Villain: Madam, would you like to dine with me tonight?

Chapter 346: Hold me tight!

The plane was in the air for about two hours.

At this time, he had already left China.

Passed through the four cities of Toyo Fukue, Saikai, Nagasaki and Kumamoto.

Arriving at the offshore area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, which is the land of the Foot Basin Country.

At this moment, Cao Bin's uneasiness had reached the point of anxiety.

Even his face became a little ugly.

"Something's wrong~" Cao Bin's eyes were solemn.

With his ears and eyes clear, he seemed to faintly hear strange noises, and felt an unusual air flow in the turbulent clouds.

"Cao Shangshang, what's going on?"


[Baba, you called me? 】

The system's lazy and cute voice sounded: [Hey~ It's okay, the flight you are on is locked by a surface-to-air missile]

"You call this okay?" Cao Bin's hair suddenly exploded.

[Don’t worry, Ba Ba, the Shenlong mecha is not a vegetarian. Two Raptor missiles can’t break even a little bit of skin. Even if you didn’t notice the aircraft before it was hit by the missiles, the Shenlong suit that has recognized its master will automatically I'll protect you, I won't hurt you at all. 】

[As for the little girl next to you, if you think about it, the plasma light shield will instantly wrap her up, and she will be fine. 】


"What's wrong, Brother Bin?" Ran Jing, who had just been sleeping peacefully next to her, was awakened, rubbing her sleepy eyes and asking with concern.

The flight attendant of Dongyang Airlines not far away also came forward with a friendly smile: "Kao Ni Qi wow..."

"Can you speak Chinese?"


Hearing Cao Bin's pure Chinese pronunciation, the Yangtian Airlines stewardess was surprised, as if Cao Bin should not be on this plane.

His attitude and expression instantly turned 180 degrees, and he said coldly in English with a strong Tokyo accent: "I'm sorry, sir, we know six languages, but we haven't learned Chinese yet. We can't meet your communication requirements. Do you speak English, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean or Oriental?”

Cao Bin was too lazy to talk nonsense with her: "Tell you, captain, to change the planned route immediately. Don't go to Tokyo. Contact the tower to find the nearest airport to land."

It’s not Our Lady of Ahan, but we in China have always been rich in martial virtue!

"Sir, what do you mean by this?" Xu heard the seriousness in Cao Bin's words. The other person suddenly spoke Chinese with a smooth accent, and there was no hint of an exotic accent. The dog just couldn't speak it?

A footpot chicken with 100% Oriental origin can speak Chinese as fluently as Cao Bin. No matter how you look at it, this flight is weird.

However, Cao Bin had no intention of pursuing these matters at the moment and gave them the last trace of mercy.

"Don't waste time, otherwise the lives of everyone on the plane will be in danger. Go and inform your captain to change the route!"

"Sir, you——"

"I know what you are thinking. I am not a terrorist. My intuition tells me that there will be danger. If you delay it any longer, you may really take the entire cabin to hell!"

The bandy-legged stewardess from Dongyang looked horrified and immediately waved her hand to summon the air traffic police.

At this moment, she had already regarded Cao Bin, who had kindly reminded her, as a terrorist causing trouble.

Cao Bin was amused by the other party's actions.

Good words can't persuade a damned person, but mercy can't save people!

The voice in my ears was very certain.

Two raptors were close at hand.

Cao Bin shouted in a deep voice: "Quiet!"


"hold me!"



"Oh~ (*?_?*)"

Less than ten seconds after quietly sneaking into Cao Bin's arms, the two of them were surrounded by Toyo Air Police!


In late spring, early summer is approaching, a huge "firework" blooms over the Pacific Ocean, and the plane disintegrates instantly...

same moment.

It’s still the same female doctor at the Hong Kong Ann Gynecology Clinic in Hong Kong Island.

Qingcheng, who was dressed in splendid clothes, sat in front of her. Mr. Song, who was as dignified and beautiful as a peony in the flourishing age, felt rare and awkward at this moment.

The charming red phoenix eyes looked at the doctor expectantly: "Doctor, this time I..."

"Congratulations to Miss Song. This time it is real and not a false pregnancy."


Her bright eyes suddenly brightened, her white palms immediately clenched into fists, and Qingcheng's heartfelt joy appeared on her face.

She, who had always been cool and calm during major events, was as excited as a young girl in love. She held the doctor's hand and said, "Is it true?"

"Really, really! It's been more than two months, but you can't be careless. Pay attention to taking good care of it. It will only be stable after a hundred years. If you don't pay attention, there may be a risk of a tire slip."


Qingcheng nodded vigorously with a warm and friendly smile: "I understand, doctor, thank you."

"Miss~" Xiaoying (Qingcheng's female bodyguard) suddenly rushed in.

"I'm pregnant with Xiaoying!" Qingcheng turned around and happily shared.

But I saw Xiaoying as if he was struck by lightning.

Is the lady pregnant?

The smile on Qingcheng's face remained calm, and she asked calmly, "What's wrong? Something happened at home? Are those uncles acting like monsters again?"

Xiaoying shook his head and was speechless.

"What happened?"

"Miss, I just received the news that a fully loaded Dongyang Airlines passenger plane flying from Shanghai to Tokyo lost contact in the Pacific Ocean near the Foot Basin. It is initially judged that it was hit by a missile and crashed."

Qingcheng's smile disappeared instantly, and her face turned pale as she had a premonition of something: "So?"

"He-he was on that plane."

Qingcheng was cold and clenched her fists: "Who! Who is on that plane!"

Xiaoying choked with sobs: "Miss~"

Her eyes turned red, and she felt extremely sorry for her young lady.

"I asked you who he was! Who was on that plane!"

Qingcheng roared, glaring at the queen with an aura as sharp as a sharp knife.

It’s as if the drowning man is trying to hold on to the last straw while deceiving himself.

"Cao Bin, Cao Bin is up there!"



"Doctor! Doctor!!!!!"

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