Villain: Madam, would you like to dine with me tonight?

Chapter 313 Spend a small amount of money to accomplish big things

"Sun Jida, you have gone too far!" Sun Jing immediately turned cold.

"Excessive? How could I have gone too far? My dear sister, I greet new friends politely and tell the truth. Is this called too much?"

He stretched out his hand towards Cao Bin and said with a mocking attitude that was almost alms: "Shake your hand, friend!"

Ah Ma: "..."

Ye Fan's luck is really unlucky. What kind of cerebral palsy did he suffer from?

Or is this Xi Ning's bad luck?

No matter which.

For Cao Bin, the person in front of him couldn't even stand on the stage.

shake hands?

It would be a kindness not to slap him back.

"It seems that not only is the character not good, but the education is also far behind. He doesn't even understand the most basic manners." Sun Jida put down his hand unhappily: "Xixi, how did you fall in love with this kind of person? Don't blame my brother for not warning me. You, keep your eyes open and don’t be fooled!”

"Who are you?" Xi Ning was confused and angry when facing the stranger in front of her.

Why did he slap Cao Bin randomly as soon as he came up?

Who is rude and uneducated?

If it weren't for the fact that her roommates were usually very nice to her and today was Sun Jing's birthday, she would have turned around and left with Cao Bin.

"Who am I? Xixi, are you kidding me? I'm your brother Jida! You forgot, I sit across from you every time you go to the library, and I sit behind you in open classes in the school's big classroom Did you forget that I was the class assistant who led your class during the military training at the beginning of your freshman year and bought milk tea for the girls in your class every day? And when you came to Jinzun for a part-time job, I told you that I would come every night. Have you forgotten the person who picked you up?"

The words "Brother Jida" made Xi Ning instinctively feel sick to her stomach.

She looked at the three roommates, her brows furrowed as if to ask again: Why do I know every word he said, but why can't I understand even one sentence together? I know him?

Xi Ning's confusion became the biggest humiliation in Sun Jida's eyes.

I've been trying to establish my presence in front of you for two years and you don't even remember who I am or what my name is?

He didn't believe it.

Stinky Bailian, you are pretending to be your mother!

He was filled with hostility and evil intentions: "Zhou Xining, you and him——"

"That's enough Sun Jida!" Sun Jing couldn't bear it and shouted loudly: "Come out with me!"

"I'm sorry Xi Ning, brother-in-law, please sit down first. I'll come back and explain to you later."

Sun Jida, who looked like a human and a dog, was forcefully dragged out by Sun Jing.


"Sun Jida, I've given you a lot of respect, so don't go too far!"

"It's my turn to say this, Sun Jing. We agreed in advance that we would only invite Zhou Xining to come here alone. I spent a lot of money to book a private room for your birthday. Then you not only called your two troublesome roommates over. , and asked Zhou Xining to bring his rubbish boyfriend over? Are you going to slap me in the face? "

"Why don't you take the initiative and put your face next to me and make people feel disgusted with you? I've told you before, you and Xi Ning have no chance! No chance! Xi Ning has no feelings for you at all and doesn't even care about you as a person. You yourself If you don’t believe it, who is to blame?”

"You even helped her put it on? Do you think I can't see that Zhou is pretending to be an innocent white lotus? I treated them to milk tea every day during my freshman year, how could I not be impressed by it?"

"First of all, Xi Ning doesn't like to drink milk tea. In fact, even during military training, she didn't accept a cup of milk tea from you! I admit, there are many girls who remember you, but she is not included. Xi Ning's character makes me I understand very well that she really has no impression of you, so give up, there is no way she will like you at all!"


"I'm going to your mother!"

Sun Jida raised his hand and slapped Sun Jing.

"Don't forget that your father has to rely on my father for food, and we are relatives. If that pretty boy gives you a fake bracelet, you can just turn your elbow wherever you want. Isn't that mean?"

Sun Jing was indifferent.

The palm prints on my face were very faint, but they really hurt.

She raised her head and said, "Remember this slap, our family's past relationship has been cleared up."

"How can such a good thing be done? How much is a slap on your face worth? What you and your parents owe our family can't be paid back even if you just lie around and earn it for the rest of your life. I'm giving you a chance. Help me deal with Zhou Xining today. It’s almost the same!”

"You're dreaming!" Sun Jing gritted her teeth and said resolutely, "I'm already sorry to my friend for letting you appear here today. I can't possibly harm her again!"

"You - Sun Jing, believe it or not, I will tell your father to pack up and get out of here when I get back!"


When studying "Six Kingdoms" in Chinese language in high school, Sun Jing always had a questioning and puzzling attitude towards the sentence "The land is a matter of Qin, and you still hold the salary to put out the fire. If the salary is not exhausted, the fire will never be extinguished."

