Video through anime, edit ten explosive scenes

Chapter 130

Chapter 0130: Forced Growth!!!! Kuroka!!!


The black thought gradually wrapped around Xiaojie, who was standing with his head bowed.

The fierce wind blew open the gates of the castle and converged towards their rooms! The fierce wind blew out all the candles in the castle!

Countless tables and decorations fell to the ground under this sudden wind, Catwoman’s hair and tail danced in this fierce wind, watching the candles in their room fall one after another.

Under the gaze of the stunned Peter, the black thought kept rotating around Xiaojie like a cyclone!


The voice in Peter’s heart brought a tremble!

Even if she gained the knowledge of the ability to read by dissecting Bakuk’er’s brain, she didn’t understand what was happening to Xiaojie now!

The overwhelming black aura made Nifei Peter look at Xiaojie intently, and even completely forgot about the fact that he could attack now!

Her pupils kept shaking, and the murderous aura that was originally urged was all forced back into her body in an instant!

Like a frightened bird!

The uneasiness in Nifepiter’s heart gradually resurfaced!

“This is… What’s going on!!????? ”

Surrounded by black thoughts!

Xiaojie, who lost his eyes, gradually rose a deep red on his body!

Without the slightest mood fluctuation, his voice slowly came out from the black thoughts: “Enough…”

“That’s the end of it…”

“It doesn’t matter.”

In a flash!

Xiaojie’s lost brown eyes were filled with endless deep darkness! The wind pressure, which was several times furious than the wind just now, burst violently from Xiaojie!

The terrifying storm made Peter involuntarily stretch out his arm and block in front of him!

With the spread of this terrifying storm!

In the midst of the black aura that is constantly sinking!

A large strand of an object that is obviously human hair is slowly growing upwards!! Then, as if I had found some trick!

The originally slow speed suddenly became rapid!

Xiaojie’s hair continued to stretch in an instant! It’s like being plucked and promoted!

Under the long flowing black hair!

Xiaojie’s body became only black and white!

Peter could even clearly see every muscle and line on Xiaojie’s black and white body!


In the incredulity on Peter’s face!

The muscles and skeletons of Xiaojie’s whole body have constantly grown beyond common sense!

Xiaojie, who was originally thin and petite, gradually turned into the silhouette of a tall adult male in a black fog!

The muscles under and below the body show an explosive beauty!

His face was pitch black, and he couldn’t see his facial features and any expression! Like the magic pool of hell!!!

Xiaojie slowly raised his right hand, feeling his indescribable state and the changes in his body, and muttered, “So I want to…”

“Use all your strength.”

Nifei Pet is back in the previous confrontation with Xiaojie!

The calm and victorious expression just now has completely disappeared!

Cold sweat kept running down her face, and all the nerves in her head were tense at this moment!

“My judgment is indeed correct!”


“The power of this kid…”

Nifeipet’s heart kept beating, and his body was full of goosebumps!

“Sure enough, it’s enough to threaten the king!”

Xiaojie’s hoarse voice interrupted her thinking! And directly sounded her last alarm!

“I’m going to…”

“Kill you!!!!!!”

Above Xiao Jie’s black cheeks where he couldn’t see anything, two white coils appeared at the position of his eyes!

The overwhelming black aura burst out again!


The monstrous terrifying pressure was like an ocean wave, washing Niphipiter’s nerves wave after wave!

Xiaojie’s figure continued to enlarge in her eyes, and this feeling that almost made her unable to breathe became the last straw that crushed her!


Hokage World! Naka Shinobi Exam Venue!

The sudden change that happened to Xiaojie in the projection screen made everyone present hold their breath uncontrollably!

Naruto swallowed a mouthful of spit and stammered, “Xiao, little Jay, he…”

“What happened!!???”

“That black breath, and the wind…”

“How did his hair become like that!!!”

Xiaojie’s beast-like roar brought him a great shock! It is a voice that contains anger and enlightenment!!!

Obviously a child of the same age as him…

Why can you make such a stunned roar in your heart? It may be the reason for the inheritance of Wave Feng Shuimen.

Naruto’s heart hides a gentleness and kindness that even he can’t detect.

Including when he grows up, he will also feel that hatred can always be resolved.

But now, he has a profound understanding…

There is some hatred that cannot be dissipated in any way.

It will even grow deeper over time!

Thinking of this, Naruto involuntarily clenched his fists! Beside him, Sasuke also looked at the screen projection with a solemn face! Xiaojie’s current situation made him involuntarily think of Naruto! This black, ominous aura…

Just like the red chakra that emanated from Naruto’s body when he fought against Shiro and no longer slashed in the Land of Waves!

It’s just as hairy!

“Little Jie, he…”

“Is it the same as Naruto…?”

“This power does not belong to him now!!!

Cold sweat kept running down Sasuke’s forehead.

Great power comes a strong price! This is the truth since ancient times!

What exactly Xiaojie will become after this, Sasuke can no longer imagine.

