Versatile Mage (Subtle Changes)

CHAPTER 15: The Hideous Dark Beasts


ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

Mo Fan started walking on the road towards the Mingwen Girl’s Middle School, as the road to the highway was from the side of the school. He quickly arrived in just 3-4 minutes. 

Mo Fan glanced at the school and took a sniff, thinking he could still catch the smell of pretty girls lingering around. This was done so smoothly that if someone saw him doing this would only take him for a retard.

The sweet smell was indeed lingering. Mo Fan’s face immediately blossomed a smile. But suddenly the smell instantly took a 180 and was smelling like Shit which was mixed with Garbage dump area which was further mixed with sewage water.

Mo Fan choked on the smell and immediately pinched his nose as he started breathing through his mouth as a reflex. He literally felt he was about to die.

“What in the nine Hell’s wrong with the smell emanating from girls these days. Augh~ I almost fainted on the spot” Mo Fan said feeling displeased, he grabbed his handkerchief and tied it on his face like a mask. It was quite dark, so after he wore a black Handkerchief, his face was not visible at all.


Suddenly he heard a loud noise coming from inside the school. 

Mo Fan was startled and immediately looked around inside the gate. There was no one around there, even the watchman was no where to be seen. 


The noise appeared again. This time the sound was not as huge as the previous one. He was curious as to what was making the noise at this hour. He quickly climbed the school’s gate and entered the school’s territory.


Mo Fan followed the direction of the sound and soon sneakily entered the cafeteria building. Mo Fan crouched down as he soon saw the door open. He entered without making a sound and took cover behind the chair.

The smell emanating in the cafeteria was so strong that even his make do mask was not able to help him from keeping it away. He peeked his head up and inspected the area and noticed there was no one. He had a weird feeling.

_If there was no one then where did the sound come from and what is this smell emanating from here_

Soon Mo Fan heard some noises of people talking, he quickly hid underneath a table.


“Fuck making this hole in the kitchen is no joke. We should’ve just borrowed some earth golems instead of this disgusting Dark Beasts” A man in a black robe with a scar on his face was complaining.

_Dark... Beasts? Is that the reason why there’s such a smell pervading here?_ Thought Mo Fan as he carefully observed the situation. 

“Sigh~ tell me about it, things would’ve been so easy if only I could get my spirit Wolf to do this, but the there will be marks of his claws everywhere and it will alert the City’s Beast hunting squad.” Another man in a black robe with a beautiful face with dyed grey hair complained as well. 

“Forget it, these dark beasts were a gift to us from Great Deacon Hu Jin. We should appreciate them and just make do with what we have” said another man in a black robe with a bald head.

Mo Fan looked towards the area the bald headed man was pointing at. There were three hideous monkey looking black coloured beast with purple fur extending from the skull towards their back, with murky yellowish runes on their bodies. They even had huge sickles with jagged edges extending from their wrists to all way to their head, they were 2 metres tall as well. They looked absolutely hideous. 

Mo Fan had an urge to vomit looking at their appearances but he quickly swallowed it back and continuing to listen while staying hidden.

“So~ Mr. Bai how’s your life in the military? Find any girls you like?” The Man with a scar asked the beautiful boy whose name was Bai.

“What girls? The Military chief fucking works me to the bone all the time while he slacks off as he pleases. I have to give back every report of the time I’m in the military to Great Deacon Hu Jin, he said that he will promote my rank from Black Clergy to Grey Priest as soon as the ‘Test Run’ has been finished.” Bai said looking excited.

“Whoa!! Seriously?! That’s so awesome! A Grey Priest of Black Vatican means you will probably have direct command of any Black Clergy you want! Not only that but you will serve directly under the Blue Deacons!!” The Bald man said looking with envy.

_Wait! Black Vatican!! They’re from Black Vatican!!! What’re they doing here? And they have even invaded the military?! What the shit is the police of this world doing?!_ Mo Fan was shocked that he would find the scums of the society here so close to him. He was full of questions, but even he knew that if they find him, he will die on the spot!!

_Me and my fucking curiosity, just had to come here huh?! Shit, I can’t be here, I will die if they find me. I have to leave now!_ 

Mo Fan looked towards the front glass door which he arrived from and was slowly moving towards the direction to run away, but just at that time one of the Dark Beast sniffed in the air suddenly. Mo Fan immediately halted and hid behind a half wall.

The Dark Beast looked towards in his direction. Cold sweat was pouring down from Mo Fan’s back as he was closed his mouth shut with both of his hands, so as to not make a sound. The Dark Beast slowly moved towards him.

“Huh? Hey Bai look your Dark Beast is slacking off and running away, hahaha” The man with a scar pointed out.

