Video through anime, edit ten explosive scenes

Chapter 090

Chapter 0090 – Seal of Reconciliation! Return to the ordinary people!!!

Naka Shinobi Exam Venue! Anyway!

Seeing that neither of them lost their lives! Everyone still burst into laughter! Both Naruto and Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief. Iruka and Kakashi had smiles on their faces.

Hinata and Sakura wiped their tears happily.

“Still alive…”

“That’s wonderful!”

Sasuke looked at Naruto stunned.

Countless memories and emotions tugged at his heart.

He took a long breath and said slowly, “I’ve heard this for a long time. ”

Sasuke looked into Naruto’s eyes seriously and asked Tanichi, who was buried deep in his heart.

“For you…”

“What does it mean to be a friend?”

Hearing Sasuke’s voice, Naruto turned around.

He looked at the light and breezy night sky and said slowly: “Even if you ask me to explain…”

“To be honest, I don’t know much either…”

“It’s just that when I saw you carrying those burdens on your body and messing around over there…”

Naruto was silent for a moment before continuing, “I don’t know why. ”

“I would feel… Pain. ”

Sasuke opened his eyes wide and looked at Naruto blankly.

Even his mouth opened involuntarily, trembling slightly.

Naruto’s voice kept pouring into Sasuke’s mind!

Constantly pounding his psychological defenses!

Naruto smiled and continued, “It hurts…”

“Although it doesn’t hurt so much, you can’t leave it alone like this!”

He turned his head, smiled far-fetchedly, and said: “But today, my whole body hurts, and it’s completely gone!” ”

Speaking of this, Naruto felt a burst of pain coming from his right arm again, and he exaggerated out!

“Pain hurts!!!!”

Sasuke looked at Naruto in fascination.

The complicated things that were originally in mind have all disappeared at this moment.

The figure of his best friend kept flashing in his mind!

Sasuke was deeply immersed in memories!……

Memories of the past kept emerging in Sasuke’s mind.

Sasuke watched these images keep appearing.

He muttered to himself in his heart.

It was like saying it to Naruto…

It’s like saying it to yourself…


“I know…”

“You used to be alone.”

“You are the same as me who survived the Uchiha family.”

“They were all ostracized by the villagers.”

In a dimly lit space.

My childhood self looked at Naruto’s back as a child.

It’s like empathy.

Be able to feel the pain of the other person.

“You often do stupid things just to get scolded on purpose.”

“It’s to connect with others…”

The scene where little Naruto grimaced and broke someone else’s potted plant… And the scene of splashing paint on someone else on the roof of a building… One appeared in Sasuke’s heart.

“When I first saw you.”

“Think you’re bored.”

“It’s a weak person who can only mess around.”

“But, all the time watching you get scolded…”

Little Naruto was caught by the patrolling ninjas, and the scene of apologizing to passers-by one appeared in Sasuke’s heart.

At that time, he was also standing on the street, peeking at little Naruto from a distance.

“I don’t know why I can’t take my eyes off.”

“At the time I thought…”

“It was your weakness that gradually affected me.”

“After that, whenever I saw you, I cared more and more about you.”

“Watch you desperately try to connect with someone.”

A wrinkled family portrait appeared in Sasuke’s heart.

“I started thinking about my family.”

“I don’t know why, but I feel relieved.”

“But at the same time…”

“I also think it’s cowardice.”

Little Sasuke was happy and sad at the same time.

This contradictory mood made the young him at a loss! You can only keep getting into training!

“I threw myself into practice in order to escape from this cowardice!”

“In order to take revenge on my brother…”

“To become stronger than my brother!”

On the folded family portrait, the face of the ferret became more and more blurred.

“But I’m in the same class as you.”

“Then, it reminds me of my family from time to time…”

“Go on a mission with you who clamored to be Hokage.”

“I feel that each other is getting stronger and stronger.”

