Video through anime, edit ten explosive scenes

Chapter 124

Chapter 0124 – The Bottomless Malice of Mankind!!!! The Rose of the Poor!!!

Hokage World!

Outside Konoha Shinobi Village!

In the shadows, two completely dissipated figures are sitting on the stone, watching everything that happens in the projection.

It is the Uchiha weasel and the dried persimmon oni mackerel who have not left!

Because of the strong premonition of the ghost mackerel, they did not leave here directly.

Instead, he still stays outside Konoha Village!

Uchiha looked at Nitro in the projection screen.

Although without any signs.

But the ferret did feel Nitro’s heart! It was an unshakable consciousness that had been formulated long ago!

The ferret said slowly: “Is it caused by the unique environment of the other world…”

“Each of them seems to have a fiery will that cannot be cooled at all!”

“Even if the body is broken, you must achieve the enlightenment of the goal!”

Speaking of this, the weasel’s expression was a little stunned.

Can willpower be strong to that extent by changing to yourself?

The scene of the night of extinction still appears every night.

It keeps eroding the weasel’s heart.

Although everything he did was for the peace of Konoha, although he took his brother as his last consolation!

But it still can’t cover up his evil of extermination! If only his willpower were a little stronger.

If he could find another way with the water stop.

Will everything be different?

The ferret looked at Nitro in the projection screen and muttered, “What about you?” ”

“Do you only have the way now?”

“Isn’t everything you do really going to make your future self regret? World of Hunters! ”

Hunters Association!

Leoli and Kurapika have just recovered from their grief!

The bean-faced man seemed to have taken the baton, and tears welled up like a broken embankment.

“Woo hoo… President!!!!! ”

“Is the president going to die!!!????”


The mood of the bean-faced man has reached the brink of collapse!

In the projection screen, Nitro’s old body described as withered, making it completely forget everything entrusted to it by the previous guild president!

In its memory, the guild president has always been a kind, treasure-loving old man.

He treats every hunter with great care and never uses the power of the guild leader to force others to do anything.

And now, the kind president has completely disappeared.

In its place, the old man who runs out of oil and only has his last breath left!

The bean-faced man picked up the phone like crazy, and dialed it with trembling fingers.

However, no matter how many times it dialed, all it heard was a busy tone.

“Please… Is it good to answer the phone quickly!!! ”

The bean-faced man wiped his tears fiercely, choked and shouted at Leoli and Kurapika: “I’ll help you find the teleportation ability!!!! ”

“You must go and bring the president back!!!

Kurapika looked at the bean-faced man, and just wanted to nod and agree, but put down his outstretched hand!


“It’s too late.”

In his field of vision, Ant Yixu was slowly walking towards Nitro, and the bean-faced man heard Kurapika’s voice and instantly covered his mouth! Tears kept flowing from its eyes!



The ant king walked towards Nitro step by step.

For Nitro, it comes from the heart of respect.

In order to pursue the ultimate in martial arts, the days and nights of his continuous punches have been conveyed to the heart of the ant king through the ‘Heart Drop Fist Listening’.

[The ultimate of the individual].

This is neither an overstatement of praise for Nitro nor a consolation to the loser as a winner.

Just stating a fact!!!

While pacing, the ant king said slowly: “Born as an ant king, he stood at the apex of all life from the beginning. ”

“That’s the instinctive pathos of the whole race, which evolved for the sake of decay.”

“Their selfless dedication has made it happen.”

The ant king himself did not understand why he would say these things to a human who was about to make up for his death.

Perhaps before, the brilliance of human nature that I couldn’t understand in the projection screen moved me.

It may also be that in the short time with Wheat in the past few days, he has detected the slightest possibility of the human race.

All of this has become the nourishment for the growth of the ant king, an individual who has just been born!

Let it face up to his opponent, to face everything he once treated as an ant.

And now, in the face of Nitro, this [individual extreme]!

Even if it doesn’t want to insult Nitro’s dignity as a warrior as a victor.

But it feels that it is still necessary to convey the current emotions to the other party! Until now, it naively thought that as long as it defeated the guild leader, the other party would admit defeat!

Naively thought that as long as he let the other party have a way to live, he would calmly face the fact of his defeat!

All because

It has never seen the true malice of mankind at all!

The ant king walked up to Nitro and continued, “However, there is no need to use humans for reproduction. ”

“Because I realized that the strong ‘self’ of humans obviously disturbed the internal commander of the ants!”

Nitro listened to the ant king’s words, and a smile barely appeared on his withered face.

Do you think…

Do humans have only that little flaw?

Since the birth of the ant king, whether it is the civilian with no power in the NGL, or the vulnerable marshal of the Eastern Goto Republic.

In its eyes, they are all poultry that can be slaughtered at will! The ant king had never seen deeper darkness.

It has never seen the ugly faces of those in power in the real war that mankind is waging for the plunder of resources!

