Versatile Mage (Subtle Changes)

Chapter 46: Wang Xiulin’s Disgust!


ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

A white standing rectangular portal appeared in the shape of a door, After Mo Fan had completed arranging his stuff. He did not notice it at first since it was blending with the white wall, but Mo Fan soon felt ripples of energy emanating from it.

“Is that the exit out of this place? Or is there more to come… But considering this treasure room, this might be the last floor since the stairs didn’t appear this time! So, the chances of it being an exit is rather high… But~~~ what if it teleports me somewhere far away from Bo City.

Just the thought of being teleported out of safe zone scares me. And if I teleport right in the middle of a Magic Beasts territory, its game over for me… Sigh, what should I do… Oh well, thinking about it is not going to help either way. I’ll just have to brace myself! The rest up to the Heavens!”

Mo Fan walked towards the portal boldly, he was indeed a little scared… no scratch that, he was a lot scared! But he had no choice either way. He didn’t have enough food or water with him. He will die within six-seven days out of hunger and thirst.

So, he just had to prepare mentally and hope that he gets out of here safely and appears in a safe place.

Mo Fan closed his eyes after standing in front of the Rectangular White Portal. He clenched his hands and teeth and went through it.

The feeling of traveling through a portal was just like going through a wall of water, only not getting wet in the process.


The day Mo Fan left for the Azure Dragon’s Tomb.

Two days later after he entered the Dimensional Subspace…

A breathtakingly beautiful girl wearing dirty tight jeans and a dirty loose top, which were exuding her youthful and ‘S’ shape Sexy appearance to the fullest despite all the mud on her, had just arrived at the Hall of Hunters and went inside her respective cabin.

Wang Xiulin had transferred the discovery which Mo Fan had found to her father. She had even personally gone and inspected the tunnel's other end by herself because of a mission she was forced upon. She found out that all of them had connected to the Monster Wolf Kingdom, which was ruled over by the Wolf Queen and Wolf King. Both were Ruler Class monsters, and they had an enormous hoard of Hundred Thousand Wolves under their command.

She didn’t stick around there for a long time because she noticed that there were many strong monsters around. There was also a freaking Commander Class Darkwing Wolf in its Advancing Period who had noticed her presence.

She narrowly escaped from his breadth with the help of Magic equipment. Wolf monsters have a very sharp nose, so it had already noticed her smell the moment she entered its territory. It was attacking Wang Xiulin with all he had but Wang Xiulin was also an Advanced Mage in two Elements.

She was even able to cast First Level Spells quite fluently. Plus, she had Two top level Soul Grade Seeds with domains.

She quickly casted the Advanced Spell Water Curtain and used a Shield Magic Equipment and knock-backed the wolf when it was ramming into her in the nick of time. The Wolf was clearly not used to deal with Humans and their Magic. 

After it was knock backed, she quickly cast the Advanced Spell of Shadow Element, The Nyx Regime and swiftly escaped with Fleeing Shadow after trapping the Darkwing Wolf with Giant Shadow Spike inside the Nyx regime domain.

Even though it was her first time Fighting an Evolving Commander Level Beast, she was not panicking!

This showed that her Rank as the three-star hunter mistress was not just for a show! And that she was an experienced Mage suited for Battle.

“This was the worst experience ever. Papa is also the worst, just because I sent him the data, he immediately sent me a mission to investigate the other end of the tunnels. He even used his authority of a senior hunter to order me around, otherwise my rank will be demoted.

Also, what was with that Darkwing Wolf! It was way too strong for commander out in the sticks. That level of strength is just abnormal, A darkwing wolf at most is only a Demi or Average Commander, but this was an Evolving one. Not to mention it was able to use breadth!

That did almost take me off guard and made me loose a precious Magic Shield Equipment in the process. Damn it!! It costed me around three hundred million RMB… Ugh, just thinking about it is making me angry. I’ll have to use Mo Fan as my stress reliever again. I won’t let him go till morning and have him play games with me for the rest of the night.”

