Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2432 Intoxication Resistance And Immortal Apple Wine

Chapter 2432  Intoxication Resistance And Immortal Apple Wine

The Banquet continued for hours until finally Lin Mu seemed to have hit the limit of the Cores' Growth. There seemed to be no more dishes that helped improve them and now they only seemed to be getting repeated.

As such, he decided to stop for now and indulge in more of the liquor that was present.

There were various kinds of wines, brewed from fruits and herbs along with strong liquor that could even knock out an immortal after a few cups. But for him, it seemed to be the same as drinking some juice, for his body was a lot more resilient to alcohol than ever before.

As soon as he took the first sip, he could feel the faint burn of the alcohol along with its fragrant aroma and taste. But once it reached his stomach, the effects seemingly disappeared as the alcohol was rapidly broken down and absorbed.

Lin Mu could only feel that the Qi from the alcohol was absorbed but the intoxicating effects were erased almost instantly.

He had never managed to get affected by Alcohol much before, due to his body cultivation and the only exception to it was the Ichor Essence Wine that the Ever Spring Mistress had given him.

But then again that was a Celestial Level wine thus there was no way his body cultivation would be able to handle it.

Right now, even though Lin Mu didn't have his full body cultivation due to the Tyrant Bull Marrow Secrets having regressed, the creation of the Cores seemed to have brought upon beneficial effects to his body.

In the current case, Lin Mu's Wood Core in his liver seemed to have improved its ability to process and purify toxins by several times which had essentially rendered him immune to all alcohol in the Immortal realm.

'Even other poisons and toxins might not do much to me now.' Lin Mu thought to himself. 'Perhaps I can use some of the stores poisons to help grow the cores? They are technically of the different elements too.' He reckoned.

It was a rather dangerous thing for others, but for him it would now be possible. He had consumed some poisons before in such a way to grow his cores, but there were still many that would have been too dangerous for him to consume back then.

But he felt confident that he might be able to take them now. At the very least, he could test them out without much trouble.

Before he could think much more about it though, he felt a gaze on him which drew him to the Saintess's face.

She hadn't consumed any of the dishes in the banquet but she had been sipping on the wine that was provided. Because of her status, the others had been far too nervous to talk to her on their own and only the Emperor had managed to exchange a few words with her.

She had also been given the highest seat in the hall and was basically sitting there on her lonesome.

Watching her sip the wine alone though, Lin Mu was suddenly reminded of something.

"Oh, wait… I have that." Lin Mu suddenly remembered before standing up.

He walked up to the Saintess, catching the attention of the others.

"I think this is the right time to take it out now." Lin Mu spoke as he withdrew a pot from his ring.

"Oh?" The Saintess looked at it and wondered what it was.

"Is that a wine pot?" Ziran asked noticing its design. 'That's a lot of talismans on it too.' "It is." Lin Mu nodded before opening its sealed cap.


As soon as it was opened, a rich fragrance unlike anything was released. Not only that, but one could hear a faint fizzing sound coming from the pot too.

"What kind of wine is that?" Even the Emperor was interested in it.

"Something I tried my hand at making." Lin Mu said as he poured out a cup. "I'd like the Saintess to try it first." He extended it to her.

"Of course, it should be given to the Honored Celestial." The Emperor approved. He had been a bit nervous with the presence of the Saintess and was having a hard time interacting with her too with the fear of accidentally offending her. As such he was thankful that Lin Mu was now entertaining and interacting with her.

The Saintess glanced at the pale yellow wine that seemed to bubble inside the cup.

"Apples?" She could smell the fragrance of apples from it.

"Indeed. It's the wine I made from Immortal Apples." Lin Mu answered.

The wine had been brewing in Lin Mu's ring for a while now and it had finally reached a point where it was mature enough to be opened. Of course, the amount of time Lin Mu let it brew for might not be as long as compared to most other immortal wines, but with the methods he had employed, the fermentation rate was faster and the aging was also richer.

As such, it could easily compare to Immortal Wine that had been brewing for a couple hundred years.


The Saintess took the first sip and felt the tickle of the bubbles on her tongue before the tartness of the apples spread on it. The tartness then vanished to the rich presence of its sweetness, changing her palate in a surprising manner.

Her eyes sightly widened and she hadn't expected such a taste and texture from a wine.

"How is it?" Lin Mu inquired.

"Unique… The bubbling texture enhances its taste and yet there is no burn from it." The Saintess replied. "Its effects seemed to be quite decent too." She added.

"That's good." Lin Mu smiled. "I'm happy that you liked it." He had made it for her, thus he was pleased by her words.

"I didn't know you could make wine too." Crown Princess Shang said in surprise. "That too a new kind of wine like this." She added.

"Do you all want to try?" Lin Mu asked.

"Of Course! That shouldn't even be a question!" Crown Prince Feng Shun said boisterously.

The prince had drunk quite a bit of alcohol already and while he was not drunk, his demeanor had certainly been loosened.

"Yeah, there's no way I'd missing this." Daoist Chu agreed as well.

"It does smell delicious." Lady Kang stated.

"Alright then." Lin Mu said as he personally poured out cups for everyone while also refilling the Saintess' cup which seemingly grew in size signaling to him that she wanted a lot more.

Lin Mu of course filled it till she was satisfied and also took out another sealed pot for her, which she quickly hid away before anyone even noticed.

'Guess she likes it.' Lin Mu thought and internally chuckled. 'Good, that I made a lot more.'

"WHOA! I've never tasted a wine like this before." Crown Prince Feng Shun was amazed.

"Marvelous!" Emperor Feng was impressed too. "Such taste and texture… You said this was made from Immortal Apples? I've never thought Immortal Apples could be turned into wine such as this," He added.

"Yeah, now that I think of it… The effects are a lot stronger than normal Immortal Apples too." Ziran commented after having consumed it. "Its been refined several times hasn't it?" he asked.

"I did use a different process for it." Lin Mu nodded.

"Heavens… this is already as strong as a High Grade Immortal Stone." Daoist Chu was blown away after drinking it. "The Qi is so easy to absorb, too. You barely have to do anything." "My, my, you could very well become a wine brewer and be rich that way too." Crown Princess Shang couldn't help but praise.

Lady Kang who drank it though, was left in deep thought. She was silent for a couple of minutes before looking at Lin Mu with a serious expression.

"The Great Kang Auction house will auction this at our Annual Festival." Lady Kang stated right away. "This can easily sell for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Immortal Stones." She proclaimed.

"That much?" Lin Mu was surprised. While he knew the materials he had use for them were a bit expensive, the cost of them was still less than what Lady Kang was stating.

"If we can sell this with your name as the creator, we might be able to sell it for ten times more." Min Ju chimed in. "As a first time brewer, you might easily gain fame for such a high quality wine." As Lady Kang's personal maid, she was no less skilled than most head managers of merchant groups.

"Lady Kang is correct." Emperor Feng spoke. "Such a wine can very well be an Imperial Tribute to garner merit in most empires." He estimated.

"Even in the Immortal Court, such wine would be appreciated." Crown Prince Feng Shun added.

Hearing everyone's words, Lin Mu couldn't help but be flattered and wondered if he should make a lot more.

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