Virtual adventure F.O (Fantasy Overdose)

Chapter 4 [that was close ]

Long story short I decided to party with him until we reached the town and we are currently talking to each other to pass the time

"so what makes you play this game, "Nathan asked

" well I'm a pretty good computer gamer back in the day, " I said " and I want to try new things so I and my sis decided to play this game "

" you have a sibling that also plays games " 

"yes I do is there something wrong with it"

"no, it's just rare to see a family playing games together more often than they would do a gathering"

"yea, anyway let's focus on getting out of here"

We walked for what it feels like 1-hour until we found a pack of wolves we are currently hiding in the bushes away from them because we need to make a strategy for this

"Should we engage them or not? " I said

" heck yeah we should " he answered

"Are you sure tho from here it looks like the pack has 5 wolves and what level are you to be sure that we can survive this"

"yes I am sure now I'm level 3 and what level are you"

"how the heck can you be level 3 this fast the game has just started a while ago, anyway I'm still level 1"

"oh yeah this will be a little hard "

Iritatrated I clench my hand "hah"

"I thought you were already level 2-3"

"What makes you think that, anyway stop with this we need to think of a strategy to get that xp"

"What skill and arts do you have"

"I don't think I have any except one"

"what everyone got at least 1 skill at level 1 "

"wait really?"

"yes to check it you just need to say skillset"


[showing skillset]

[magical manipulation: this skill lets the user manipulate magic to a greater extent and freedom than others]

[low heal: heal a small amount of health point 30-second cooldown]
[illuminate: makes light in a desired radius (no cooldown) ]

[water bullet: makes a bullet of water to deal damage to the target (no cooldown) ]

[snipe: increase range, accuracy, and critical damage for The next range atk (a minute cooldown) ]

[rhot: making thick vines to mobilize target (a minute cooldown)]


"oh" (elly)

"what" Nathan

"Nothing anyway  I have a plan"

"Okay voice your plan"

"I will be in the back providing support while you be in the front, also I'll be the first one to attack, and after the wolf realized our presence you go in and take their agro"

"why do I feel like this plan is just your excuse for making me a meat shield "

"anyway  let's go"


Okay we get closer to the pack of wolf but Nathan got closer to them than me after some minutes he gave me a signal of he is ready and the plan is goes

I got up draws my bow while also using the skill [snipe] snipe is a weapon art so we can use it quietly if we will anyway when I'm sure the arrow is gonna hit the head I shot it of course

"(noise of an arrow flying through the air)"
The arrow git the head of the wolf killing it instantly

"Nathan NOW!"


Nathan goes into the wolves to take their agro the wolves see him and four of them Nathan manages to dodge 3 wolves and killed one with his spear

While this all is going On I got closer to Nathan to help him

Alright  2human vs 3 wolves this should be easy 2 wolves run at us but Nathan goes in the front to take their damage for me

"Nathan" I screamed

Instead of blood, red pixels came out "Gahh, holy shit"  Nathan screams in hurt the wolves have bit Nathan's stomach and arm despite this with his other arm he throws both of the wolves away

While the wolf is down I shot one of them with my arrow while also casting [water bullet] killing it instantly

"Nathan are you Okay"

"No, my health point is critical "

"hang on survive until I kill at least one wolf"

My snipe skill is up again so I used it and combined it with more water bullets to kill one more wolf

Alright, it's a 1v1 the last wolf lunged at me it was fast so I didn't manage to dodge it instead I used my bow to take the damage and shove the wolf away.
'you are right where I wanted you to be '
Vines comes out of the ground snatching the wolf and mobilizing it, seeing this I feel calm but I know it won't last so I killed it with water bullets

" holy that's intense, anyway Nathan how are you now, "I said concerned with Nathan

"a little better but my health point is still critical, "Nathan said seemingly ignoring the still huge wounds on his stomach and arm

"stay there I'll heal you"

"how you don't have any heat potion do you," he ask

"Magic" I answered with one word

"oh right I forgot you could use magic"

I got close to him, looked at his wounds, and put two of my palm at it [heal] the moment I used [heal] my palm start to shine a golden light and Nathan's health point increased from critical to yellow(I don't know what to call a yellow health point)

"and that's it"

"I feel much better thanks "

