Chapter 99: Breaking Out Her Shell

The night was drawing to an end. Florence stood with a broad set of concern and worry resting on her shoulders. She gripped the small charm Monty had given her in anticipation of her own trials which she would take in a few months. Gripping it tightly, she whispered into it, kissing the charm. "Bring him home safe."

Jinx squatted down poking at a worm with a stick as she sighed. "What's taking the fucker so long? Did he fall at the finishing line?"

"He'll make it, just wait. My Monty will succeed." The door opened as Monty stepped out. Florence ran over overwhelmed with joy. This came to a complete halt as she stopped halfway in shock. Monty had tattoos planted all over his body of all different manner of things. Guns, snakes and dragons all held on him like a trophy. Monty looked over his family with a smug look as the dragon came to life snagging on his shoulders and breathing fire. Florence stepped back, unsure what to make of this.

"Well, where the fuck is my praise?"

Butch snapped too laughing, patting him on the back. "Look at my big bro! Always ahead of the curb. The first of us to pass! The most powerful Montague."

Monty eyed Butch down before placing his hand on Butch's arm and throwing him to the ground. "Who gave you permission to touch me?!"

Even Jinx raised her head from her dull boredom thrown off by Monty's outburst. Butch blinked a few times startled more than anything. "Jeez bro, I'm sorry."

Monty scoffed walking past. "Things are going to change around here now. Watch out, because you're looking at the new number one streamer."

Florence dropped her charm to the ground, appalled by Monty's sudden actions. "It's like he's a completely different person."

Jinx stood up, tilting her head lost. "Is that what happens when you pass the trials? Scary…"

"Don't you take the trials in a few weeks, Jinx?" She questioned.

"Yeah. I won't let it change me, though. That's a promise. I'm sure he's just traumatised by the events. He'll be fine in a few days. How about we make him a cake to make him feel better?"

"You're so kind Jinx thank you."

Jinx smirked rubbing her nose. "Hey, don't mention it. Stay strong Florence."


Zinnia had entered the bunker. The doors closed as Florence smiled faintly from the safety of her scarf. She glanced around as Emil let out a defeated groan. "Knowing what she is about to go through brings me nothing but concern. I don't think she will make it…"

Jinx cackled grabbing Emil in a headlock. "Don't be such a sad and brooding brother. I'm sure she won't totally crack if she sees what I think she is about to face. Well, ha-ha."

"You mentioned the trial was facing their fears. You know what Zinnia fears."

"Well, duh. Isn't it obvious? She's scared shitless of Alton. I mean I don't blame her after he went all sicko mode on Monty, I too would be shitting my pants from dusk till dawn. Like that little reference?"

Gale scoffed, waving his hand around. "Alton?! You kidding me? That guy is harmless. I wouldn't be scared of him."

Jinx tiled her head back, smugly laughing. "You didn't see what he did to Monty and Goro I assume. Might want to do a double-take on your so-called heroic hero. What do you think about all of this Florence?"

Jinx turned to her as Florence didn't respond. She just stared blankly forwards towards the bunker. Her scarf was slightly open, revealing her sinister smile. Butch glanced at her, eyebrow raised. "Hello, earth to nobody!" Soon Butch began coughing. The others did too. "What's going on?"

Florence, who was standing in front of them, vanished into thin air, her body dissolving into glitchy particles. The area also began to twist and turn before serval machines appeared pumping outgas. Florence stood in front of them wearing a gas mask hands behind her back as she started lifting her soles up watching each of them eagerly. Jinx stumbled back feeling weak coughing. "What the fuck is this?"

"When you believe with all your heart, your reality is real, it's easy to trick the mind with small unnoticeable changes. Like a frog left in a pan to slowly cook, you were breathing in my little present without even realising it. How cute." Florence said in a mocking tone as she watched Butch and Jinx drop to the floor passing out from the gas. Gale stumbled forward throwing a punch only to go through Florence. Serval more of her appeared all glitched out. Each of them copied each other mocking the streamers. "Although my brother has a far greater version of my power, we do share the same common ideology. It's easy to fool someone when they are already the fool themselves."

Gale fell to his knees collapsing, leaving only Emil who was only hanging on by a string coughing. "Why the hell are you doing this?!"

"I am slightly surprised you were the last one to fall to my trap. Guess I underestimated you, Emil, I'm sorry I won't make that mistake again. Why, you ask? Isn't it simple? I hate you, Montagues. I hate every single one of you will every fibre in my stomach. I wish only the worst on you all. So, hear this. These trials are over. Hear my warning Montagues. Your time has come. I will wipe your very existence off the face of V.I.R.A.L. These are your final moments as right now I declare war against each and every one of you. My only conditions are your annihilation." Emil collapsed into the ground as Florence stood still shaking her head. "You're only delaying the enviable Montague. I know you can't stay fixed in the ground forever. No matter what you do, you can't win. Come out come out and take a deep breath, why don't you?"

Emil erupted from the ground readying a punch. Florence turned to him, glitching out as she held Gale suddenly. Emil flinched, missing his force collapsing to the ground. Florence chuckled standing on him, wedging her foot into his back. If I remember correctly Emil, you claimed my illusion powers were pathetic? Well if I play all of the illusions as a poor craft you would believe all of them are real, then wouldn't you?" Emil finally passed out as Florence tore the scarf off tutting. "With the minor inconveniences dealt with, let's move onto my actual prize. Leaving so soon, mister Montague?"

Christopher was running away, managing to cover his mouth enough to stop the gas. Florence held her hand out, making him freeze on the spot. His hands dropped to his side as his eyes were full of static. She walked up to him, whispering in his ear. "How long will you last in my virtual reality, mister Montague. One minute here is an hour there. With someone with your status, I give you ten minutes." She began walking, turning to him, clapping her hands, calling him like a child. "Well come along now mister Montague we have much to discuss. We have a family to rip apart."

Christopher began following her into the manor. Before she entered, she took another look at her crafty work. She took off her gas mask, throwing it away, taking a deep breath free from the gas. "I've really outdone myself this time—months of planning for this to finally pay off. The plan didn't take into result Team Rhapsody showing up but oh well guess I'll just improvise that part. Who follows plans anyway? I'm sorry Zinnia when all of this is said and done, I'll let you out, you won't have to go through any more pain or torment due to those trials again. No one will. Did that sound, right? I need to practice my monologues more. No point doing all of this if I'm not going to go the extra miles with the bad guy speeches." She blushed embarrassed, cupping her scarf towards her face. "Almost there, Florence. The age of the Montagues is finished."


Zinnia fell to her knees, desperate. She had nowhere to go. She lay back, exhausted feeling overwhelmed. "Please, anyone. It's so cold and empty. Alton… someone saves me."

Laying back, Zinnia closed her eyes resting from the terror and tears. Laying dormant for a short while she felt a warm feeling in her heart. Her eyes rippled open to see a bright light dancing over her—an orb which let off a warming comfort. Zinnia felt safe, being close to the light. As she stood up, the light danced around her before a voice echoed from it. "Follow."

Zinnia's heart skipped a beat, hearing the voice. The orb of light began to move in the darkness. Zinnia didn't know how, but the voice brought joy to her. One of love and affection. She had no proof of course, but something inside of Zinnia just clicked, she may have never heard the voice before, but she knew who it came from. Tearing up, she began running after the orb whispering to herself. "Mother, I'm coming!"

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