No more chopping, white, middle ninja exam… One enemy after another was defeated by them.

“I don’t know what day it started…”

“I had the idea of fighting you.”

“Then, I…”

Kakashi and Sakura’s figures appeared beside Naruto together.

“Gradually, in the seventh class, I saw the shadow of my family…”


“Every time I see your painful figure…”


“Me too.”

“I also feel pain.”

“When I can feel your pain…”

“It’s also the first time I’ve seen you as a companion.”

“And the opposite.”

“You who are growing rapidly also make me more and more unable to let go.”

“Look at you getting stronger.”


The words Naruto had said echoed in Sasuke’s heart!

That was the first time he knew what he thought of himself from Naruto’s mouth.

[Me too, know that you are always alone!] 】

[I want to talk to you right away!] 】

[I don’t know why I’m very happy! ] 】

[But I didn’t do that…]

[I envy you who can do anything.] 】

[I have taken you as my opponent. 】

[You became mine…]

Naruto looked at him with a smile and said loudly, “Target. 】

[I originally had nothing, but I had bonds. 】

[I want to be like you, handsome and powerful!] 】

[Always chasing behind you! ] 】

Sasuke clenched his fists tightly in his heart!

Naruto’s back reappeared in front of him! And slowly getting taller, getting bigger.

“Quite the opposite.”

“Actually, I envy you.”

“Because you have strength that I don’t have.”

“You’re always ahead of me…”

Itachi’s figure appeared next to Naruto!

Their figures constantly coincided in front of Sasuke!

“It’s like my brother used to be.”

“And today too…”

Just when Sasuke was thinking like this! Suddenly!

Memories that did not belong to Sasuke broke into his heart! It was a Itachi reincarnated from dirt, and a conversation with the golden Naruto.

This is a memory that belongs to Naruto!

[Sasuke, please.] 】

[Of course! ] That’s what I intended from the beginning! 】

[Sure enough… It is right to entrust it to you. 】

The screen is spinning fast! Starting with Naruto as a child!

The memories he had experienced appeared in front of Sasuke!

[My dream in the future is… Beyond Hokage! 】

[Then let everyone in the village recognize my existence!] 】

When it comes to the Naka Shinobi exam…

[Don’t underestimate me! 】

[I won’t run away!] 】

When I fought with Iroh…

[Say it bluntly, do what you say…]

[This is my Shinobi! 】

When I practiced with Jiraiya and recovered Tsunade…

[I’m different from you…]

[You must inherit the name of Hokage! ] 】

[Because Hokage is my dream!] 】

[I definitely won’t die until I become Hokage!] 】

When fighting with Xiao, saving me Aira, saving Konoha, convincing Nagato…

[I want to be a Hokage beyond the ages!] 】

【This is my dream! 】

When he smashes Obito’s mask and faces Madara with the Ninja Alliance… When you work together with the Nine Tails, when you are united…

[The so-called Hokage is the one who endures pain and walks in front of everyone!!! 】

[Those who want to be Hokage have no near path to find! ] 】

[Those who become Hokage, there is also no way back! ] 】

And also……

After he finished his practice at the Great Snake Pill, the first time he re-encountered him…

[A guy who can’t even save a companion. 】

[Who qualifies as a Hokage.] 】

“Yes, Sasuke. 】

Everything Naruto has been through.

It kept passing through Sasuke’s heart.

That heavy and sad scene! It was Naruto’s struggle that he never gave up!

Sasuke clenched his fists tightly.

He thought that he had been carrying the weight on the dark road.

And Naruto lived under the bright sun.

What he bears is far less than his own! But at the moment…

Sasuke realized how ridiculous his thoughts were.

It turns out that the one who does not understand the pain of others…

It’s always been myself.

Just as Sasuke was laughing self-deprecatingly in his heart.

The sound of the weasel suddenly came from behind him!

He turned his head sharply and saw this memory that belonged to Naruto!