"I could still heal you more but the heal is still on cooldown"

"we'll heal the rest later right now let's see how much xp we get "

[ you have killed 5 wolves, due to being in a party with a player xp revived will be shared accordingly you have received 30xp and 20gold]

"I got 30 points"

"same here"

"huh that's strange I killed way more wolves than you do "

"Maybe it's shared not just by contribution to fighting  but all you did in it like taking damage for others or healing others"

"That's a great hypothesis anyway I'll dismantle all these wolves first and then heal you again, look out for any more danger for me"

"sure thing cutie"

Ignoring that I collect all the dismantled wolves and got 5claws 4skin 1quality skin and 15 bones it seems that the same thing can stack on the inventory although I don't know the max amount it can stack up to anyway back to the matter at hand

"Nathan I'm done dismantling the wolves now come here let me heal you"

Nathan comes and I heal his last wound while also asking about something

"hey Nathan"


"does it really hurt when you got bitten by the wolf"

"by my scream that you heard yes it hurts"

"how tho"

"the neuro dive device lets you feel all the human sense to make it more immersive although the sense of touch, in the degree of a big wound, is lessened so that it's not staining to the brain and it could make some brain or mental damage"

Imagining a scenario where Nathan doesn't take the damage for me makes me shiver
And yet he still does this knowing that he would still feel the painful experience
"Thanks," I said quietly

"huh did you say something just now?"

" nothing," I said denying

"I swear that I heard something just now"

"it must have been the wind or it's just you're imagination"

[ohhh we got a tsundere here]

' shut it system'

After that, we continue the journey to civilization
I asked Nathan what the name of the town was he said "the town is called evilan, it's not a big nor a small town

Again we walked for what felt like 3 hours until we once again found or were more like ambushed by a pack of 20 wolfs and 2 really big wolf

"uhh this is easy more than we can handle, "Nathan said

" yea we should run "I answer

The wolves and us looked at each other for a second. And we run

"shit we have to make them lose us," Nathan said while running

"what even is that big wolf" I screamed while running

" It's a gigantic wolf it has 120-150 atk, how the hell can they be here they should be in forest dungeons"

How can he know this I don't know maybe he's one of the beta testers I'll ask later if we don't die

We run and run and run
One of the wolfs is catching up I take out my bow and arrow and kill it before it can pose a threat

[10 xp and 5 gold acquired]
[congrats you have leveled up increasing stat by a small amount mastery over water and light increased you got the skills [zone heal][water acceleration]

'nice got timing system'

I can feel that my speed increase a little I also got an acceleration skill



"hold my hand"

"what why"

"no time for answers"

He holds my hand ' this feels embarrassing '

"what now"

"[water acceleration]"

I feel my body getting way faster surprising Nathan with the speed

"whoa" Nathan surprised
"hold tight"

We run for 30 seconds I feel myself slow down
'it seemed that it was only. Have 30-second uptime '

We run until we came upon a cliff

"shit uhh gosh, elly I know this sounds stupid but we have to jump," Nathan said panicking

"what" I screamed

"look," Nathan said while pointing at something
"There's a land on the other side we might be able to reach," Nathan said 

The land he pointed out is a bit below this land we currently are

"Are you sure that we won't die from fall damage"

"no time to argue"
Nathan suddenly takes my hand

"he.. Hey "

"[defensive increase]"

While chanting that he runs to the edge while dragging me and jump
While falling he covers up my body making his body the first that's gonna contact the ground I close my eyes and wait for the contact
I open my eye and look up seeing the wolves starring at us and going away
After that, I look down and see that I was sitting on Nathan's stomach

"gah, mind getting off me"

"fuah, sorry"

I get off him and check his wounds

"[heal][zone heal]"

"That feels better "

"next time if you want to do something crazy like that warn me"

"I did tho"

"When..., anyway where are we"

"in a forest"

Glaring at him I said "yeah I know that"

getting u he said "do you really,  anyway look," he said while pointing in a direction

Also getting up I look in that direction there I see a town not big but not small either

"We are closer," he said "we should get down from this cliff, and go by the look of it at most it only takes us 2 hours to go there from here"

We started moving again and while moving I start a little conversation to pass the time
"hey" I call

"yes?" he answered

"Are you a beta tester"

