Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 77: Competitive


| [Name: Jack Frose Age:28] |

| [level: 6 ] |

| [Class: SWORD EXPERT] |

| [Gender: Male] |

| [Height-182 cm Weight- 81kg ] |

| [Faction: OUTLAWS] |

| [Affiliated Clan: Turtles] |

| [Alias:Air head, competitive asshole.|

| [Titles gained: Commander of Turtles] |

| [Achievements: Siege master]|

| STATS: |

| [★STRENGTH - 59] |

| [★AGILITY - 50] |

| [★DEFENCE - 58] |

| [★STAMINA - 53] |

| [★ENDURANCE-47] |

| [★MAGIC- 58] |






( Low enough to compare with others and has a sense of rivalry to those he thinks as equal)


(Achieves goal with admirable ease but doesn't like to work hard.)


[▶Private abilities- Superlative sensitivity (Rank: S)]

『Superlative sensitivity』

(Description: A ability that transcends the sensitivity boundaries of humans to achieve substantial reflexiveness.)

[ ▶Class abilities: Psyo kinetic cut (Rank: D++)

Mind thrust( Rank: A)


[ ▶General abilities- Slash (Rank: C+)

Thrust (Rank: C++)

Parry (Rank: D+)


[ ▶unique abilities- Blade lust( Rank:C++)


[ ▶special abilities- Thunderstrike (Rank: C+)

Sword of thunder(Rank: D) ]

" "

Nix was baffled looking at his status.

"What are you looking at?"

Jack asked as Nix stared at his information.

"Hmm, Nothing... This was supposed to be an inauguration party..." Nix said calmly.

Before he could finish his sentence Jack intervened.

"So what do you say? Are you backing out?"

'That superlative sensitivity is troublesome plus I can't back down before my clan members. I'll better fight using doom prediction vision...'

"I am ready, let's spar."

Nix didn't actually know how to emit intimidating pressure like him so, he just gazed at him to show he isn't backing down any time soon with his daunting eyes.

Jack's lips arched up into a smile.

"Exactly! This is what I want!"

Cinzia stared at Gregory who quietly watched it with his hands crossed and said.

"Won't you stop them from fighting?"

Gregory turned towards her and smiled.

"I can't restrain that competitive asshole...And I want to see what your clan lord is capable of..."

Rafila rose from her seat and tapped the table.


After receiving everyone's attention in the hall, she began talking.

"Guys this is childish... We were here for the party."

Jack ignored her words and rose from his seat and slowly approached Nix with a mocking smirk.

"From the start, this was not a party...Let's spar on your rooftop."

Nix nodded his head and ascended to the roof. The crowd inside the clan house just followed him. They were all very much interested in their spar.

Both Nix and Jack stood in the center and the crowd encircled around them.

"Create a barrier!"

Jack ordered his subordinates.

Two men with staves walked to the sides of the roof and discharged a wave of energy after chanting a spell and created a purple cage-type barrier. It didn't seem strong enough to protect the roof and the floor as it seems flimsy.

"Tch these... Why do men behave like this?"

Cinzia shrugged as though she was annoyed by it.

Noticing the flimsy barrier Rafila sighed and helped in maintaining the barrier with her mana and improvised it in order to protect the clan house along with her clan members. Gregory's clan members also supported them.

Gregory turned towards Cinzia and opened his mouth.

"Who do you think will win this battle?"

Cinzia smacked her head and began to speak in an annoyed tone.

"This was supposed to be a mocking battle. You are over exaggerating this."

"Indeed, But Let's place some bets for fun... I am placing thousand gold coins on Jack's win."

Cinzia smiled and said.

"Then I am placing my Sky piercer on Nix's win."

"Oh! That relic? You are that confident in him?"


Just as they were in their conversation. They already commenced battling.

When they peered at Jack. He was wholly covered with faint electric sparks and his sword was surging and sparkling with electricity.

"Haha, that bastard is using his mana without giving a damn, isn't he?.. And look at that pressure he is emitting!"

There was a dark blue outline around his body portraying the immense pressure he is releasing.

The barrier was partly covered with smoke. It made Nix invisible and concealed him. After two seconds of waiting Nix slowly walked out of the smoke with a wound in his left arm while clutching the chains of resentment.

"Is that your preferred weapon? How'd you block my attacks with that?"

Jack asked with an intrigued expression.

"You'll know as you fight."

Nix said and took his battle stance.

"Isn't his choice of weapon quite twisted?"

Rafila asked Cinzia.

Cinzia nodded her head and said.


"You didn't even alert me that the battle begins..."

Nix said, staring at Jack.

"Haha, You believe monsters and people tend to act noble enough to notify that, 'Sir I am going to attack you, can you please get ready?'. Stop complaining you are terrible with your reflexes and your stats seem low..."

'He studied me to this amount by just merely exchanging a few blows...' Nix was dumbstruck and took his words into his mind. What he said was true. He ought to be cautious no matter what.

[Private ability-Doom Prediction vision activated.]

As long as he used this trump card he could pretty much rival individuals beyond his level scaling.

Jack smirked and swung his sword towards Nix's neck. Nix dodged it by crouching and swung his flaming chain towards his jaw.

