Versatile Mage (Subtle Changes)

Chapter 58: Chaotic Stairs!


ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester


Mo Fan gulped, he would’ve died if he took another step. His heart was beating wildly, while his whole body was shivering.

He carefully took a step back and sighed as he slumped down on the stairs.

“Sigh... death is everywhere in this place. If I let my guard down even for a second, I’m pretty sure I will die...” Mo Fan said as he sighed in relief.

Little Loach was the same. Even it couldn’t detect what was in front of it, if his master wasn’t annoyed and wouldn’t have stopped when he did, then they both would’ve been dead.

Little Loach finally had a chance to get reincarnated again, he had already completed two steps out of three for his resurrection. First was to reach the peak Evolution it can reach and second was to absorb it’s body which was thankfully not decomposed.

In normal circumstances, it would’ve already absorbed it’s body the moment it died, but it’s Sacred Totem Guardian had sealed away Little Loach and it’s body (Azure Dragon) inside this dungeon he/she created.

Third and Final step was to absorb it’s SOUL! It’s complete Astral Soul which was stolen by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, when he had came here.

The soul was still inside it’s body, but the Undead Originator just came and stole it.


Mo Fan took a break for five minutes and then he started going up the stairs.

Fortunately he was still able to go up, he glanced behind him as he was going up and saw that the stairs behind him didn’t disappeared.

“Ugh.. what a bad and life threatening joke this is. The person who build this wanted me to intentionally fall off the stairs. Damn it! I’ll kick his ass if I find that fu*ker.... Achoo!!...”

Mo Fan was cursing the one who built this dungeon with all his heart when he suddenly sneezed again.

“Shit! Who is cursing me again?! Fuck who am I kidding it’s probably Mu Bai and his goon Zhao Kunsan... If I... No! When I leave this place, the first thing I’ll do is kill them!” Mo Fan said while he wiped his nose with his sleeves.


After 40minutes of climbing up, this time with the help of little loach’s glowing light, he noticed that there were 2 way intersections all of a sudden!

The one way stairs which Mo Fan had come down from were suddenly split into two way stairs when he was going up!

“Wha? What the hell? Which way did I came from?” Mo Fan was in a sudden dilemma!

He never imagined something like this would happen with him.

“Little Loach, where should I go from here?” Mo Fan asked little loach.

Even without asking, Little Loach was already doing what Mo Fan had wanted but the funny thing was, that no matter which way it tried to extend it’s Draconic Sense it still wasn’t able to sense a thing just like before.

It was simply not able to sense anything, this place was blocking it’s senses.

Five minutes passed, Mo Fan noticed little loach had no reaction yet.

“Hey what’s wrong? Hurry up and tell me!” Mo Fan picked up Little Loach and flicked it.

But it still didn’t have any reaction. It was just ignoring Mo Fan outright now!

“Ugh... This cheeky little guy, it's ignoring me again huh... Guess even it can’t find where to go. Oh Whatever, let’s see where I came from first.”

Mo Fan was a little annoyed with little loach but well, if it can’t help him then he couldn’t really rely on it.

Most of the crucial times Little Loach was not able to always help him. But it simply wouldn’t care for him if it’s own life wasn’t in danger normally.

Mo Fan turned to the stairs at his left first.

“Huff... Okay!” Mo Fan exhaled and then put his foot on the first stair.


Nothing happened and he just climbed up as usual.

“Wait, So~~ Am I on the right track now?” Mo Fan wondered out loud.

“I... Should I check the other side's stairs as well? I mean nothing happened on this one, so it probably leads back to the room I came from I suppose... But what about the other one?”

Mo Fan was hesitating on whether he should go up to where he came from again. He did wanted to go where it was safe, but at the same time he would not know what would happen if he gets locked out in that room.

The possibilities in this place were dangerously endless. Anything could happen to him. Without food and water he will most certainly die. The healing trick which the Tattoo did couldn’t be used again. Even he knew that somehow.

So as long as he was still moving, he wanted to do everything he can.

“Well, it’s worth a shot... I should try everything.” Mo Fan decided as he took a step down.

He turned towards the stairs on his right side. He went near them and stood on the edge.

The stairs were clearly leading upwards same as the previous one.

He extended his right foot and the moment he put it on the first stair, the stairs which were leading up suddenly declined and they were now leading to downstairs.

“Whoa!! What the heck was that?! This felt just like the roller coaster. The only good thing was that I didn’t put both my feet on it, otherwise I would’ve literally tumbled down the stairs!” Mo Fan exclaimed while being surprised and scared at the same time.

The stairs which were supposed to go up suddenly went down! It was a good sign actually!!

“So if the previous one’s were the stairs where I came from, then these ones might lead me down to the ‘bsaement’...? Sigh~ Well there’s only one way to check out. Besides It’s not dark anymore thanks to my partner, so it won’t hurt to try!” Mo Fan said as he became determined.

He placed his other foot on the stairs as well. The moment his left foot left the previous wooden placement, a hard stone wall suddenly appeared behind Mo Fan, sealing him inside this space.

“What The...?!”

He immediately turned around to only notice that he was now trapped. He couldn’t turn back now even if he wanted to.

“Damn It! This place is playing dirty!” Mo Fan said in an angry tone.

He now had to move forward, it was like someone was manipulating him into going where that person wanted.

Mo Fan was absolutely hated the idea of dancing in the palm of another person’s hand. He very much liked his freedom. Left with no other choice to him, he started moving forward.


In all actuality, if Mo Fan had went up to the room which he came from, he most likely would’ve been caught in a trap in it.

The entrance to the basement would definitely have closed trapping him in that room forever, he would’ve died if he had went for the room.

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