[No matter how strong you want to be. 】

[Don’t try to carry everything alone.] 】

Itachi, who was reborn from filthy soil, instructed Naruto word by word.

[Since your dream is the same as your father. 】

[Then remember my words. 】

[You don’t have to become a Hokage to be recognized by everyone. ] 】

[But only those who are recognized by everyone can become Hokage. ] 】

Sasuke’s body stood beside Naruto for some reason.

He trembled and looked at the weasel in front of him.

[Don’t forget your companions. 】


Suddenly…… Everything is gone.

Sasuke stood in the darkness. Looking at Naruto in the sun.

As Naruto grew.

Around him, there are more and more friends.

Iruka, Sakura, Kakashi.

The ninjas of the same period, and the teachers.

His masters, senior brothers.

People in the village, people outside the village.

Shadows, tailed beasts…

Naruto, who was bathed in the sun, had more and more friends around him.

And in the dark, I am alone.


By Naruto’s side…

The figure standing sideways… Sasuke’s whole face was grieving! Tears welled up from my eyes!

Like a pillar with a broken thread, it wet his face! Endless sourness surged into his heart!

The one who was by Naruto’s side

It’s yourself! It turned out that Naruto was from beginning to end.

All left a place for yourself!

Sasuke’s consciousness gradually dissipated… It’s like falling asleep…

The sky is getting dark.

Naruto opened his eyes, looked at the scenery in front of him, and shouted in panic, “Where is this?” ”

“Could it be that this time…”

“Is it really to heaven!?”

Hearing Naruto’s voice, Sasuke gradually woke up.

That’s when he realized…

It turned out that everything just now was a dream.


Maybe the battle just now was also a dream!

“Looks like we’ll sleep until dawn.”

Sasuke smiled with relief and said, “I didn’t die again!” ”

Hearing Sasuke’s self-defeating voice, Naruto struggled to move, unwillingly shouting, “Abominable…”

“The body still can’t move!”

He turned his head and glanced at Sasuke, and said angrily: “I still want to beat you up, this time I must beat you up!” ”

Hear Naruto’s voice.

Sasuke suddenly laughed easily!



He saw the strange question on Naruto’s face and said with a smile: “It’s all like this, do you still want to fight?” ”

Naruto said viciously, “Of course! ”

“No matter how many times…”

Sasuke suddenly interrupted Naruto’s words.

“I admit it.”

Naruto was suddenly stunned.

He looked at Sasuke silently, not knowing what he meant.

Sasuke looked at the rising sun.

Smiling and saying, “It’s me…”


Hearing Sasuke’s soft voice, Naruto suddenly shouted angrily!


“There is no such thing as winning or losing this battle!”

“It’s my dead guy’s unconscious brain, I want to beat him up.”

“The game I want, it’s still!!!! come”

Hearing Naruto’s voice, Sasuke closed his eyes and said with a smile: “Hey, Naruto…”

“I recognize you…”

“If I die here, the long karma mentioned by the Six Immortals will be over. It’s also a revolution. ”

“To lift the Infinite Moon Reading, transplant my left eye to Kakashi after I die.”

“I’m going to… Wrap it up for yourself. ”

Listening to Sasuke’s long words, Naruto frowned again!

He said loudly: “Don’t try to use death to make a break!” ”

“Instead of dying, it is better to survive and help me!”

“What I want to do is all the ninjas work together!”

“Including you, of course!”

Sasuke turned his head sharply and said to Naruto, “Even if you agree!” ”

“Others may not agree!”

“Maybe I’ll go against you again!”

Naruto said impatiently, “Really! ”

“You send me another grumbling look!”

“I’m really going to beat you up!”

“If you still do this, I will stop you again!”

Then, after a moment of silence, he said heavily: “However, you will not do this kind of thing again!” ”

Hearing Naruto’s solid and solid words, even Sasuke was stunned.

