Chapter 87: When It Rains It Pours

"For a guy who can manipulate the atoms of water and stuff, why do you get an umbrella while we don't."

"I can't stop the rain Zin, that would be overkill. Besides what do you want me to do control all of the rain droplets around and concentrate them into a single large focused ball of water to stop you getting wet?"

"No… that's the point of an umbrella. But that would make an awesome attack!"

Alton woke, finding himself sleeping at his old school desk. The room was devoid of colour, and the outside was pure white. All the other desks were the same apart from his. "What you doing Alt?"

Alton turned around, seeing Sam sitting in her desk behind chewing on some gum. "Sam? What's going on?"

"You don't remember?"

"Oh, I remember. I lost to Paradox, didn't I?"

"I think lost is an understatement. You got your ass handed to you like a Turkey on the fourth of July. You got the mother of all ass whopping. You really kicked the bucket over this one."

Alton snarled, resting his head on the desk. "Alright, you don't have to rub it in like that, jeez you never change do you Sam?"

"Neither do you. Always the same party pooper. I'm sure you've blown off your new group more times than I can count, I did fail maths so really it isn't far."

"What is this place? Am I dead?"

"I sure in hell hope not." She whined, kicking her feet against Alton's chair. "Spending the afterlife with you at school sounds really shit."

Alton began to chuckle before those laughs turned into cries of desperation. "I can't beat her Sam. No matter how hard I try, no matter who I team up with Paradox is too strong. How do I win? I feel so alone, so scared without you. I've been trying, I really have. Playing the leader role to keep my team's morale up, but I just can't do it anymore. I need you, Sam, I can't do this without you."

Sam tutted, moving from her desk, strolling over to Alton's. She sat on his desk, chuckling to herself. "You still believe in that shit after all this time. Jesus Alt gets a grip will ya. You've done so much without me; you protected Zinnia from prison. You formed Team Rhapsody with her, and now you are more popular than we could ever imagine. You took down Pokiero and the Phantom Streamer, you helped defeat Vanguard and stop the Garden twice. You have friends who are willing to follow you till the ends of the earth. That girl Zinnia, she admires you so much. That wasn't because of me, that's because of you and you alone."

"I was just trying to be like you."

Sam cackled smacking her leg. "Like me? Please, for the love of God, don't try and be like me. Be like Alton. Do it your way; you're doing just fine trust me."

"But what if I mess up again? What if I lose them? I've already lost one, Percy. He's dead; it's happening again. They are all going to die again!" Alton sobbed.

Sam held his chin, wiping his tears shaking her head. "It hasn't happened yet, right? You can still save them, Alton. I know you can, you saved me after all. Be a hero, Alton."


"Isn't it obvious? It's why I gave you that silly nickname Alt. Just start again. Control ALT Delete." She said, tapping his face. "I'll be by your side one day, not as your leader, but as an ally in arms. I'll be there when you need me the most." The world began to disappear as small raindrops fell on Alton's face. Sam stook by the window, sticking her gum on the wall. "That Zinnia girl, I think she might have a crush on you."

Alton laughed, shaking his head. "Doubt it. She doesn't swing that way, right?"

Sam shook her head, covering her face. "You are so dense it's unreal. But that's what we all loved about you dumbo. Now get out of here, before you cramp my style."

Alton stood up, walking over to the door. He rested his hand on the handle turning back to Sam. "You were always the cool one you know that, I looked up to you so bloody much. I never got the chance to thank you."

"Bah, the only cool dude I see is the one in the mirror, oh wait, maybe that is me! Joking, joking. Show that Paradox whose boss. Show her she doesn't mess with Alton Brantley. Anyone who's got a bone to pick with you has a bone to pick with me. So, give her a good beatdown for me."

"Goodbye, Sam."

"See ya later, Alt."


"Only I am worthy. Clearly, this is what is the truth! Look at your sins wash into the earth feeding the plants beneath our feet. I Aoi Fujisaki."

"I Gemini Fujisaki. Will wipe away all sin and be the only streamer known to humanity. One who never needs sleep. One who never needs food or rest. One who can protect the world forever. Why fight it? What could you possibly do to stop me?!"

A raindrop trickled down Alton's cheek. The cold rush of the rain shook him awake. His body rekindled and ready for battle. The bloody wounds were starting to heal. Alton was back better than ever. Pulling himself off the ground Paradox turned as her eyes widened in shock. "Impossible, impossible. My attack ripped through your whole body. You should be dead!"

"Did it now? Strange I don't see any wounds? There isn't a scratch on my body? Are you sure you aren't mistaking my wounds for your own?"

Paradox fell to her knees hands to the floor as serval wounds opened up. She began panting, unable to move. "Impossible, impossible. How? How are you doing this?!"

Alton ran his hand through his hair tutting. "How? Truly you must know, you know so much about us all since we aren't worthy of being streamers. If I'm not worthy, what does that make you sobbing at my feet begging for mercy?" Alton raised his hand, pointing to the sky as everyone else's wounds were healed. "Rain of blessing."

Paradox stepped back, seeing her wounds fully healed. She began patting herself down petrified. "You healed me? Why did you heal me?!"

Alton folded his arms chuckling. "What fun would this fight be if you were already defeated?"

Paradox jumped back flinching as her eyebrow began twitching. "This doesn't change anything! Don't let that pride of yours blind the fact only I am worthy!"

Paradox blasted the area with electricity. Everyone braced themselves for a dramatic attack only for the raindrops to absorb the attack negating it. She felt all her prowess fade as Alton began wiping his hands, wiping the water off him. "What pride? Why be prideful of someone weaker than me? Let me show you a glimpse. Torrent blow."

Serval massive burst of water smashed against Paradox, knocking her down over and over, forcing her to stay down. Her rage blew up as she screamed exploding as her whole body erupted into electricity. Alton stared on as all the rain was being electrocuted, causing pain for everyone. "You cannot win; I am the ultimate streamer. I am the perfect paradox. Do you think your mere water attacks will work? I counter your every attack!"

"Is that so?" Alton smirked, closing his eyes as all the rain suddenly stopped. Paradox looked around confused into how it stopped raining. "Zinnia, you thought this would be an awesome attack no? For the record yes I can do it." Paradox glanced up in horror as all the raindrops were stopped in mid-air held together concentrated into one point. The large ball of water condescended down to Alton's finger bubbling and steaming. "I'm going to end this now. I'm sorry, Paradox, but your reign will be over before it even started. Take this Hydro ignition." Paradox watched as the almighty attack skyrocketed towards her. She screamed as the ball of water crashed against her blasting Paradox throughout the entire hideout as her body began to burn. She tried to fight back only for Alton to snap his hand open as the ball exploded blowing half the base apart. "Defeat is the only thing your worthy of."

The rain pattered down as Zinnia stepped outside towards Alton. He turned to her as not a single raindrop fell on her. Bone dry she looked at Alton blankly. "Are you really here?"

Alton tapped Zinnia's head. "Is that good enough answer for you? What's the chance it starts raining? Just my luck."

Zinnia lowered her head. "Yeah, luck…"

"Did you kill her?" Goro whimpered.

"Who knows. I just know she won't be hurting anyone anymore."

Goro nodded. "Right. I'll go and make sure…"

The streaming drones began flying around as the chat was going crazy. Alton destroyed the drones shaking his head. "I don't have much patience for an audience."

Alice walked out, helping Iris walk as she looked up as the fog subsided, and the sun shined on them. "The Alice assumes it's over."

The police began turning up arresting the last of the Cult as Scarlett and Emil came out looking confused. Alton wraps his arm around Zinnia, laughing. "Yeah, it's all over now."

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