Chapter 84: Only I Am Worthy Part 2

Gemini hated funerals. So, did most people, Gemini more than others. Especially when the said funeral was so personal to her, her sister was dead—an apparent suicide. Even after living with her for years, spending every waking moment reading to be streamers, she was none more aware than anyone else Aoi was going through this. But that wasn't the only reason she hated funeral though. She felt so out of place compared to everyone. Everyone wore black suits and dresses perfectly ironed and looked after. It was respectful. Gemini wore her work clothes. The bright orange colours clashed with everyone else, combined with it being slightly torn was faded ketchup stains up her arms, well as that, her mishmash of highlights in her hair was dirty and inappropriate, the drained short shoulder-length black mixed with her green highlights which were wearing down due to the lack of care would make anyone stare. And that's all she noticed. In the corner of her eye was people staring at her. She didn't want to nor care to look back. It was a minor annoyance, and that's it.

It was close to raining as clouds began to form around the cemetery. Gemini looked up at the sky as a single raindrop splattered on her face. She wiped her face looking back down at the coffin her sister was being buried in. A rose by her side, Gemini effortlessly chucked the rose down as she turned around walking off. The others who had come to pay respects watched her walk off. She held her head down low as she heard the snarly and spiteful comments being made about her. She bit her lip in anger as she held her tongue about the comments.

The rain began to downpour as she made her way under the nearest tree for cover. Gemini stood idly by watching the small crowd of people around the grave leaving, some running to their car others still standing by the grave tore by their losses. Gemini let out a sigh as she snapped out a cigarette holding it in her mouth as she looked around her pockets for her lighter. She soon realised she left it at her house, making her groan to herself. That was until a lighter was held out in front of her. She peered to her left, seeing a well-kept boy in a black suit. He gave her a reinsuring smile as he lit her cigarette. Gemini didn't say anything as she took her first puff staring out back at the cemetery, keeping her silence making the situation slightly awkward. The man coughed faintly catching her attention "I'm sorry about your loss."

"Of course, you are. Everyone is. That's all I have heard today. I don't even know half the people here. They aren't actually sorry. They have to say it. Out of respect" Gemini chuckled ever so faintly to herself

The boy stood idly nodding to her "She had a lot of friends. Your sister was sure a popular girl."

Gemini frowned slightly taking the last puff of her cigarette as she threw it to the floor "Well that's just how Aoi was. She was the cool popular girl while I was the one no one knew or wanted to know." Gemini rolled up another cigarette moaning to herself "I use to be so envious of her. She was the perfect sister who everyone loved and wanted to know. I feel so stupid for letting that get to me for so long" Gemini looked at the boy wagging her cigarette around. He rolled his eyes, lighting her second smoke. Gemini looked back out to the cloudy sky as she glared at the boy "It doesn't quite feel real."

"Understandable. Must be quite traumatic."

"No, it's not that. When I saw Aoi that night. I really felt nothing. Strange, isn't it?"

"You don't recognise me, do you?"

Gemini scoffed staring at him. "You're Goro Nakamura. One of my sister's best friends."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "So, you do remember. Can't say I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. We never talked that much."

Gemini squatted down, throwing the smoke away, cupping her head in her hands. "You loved her, didn't you? No point in hiding it, she would always talk so highly of you it made me sick."

"Yeah, I did."

"Must be quite the blow for you then, huh?" She tutted. "She never showed any signs of suicide. If she did, she did a bloody good job hiding it. She was so hopeful and excited for the V.I.R.A.L exams; this was the last thing I thought would happen."

"Don't go blaming yourself."

"I'm well beyond that." She said spitting. "To be all honest, I should be down there, and she should be standing here. I'm just a useless nobody."

Goro glared down at her uneasy. "That's only you saying that. I'm sure Aoi looked up to you?"

"Or pitied me. Couldn't stand the sight of me that she had to end it all? Is that the reason you killed yourself, sister? I won't blame you if that's the case…"

Unsure what to say to that Goro decided to change the subject. "Are you still going onto stream?"