It has also not seen capitalists who can treat the lives of their kind as grass mustard for their own interests!

The ant king has also never seen the human tragedy of those who change their children and eat when the natural disaster comes.

Compared to the human beings who have evolved for an unknown amount of time, it is just a newly born king of a race that fled here!

The world is not the turn of the ant king to destroy.

It is not even the turn of the guild leader to come to the rescue.

For those of you at V5, it’s just a trifle that can be discussed at the dinner table.

And the ant king, who is completely unaware of all this, and still measures everything by force, is now saying the victor’s declaration to Nitro.

“For your sake, Xu will set up a special zone for mankind to live for a long time.”

“When choosing the humans to eat, quantity and quality are also considered.”

“It is not in vain that you fought alone for humanity.”

The Ant King looked at Nitro and said after a moment of silence: “Xu will not say it a second time. ”

“Say your name!”


Hokage World!

Naka Shinobi Exam Venue!

The terrifying words spoken from the mouth of the ant king in the projection screen made Naruto’s entire body shudder!

“It, what the hell is it talking about!!!!??”

“Building community for humanity??”

“Eating human???”

“Isn’t that!!!!?”

Naruto was suddenly stunned!

The previous conversation with Jiraiya echoed in his ears again!

[When humans slaughtered poultry for food, did they ever think about sparing their lives?] 】

[Of course not, that’s just poultry in captivity, right?] 】

Naruto gasped, and the whole person’s world view was completely upended here!

[Therefore, human beings are not aware of what a terrible evil captivity and slaughter are. 】

[Not only is this taken for granted, but even talking about these things feels pretentious. 】

His body trembled constantly, and a vicious cold surged out of his heart! Why……

Why didn’t I realize it before?

Isn’t what the ant king is saying now what humans have been doing?

Why is it completely unacceptable for humans to be treated like poultry?

Just because…

Are you on the side of humanity?

This sudden realization of the cruel truth made Naruto instantly at a loss! A big warm hand suddenly rested on his shoulder!

Naruto suddenly turned around and saw Jiraiya with a smile on his face.

For some reason, Jiraiya’s smile made Naruto feel a pang of relief from the bottom of his heart.

Jiraiya gently patted Naruto on the shoulder and said with a smile, “There are some things that you can’t get the right answer to anyway. ”

“It’s like the world we live in, it’s never just black and white.”

“The so-called growth is to experience everything in person, in order to make yourself more perfect through little by little accumulation.”

He looked at the ignorant Naruto, and the Buddha saw the previous wave feng shui gate.

Jiraiya slowly closed his eyes and continued, “Naruto, look with your own eyes. ”

“If eating meat is disrespectful to animal life, then does a vegetarian diet respect plant life?”

“We can only look at everything from a human standpoint.”

“Is it a sin to be born as a human being?”

Jiya touched Naruto’s head and laughed boldly!

“Although there are many ugly parts of human nature, it is precisely because of the contradictions and conflicts between positive and negative sides that people can be called people!”

“I believe that the era of true mutual understanding between people will come.”

“Although this is just a utopian fantasy.”

“But isn’t human society slowly moving forward because there are many seemingly unrealistic fantasies?”

“Naruto, take a good look and imprint all this deeply into your heart×”

Dragon Ball World! Bulma’s home!

Big Trunks clenched his fists fiercely and shouted in a low voice: “What are you kidding!!! ”

“Humans… How can it become food that you wantonly slaughter!!! ”

“It’s too cruel to talk about the human zone!!!!

“Aren’t you trying to solve problems with Nitro by talking?”

It’s completely different from all worlds, especially the pirate world.

The Z warriors of the Dragon Ball world are born with an extremely strong sense of justice! Black is black, white is white, and it will not be offset because of your purpose and position!

Moreover, they will always think firmly from the standpoint of human beings!

Or rather, they simply do not realize the existence of such a position!

As long as it is a person who endangers mankind and the peace of the earth and the universe, they are all their enemies!

Especially Da Te, you can’t turn a blind eye to this kind of thing at all!

“Is that what you call ‘talking’?”

“What’s the difference with a bandit!!!?”

Beside him, Vegeta also snorted coldly and said slowly: “It’s just a proud declaration of victory!” ”

“Isn’t it because you don’t want to fight because you have already expected the final result?”

“From the beginning, it came to the battlefield with such a mentality, right?”


Vegeta looked at Nitro’s cloudy eyes in the projection screen and muttered, “Don’t underestimate humans, ants.” ”


Hear the ant king’s self-righteous words.

Nitro’s eyes widened slightly and he laughed softly.


Do you think, you have already won? Just like I said before.

[The world is not the turn of the ant king to destroy. 】

[It is not even the turn of the guild leader to come to the rescue.] 】

[For those of you at V5, this is just a small thing that can be discussed at the dinner table.] 】

The ant king thinks he has won a victory at his fingertips.

In the vast history of mankind.