World of Death! Kuzacho!

Urahara store underground!

Xiaojie, whose body was constantly changing in the projection screen, made everyone sitting here swallow.

Kurosaki Ichigo pointed to the projection screen and said excitedly: “This, what’s going on!!!?? ”

“How did Xiaojie’s body become like this!!!”

“It’s like… It’s like suddenly growing up!!! ”

Beside him, Chadu Taihu spoke: “This, is it Xiaojie’s own ability?” ”

“Was it specially trained to defeat Nifei Peter?”

Hearing Chadu’s voice, Ishida Yulong pushed his glasses nervously and said, “No…”

“It shouldn’t be like that…”

“Xiaojie now feels like…”

Kisuke Urahara pressed the brim of his hat and took the words and said, “It’s almost like ‘virtual’, right?” ”

Hearing Urahara Kisuke’s voice, Ishida Yulong nodded slowly and said: “From Xiaojie’s shout, I heard the obsession that is difficult to let go…”

“Although I will not listen to the voice of every spirit like you death.”

“But I also fully understand their extreme emotions…”

“Now Xiaojie, just like those spirit bodies finally transformed.”

The feeling before “virtual” is exactly the same!! ”

Inoue Orihime also frowned and said, “What Ishida said is not wrong at all…”

“Just hearing Xiaojie’s voice can make people feel the sadness and pain in his heart!”

“It’s obviously such a small child…”

“I really want to share a share of his grief…”

Speaking of this, Inoue involuntarily clasped his hands into fists and put them on his chest.

If prayer is useful…


Please survive!……


Xiao Jie’s beast-like roar, like a giant hand, tightly strangled her throat!

Nifeipet’s body involuntarily took two steps back, raised his hands flat to the sides of his body in cold sweat, and curled up one leg!

“Kuroko Mai wants to!!!!”

“Dance beyond the limit!!!!”

The red demon doll master suddenly appeared behind her, stretched out his hands and eight chanting strings to look at Niphipiter’s limbs and body!

This is the move she used before against Nitro! From ability to attack, it takes only 0.1 seconds!!!

The puppeteer manipulates Nifebit’s body by chanting strings, causing it to exert strength and speed beyond limits!!!

Take advantage of the fact that Xiaojie doesn’t seem to have completely finished growing up now! Nifepiter decided to go all out without reservation!!!!

Under the control of the doll master, Nifeipet’s body quickly adjusted to the most perfect state!

The muscles of his body were tense, and the thoughts on his body were gushing out like he didn’t want money!

Because I also have enough time to recharge!

Therefore, Nifei Peter’s attack this time far exceeds the power and speed of all previous attacks!

You know, when Nifei Pete seized Kate’s right arm… But the attack was launched from several kilometers away!!!

Moreover, at that time, she had not yet developed the ability to read!!!

Discover Kate from far to incredible distances, and rely solely on the flesh!!!

In an instant, it crossed a range of several kilometers, and the speed did not decrease to tear Kate’s arm!

Although Kate is only a one-star hunter, firstly, the rating of stars does not rely on force, and secondly, his master is one of the world’s five great ability to think of Jin!

But even so, he was still abused by Niphi Pet with his flesh!

With the ability to read, he can use his mind to greatly enhance his attack and defense; And using Kuroko Mai Thought, the present is fully charged!!!!

Nifei Pete was not even sure that he would be able to kill the current Xiaojie!!!!

But for the king… She can only do her best! For the king!!!!

“I’m going to be here…”

“Stop him!!!!!!”

Nifei Peter’s eyes revealed endless fierceness and nervousness! Under the control of chanting strings in the hands of the puppeteer!

Nifeipete’s legs slammed to the ground!

The devastating recoil force turned Peter’s body into a thin line and rushed towards Xiaojie, who was standing there!!!

Her pupils shrank into feline-like vertical pupils, and her sharp right paw caused bruises to burst out because she was too hard!!!

If you are fast, you can’t even capture afterimages!

Then, there was the thrust with all his might!!!!



The real feeling that pierced Xiaojie’s body in his imagination did not appear! The result was completely unexpected!!

What Nifeipit attacked was only empty air and the black aura that remained!

“How… Possible!!?? ”

Along with this attack came together.

And the incredible scream in Nifepiter’s heart!……

World of Death! Jing Ling Ting! Forty-six rooms!

Nifei Peter’s instantaneous attack, and Xiaojie’s ghost-like speed, made Lan Dye’s pupils expand instantly!

“So fast…!!”

Needless to say, Xiaojie, even Nifei Peter’s speed has far exceeded the instantaneous and resounding!!!

It is a miracle that completely surpasses the human body structure and bursts out with the ability of mind!

If it weren’t for the deliberate slowdown of a few movements by the screen casting, the current Lan Ran wouldn’t even be able to see Nifei Peter’s attack clearly!

