

"This is not our intention, it is a matter of faction selection! We accidentally chose the Scorpion Legion camp!"

"Love%Peace, we didn't want to be against any of you from the beginning, trust us!"

"The Blue Star people don't fight the Blue Star people, here we are all compatriots, can you bear to attack your own compatriots!"

In order to whitewash their image.

They even spent a lot of alloy coins and invited a large number of water armies to wash the floor in the forum.

Soon sympathetic voices flooded the forum.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with the people of the stick country, this time the camp selection is very pitiful, maybe they really chose it accidentally. "

"What if their actions in the defense of the fortress caused losses? "

"Rounding it off, they have played a very small role in this war and cannot be regarded as enemies. "

"They're new to the world, they're still kids, do you care about the little mistakes your kids make?"

"People are terrible, the forum is not a place outside the law, stop your cyberbullying behavior!"

"Yes, they are so pitiful, and I support sparing their lives. 5. One alloy coin, parentheses removed. "

When Commander Long Xia saw these comments, he was furious.

"I'm Nima, I really don't want any Bilian?"

"It's of little effect? Talking nonsense with dog's eyes open, right? If it weren't for their rebellion, would we have broken so many brothers and caused such a great loss!"

"If it weren't for the fire god to turn the tide, I'm afraid we wouldn't all have to explain there!

"When they rebelled, did they sympathize with us!"

"I'm still a child, what a giant baby, right? I'm drunk too, what kind of logic is this, what kind of magical brain circuit is this?!"

"Ask the navy to clear your name, this is an attitude of admitting your mistakes? If you invite the navy, you will invite the navy, don't be so blatant? It makes me want to make this money. "

"Grandpa, I'm going to be cyberbullied today, how can I drop it, I kind of have been blocked!"

"I'm not with this group of sticks, Fire God, please be sure to fight to the death!"

"Hahaha, you monkeys who can't understand etiquette, righteousness and shame have sent it, I'll open a bottle of champagne and go to your grave to celebrate!" [Fireworks] [Fireworks]"

"Now I know that I'm scared, I regret it, I'm sorry, I'm going to die!" [middle finger] [middle finger] [middle finger]"

Bai Muyang and the others were also very angry.

Their own troops were lost, and at least ninety percent of the blame was on these sticks.

Now it's their turn to be beaten, so they lick their faces and come back and beg for mercy?

It's shameless!

New hatred and old hatred, now it is time to reckoning.

Their anger is about to pour out!

"An enemy is an enemy, and there is no need to show mercy. "

"Just be hidden, don't reveal your position. "

At this moment, Su Yan's voice came from the radio.

"Brother, you are really my own brother!"

"Understand me!"

Bai Muyang and Wu Zixiong were so excited that they wanted to break their thighs.

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and they can't hold it anymore!

With Su Yan's permission to fire, they couldn't wait to order the SU-76 to fire!

Bang bang bang!

Crackling!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Boom boom!

Cannonballs poured out like torrential rain!

The stick chariot that was the vanguard exploded violently in an instant!

Although they reinforced their armor with the remains of combat vehicles on the battlefield0 ........

But in front of the 76mm bullet full of anger, it is still vulnerable!

Park Dagen and the stick commanders could only watch powerlessly as everything they had worked so hard to manage turned into nothing in an instant.

In the next second, with a scream, a black dot in the field of vision quickly magnified, turning into a sky-high flame, engulfing them.......

[Commander "Park Dae-geun" was killed in battle, the command vehicle was damaged, and he permanently lost his status as a commander!]

[Commander "Xin Yingjun" was killed in battle, the command vehicle was damaged, and he permanently lost his status as a commander!]

[Commander "Kim Yousan" was killed in battle, the command vehicle was damaged, and he permanently lost his status as a commander!]

[Commander ......]

A series of prompts came to mind.

To the ears of Bai Muyang and the others, this cold voice like a machine has never been so wonderful as this moment.

This is what a traitor should do!

The revenge is revenged, so cool!

But they didn't let their guard down.

In the time it took for the stick chariots to attract firepower, the scorpion legion's chariots had already rushed to a very close distance from them!

"Lao Wu, next I will hand over the command authority of the SU-76 to you. "

"No problem!"

After a brief exchange, Su Yan focused his attention on the front of the battlefield. []

Where, the chariots of the Scorpion Legion suddenly slowed down!

"The report... Report sir, we've been blocked by a heavy tank!"

"Heavy tanks?"

"How could there be a heavy tank in Rust Town?!"

The red scorpion was so surprised that he opened the hatch of the captain's tower as soon as he received the report, leaned out half of his body and raised his binoculars to look in the direction of the town.

I saw a square and very powerful tank appear in the field of vision, with the momentum of a man who is not ready to open, across the middle of the road!

This is exactly what Su Yan arranged here, and the KV-1 heavy tank that has been waiting for a long time!

Considering that the intensity of the war it was about to face was much higher than that of other tanks, Su Yan also thoughtfully prepared half a base of tungsten core bullets for it!

This is the only way to get to town, and to get there, you have to pass the KV-1 level!

"We can't stop, fire, destroy it!"

The Red Scorpion immediately gave the order, and the "Iron Scorpion" and "Wolf Scorpion" tanks were the first to fire.

KV-1 was suddenly overwhelmed by the heavy fire of the grenade explosion.

The ferocity of this round of salvo firepower made Wu Shoude's eyelids jump.

But if you change to other vehicles, you will have already disappeared in this round of shooting.

Bai Muyang and the others also expressed strong concern about this.

This heavy tank .... It's really okay, right?

It's not that they can't trust the technology of the fire god.

It's really this round of firepower that is too ferocious!

However, the smoke cleared, and a shocking scene unfolded in front of everyone.

The armor plate of the KV-1 was charred black and covered with scratches, but not a single one penetrated!

Subsequently, under Su Yan's order, the KV-1 car assembled a tungsten core bullet, turned the turret, and aimed at the frontmost "Iron Scorpion".

With a bang, the ironclad 0.0 scorpion tank was destroyed!

Then, like a roll call, kill the tanks that are trying to advance by maneuver one by one!

Single-handedly, he stopped their attack!

It even forced the scorpion army to start retreating!

The whole process is an understatement, and it is easy to play!

In order to destroy this tank, the Red Scorpion did not hesitate to order people to cover two "Needle Scorpion" anti-tank guns, came to a distance of less than 300 meters, and attacked with the few remaining tungsten core shells.


When the tungsten core projectile with a depth of up to 90 mm pierced the KV-1's solid 110 mm gun shield with a crisp sound, it flew into the sky......

Everyone present was silent!


It's a real mobile fortress!

It's too hard, isn't it?

The soldiers of the Scorpion Legion were even more cold!

They suddenly found that the situation at this time was very awkward.

Directly in front of it was a fortress-like KV-1 that could not be broken through.

In the grass on both sides, it was all Viet Cong SU-76!

They seem to have run out of ways!

"Chief, what are we—what are we going to do?"

The red scorpion gritted its teeth, and the green tendons on its forehead were eager to break.

From the moment he chose to attack Rust Town, the accidents never stopped.......

Even if he has always been calm, he can't help but doubt life at this time, is he destined to confess here?

That's when he received an encrypted communication.

After hearing the report on the radio, the red scorpion's frown gradually relaxed, and the corners of his mouth turned upward.

Good news.

"Just received a report that our final weapon has arrived!"

"With them, Rust Town will definitely take it!"

He gave the order to retreat.

"Hmph, let's spare them for the time being, let's withdraw first, and then attack tomorrow. "。

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