It’s just an ‘ant’ that can be crushed to death.


“Never alone.”

The only thought left in the guild leader’s body suddenly turned into a white skull that kept shaking in the eyes of the ant king!

“Don’t underestimate humans, Meluem.”

An ominous premonition instantly filled the Ant King’s whole body!

“Meruem, that’s your name.”

When Nitro uttered that name, the ant king didn’t have time to recite the byte rhymes!!!

Just staring at the old man in front of him who should have returned to the sky.

“What’s going on…?”

“This guy…”

The ant king’s heart suddenly beat extremely dramatically! It doesn’t have any signs and wants to escape this place!

Like a demon returning from purgatory, Nitro stared at Meluem in front of him with cloudy black eyes.

“Ant King Meruem.”

“You don’t understand at all…”

He showed a terrifying smile that made people tremble and hair all over his body! As if with the purest darkness in the world!!!

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or real!

Behind Nitro, the white skull stared more and more!

“The bottomless human being—”


Meluem was instantly enveloped in an indescribably large horror, which was the first time it had experienced as a king… Fear!

Fear enough to wipe out one’s life in an instant!!! It is clear that the oil has run out of lamps, and it is just waiting for death…

But the ant king really understood that the old man was not talking in vain! The old man’s expression at the moment convinced the Ant King of this.

It was a smile that he had never seen before, a smile intertwined with countless complex emotions!

The deep darkness that emerged from it was terrifying to the extent that the ant king could not bear it at all!!

In front of the ant king who is trembling all over!

Nitro stretched out his only remaining right hand, brought his index and middle fingers together, and entered his heart without any hesitation!

When your heart stops beating, ‘this thing’ kicks in. 】

“If there’s hell, let’s meet again.”

What took away the Ant King’s consciousness was its completely unexpected dazzling light!

“That’s right, you…”

“From the beginning…”

“Already checkmate.”

The furious light far surpassed all previous explosions! Huge and terrifying balls of light are constantly spreading outward!

This is the crystallization of human wisdom that Meluem never knew! The indescribable ultra-high temperature evaporated everything in it in an instant!

An earth-shattering roar rose to the sky!

The aura of destruction brought endless shockwaves and radiation, destroying everything around and taking the lives of countless living beings!

I don’t know how many tons of TNT-equivalent bombs took everything from the ant king in an instant!

The high temperature melts the rock into black red, and the center of the explosion like a crater constantly emits vicious black smoke, refusing to be invaded by all living things.

This bomb is not only low in budget and small in size, but its destructive power is even more amazing! As long as you master the technology, you can produce mass production in a short time.

Because the explosion smoke has a peculiar shape.

Hence the nickname ‘rose of the poor’.

Widely favored by small authoritarian countries.

In the middle of a wilderness!


A huge mushroom cloud slowly rises from the explosion fire!

Finally, accompanied by the explosion fire and gunsmoke, it turned into a red rose, spanning 250 countries and regions, blooming countless flowers and claiming 5.12 million lives.

It was not until the bomb was used by terrorists in the heart of the capital of the hostile country, resulting in the death of more than 110,000 people, that an international treaty banning the production of roses was concluded.

However, more than 80% of all countries have struggled to destroy and use prohibitions.

Hundreds of thousands of ‘seeds’ that have been created are quietly waiting around the world to bloom.

– How are people and ants different?

Nitro, who took this as a killer app, did he think about this question in his heart.

Until now, there is no way to know.

The “rose of the poor” is beautiful and cheap, which is a ‘little toy’ made by people to deal with themselves.

And it is this kind of ‘little toy’ that can easily kill the ant king.

How ironic.

Ants, after all, are just ants.

Write ‘malicious’, read ‘evolution’.

At the last minute, Nitro hinted to Meruem about the nature of the fight.

What is ‘bottomless malice’?

Is it social injustice in the understanding of the ant king, or is the president using highly toxic weapons? Neither.

Human malice comes from

As social animals, human beings have no bottom line of inclusiveness.

It is true that for the ‘individual’, the bloody scene of the ant king brutally killing a human child when he was just born, and throwing the leader of Dongguoto to death with one tail, is already an unbearable evil.

But for humanity as a whole, these are still insignificant.

As ‘individuals’, we can choose to eat meat, we can choose not to eat meat, and we can even criticize people who eat meat.

But as a ‘whole’, we enjoy and will continue to enjoy the stable society obtained by oppressing other species! Yes.

We simply cannot realize what a terrible evil captivity and slaughter is.

Not only is this taken for granted, but even talking about this kind of thing seems pretentious.

“Evolution” and ‘malice’ are synonymous.

The difference between them is only in the difference in position.

Because only to other animals can this be called malice.

For humans, this is evolution at its most essential level.

Man is man, ant is ant, this is the absolute limit.

And humanity does not want to repent at all, and there is nothing to repent.

Let’s raise a glass

Commemorating this creature B…

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