Chapter 94: Welcome To The Family

"Are you sure?" Zinnia pressured looking conflicted. "He might need my help."

Scarlett waved her hand, brushing the offer off. "Alton needs your help out there. I would go, but The Dawn and Montagues don't exactly see eye to eye. Worry not Zinnia. I will take good care of him and make sure no harm comes to him."

"We should get going Zinnia." Gale pestered, bouncing his backpack up. "We are racing against the clock here. Always wanted to say that."

Zinnia shook her head sighing. "Yeah, we should get moving. Scarle-."

"Yes, yes, I know. I'll watch him with my life, blah blah. Get going will you Alton isn't going to save himself."

The three stepped out of the Dawn manor as Emil looked up at the cloudy sky with a look of turmoil. "Let's get this shit over and done with."


Emil felt slightly uncomfortable while everyone was celebrating. It was rare for the Montagues to all come together, but today was different. Monty had just past the trials. Being the eldest son to Christopher Montague, it was a big celebration as Monty would be given his new abilities and status as a new streamer. Butch nudged his arm laughing. "Well, how does it feel to be a fully established member of the Montagues?"

Monty nudged him back smirking. "Wouldn't you like to know Butch? You can start praising me thought for whatever powers I get will be killer!"

"He's a dick isn't he…" Jinx mumbled sipping on an orange juice carton. "Ignore him."

Emil scratched the back of his head sighing. "He will not let this go for a long time."

"Yeah, well let him gloat. We all know who's the better Montague." She began smugly giggling, pointing to herself. "Me."

"You don't take anything, seriously do you?"

"Hey, why should I? You lot are all so boring, acting all high and mighty. Why can't we all just have a little fun?"

"Because no one in this household can ever take you seriously Jinxy."

"Boohoo if it isn't the killjoy Florence."

"We're here to celebrate Monty's trials not make fun of him."

Emil rolled his eyes, looking away. "Why should I have to celebrate something like that? He wouldn't celebrate mine."

"You don't know that. Maybe when you take those trials, you'll gain the family's respect."

"The family's respect? Why do I have to earn that? Aren't I already a Montague?"

"Technically yes." She whispered. "But you know why we take the trials."

"Because the only Montague is a strong Montague. You aren't even a true Montague, are you, Florence Truman." Jinx taunted.

Florence wouldn't let that bother her as she shook her head, blowing it off. "I'm not going to fight you, Jinx. Like I said, this is a celebration for your brother. Maybe you should bite the bullet and celebrate no?"

Florence walked off as Jinx began flipping around a small pocket knife jerking her head around. "I really fucking hate this family."

Emil watched from the distance as Monty would look over a few times with a snarky laugh. "Jinx…"


"Well look at this! Christmas has come early! Oi Butch come take a look at this shitshow!" Jinx laughed looking from the manor's fence.

Butch walked over, pressing the bat against the fence. "Team fucking Rhapsody. Came to rub in my big bro's condition?!"

Zinnia pressed herself against the fence. "Please, you have to help us."

Jinx looked slightly lost as she ran her hand against the bars. "Well isn't this grand. Coming to your rivals for help. What do you think, Butchy?"

Butch looked at each of one eyeing down Emil. He smirked, tapping the bars. "Why don't we humour them? See what they might want? We do technically owe them for what happened with the Cult." The gates opened to the large manor as Butch came around looking down at Zinnia. "Where's the little boy? I would much like a rematch after the way he left me."

Zinnia looked at Butch, meeting his gaze as she shook her head. "No, you don't. Tell me, how are you still apart of the Montagues after your humiliating defeat against Alton at the garage?"

"Bah, something that trivial won't kick me out. I simply am waiting to retake the trial."

"What about Monty?" Gale asked.

Jinx chuckled skipping around. "That bozo got banished from this land. His name stripped, and now he can never return. Serves him right."

"Watch your tongue, Jinx. He's still your brother."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Who cares? Say, Emil? How does it feel to be home?"

Emil looked around the courtyard sighing. "Just great."

"I wasn't expecting guests." A voice whispered. Zinnia turned to see a girl hiding behind a car. "Who. Who are they?"

"Tonight's entertainment. I take it the problem you have is Alton. He would be here otherwise." Butch spoke, getting no response. "Fucking knew it. You're insane if you think we would help that monster. Although I'd wish I could get payback on that creep, you will have to do. Don't get in my way, Jinx."

"Like the idea ever crossed my mind."

Emil stepped in the front, standing off against his stepbrother. "If we are talking payback then Butch, I have a bone to pick with you."

Butch began to laugh patting Emil's shoulder. "I have missed you little one."

"Drop dead noob."

"Still acting childish with those silly phrases. I have need not fight you, little brother. But…" Butch slammed Emil out of the way towering over Zinnia. "This girl is a different story."