" "

For a second Jack was dazed by his move yet, unknowingly his body reflexively moved on its own. After dodging, he gazed at Nix with admiration.

On one side a man who could predict the future and on the other side was a man with an automated reflex that exceeds the capabilities of a human and techniques far more superior to his opponent. Who'd win? The man with superior reflexes or the man gifted with the ability to see the future?

'why can't keep up with the future?'

Nix mumbled as he tried to reflexively counter his opponent's. But, things don't go as anticipated do they?

Abruptly, Jack's sword released energy mixed with his thunder attribute. As he swung his sword, the huge surge of bluish energy mixed with sparks commenced directing towards Nix.

'Sword energy!'

He was truly a man with excellent reflex. It was a magnificent sight that captivated the viewers and made them watch the scene in awe.

Reflexiveness is indeed a gift just like the ability to see the future. Reflex can be also called muscle memory or sometimes called instinctual movements. Jack possessed a body trained with superior stats to keep up with the ability to act on reflex without giving second thoughts.

While Nix was barely able to process and calculate the future and act according to it moreover his techniques and swordsmanship were on par with Razik's plus he didn't have nova manifestation to assist him. Both had their advantages and disadvantages. Nix had the agility stat equal to his but, overall his stats were lower than him.

Without standing in bewilderment. Nix released his typhoon of fire and made it collide with the sword energy. It was very much useless as the sword energy intruded through the typhoon and approached Nix. In an instant it collided with Nix and covered the area he was in with smokes.

"See! He lost the battle!"

Gregory said cheerfully only to be dumb-struck. Because Nix walked out of the smoke in one piece with a red glint in his eyes while clutching his shape-shifted scimitar.

" "

Everybody in there looked at the scene without shifting their eyes from him with anticipation as though they were enchanted to do so.

[Class ability: Berserk havoc activated]

Now, Nix looked like a manifestation of a demon with the dark smoke in his background and his crimson red shimmering eyes.

His agility and strength exceeded his normal potential at that moment and reached the scale of a Beyonder.


That was what Jack was able to blurt out as soon as he laid his eyes upon Nix. Now Nix's could rival him in equal footing although he could suffer the recoil for using the ability he needed to get a grasp of it and understand its capability. Moreover, he was not in his enraged state which means he could understand more than the last time.

"Hmm, Truly commendable! " Jack said with a smile as though he was enjoying it.

" "

Jack smiled and began to brandish his word more fiercely and countered his most moves.

"You are a level 6 or a level 5?"

" " Nix didn't care to reply to him because he was barely able to hold his foot.

It was truly appreciable that Jack managed to converse and fight without tension while Nix was immersed in the battle mode.

He rushed towards him with his dual-bladed dagger in one hand and the shapeshifted scimitar in his other hand. He began to swing both of them simultaneously much faster than before and pushed Jack back. Thanks to his buffed agility that exceeded the level of Jack's.

Jack lost his footing although he deliberately countered him a few times he received damages. It was the same for Nix because as he was full of openings as such he was bound to receive damages.

Gregory opened his mouth wide agape as he was dumbstruck for underestimating him. He snapped out of his daze and turned towards Cinzia.

"Cinzia where did you find this guy?"

Cinzia faintly smiled and asked.


"I wish I found him in his early days as a Newbie..." Gregory replied indifferently.

While they were busy in their conversation.

Jack was pushed to the corner.

"Hah~Hah, I accept defeat..."

Nix stopped attacking him and transformed his sword back to normal and extended his hand to help him stand.

"HAh~HAh, I learned a lot from you today... " Nix said while panting and enduring the recoil of Berserk.

"I can't say that though. I won't deny the fact you are strong but, you were full of openings and your swordsmanship is dull. Your techniques are literally dog shit... Don't take me wrong bud, But I am honest. If you achieved sword energy you would have defeated me at ease. Perhaps you used a buff ability? Next time I will win for sure..." Jack said with a smile.

Nix nodded his head agreeing to his words and said.

"I can't deny that... Yes, I used buff ability. I'd have lost if I didn't use it..."

Observing the scene Gregory laughed at him

"Haha, Look at that competitive ass hole! So much for being a turtle."

Cinzia quietly eyed Gregory with a smirk.

"Ah, Don't look at me like that. I remember the bet..."

Soon, they lowered the barrier, and healers commence to heal both Nix and Jack.

Healing comes with excruciating pain. One must suffer a lot to get their wounds healed and there is a limit to how much extent a person can get healed. Some injuries cannot be healed if they were left injured for hours like Nix's clan members. If the injury is life-threatening, it is preferable to heal it on the spot. In Jack's and Nix's case their wounds were not inflicted to the extent of leaving a lifelong scar since it was just a spar and wounds

Jack smiled at him and said.

"I look forward to working with you."

Nix nodded his head with a smile and shook hands with him.

"Me too, Not gonna lie...Your attribute is cool, to be honest."

"Yours too but, seems like you need to improve your attribute and reflexes. I mean you need a trainer. Your pathetic Bud."

"I will remember your advice."

"Don't take me wrong but, I won't be going easy next time..."

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