“Shit just when I talked about promotion this bitch is acting like this!! Hey you fucking retard get back to digging if you don’t want to become food of my Spirit Wolf!!” The Black Clergy named Bai ordered the dark beast heading towards Mo Fan.

The dark beast was scared of the spirit wolf, as it had an overwhelming aura and strength compared to it. It would be eaten in one gulp, by the spirit wolf!! It quickly went back to digging obediently.

“hahaba at this rate rather than promoting you’ll get demoted” The Bald man replied gloatingly.

“Piss Off!!” Bai replied angrily.

_Shit that was a close one!! I better quickly get out of here and inform the police as soon as possible!!_ Mo Fan thought.

He quickly and quietly left the cafeteria building of the school and dashed with all he had after leaving the school!

He was scared shitless, those dark beast were not only disgusting, but a single one of them was strong enough to tear him apart into pieces quite easily not to mention three.

Not only that but those three Black Clergies of Black Vatican were also strong. Mo Fan didn’t have any confidence taking them on, he would’ve been literally ganged banged by them on the spot. 

He quickly headed towards the police booth. Coincidentally a policeman just walked out of it and was stretching his arms in air. 

The policeman saw a man whose face was covered in a black mask rushing towards him quite desperately. 

Mo Fan was happy seeing the policeman and immediately grabbed his arms as he tried to tell him while panting for air.

“There... Them... They’re here....hah~ hah~ School...” Mo Fan was not only terrified but also out of breath not because he came running here, but because he was affected by the strong aura of beasts. 

“Whoa!! What.. what happened? Slowdown kiddo! Calm down, take a deep breath and calm down.” The policeman instructed him to do so.

Mo Fan was in a hurry and trying to tell him but he noticed his words were not leaving from his throat for some reason. So he took deep breaths and calmed down. Then when he opened his mouth to speak again, a thought immediately entered in his mind.

_The people from Black Vatican can easily infiltrate the military right? Then what’s stopping them from disguising as a policeman?_ This thought was very terrifying but at the same time an eye opener for him.

He immediately closed his mouth and swallowed the words he was trying to speak. He couldn’t trust anyone in this world, since the information he had could easily cost him his puny life!

“Oh Officer, what I wanted to say was that there in the park a couple was making out and since I was taking a walk in the park, I accidentally kicked a rock lying around and it directly in the ass of the man and I interrupted them.” Mo Fan immediately activated his Bullshitting mode and lied his way like professional!

“AND~~” The policeman asked further doubtfully.

“And that man chased after me till now, saying he was going to beat me up! I was so scared that I quickly came here. Please protect me Mr. Policeman” Mo Fan said sincerely and honestly with pleading eyes, even though it was originally a lie but Mo Fan easily turned it into truth with tears in his eyes.

The Policeman took a look behind Mo Fan and no one was there. He then sighed and kicked Mo Fan off.

“Go to hell kid, you kids should be in bed by now and look at you. Hah~ there is no one following you, now hurry up and get your ass back home, or I’ll put you in jail, stupid brat” The Policeman said with a displeased and lazy look as he didn’t wanted to get involved. He quickly chased away Mo Fan.


_Shit, I can’t depend on anyone for this case_ Mo Fan thought as he kept walking away.


“Was there a problem?” A young guy inside the police booth asked with an indifferent expression.

“No problem, Sir Yu Ang!” The Policeman turned around and entered the police booth and bowed in front of the youth like it was normal.

The 16 year old youth looked like a handsome young man, he was holding a radio in his hand. 

Suddenly the noise of static rang out and a voice came over from it.

“Yu Ang, the hole has been dug out and connected with the tunnel, over!” a voice of a man was coming out of it from the other end.

“Good Job! Now return to your posts, over!” The handsome faced youth replied 

“But the hole is not huge, only one Colossal eyed Ape rat can pass through it one at a time. Over” the man replied from the other end.

“That’s fine, if you make it bigger, the people will notice it. Hide the hole with illusion bottle, which you got from the Great Deacon Hu Jin so that it will blend in like a normal floor. Over” Yu Ang replied.

“Roger that! Over” the voice of the man cut off from the other end as the static stopped making noise.

“This city will soon have the honour to be the testing grounds of the great ceremony which our God Salan has planned!! Hail Salan” The youth said solemnly as he looked into the sky with a wide and disturbing grin like a madman.

Mo Fan’s instinct was on point and his quick thinking saved him by a hairs breadth, he really was spared by the heavens. It was a miracle that he trusted his own gut feeling. If he had decided to reveal what he saw to the policeman, he would’ve been wiped out from the planet silently without anyone knowing. He would’ve disappeared like he never even existed in the first place and not only him, but his friends and family all would’ve been wiped out by the Black Vatican.

These criminals were viciously ruthless and merciless in their ways. They wouldn’t even bat an eye while killing their families to achieve their purpose much less other people!

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