“Why are you… So sure? ”

Naruto turned his head and said with a frown:

“Same thing, don’t make me repeat it many times!”

Naruto’s words that seemed to be taken for granted were like a heavy hammer! Completely defeated all of Sasuke’s disguises!

Tears instantly filled Sasuke’s eyes and ran down his face! Naruto was still talking to himself!

“Why don’t you understand yet!?”

“It’s also…”

“You’re actually much dumber than I thought!”

Speaking of this, he casually looked at Sasuke.

See the tears that keep flowing down Sasuke’s face! Naruto’s eyes widened instantly! It was as if he had sensed Naruto’s gaze! Sasuke slowly turned his head.

Hide from Naruto’s sight!

He buried his head to the other side and let the tears flow freely!

“It’s noisy…”

“You crane-tailed.”

The picture is constantly stretched.

Their broken arms were exposed.

It turned out that after the final collision. They have all lost that arm.

The lenses keep rising.

That’s when I found out.

It turns out that they lay between the columns and on fragments of the statue!

And this fragment is actually their finger with the seal of opposites! But under the explosion just now.

The fingers that should have been far away have broken together at this moment.

Under Naruto and Sasuke.

A seal of reconciliation was formed.

The picture fades away…

Naka Shinobi Exam Venue!

The original painful and depressing atmosphere has all disappeared, and all the ninjas have smiles on their faces!

And they also saw Naruto and Sasuke’s mental journey together! Everyone smiled and looked at the two people in the middle of the stand!

Naruto suddenly crossed his hands at his waist and laughed up to the sky!




He looked at Sasuke, who clenched his teeth and lowered his head, cleared his throat, and imitated it in a tone of voice!


“It’s like my brother used to be.”


“I said I was the older brother, right!!!!


Hearing Naruto’s voice, Sasuke’s face instantly turned red!

The previous thing about the weasel was also pressed into the deepest part of his mind!

He suddenly stood up and grabbed Naruto by the collar, shouting loudly, “You crane tail!!!!! ”


“I never thought about it that much!!!!”

Looking at Sasuke’s stammering look.

Naruto’s laughter was even louder!


“It’s the first time I’ve seen you like this, Sasuke!”

Hearing Naruto’s maniacal laughter, Sasuke’s already flushed face actually rose white smoke like Hinata!

He shook Naruto frantically!

“Naruto!!!!! Person!!!!! ”

“You guy!!!!!”

“Shut up for me!!!!!

Accompanied by Sasuke’s shouts, and Naruto’s laughter! The ninjas in the entire venue laughed along!

Sakura and Hinata looked at them with a smile while wiping their tears…

Hokage Building!

Under the siege of Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Danzo, Mito Monita and Koharu did not have the opportunity to secretly give orders.

And now…

After the future Sasuke in the projection screen is persuaded by the future Naruto.

They also lost their best chance to capture Sasuke!

Jiraiya spread his hands and said with a look of indifference: “Now, Sasuke will also become Konoha’s combat power.” ”

“Moreover, such Naruto and Sasuke will also be recognized by the village.”

“I advise you not to think about anything else…”

Hearing the hidden meaning of Jiraiya’s words.

Tuan Zang’s face instantly became extremely ugly!

The huge force made his clenched hands turn livid!

“What if…”

“If I had done it earlier!!!”

“Damn, with the prestige of Jiraiya and Tsunade…”

“As long as they put in a little more effort, Naruto and Sasuke’s position will be unbreakable!”

Tuan Zang looked at Zi Laiye gloomy, and the hatred in his heart became more and more high!

“Why pick this time to come back!”

“Did they change their minds and succeed the fifth Hokage!?” (Author’s Note:

The Battle of the End Valley is basically over here. The next chapter closes a little, and starts top4, forcing King Veget.

I hope everyone will continue to be entertained.

As for the top3, two have been temporarily finalized, and if you have any suggestions, you can also mention it in the comment area.

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