Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 8 – It’s Time They Share My Dread

“So, Matthias, I will answer all your questions and, in turn, you’ll answer mine.”

Bruce starts the conversation as they returned. Alfred has patched both Matthias and Bruce from their injuries.

Matthias is currently sitting on a sofa with Bruce in the study, with Alfred serving them some warm tea.

Matthias had his head down, clearly nervous. His older brother returns to the Wayne household and the last thing he sees was Matthias beating down thugs and getting cornered.

... “How-... how long have you been in Gotham?”

“About two weeks ago. You don’t know because I was at the Wayne Tower as soon as I returned.”

“Why didn’t you just return to us as soon as you were here?”

“The Wayne Enterprises is in shambles since nobody is properly maintaining the internal structure. I need to make sure we are not going bankrupt.”

This answer somehow angers Matthias. As much as he knows Bruce will someday returns; to just deciding to go for the Wayne Tower without giving him any contact was making him infuriated... so he asks one more thing,

“Why didn’t you contact me?”

... “Because I was scared you would be angry for me leaving you.” ‘I left for four years; I don’t expect you to forgive that action from me.’

Matthias did not respond to that...

“So, it’s your turn brother; what’s your question."

Hearing Matthias’ low, a bit growling voice saddens Bruce, but he needs to ask somethings.

“I’ve been hearing this gossip about a vigilante dubbed The Vindicator roaming and beating gangsters, was that you?”

Alfred, who stood behind Bruce, walks a bit closer to listen to Matthias’ answer.

... “Yes, that was me.”

Bruce sighed at the answer, and Alfred just closed his eyes for a second.

“How long has this been going?”

“Four months.”

“Did you get help?”


Bruce then stops for a few seconds before finally asks one final question.

“Why did you do it? What reason are you doing this?”

... Matthias did not answer yet. He was pondering how to answer this one because the main reason he’s doing it was at first to find the Joker before he turned into a villain; or at least makes sure the one backstory of Joker did not happen so that he won’t ever be born.

But Bruce deduced Matthias’ silence as something else. He mistook this silence as Matthias hiding something, so he pushed on. “Matthias, please answer, why are you doing this?”

“It was so that I could decrease the gangsters roaming around Gotham.” Matthias quickly answers. But Bruce still pushed on.

“Matthias, you’re lying to me. Why are you doing this?”

“I told you! I was just helping people of Gotham!”

“Is it because of me, Matthias? Are you risking your life like this because of me?”

“NO! Brother! You don’t understand!”

“Then Why!”

“Because I Know You Would Do The Same As I Did!”

Screams echoes throughout the study. Matthias’ last sentence chimes within Bruce’s head.

“You... know I would do the same as you did?”

“... ... Brother, you may not realize this, but I know, back then, you’ve occasionally visited a certain place in the study... and cry.”

Bruce was taken aback. ‘How did he know?’ he ponders

“You’re wondering how do I know this, right? You’re always concealing your own feeling, always gloomy and brooding. I don’t like that. You’ve been training under Alfred too, and I... also trained by myself.”

This time, Alfred was taken aback. He has been concealing Bruce’s training session with a pretense of training for inheritance of the Wayne Enterprises.

“Brother, I wasn’t there when our parents were killed, so I can’t feel how you feel. But please don’t bottle them yourself. You have me. We share blood, we are Brothers.”

Canon wise, Bruce will deal the death of his parents alone. Even with Alfred’s appearance, he still deals with this trauma mostly by himself. Matthias doesn’t want that. He was reborn as a Wayne, and thus, he’ll do what a Wayne has to do best. Helping, supporting each other.

Bruce then looks at Matthias, whose eyes were red and glistening, “I’m sorry Matthias. You’re right; I shouldn’t keep this all by myself. But, it’s just that, I also remember you getting hurt when you’re still very young. I don’t want to see you in that state again.

Bruce was referring to when Matthias was eight, and he was in a fight with some teenage delinquent/thug resulting in him hospitalized in a bloodied state.

“Brother, I’m far stronger than you think now. Don’t be surprised if I was the one protecting you now.” Matthias jests, his face full of smiles, genuine smiles.

Bruce smiled back, and they both got up and hugged each other. At last, after four years of separation, both are now reunited. Matthias was wailing as he relaxed, and Bruce sheds a bit of tears... just a bit. Alfred, as usual in situations like these, silently took his handkerchief and wiped his eyes as he witnesses this heartwarming scene.


“Well, now that Master Bruce has returned, let’s have a celebratory diner. I shall prepare some venison tenderloin.” Alfred says as he goes for the kitchen.


*SCRAAASH!* *Shatter* * Shatter*

A bat flying at a high speed just crashes through a window of the study they are currently in.

“Whoa! My god, that scared the heck out of me!”

Alfred, Bruce, and Matthias are now staring at a bat on the floor, thinking it is dead. But it’s not; in fact, it just now flew around the room and straight through the shattered window again.

“That bat reminds me of you, brother. Remember how you did your entrance by shattering the window of the chem. Plant? That was amazing; even I got surprised by that entrance you did.” Matthias said, obliviously. He was only stating what was on his mind at the moment.

“I will clean this up later. Master Bruce, Master Matthias, let us have diner first.”

“Okay Al., cmon, brother.” Says Matthias as he stepped outside the study.

But Bruce still stayed, still staring at the broken window, still thinking about the bat.

Bats frighten me, it’s time my enemies shares my dread.’


Few weeks later, at the Wayne Tower of Gotham.

“Matthias, meet Lucius Fox, we met during my journey in Paris.”

Matthias approached Lucius Fox and greets him with smiles, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Fox.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Master Matthias.” Lucius greets back.

“Lucius Fox here will be helping us setting up the businesses of the Wayne Enterprises, and start a foundation for charity. And for that, I thank you, Mr. Fox”

“No- no- no, Master Bruce, it’s my greatest pleasure to help the Waynes. After all, I have owed you much.”

Bruce and Lucius were having a discussion, and Matthias excuses himself to wait at the lounge.

Matthias knows Lucius Fox is one of Batman’s greatest assets. He has a talent many businessmen wants; a ‘Midas Touch’, aka the ability to turn any failing businesses into successful conglomerates.

Matthias doesn’t know much of his backstory; which is that Lucius Fox was once saved by Bruce Wayne from muggers in Paris, years ago during his journey.

Matthias knows Lucius Fox is always someone you can depend on within the Wayne Enterprise. Not only that, he supplies the Batman with various gadgets and equipment that are high-tech and highly sought-after.


An hour later, Bruce came out from an office, followed by Lucius Fox, then they shake hands.

“Then... it is a deal, Mr. Fox.”

“Indeed it is, Master Wayne.”

“Now that it’s done, welcome to the Wayne Enterprises, Mr. Fox. I look forward to oversee your work.”

 “*Smiles* I shall not disappoint, then.”

Bruce finishes the deal with Lucius Fox and went after Matthias.

“All done, brother?”

“Yes. Come on, let’s go visit that arcade you love so much. I heard after all these years, they have new machines and games there.”

... “Uh, brother, I don’t really like going there that much, you know?”

“Don’t be shy now, let’s go. We’ll buy some ice-cream later too.”

“Oh, now you convinced me, bro!”

The two brothers walk out the Wayne Tower.

Next stop is the arcade... and ice cream later, too.

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