I'm not sure. Most likely not. Although it was my idea, it's hard to see me doing it without her." She said honestly. "We had our name all planned out too. Paradox."

"You still can. I passed my exams. If you want, you could do it with me?"

Gemini stood up, shaking her head. "This is exactly what I'm talking about. Nobody wants to know me when she was alive. But the moment Aoi dies I'm the talk of the town. All of a sudden everyone wants to know who Gemini Fujisaki is. It pisses me off; they don't care who I am; they just do it out of respect. Is that all this is? A way to make it up to me because you knew my sister. Give me a fucking break and get out of my sight. I want nothing to do with you Goro."

Goro closed his lighter sighing. "If that's what makes you happy, so be it, but just a step back and really thinks. Would this really be what your sister wants?"

Goro left as Gemini cursed under her breath. "What she wants for me? Who cares about that?"

"Indeed, who really cares what Gemini Fujisaki wants? After all, it's all about Aoi. Always has and always will be." A voice echoed out.

Gemini looked around seeing no source to the voice. The rain was still in full effect, and a thick layer of fog was looming over just beyond the cemetery. The voice was captivating to her, so much so she left the safety of the trees walking back to the grave. Aoi's coffin lay dormant, but it was different. Gemini was taken back to find it wrapped in vines and flowers. This wasn't like that before. "Are you still with me, Gemini? Have you fully lost yourself yet?"

She turned around, seeing Rodger Bones standing alone. He stared at Gemini tutting. "Truly a tragic loss. Poor, poor Gemini. Why does this world take so much within such little time?"

"I don't understand? But Aoi…"

"Aoi is right here. Am I not talking to her? After all, it's Gemini who is down there, yes? That's what you would like to believe is it not?"

Gemini felt light-headed as she fell to her knee. "What, what's happening? Who are you?"

Rodger kneeled, staring at her in the eyes. "I can make that happen. Why should you be someone you're not? You are Aoi Fujisaki, and I can make that happen. Why suit for second best? You deserve everything you want. Only you are worthy after all Aoi."

Gemini looked behind her at the grave, unsure. "What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"I'm nobody—just your golden ticket to the high life. Your sister made a deal with me, and now it's only fair I do the same for you. She was so worried about you, always wanting the best for her little sister. How sweet, but that deal drove her over the edge. It was too much for her, and she just couldn't handle it. Anyone who can't keep to their deal all shares the same fate. It's enviable."

"You killed her."

"Why yes, yes, I did. But which sister did I kill? Aoi Fujisaki? Or maybe Gemini Fujisaki instead? You can decide that."

"Why would I ever make a deal with you after what you did to my sister? You tormented her to her death."

Bargaining stood her smugly shrugging. "I guess you do have a point. But that was only because she wasn't worthy. She wasn't up to the task. I can see it in your eyes though Aoi. You can overcome and surpass your sister. It horrible it really is. Your dreams were to become the number one streamer like so many others. Yet she is dead, and people are stealing your dream. People who lie and cheat, kill and manipulate to get to the top. Why should they get a spot at the top while you fall and stumble before even starting? I don't see that as being fair. Am I wrong?"


"Exactly. They are not worthy. The liars, the cheaters, the killers. Suppose they keep this up who will stop them. Who will teach them a lesson?"

Gemini's eyes widen as she held her head in pain. "I could."

"Yes! Yes, of course, you can. It's only natural. Aoi Fujisaki is changing the world for the better, weaving out the sinners and criminals for a better tomorrow. One where only the worthy are allowed. If you accept my deal, I can help you achieve that goal."

"I don't know…"

"Gemini Fujisaki would say that. She's indecisive. She was lost and unworthy. But tell me. What would Aoi do?"

Gemini stood up, feeling dizzy as her hand began trembling. "I would do it. No matter the cost. Only I am worthy."

"Good, that's what I like to hear. You are Aoi Fujisaki. You are the Paradox. So, all that's left is the question. Shall we make a deal?"

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