At that time, she thought how could someone be so stupid as to put out a fire without a salary?

Until Sun Jida said this.

The boomerang of youth accurately hit her between the eyebrows as she faced a realistic choice.

Great enlightenment.

If you don’t want to fight the fire without a paycheck, you can only break and then build.

"You'd better keep your word. Also, from now on I won't be able to help you find out any information about Xi Ning. Stay away from her! In addition, you should make a list of everything you spent here today. Give it to me, and I will return it to you with interest!"

"You-" Sun Jida was furious.

"Sun Jing, are you jealous? Are you afraid that Zhou Xining will follow me and live a good life in a wealthy family, while you are still the humble grassroots who can only work hard in silence?"

"You should have told me earlier! If you had told me earlier, could this brother help you find a good place to go?"

"Does Stone Buddha King Yaozong know? My father's big boss is worth tens of billions. I can introduce you to his son Xiang Shao as a mistress! San'er Xiang Shao, who has no academic qualifications like you, will probably like you."

"I would rather be the concubine of a wealthy family than the wife of a wealthy family."

"Anyway, with your background, you can't avoid being ridden by others. Why don't you lie down somewhere with a higher quality of life and more comfort?"

"Haha~" When her face was completely broken, Sun Jing was extremely grateful for her decision.

When you move forward bravely with the mentality of risking your life in the worst possible outcome, you realize that there are actually very few things in this world that can make you constraint and fearful.

Sun Jing sneered: "Keep such a good opportunity to yourself. Rich second-generation female students have played too much and it is refreshing to see a shameless and cheap man like you. Isn't this how your father rose to the position of driver!" "

"Fuck you..."

Sun Jida, who broke through the defense, started to spray. How could Sun Jing wait for scolding and then open the box door and run away.

The man surnamed Sun swung out his fist but missed the target. He was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger and almost exploded on the spot.

Almost at the same time.

Jinzun lobby manager Zheng Xin (the one who was nice to Xi Ning) knocked on the door of the chairman's office.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Cao is here. He is in the private room No. 3 downstairs."


Pink jacket, short skirt of the same style, and crisp white legs.

She holds a cup of coffee in her hand, her long hair is intellectual and elegant. She is Ye Shiqi, the chairman of Jinzun (the sister of Ye Shiyun, the first love of eldest brother Cao Ren).

"No. 3?" Ye Shiqi joked: "Let's call him low-key. The last time he came here, he spent tens of thousands on egg fried rice in the lobby, which made everyone famous. To say high-profile, he couldn't even bear to book a private room with a sky-high size. This What this guy does is really confusing. Is he looking for me?"

"That's not true. You had previously told important guests to greet you when they came over, so..."

"And it was not Master Cao who booked the private room today. He seems to be attending a friend's birthday party with Xi Ning."

"Are they really together?"

"should be."


Ye Shiqi scorned: "The red flag does not fall down at home, but the colorful flags are flying outside. As expected of him, Cao Amo, eating the food in the bowl and looking at the food in the pot, looking for his mother-in-law all over the world. Okay, I understand, since he didn't look for me, there's no need for him Hurry up and get together, you go ahead."

"Mr. Ye, there is some surveillance here and I think I should show it to you~"


Zheng Xin stepped forward and showed Ye Shiqi the scene of the beating of Dizi No. 3 grandson Sun Jing not long ago.

"This man looks familiar. He looks a bit like Wang Yaozong's old driver who had average driving skills but had sex with men. His son?"

"Yes, Director Ye, today's number three was assigned by him using Mr. Wang Yaozong's card. In addition, I don't know if you still remember. Once, this guy drove Wang Yaozong's car to the club to force Xi Ning to pick up Xi Ning from get off work. Our security guards drove him away."

"I remember, my car was scratched when I left. Wang Yaozong came to apologize in person afterwards. I am quite favored by someone who is not this kid. I can still get Wang Yaozong's card after that."

Ye Shiqi was happy: "There is Wang Xiang in the front and this guy in the back. They are all trying to get Cao Bin's woman. Sure enough, beauty is a disaster."

"Sister Zheng, is Dizi No. 3 spending a lot tonight?"

"It's not high, about 12,000, mainly the cost of the private room. The dishes are all the most ordinary home-cooked dishes, specially ordered by the person who booked the private room. They are not even as good as the two plates of egg fried rice that Master Cao ordered last time."

"Ha, you want to pick up Cao Bin, who is more stingy than me? Go and tell the front desk that tonight's consumption on Di Zi No. 3 will be charged to my account for free. Remember, you spend a small amount of money to achieve big things, and favors must be implemented. Don't let us I don’t want to be taken advantage of when I pay the bill but are given false pretense by some brainless people who have no self-awareness!”

Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I understand. "

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