"yes why did you ask"

"no reason in particular just suspicious because you know the name and stat of that wolf before we can even appraise it"

"yea that wolf if that wolf is alone we might be able to beat it"

"how much max health does it have"

"health point for monsters in this game works a bit weird usually their health point is determined by their atk stat somewhere between 3 times their atk or 4 times"

"so his health is between  360-480 "


"I don't think we can beat that "

"We could but it's gonna be hard "

"Also you said that you are a beta tester how come you don't know how to use magic "

"Magic is an abstract thing so the dev only put it in the official game there is no magic in the beta"

"that's unfortunate "

"yea seeing you use magic is really cool"

"Want me to teach you "

"you can," he said excitedly

"yes I could, I'm the first player who's had to discover it after all"

"yes teach me"

"wait, now?"

"yes now"

"alright but first Let's. Find some shade to rest"

We go to a tree surprisingly although the tree is in a forest the ground is filled with green soft grass like those in a park

"alright now sit down in a cross-leg posture "

"okay" he do what I told him to do

"Now close your eye, focus on the silence and nature around you "

"Are you sure this will work that procedure doesn't really explain anything "

"it works for me "

"alright "

He close his eyes and stayed silent, he'll stay like that for a while in the meantime I make a note for him and explored my surroundings looking for material, fruits, or something we can use.
I got many things like healing herbs, a fruit that looks like strawberries and grapes combined, some twigs
And flints

When I'm back Nathan already woke up and it is dark there's a campfire In Front of him

"Welcome back," he said

"yes, how is it can you use magic now"

"yep I sure can"

"Great, I forgot to ask but what is your element affinity "

"It's fire and wind "

"ohh that's a really nice combo"

"what about yours"

"I have already shown you it's water, light, and life"


"Simply it's nature magic "

"Now that's interesting "

"anyway, it's night already  should we move or camp here until morning "

"we're close to the town it's better to move"


We move to the town for the third or fourth time because it's dark I used [illuminate] skill to make it easier to see "you should've used that earlier" Nathan said

"ehe" I replied with a laugh

On the way, we talked about how we should use our skills and I ask about the beta test, I learned that in the time of the beta test, the bow is considered a pretty bad class, that's due because the realism of the mechanic of this game to use a bow you need an arrow no... To use an arrow you need a bow, if you don't have a bow an arrow is simply a small pointy stick but it is hard to use a bow if you don't have any prior experience with it more or less you'll miss when using it, even if you're good at using it the bow unlike any other class need ammunition to shot.
Even now at the official release now is still called a bad class because of the addition of magic and mages, mages are almost the same as Archer using a projectile to attack an enemy the difference being is that mages use mana to make that projectile (mana can also regenerate overtime) and magic is generally stronger than arrows in term of damage dealt.
But bow and arrow have way faster projectile velocity, accuracy(if you're experienced), and range archers also usually have better overall stats than mages.
Anyway that's a long explanation

All the while we talk we found a party of 3 players with a torch running toward us

"Ahhh!, help," said a girl with a sword

"he- hey stop running," said a man with a sword in one hand and a shield

"hey guys I think this is not the right direction," said a teenage boy with a stave

"hey hey calm down what happen," Nathan said

"a wolf" answer the boy

"just a wolf?"

"a big wolf" the girl adds

"shit a gigantic wolf, elly widen the illuminated area"

"yes" I widen the illuminated area to almost the size of a football field in theory I can use this skill indefinitely at this size because of the minuscule amount of mana it needed

"alright good, hey you three can you still fight"

"I can," said the boy "but the health of these two is at the critical "

"elly heal the wounded while also supporting me from behind you boy support me too with your spells"

"Okay," me and the boy said

I go behind to the man and girl to heal them

"[heal]"I chant heal to the man "[zone heal]"I chant to the ground Beneath us three "there how is your health point "

" at yellow almost to green," said the man

"It just reach yellow," said the girl

"good when your  health is full go and help Nathan"

"yes-" said the man getting cutted

"no," said the girl

"if you don't want to fight. Then go in the back, I don't want to waste my mana on someone that doesn't want to contribute " I said to the girl

"ugh fine ill help" answer the girl

"good" I said

This will be a hard fight 

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