Lan Ran took off his glasses and said slowly: “It’s really a dream-like speed…”

Ichimaru Silver on the side still looked like a smiling tiger and said, “But even so, there is no way to hurt Xiaojie.” ”

“Although there is no way to really speculate on their strength.”

“However, judging from the battles that have occurred before, the gap between the two people should be like a heavenly graben.”

Lan Ran looked at the projection screen with interest, and sighed: “The battle in another world is indeed not tired of watching…”

“Every time it brings tricks that have never been seen at all, like Pandora’s box…”

“Who edited these things and how did they allow us to see them…”

“The most shocking thing is…”

Lan Ran’s eyes flashed with a strange light, and slowly said: “Isn’t this battle still going on now?” ”

“This also means that the guy behind the scenes has the ability to predict the future.”

“I can already know the final result before it happens.”

“If that’s really the case…”

Lan Ran’s voice brought a slight hint of anger and unhappiness!

It feels like you’ve been stripped naked in front of the other person! All secrets cannot be kept!

“Then we might have to do a little more preparation, silver.”

“The situation may have turned out far beyond our expectations.”

“The battle in this other world should be nearing its end.”

Lan Ran squinted, carefully thinking about the next plan.

After a moment of silence, he slowly spoke: “You must be prepared to carry out the next plan at any time…”

“Time may be running out for us!”


World of Hunters! In a hospital!

Norbu had already arranged a doctor for Mo Lao Wu.

Now he is looking at the projection screen intently, and his whole body is shaking and biting his fingers!!!!

He clearly understood how strong Nifei was in the sky!

The terrifying malice that seemed to bite his throat made Norbu never want to experience it again in his life!!!


Face this terrifying monster! Face the attack of this monster with all your might!

That Xiaojie, who is younger than himself and has a reading ability that is not as strong as himself!!!

Not only was he not overwhelmed by her horror at all, but he even suppressed the other party in the confrontation for a while!

Now, after issuing the other party’s death declaration, he easily dodged the other party’s attack!


– The word suddenly filled Norbu’s mind!!! He covered his mouth and let his tears keep flowing! Just like Shuto!

Now Norbu is full of infinite respect for Xiaojie!!! If anyone can defeat that kind of monster, it must be a real hero!!???

That’s Xiaojie!!!!!

That is, the real brave man!!!

The strong fear that Nifei Pet brought to Norbu was completely shattered by Xiaojie at this moment!!!!

Then, as if remembering something, Norbu released his hands and muttered, “Yes…”

“Xiaojie’s friend, also on his way there…!!”

“They’re still with Ponme!!??

“If you go now, is it time????”

“They don’t have the speed of Killu, so I can definitely help!!!?”

Norbu urged his thinking ability like crazy, and the whole person sank into the black hole!

At a time when heroes are fighting hard for all mankind!!

There must be something that only you can do!!!……


Nifei Pete was completely in the air!

Don’t say anything about the fact that the attack was completely dodged…

Nifei Peter couldn’t even see Xiaojie’s figure when he was dodging! As if it never appeared!!!

Is it speed, or ability? Inside or outside?

Nifei Piet rolled in the air, his paws embedded in the ground to slow down, and quickly adjusted his body!

The pitch-black environment is not hindered by Niphipiter’s night vision at all!

Her violent heartbeat and rapid breathing echoed throughout the room! And not because of physical exertion!

It stems from the fear of Xiaojie!

She quickly looked around, but could not find any trace of Xiaojie!

Suddenly, seven thoughts of the slightest possibility appeared in her heart!

She turned her head sharply, looked at the door behind her, and thought nervously, “Could it be that he!!!!… ”

“Go to Your Majesty!!!??”

As soon as this thought appeared, it grew wildly in Niphipiter’s heart

In normal times, these two things that are impossible to associate together, but for the current quilt, they are as real as gold!

Nifei Pet ran like crazy towards the outside of the castle! She was on all fours, running with her hands and feet!

This distance from the castle is nothing to her at all!

She quickly ran to the door, and then saw a scene that she will never forget

It was a muscular man tightly wrapped in golden aura from hair to feet

The muscles of his body were like works of art, and from top to bottom, there was not a single flaw, and the surging power constantly exuded layers of pressure from his tense body.

The ‘entanglement’ that has been condensed to the extreme is even harder than the ‘hardness’ of ordinary people!

Long black hair stood on top of his head, constantly shaking.

White clothes, green shorts.

The clothes that were originally even a little loose for Xiaojie now fit tightly to his body as if they were wet!

He leaned sideways, his right fist clenched at his waist, his left arm bent elbow upwards, no doubt…

“He” is ‘Xiaojie’!

Xiaojie slowly spoke, and his raw and steady voice drilled into Nifeipet’s ears, “Come here.” ”

“I don’t want to spoil this place.”

“Over here, follow me.”

Xiaojie did not exude a trace of oppression to Nifei Peter, let alone look at her squarely.

But he just stood there.

Every cell in Nifepitt’s body was shrouded in fear-

That is the most primitive instinct of a living being!!!! If you go out…

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