Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 764: Wang Jian Almost Loses Everything

Chapter 764: Wang Jian Almost Loses Everything

Leon Devereux wasn't one to back down easily.

After seeing that Wang Jian, Charlotte, and Sarah had managed to weather the initial wave of attacks, he knew it was time to step things up. He didn't get where he was by playing fair. Leon had more tricks up his sleeve, and he was determined to crush his enemies.

It didn't take long for his next plan to come into action. This time, he would hit them where it hurt the most: the integrity of their businesses.

Late one afternoon, as Wang Jian sat in his office, reviewing the latest reports on their efforts to counter Leon's first wave of attacks, Sarah burst in, looking flustered.

"We've got a problem," she said, her voice tight with stress. "Government officials and police have just entered our headquarters. They're investigating us for embezzlement."

Wang Jian stood up, his expression darkening. "Embezzlement? That's a ridiculous accusation."

Charlotte came in right behind Sarah, equally agitated. "They've already frozen some of our accounts while they 'investigate.' If this goes on, we could lose access to our operating funds. We can't keep doing business with these restrictions in place."

Wang Jian's mind raced. Leon had obviously orchestrated this. He knew that without access to their finances, Charlotte and Sarah's companies would struggle to survive.

"We need to deal with this carefully," Wang Jian said, trying to keep calm. "What evidence are they claiming to have?"

Charlotte shook her head. "Nothing solid, just 'suspicions' based on some anonymous tips. But it's enough to drag our names through the mud and tie up our funds."

"This is his second wave," Wang Jian muttered, pacing back and forth. "Leon's not going to let up. We handled the media and the regulators, but now he's using the government and the police."

Sarah clenched her fists, frustration evident in her voice. "He's hitting us from all sides. What are we supposed to do? We can't fight off the police and the government forever."

Wang Jian stopped pacing and turned to face them. "We need to be smart about this. Leon wants us to make a mistake, to panic. But we're not going to give him that satisfaction."

Over the next few hours, Wang Jian and his team did everything they could to mitigate the damage. They called in their lawyers, reached out to any contacts they had in the government, and began preparing for what looked like a long, drawn-out battle. But despite their best efforts, Wang Jian could sense that the situation was spiraling out of control.

Later that evening, as they gathered in the living room of Wang Jian's private estate, the atmosphere was tense. Charlotte was pacing nervously while Sarah sat on the couch, rubbing her temples in frustration. Bella, Emma, and Jessica were all there as well, their concern etched on their faces.

"This is getting out of hand," Charlotte said, her voice trembling with worry. "If they keep digging, it could ruin everything we've built."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Leon's not going to stop until he's destroyed us. And at this rate, he's going to succeed."

Wang Jian remained silent for a moment, deep in thought. He knew they were right. Leon had pushed them into a corner, and it was only a matter of time before things got worse.

Finally, Wang Jian spoke. "We can't keep fighting him like this."

Everyone turned to him, their eyes wide with concern.

"What do you mean?" Charlotte asked.

Wang Jian took a deep breath. "I mean, we need to get out. Leon's using his influence in the government, the police, and probably even higher than that. If we stay here, we're sitting ducks."

Sarah frowned. "You're saying we should run?"

Wang Jian nodded. "Yes. At least for now. We'll take what we can-our personal money, whatever assets aren't frozen yet-and get the hell out of here. We need to regroup, come up with a new plan, and strike back when we're in a better position."

Bella, who had been quiet up until now, chimed in. "But where will we go?"

"We'll figure that out," Wang Jian said. "But first, we need to get our cash together and disappear before Leon's next attack hits us."

Charlotte hesitated. "Do you really think it's that bad?"

Wang Jian met her eyes. "It's going to get worse, Charlotte. If we stay, we'll lose everything."

Charlotte exchanged a glance with Sarah, and they both nodded, realizing Wang Jian was right. It was time to act.

That same night, Wang Jian set their escape plan into motion. He instructed Charlotte and Sarah to withdraw as much cash as they could from their personal accounts, while Bella and Jessica were tasked with buying a large van-something inconspicuous that wouldn't draw attention. They worked quickly, knowing that Leon's reach could extend even further, and time was not on their side.

"We've got the van," Bella said a few hours later, walking back into the estate. "It's parked out back. We can load it up now."

Wang Jian nodded. "Good. Start packing the cash. We don't want to leave a trail, so make sure it's all physical currency."

Sarah emerged from her office, holding several large bags stuffed with cash. "This is everything I could get before they froze the rest of my accounts."

Charlotte came in right behind her with more bags of cash. "Same here. It's not much, but it

should be enough to get us out of here."

Wang Jian eyed the bags. "It'll have to do. Now, let's move."

They quickly loaded the cash into the van, working under the cover of night. Wang Jian's girlfriends—Charlotte, Sarah, Bella, Emma, and Jessica—were all on edge, moving quickly and quietly. Even Charlotte's young son and Sarah's little girl were part of the escape, bundled into the van along with the rest of their belongings.

Wang Jian glanced around, making sure no one had spotted them. "Alright, let's get out of


They piled into the van, with Wang Jian behind the wheel. The van was cramped with people and bags of cash, but no one complained. They knew they didn't have the luxury to be comfortable.

As they drove away from the city, Wang Jian kept his eyes on the rearview mirror, watching for any signs of pursuit. For now, the road was clear, but he knew that wouldn't last forever.

"Where are we going?" Charlotte asked, her voice tense.

Wang Jian glanced over at her. "We're heading out of California. I've got a few safehouses lined up in other states. We'll lay low for a while, regroup, and figure out our next move."

Sarah leaned back in her seat, looking out the window at the city lights fading into the distance. "I still can't believe this is happening."

Bella, who was sitting beside her, gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "We'll get through this. We've got each other, and Wang Jian knows what he's doing."

Wang Jian smirked at Bella's confidence in him, though he didn't feel entirely as certain. He was well aware that Leon was a formidable adversary, and escaping California didn't guarantee their safety. But for now, all they could do was keep moving.

The hours passed in silence, the hum of the van's engine the only sound as they drove through

the night. Every now and then, Wang Jian would glance at the rearview mirror, still watching

for any signs of pursuit. His instincts told him they were safe for the time being, but he knew Leon wouldn't give up so easily.

"We'll need to stay off the radar for a while," Wang Jian said finally, breaking the silence. "Leon's probably already got people looking for us."

Sarah sighed, her fingers tapping nervously against the armrest. "What's our plan once we get

out of California?"

Wang Jian considered her question for a moment. "We'll lay low, regroup, and then come up

with a new strategy. Leon's made this personal, so we'll hit him where it hurts. But first, we need to make sure we're safe."

Charlotte, sitting in the passenger seat, looked over at him. "And then what? How do we fight


Wang Jian's expression hardened. "We'll find a way. Leon's not invincible, and we've got resources of our own. We'll figure out his weaknesses and take him down."

Bella, who had been quiet for most of the drive, spoke up from the back. "Whatever we do,

I'm in. I'm not letting that bastard destroy everything we've worked for."

Jessica nodded in agreement. "Same here. We'll fight back, no matter what."

Wang Jian glanced around at the determined faces of the women surrounding him. They were

all in this together, and though the road ahead would be difficult, he knew they had a chance.

"We'll survive this," Wang Jian said firmly. "And when we do, Leon Devereux is going to

regret ever coming after us."

The van sped down the highway, leaving California behind as Wang Jian and his allies began their journey into the unknown.

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