Villain: Madam, would you like to dine with me tonight?

Chapter 349: One episode is not enough!

"Can't lick-!"

Before I finished speaking, it was already too late.

Wrapped in Cao Bin's coat, Jingjing sucked Ah Man's fingers vigorously.

It turned out that the two people who had survived the disaster roasted a chicken. It must be said that Cao Bin's cooking skills were outstanding. After eating, Jingjing didn't even let go of his fingers.

"Suck your finger to the original chicken, what is the original chicken if you don't suck it? Burp~" After sucking his fingers, he quietly patted his belly with a satisfied look on his face.

"Then why don't you suck your own fingers?"

"It's done. I just asked you. You said you didn't want it. Don't waste it. I don't dislike you at all, Brother Bin~ Heehee (#^.^#)"

"I despise you~o(一︿一+)o"

"Liar! (??????)?? I just bit that chicken leg, Brother Bin, and you still ate it with relish!"


Cao Bin had no choice but to say, "Classmate Ran Jing, you are not afraid at all. We are alone overseas and in a desperate situation!"

"Surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings. Generally speaking, the place where we crash will not deviate too far from the route. If the plane explodes and crashes, the airline will definitely send people to search for rescue, and the motherland will definitely not abandon us, be good. Just wait~"

"You are open-minded, but what if we can't be found?"

"Even if we can't be found, there are still so many chickens on the island that we can eat for a long time. We won't starve to death for a while. Besides, I'm not afraid at all with you by my side!"

Unexpectedly, Ran Jing is not only a little green tea, but also a very funny and funny girl.

Or maybe Cao Bin really gave her enough sense of security to allow her to completely let herself go.

Yawning, she quietly took Cao Bin's arm and rested it on his shoulder: "I'm a little sleepy after eating~ Brother Bin, lend me your shoulder to sleep for a while~ Wow~ (yawn)"


Looking at the profile of Jingjing, who was breathing lightly and falling asleep quickly, Cao Bin smiled.

It turned out that the passenger plane was hit by a missile and disintegrated a few hours ago.

Jingjing, who was protected by Cao Bin, had no time to discover his secret and fainted instantly due to loss of pressure and oxygen and the overload acceleration.

When she woke up, she was already on this isolated island.

Cao Bin, the chicken thief, pretended to be unconscious, but quietly woke him up with fear and worry.

Seeing that he was still alive, the girl cried with joy.

So she was also afraid, otherwise she wouldn't have been so exhausted that she could actually fall asleep just a few hours after such a big thing in broad daylight.

Cao Bin found the island nearby.

There are no traces of people but people living there.

It is about twenty nautical miles away from the core area where the plane completely crashed.

The passenger plane was blown apart in the air and crashed down from an altitude of 10,000 meters. The sea surface was no different from the land.

As he dodged and flew away, he glanced at it from a distance and could barely see a piece of debris exceeding one square meter.

One can imagine what happened to the rest of the chickens.

If there wasn't a sky-defying mecha like him, not even the complete pieces would be found, let alone the whole corpse.

Becoming fish rations can barely be regarded as a small and trivial atonement for the deep sins their race has committed against the ocean.

The beauty is beside you, the fragrance is faint.

The salty sea breeze blows and the slanting sun has a unique flavor.

Cao Bin saw that Jingjing seemed to be sleeping deeply, and his eyes lit up when he caught a glimpse of the snow-white collar.

After swallowing like a pig, he smiled obscenely and took out his big treasure - his mobile phone! !

Alone overseas, no signal.

In this extreme situation, the importance of Huawei's satellite communications as a killer was immediately reflected.

"Hello? It's me, eldest brother. Don't worry, it's okay. I'm lucky enough to escape. I'm on an uninhabited island off the coast of the Foot Basin Country. I'm safe."

"Okay, I'll send you the coordinates right now, but brother, you don't have to come to me in a hurry and report the coordinates two days later. It's nothing. I found that this trail seems to have some unknown secrets. Maybe I can follow up. It’s the same surprise as the northern part of Myanmar!”


"Sister Shu Xin, why is the phone turned off?"


"Hello? It's me Qingcheng, please don't get me excited. If I don't have a deep understanding of Mr. Song, how could I be willing to die..."

"Don't worry, I'm safe. Are you in Tokyo? Okay, I'll go find you in two days!"


"Huh? Are you crying, Sister Wan? Are you shedding tears for me? Don't worry, the South-to-North Water Diversion is right, but you have to take it easy? Leave some for the south, otherwise your tears will drain the water reserves. In the future, Aren’t I going to take the dry road all the way to the south? The dry road is not easy to walk, so of course you don’t care, but my brother will suffer the same consequences!”

Despite Su Wan's gentle and delicate temperament, she bared her teeth in embarrassment: "Yingxue is right, you are a bastard!"

"Husband~!!!!!!" Yingxue screamed affectionately next to her, which made Ah Mao's scalp numb and her body and mind feel comfortable.

"Tang Dabao? It doesn't matter. You can cry all you want. It doesn't matter if your tears have dried up. I really want to relive the feeling of walking on the dry road with you for the first time."

"Bad guy! Just wait, I won't—kiss you to death!"


Sang Yu, Xi Ning, and Su Su, these girls had no way to know the news that they were on the crashed flight, so there was no need to keep them safe.

As for Zheng Qingzhu, there is no need.

My precious Black Widow has seen it before. She shouldn't believe that just two missiles can kill her man.

Cao Bin tried to call Sister Shu Xin again, but was still prompted to shut down her phone.

From what she knew about her sister, she estimated that this would be on a flight to Tokyo.

So I edited a message and sent it: Sister, I’m fine, don’t worry, I love you~?!

It's easy to operate alone.

"So, these are the sisters I need to explain to?"

Jingjing's voice caught him off guard. Cao Bin turned his head and saw his starry eyes slightly opened, and the two of them looked at each other.

There is a hint of embarrassment in the ambiguity.

"Ah?" Cao Bin pretended to be confused.

"Isn't it?" Jingjing blinked: "Brother Bin, before you got on the plane, you told me that if she misunderstood, I would explain to them. Did I hear you correctly?"

"So besides eldest brother, the ones you just called to report that they were safe were all them?"


"I knew it!"

Tears fell down Ran Jing's eyes, her eyes turned red and she choked with sobs: "Brother Bin, if we can still go back alive, please don't contact us again in the future."

"..." Cao Bin's face changed slightly. Is the situation out of control?

What went wrong? Did I overestimate my own routine or underestimate Jingjing's moral values?

"Maybe this is God's will."

"God's will made me fall in love with a man who is not single. I can't blame God. I also deceived myself. I pretended that you were single and allowed you to flirt with me. Unknowingly, I became the green tea I hate."

Jingjing wiped her face and pulled her hands and head away from Cao Bin's arm.

"But maybe it was God's will that we all survived the catastrophe and were left on this lonely desert island overseas."

"This is our last time together. This may also be our last time in this life. I don't want to waste it, let alone leave any regrets."

Jingjing suddenly stood up and sat on Cao Bin's lap, hugging his neck.

His eyes were pious, like a pilgrim.

"So even if we never see you again, I still want to love you once more!"

He gently held Cao Bin's cheek and kissed it, and said close to his ear: "I want to give my most precious thing to my brother. Can my brother be as gentle and gentle as he is to his sisters?"


Cao Bin is categorical!

"One time is not enough!"

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