War Online

Chapter 70: Book of Alchemy

Since a player practically has an infinite amount of capacity to eat, Wil was able to try every dish that servants cooked.

To not embarrass Mirella, Wil just tasted each dish like a noble, instead of wolfing down even though he felt they taste more amazing than real-life food in a high-class restaurant.

Looking at his table manners, a smile appeared on Mirella and Wil received a notification.

*Ding. King liked your table manners. Your favourability with Mirella increased by 2.

"This... Even this will increase the favourability? I guess I should thank Storm for that for teaching me from young."

After finishing their meal in silence, Wil stood up and bowed, "I'll excuse myself, your majesty."

Mirella then said, "No, wait for a second."

As Wil looked at her curiously, Mirella clapped twice and all servants started leaving the room. Even the guards left the dining room and closed the door while standing outside.

Meanwhile, Wil's thoughts went haywire as Mirella started to walk towards him slowly, "damn, the way she walks is damn sexy. Maybe, she fancies me? You fool… Just look at your face and level. There's nothing about you that can attract her aside from these wings.

Ugh… do those developers have to create such a figure and even give a passive charm skill? Anyway, it's a fact a romance between NPC and players is forbidden. Hmm, still, one can marry an NPC even if they can't kiss or do other stuff.

As long as they reach certain conditions, one can even marry a high ranking noble or their daughter to gain nobility but each condition is different.

I remember a player named Zack even was managed to woo a princess of one kingdom in the South Zalfari continent and attained prince status. But, that's after the second or third major update."

"Hello… Time Traveler… Hello…"

By the time Wil came out of his thoughts, he saw Mirella was standing right before him and waving her hand with papers before his face.

"Ah, I apologize, Your Majesty."

Mirella sighed, "Seems like you have this habit of losing in thoughts. Anyway, here… take these."

Wil saw a stack of parchments in her other hand as she was handing to him.

Just then, Wil received a notification.

*Ding. You received a Quest

Description: Investigate the identity of the hidden ally of King after reading the letters.

Rewards: 5 million Exp, 500 fame, 10 Gold

Failure: Favorability with Mirella drop by 5

"This is one generous reward. I guess cracking it might be hard."

"I don't need you to return them. Everything in there is already in my memory. I hope you'll be able to find out something with your connections that I failed to solve. Since you gave me hope, I expect you'll not disappoint me."

Wil put the quest item in his inventory and replied, "I'll try my best to finish it."

Mirella then said, "Ok, you can leave."

Wil turned around and walked away leaving her alone in the dining room. After exiting the room, he saw the messenger was still waiting patiently to escort him back to his room.

While they were on the way, Wil suddenly stopped as he thought of something, "Can you take me to the library?"

"Royal Library? I'm afraid we can't. It is only available for royalty. Outsiders aren't allowed there," replied the messenger.

Wil smiled, "don't worry about it. Just take me there."

"If you say so…" The messenger changed the route and took him to the Royal Library while thinking, "Just because you are a guest of his majesty and ate lunch with her doesn't mean you can do everything as you wish. You should learn your lesson for once, lowly immortal."

Reaching the entrance, Wil saw there are two guards who are in level 260s.

The messenger then said, "Lord Time Traveler, I'll wait here."

As Wil nodded and started walking towards the guards, the messenger sneered, "Let's see how you will go past those two. I remember even a Duke was kicked out by them."

Meanwhile, as Wil reached them, one of them spoke sternly, "Halt your steps, right there. This place is off-limits for you. Return."

Before even two seconds passed, the messenger saw their guards' legs started to shake as Wil took out some object with a thread hanging on either side and showed it to them.

They hurriedly bowed and apologized at the same time before Wil entered the Library, stunning the messenger on spot.

*Ding. You entered the Royal Library. You receive 20 Exp every second.

*Ding. You entered a no-combat zone

"Cool…" *Whistle* Wil let out a whistle feeling the effects of free exp once again, "although, it's five times lower, still, something is better than nothing."

Unlike the city library, the Royal Library doesn't have levels but is very large. It's as big as the Courtroom and has thousands of books placed neatly.

"Hmm, certainly, this place is better than that guest room. Even if I receive less exp, I won't get bored. Although, I wonder whether I can find any high-level skills here…"

Just like he expected, after searching for an hour, he indeed found a bunch of skill books but alas, none of them suited him. Every skill book is related to sword techniques. 

Thinking that he won't find what he wants, Wil took out one random book and dragged a chair and then sat on it as he flipped the page.

After reading a few pages, Wil nodded in appreciation, "this is a good romantic-novel. What is its name by the way… Oh, Devil and the princess. This title is very familiar. Ah, I remember it now. It's Sierra's favorite…"

Suddenly, Wil stopped and his face became dark as he threw the book away. "Of all the things, why do I have to pick out this trashy novel? Let's read something else."

Wil took another novel from the shelf, "Secrets of Queen Iseut?"

After an hour, Wil was engrossed in reading the story of Queen Iseut, the only wife of the fourth King of Brinad, one of the Kingdoms in the Xynnar Continent.

She is a nymphomaniac, who secretly slept with her father-in-law, her brother-in-law, her nephew, niece, and even her son-in-law.

There are also others including a General and a Duchess.

She was caught by the King when she was sleeping with a Royal Knight and his beautiful wife and was executed on the spot along with the Royal Knight.

"What's funny is that the wife of the Royal knight became Queen, at the end."

After putting it back in the place, Wil searched for an adventure type of story this time but his eyes stopped moving as his gaze landed on a thick book.

Royal Book of Alchemy

Description: Contains the experiences and recipes invented by Hubertus Llyne, the only Grand Master Alchemist ever existed in 2000 years history of the Llyne Kingdom.

Purchase: 5000 Fame

"This… Legacy of a grandmaster… Hahaha, what a fortuitous encounter. If what I think is right, I can be Alchemist too."

Since he had more than 20000 fame, Wil didn't hesitate to spend it and purchased it.

As soon as he did that, the book disappeared from the shelf and appeared in his inventory. Wil didn't take the book out and calmly continued to inspect the books before taking out an adventure novel written by one of the retired Royal Knights about their King.

Half an hour later, as Wil continued to read the book, he suddenly received a notification.

*Ding. Someone is calling you from the outside world.

"Hmm, Silver?"

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