Gale was about to step in only to stop finding Butch frozen on the spot, his eyes showing a static one you would see on TV. Jinx snarked tilting her head towards the girl. "Alright, Florence he's had his fun."

Florence gave a timid nod as she let go as Butch snapped back looking exhausted. He threw his baseball bat to the floor in a frenzy. "Why the hell did you stop me, Florence?!"

Florence jumped, moving away from the car into centre view. She wore a short pink flowery dress and matching tights. Wrapped around her neck was a faded scarf which looked pink as well but the colour was drained. Hiding her face in the scarf, she began muttering. "I'm sorry. We aren't allowed to fight on the manor's grounds. I didn't want anyone getting hurt. Forgive me."

Zinnia and the others were slightly taken back by her personification. If she was a Montague, she was unlike anything they've seen. Compared to the dim-witted and loud Butch, or the cocky, self-centred Monty. To most recently the mentally insane Jinx seeing a Montague who was scared, timid and shy was a shock. "That's our newest member to the family. Florence. Our father scouted her three years back. She passed the trials with ease and has been with us ever since. As you can see, she doesn't have any backbone!"

Yet again she jumped at Jinx's raised voice bowing. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's nice to meet you all. My name is Florence, it's a pleasure to meet the infamous Team Rhapsody I be it, the majority of team Rhapsody."

"Are you sure she's a Montague?" Gale asked, confused. "She's rather pathetic."

Florence began tearing up hiding under her scarf. "I'm sorry for being such a disappointment!" The scarf had somehow increased in size, hiding her completely. "I should never have been born."

"She has some strange powers." Zinnia said.

"Ignore them, none of it is real. Florence here just has a poor excuse for making illusions. It's obviously a fake." Emil sighed.

The scarf vanished back to normal as Florence was pouting. "Emil, I am quite offended. I personally think my illusion powers are magnificent. I've tricked you many times."

"Yeah but that's only through the lens of technology. Your real-life illusions are poor at best."

"Yeah, well you should see how good my brother's illusions are. They blow away anything I can do."

"Florence what did we say. You are not allowed to talk about your brother. You agreed when joining us."

"Oh, right. I apologise."

Jinx sighed, losing her patience as she was bobbing around. "You lot all bore me. I'm heading home. See you losers later."

"Jinx that way is the shooting range. Not your home."

"I know what I said."

Florence slowly walked over, keeping her distance as she spoke stuttering. "Why is Team Rhapsody here?"

"That's what I'd like to know." A man boomed. Emil looked up, dropping his head in disappointment one which Gale picked up on. "Is this the way to treat guests, especially ones as prestigious as Team Rhapsody? I'm angered I wasn't told sooner, Butch."

"Sorry, father…"

The man waltzes down smiling. My name is Christopher Montague head of the Montague family. What pleasure do I owe such delicate streamers?"

Zinnia was once again taken back now more lost. Were these three Montagues mere flukes compared to the others? "Umm, Sir. My name is Zinnia Trost. I was hoping for your help. Our leader, my best friend, is very sick."

"Alton Brantley correct? He's caused quite a riot around these parts. I had to banish my own son because of him. But I do not blame him, of course. My own fault for not raising a well-behaved boy. While I'll be happy to help, I do not understand what we can do for him?"

"He asked for Helga," Emil spoke nervously speaking to his father. "We came for her aid."

Christopher smiled nodding. "It's good to see you doing well, my son. I am slightly surprised by these turns of events. How he knows of our most beloved healer is beyond me. But it all must be for a reason as it brought you all here."

"We just need her to help. If you could let us, Sir, could we meet this Helga? She could come back with us and help him."

Christopher adjusted his sleeve, raising his hand. "I do not think so. I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but we've recently had an injury of our own. Butch is greatly hurt after making a fool of himself."

Butch looked confused. "No, I'm not."

  From the floor, a gun appeared similar to Emil's powers. Christopher shot Butch in the leg as he fell to the floor, screaming in pain. "Like I said he's in a lot of pain."

Zinnia looked on in horror as Emil bit his lip in anger. "That was your own son!"

"Yes, he is. You see Zinnia. After Monty made a fool of not just himself but the whole family, I realised I wasn't tough enough on my own children. So, I'm taking a more hands-on approach to teaching them a lesson. I can't just give up my healer while my own son is hurt. Not for free anyway."

"You want money?"

"Bah, no, no. I have plenty of that. I want you to prove your worth. A Montague is only as strong as their worth. I can't just aid anyone we would look weak if we did so. Because of this, I want you to prove your worth Zinnia Trost."

Emil caught wind of this, shaking his head stepping in front of her. "Are you crazy?! I won't let you put her through that!"

"Through what?"

Christopher smiled, holding his hand out. "I will let you borrow Helga if you prove your worth and take part in the Montague trials. What say you Zinnia?"

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