Wandering Dungeon

Chapter 21

Garrett, Blixie, and Kyle walked out of Quillions Quills about fifteen minutes later after helping Dave clean up the mess of weapons caused by Kyle. Thirty-five gold had joined the few coins in Garretts pouch when they left. "Now that we have some starting weapons, I think we need to get some starting armor as well." Garrett said happily as the group walked over to the armor shop a couple of doors down.

"I still think you got overcharged for your stuff Garrett." Kyle grumbled quietly.

"He actually got a good deal Kyle." Blixie stated. "If anything, he actually gave Garrett a discount on the staff and dagger he bought. Maybe he had a crush on you." She teased.

"Dave did help us learn a little bit about more about the cost we can expect to pay for things out in the world at least." Garrett said trying to redirect the conversation. "And we still have some gold to spend for some armor. Hopefully I can get something other than just a heavy robe." Garrett chuckled as he opened the door to the armor shop.

"Welcome to Pangolins Protections." Said a deep gruff voice. "If it's armor ya be needin' then ye've come to the right spot."

The shop looked to be identical to the weapons shop in its construction. Mannequins displayed sets of light leather armor that covered just the chest, shoulders and shins. Shirts made of interlocking metal rings with a metal helmet sat neatly on tables. In the corner was displayed a small set of full plate armor that covered a mannequin so completely that no wood could be seen. Shields made of wood and metal lined the walls ranging in size shape from a round six-inch buckler to a tower shield that stood six feet tall and looked like just a slab of metal that Garrett estimated was a few hundred pounds.

Garrett looked around but didn't see the source of the voice he just heard. "I would like to buy a new set of armor." He said as he continued to look for the voice. "Something a bit better than just the robes I have on."

"Then ye've come to the right place." said the voice as the suite of full plate armor in the corner ambled over to them. It took off the helmet and placed it on the counter. "Name's Perry." he reached out to shake Garretts hand.

"I'm Garrett." Garrett bent down slightly and shook Perrys hand while he looked him over. Perry was pretty short, only coming up to his waist, but he had a stout build. His light brown skin covered a childlike face and downward pointing, almost rodent like nose. Where his hair would be were chitinous plates that started small near his forehead and grew larger as they swept back and down his back. He pointed to Blixie. "This is Blixie and my pet Squishy." Kyle inwardly cursed at the nickname they had given him.

"Let's get a proper look at ye now. I see ya have a staff, or hammer, thing so I'm guessing spellcaster or martial artist of some sort." Perry looked over at Kyle. "I have na seen a slime for quite a while, especially as a pet. So, I'm guessing monster tamer. It ain't as popular as it was in the past. These kids now a days are all about personal glory and thinkin that big extravagant weapons and flashy spells are what are most impressive. No sense a teamwork or subtlety." Perry paced quickly back and forth while he thought out loud.

Garrett, Blixie, and Kyle shared a quick look between them. Kyle shrugged in a most blob like fashion before he scooted away to look around. Perry stopped pacing and turned to look at Garrett. "I think a basic set a leather would do just fine. Not as much protection as metal mind ya, but it is lighter and easier to move in. Leather is also quite a bit easier ta maintain while out on the roads. Plus, it's a lot cheaper for those that are just starting out as adventurers."

"That sounds good." Garrett replied. "Wait, how did you know I was a new adventurer?"

Perry chuckled. "Grandma Jenny just loves her gossip. Now for a new set of leather armor it's going ta cost ya twenty-five gold. Let me run in the back and see what I've got in your size." He quickly disappeared through a door behind the counter.

"Did you find anything interesting?" Garrett asked Kyle.

"I'm more into weapons than armor." Kyle replied. "but it is still fun to look at since back in our world most people would be making this stuff out of cardboard and foam." Garrett went and looked at the shields lining the walls when he heard Kyle call out to him.

"What is it, Kyle?" He asked as he walked over and saw Kyle poking the back of a large kite-shaped shield hidden behind a mannequin.

"I'm not sure but I can't seem to grab this shield. It's like my tentacle just slips off it." Kyle said with frustration.

"Alright! Here we go." Perry said as he loudly opened the door and the group turned to look at him. "One set a leather armor. Chest piece, pauldrons, and greaves." He placed the pieces on the counter and looked at the group, a look of worry on his face. "I would na touch that if I were you. That's a cursed shield it is."

"Cursed?" Garret asked as the group took a step back.

"Aye, the few adventurers that have bought that shield brought it back after only a couple a days. Said it did na block a thing. Almost like it moved itself just enough ta not get hit." he said with a grunt. "If it were just one or two I would think they were just not cut out to be front liners but after five I started thinking maybe it was cursed. I even had an enchanter come in ta see what was going on but all they could tell me was tha it was magical but not what kind of enchantment was on it. So, there it sits."

