Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 119: One left

Although the arrow had managed to hit Ashley in the chest, she wasn't out of the game yet. The warrior she was using wore a chest plate and the arrow had only managed to pierce a few inches into her skin, permitting her to continue the fight.

However, the impact still caused Ashley to slightly flinch, giving the Krang user enough time to regain his senses from his spin skill. He lifted his giant hammer and swung it directly at the young Kendo expert.

She could see the hammer and managed to lift her hands in time to block the blow. Yet, the blow was too strong, and Ashley's hands were pushed towards her chest, which further pushed the arrow further into her chest, eventually piercing her heart.

Stumbling back, the young girl fell to the floor and looked at her petrified teammate behind her.

"I'm sor…" But before Ashley could finish her sentence, she had burst into blue particles leaving the game.

<Red team player has died>

Up to this point, the cheers outside for the Montem Team were strong. "The Monster!" was continually being chanted out as Ashley had the upper hand.

"You see that, if you want skills like her, come to my kendo club!" Daiki shouted out, holding up his sign.

Yet suddenly the chanting came to a halt, as the spectators struggled to comprehend what had happened to their champion. The arrow hitting Ashley in the chest and then the hammer further nailing into her chest had also hammered close her coffin in the space of seconds.

"Oh no, they took out the monster."

"There's no way we can win now."

"We might as well pack up our bags and go home, the streak was fun while it lasted but there was no way we could get to the finals."

"I don't know, I thought maybe we could actually win it this year."

Alex's entire form was shaking from hearing the words from his classmates. He couldn't believe how they so quickly lost hope. Of course, their chance of winning had significantly reduced, but it wasn't 0 percent. As long as the Montem team hadn't given up, the match wasn't over.

And there was one boy in particular who hadn't even considered giving up.

In the forest, Novis was currently occupied taking down Woowoo's archer. The ranger warrior was good at making shots and moved to new cover every time he fired, making it hard for Novis to locate him.

Although Novis wasn't getting hurt, he was being held back. Whenever he would move forward an arrow would come in his path.

"Just come out and fight me, coward!" Novis shouted. The beserkwr was furious at what was happening. The second player had died on their team and Novis was stuck here dealing with a useless archer.

That's when Novis realised this wasn't a time for him to get angry, he needed to focus. Novis closed his eyes. Listened out to the archer's footsteps.

"Did he give up?" The archer saw Novis standing still, his chain blades now had stopped being swung. Unsure of His opponent's intentions, yet confident in his abilities, the archer decided to move closer. This was his time to finish Novis off.

Back at the bottom lane, now that Ashley had been taken care of, Scarlett was all on her own against the three members of Woo Woo. The crossbow user no longer needed to hide and had come out of the forest with his teammate the shield and mace user.

Scarlett stayed by her tower as long as she could firing her arrows at the NPC knights, but she knew all she was doing was buying time. Soon there would be too many, and the four Woo Woo players would take out the tower in nearly an instant.

And as she predicted, the Woo Woo members started attacking the tower, and it near-instantaneously started to crumble.

"Are we really going to lose the game like this?"

Scarlett prepared her bow and was ready to fire an Arrow aiming at one of the warriors this time. If she was going to die or lose a tower she at least wanted to cause some damage. She lined up her arrow at the biggest target the Krang player. Pulled back the strig and just as she was about to let go.

Dan had come out of the forest and pulled her in.

"what are you doing?" Scarlett said.

"Come on, forget about the tower, they've already taken it." Dan said, "What we need to do is go help Novis take out that Archer then we can come back later."

Scarlett was so focused on protecting the tower that she wasn't looking at the bigger playing field. Lucky for them, Dan still had a clear mind.

The two of them ran through the forest and hurried to where Novis was. A few moments later and the red team tower had been destroyed. But instead of going for the next one like they usually would they decided to give chance to Dan and Scarlett who had entered the forest.


Inside the forest, Novis could hear the Archer creeping up closer to him but the archer was cautious and wouldn't get close enough. Even if Novis could tell where he was there wasn't much he could.

That's when he came up with a plan unsure whether it would work or not. Novis suddenly started running but not in the direction of the bottom lane. But Novis was heading back to the middle lane. If Novis started attacking their middle tower then the Archer would hopefully follow.

The archer seeing this would most likely tail Novis and follow him and that was Novis plan. As Novis dashed towards the mid-tower swinging his chain blade's The archer started to follow as Novis excited.

Novis continued to move towards his tower and was waiting until they would no longer be in the forest where the Archer had the advantage.

"I'm a genius," Novis said.

However, after running through the forest Novis started to notice something. He could no longer hear the footsteps of the archer behind him.

"Is he hiding again?"

What Novis didn't realise was that the Woo Woo team were a top-notch team when it came to communication. They could see that Dan and Scarlett had run into the forest to help Novis, that's when they had informed the Archer to turn back, that way they could block Scarlett and Dan's escape path.

Just then another two notification screens had appeared.

< Red team player has died >

< Red Team Player has died >


Special thanks to Abhijith_Ramesh, and also Updog for editing the Chapter. The gifts really help and I hope you can continue to support me through this story.

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