Wang Xiulin was mad at her father for assigning her this type of mission. She was listening to songs while taking bath and complaining.

After getting out of the bath she quickly made a report and sent it to her father via an incognito mail.

“Okay, and that’s that! Now let’s call over Mo Fan!” She exclaimed happily as she brought out snacks, beer and cold drinks.

She was planning to play games and watch some movies with him for the whole night.

She picked up her phone and dialled Mo Fan’s number.


“Huh? That’s strange, He usually picks up within a second or two and his phone is never out of range. I’ll try again” Wang Xiulin said while feeling a little confused.

She called him again.


The same answer appeared from the other end.

“Mmh, is he busy or something? Is he out on another quest?” She wondered, well it was possible that he is on a quest, and she didn’t know about it since she did basically spend her two days out in the wild.

She wore a one-piece knee length skirt and a long business coat over it and went outside to ask someone about him. She quickly found a guy who was always in the hunter union's south part of the hall.

“Hey Baldy! Yeah you, I’m talking to you.” Wang Xiulin was an extremely haughty girl, her tone and attitude was extremely different when she was talking to strangers.

She considered Mo Fan her friend, and her impression of him was rather good too. After all, even though he maybe younger than her by 3-4 years, he was the only guy who treated her like a friend and not as a daughter of a senior hunter.

All most all the people her age will get near her with the purpose of being friends with her only to look for benefits from her dad. It was the main reason why she only had Tang Yue as her sole friend. Her father’s influence in Beijing was huge enough to control it. After all, The Wang clan was known as the one of the Ruling Clans in China! She was not treated as a princess for nothing after all.

She would always look down on people because they would be getting near her so they can get something in return. That was the reason why she ran away to the Magic City Shanghai, where no one knows her and continued to work in hunter’s union as a hunter mistress.

She had climbed up from the very bottom through her own hard work and diligence. But even when she was in the magic city, the women there were all bitches as they would constantly try to pull her leg down and bitch behind her back. They were mostly jealous because of her Goddess like natural appearance.

But since she had chosen this way of living herself, she would not complain about it. Her father had also supported her decision, albeit after a lot of disagreements.

She liked Mo Fan because he would speak freely of whatever he had on his mind. He was also perverted and would always glance at her defenseless self lewdly whenever he gets the chance, but she did not mind his gaze for some reason, and he was also at that age. He also listened to her lessons on how to deal with magic beasts in different regions very diligently and even took notes of it.

The other hunters were too prideful and stupid to not take lessons from her when she was in Shanghai. They would only approach her because of her beautiful looks and sexy appearance. They would not care of what she speaks and only look at her with disgusting gazes. Even the handsome hunters were same as they would try to touch her here and there.

Of course, she would blast them straight up with her spells. All in all, Mo Fan and Tang Yue were the only two people who had treated her as a friend.


She removed her phone and showed the bald guy a photo.

“Did you see this guy around, taking any quest?” She asked him in an arrogant way.

The bald guy looked at her and then at the photo, it was an intimate selfie, Wang Xiulin was holding Mo Fan’s arm as she pulled him closer to her for the photo. While Mo Fan was doing a peace sign near his eye with his tongue out.

They both looked extremely attractive! Mo Fan was Naturally handsome and Wang Xiulin was just another level. She was a rare beauty!

They will look good no matter what they did.

“Ah~ the new face, I saw him two days ago; he came to the counter and asked for the receptionist.” The Bald guy replied to her question. Normally Mo Fan came in a disguise and she would also be in a disguise, so the Baldy had failed to recognise either of them.

Wang Xiulin’s eyes subconsciously glittered when she heard that he was searching for her!

“But apparently she was not there, so he just went away like that…” He continued.

After listening to him she just turned around and left without thanking him. She did not stand to talk to that guy even a second longer as he was checking her out with his disgusting eyes. She was feeling Goosebumps on her skin when she noticed the look in his eyes.

It was the same look everywhere no matter where she went...


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