"Why haven't you just thrown it away or tried to have it destroyed?" Garrett asked.

"I have thought about it, but for some reason I just can na bring maself to do it." He sighed. "Might be part of the curse tha it wants to be sold to adventurers to get them killed. So, I do me best ta not let others buy it. Shame really, the craftsmanship on it is spectacular and I feel awful that others won't get ta see its beauty."

"Would there be any harm in us just looking at it then? Like you said, it would be a waste if nobody got to look at it." Garrett commented.

Perry thought about it for bit. "I guess you're right. No harm in at least looking. Maybe I could hang it up high with a sign saying it is na for sale so others can at least admire it. Maybe it will bring in some customers at least." The group examined the large shield. A large demon looking face covered the entirety of it. The two green pentagonal gems used for the eyes expressed such sadness and loneliness it seemed odd to not see a tear running down the otherwise fierce face.

"Wow! You were right. That is an amazing looking shield, Perry." Garrett said. "Did you make it?"

"Na. Some adventurer brought it in bout a year back sayin he found it in some ruins, but he was a shadow flitter so didn't have a use for it and sold it ta me."

"What's a shadow flitter?"

"Ah, sorry bout that. Some habits are hard to break. It's a term some use to describe those that stick to the shadows all sneaky like." Perry responded. "Thiefs, scouts, spies, rangers and them sorts."

"I see. Too bad I can't buy the shield from you. It really is quite beautiful." Garrett said reluctantly and walked to the counter to look over the armor Perry brought out.

Perry went over and hoisted the shield with a grunt and carried it back behind the counter. He dropped it roughly to the ground with a loud thud and turned to Garrett. "Now here is a basic set of leathers fer ya. Nothing special but it will keep ya alive a bit longer than not. Now, anything for you miss Blixie?"

"Now that you mention it, I had my eyes on this cute pair of bracers." Blixie pointed to a nearby table. Garret was confused since he didn't remember seeing anything small enough to actually fit Blixie anywhere in the store.

"Ah, good eye." Perry quickly walked over and brought them to the counter.

Blixie landed on the counter to further inspect them. They were a deep brown with a vine pattern embossed along their length. Garrett didn't know why she wanted them since they were taller than her and she could have easily slept inside of just one of them. "Great, I will take them." Blixie smiled at Perry. "How much?"

"Seein as I don't often get pixies in my shop, and Gilvana did ask me to help out the next one I see, I reckon you can just have them. So, my debt will be clear."

"You meet Gilvana?" Blixie squealed. "What was she like? I've always wanted to meet her. Did she have her mace? Was she smiting her foes with thunder? Was she..."

"Hang on there little miss. So many questions. I meet her when I was a lad a long time ago. I thought I was tougher than I was, so I tried takin on an orc hunting camp. I would have been dead if Gilvana had na seen me as she flew past and saved me. After that she gave me some pointers and flew off asking me ta pass on what I owed her."

"Thanks Perry. I'll treasure these then." Blixie placed her hands on the bracers and a faint glow surrounded them. They quickly shrank down to her size and she strapped them to her arms. After a few quick action hero poses she turned to Garrett. "How do they look?"

"Umm, Good?" Garrett replied. "But how did they shrink? Are they enchanted to fit the wearer?"

"No silly." Blixie scoffed. "All pixies have an ability to shrink non-living things down to a size to fit them. How else do you think we get such good gear? Pixies are fighters and trainers, not craftsmen."

"Oh, alright." Garrett turned to Perry and handed him the twenty-five gold. "I'll just take the armor then." He scooped up the leather armor. "Thanks for the help, Perry, and I hope the shield brings in some more business for you." He turned and followed Kyle and Blixie to the door.

"Well, if the shield is going ta help me get customers it'll have ta hang from me walls, not yer back Garrett." Perry yelled at him as he rounded the counter after him.

Garrett stopped and looked back. Sure enough the shield was strapped to his back. "How did it get there?" He said.

"That's what I would like to know." Perry responded. "I treat ya fair and kindly and ya try ta steal from me, and not even that well I might add."

"I promise I wasn't stealing from you. The shield was behind the counter out of reach, so how could I grab it and put it on without you noticing?" Garrett reached back to remove the shield but it wouldn't budge. "And why won't it come off?"

"I told ya it was cursed didn't I?" Perry huffed. Perry grabbed the shield and pulled but only succeeded in dragging Garrett a couple of feet backwards. "I guess you're stuck with the shield now, but I'm not responsible if'n it gets you killed." Perry huffed back to stand behind the counter. "Good luck out there lad."

"Thanks Perry. I appreciate it." Garrett, Kyle, and Blixie turned and left Pangolins Protections.

"I hope Ole Jenny is right, and the boy is capable of handling himself." Perry sighed as he started removing the armor he was wearing and placed it back on a mannequin.

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