Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 205: The war of chaos mainland (2)

Standing opposite the five battalion captain Nix placed a cigar on his mouth. He was quite intrigued after witnessing Nagendra and he seemed to wear the same expression as well.

"Captain of Regulars Nagendra reporting sir!"

Nagendra said after walking towards.

"At ease man..."

Nix said and drifted his head towards the others. The foot soldier's captain came saluted looking at Nix wearing a weird expression on her face. Then came the siege battalion's captain. All the captains introduced themselves and finished their reports on their troops and analysis.

"Captain Nagendra, and all the others we will first discuss our formation and strategy with the air force commander. So, I'd like to meet you in the strategic room."

If there was someone higher in command in times of war it was the general unfortunately Ranrak did not possess such talent. This was why they hired two outsiders.

One was the Air force commander Bageran second was the ground force commander Nix. In terms of title, they were both called war commanders.

The hierarchy goes by captains who are considered to be lower than commanders. They lead the battalions and commanders who are control selected troops on a large scale and then comes the Generals.

In Ranrak's case, they use commanders instead of generals. There should actually be a general but most weren't competent. In that sense, there was the administrator who'd look over that.

Above all was the king whose orders are absolute. Regardless of such, there was the representative angel. They are like guardian angels who help in times of war and other religious affairs inside the city.

After Nix said that he once again followed Breon into the strategic room where the officials and the kid King vingeva were.

"Nix of Theemai, we were waiting to meet you... I am Amala,The representative angel of Ranrak. And will assist the air force."

A woman with purple eyes said with a slight bow as the officials quietly watched her mannerism.

She was a newly descended angel as such they were just speculating her through her actions.

She possessed a pair of large wings, and a crown-like ring that floats atop of her head intimated that she was an angel but her presence wasn't significant enough to grab Nix's attention, unlike Yeril who somehow gives of an odd feeling, unlike other angels.

Though it was for the first time he saw several angels. There seemed to be almost about twenty of them along with her.

The administrator opened the map that portrays the terrain of the Barani desert. It takes about seven days by the means of marching. Though there is the teleportation with which one could easily intrude the other cities.

This was why cities took refugees in and shut off their portals. But they were also used to let higher officials and VIPs travel through. This was made possible because of the unique frequencies of the magic circles they use.

The main concept is that both the entry points should match the other. This made it clear that none can intrude unless they possess the other frequency. 

"As she states. This woman here will be helping the air force. Since you are already accompanied by Yeril."

Breon stated after nodding his head to Nix as he blinked his eyes unable to understand.

The map showed their city which was clearly in the center of attention as it stayed down south. Barani was about seven days away from Ranrak by walk and considering the marching speed of the army they'd reach the middle of the desert by three days where the vicious army of Outlaws awaits. 

It is said that they do not possess a strategy or formation. Though if they were to win over this war. women, children, money everything was bound to be plundered and abused. Considering that outlaws are one vile mass of hoodlums the continent would be utterly devastated and contaminated by evil.

As soon as Breon finished his sentence Bageran cleared his throat to amass attention and pointed at the map where Saragame was located at.

"This might sound like an immense challenge but your army will have to fight alone against the Barani. We've heard the news that the Outlaws of Saragame are approaching our city by the time we are speaking."

Saragame was a city that was in equal distance to both Ranrak and Barani. Thus they could travel in a very convenient way and attack them from the direction they want. Since Barani is east to the Ranrak they were approaching the city from the west. 

Bageran stopped and peered at the officials who were listening to him wearing a serious expression on their faces.

"They possess about two thousand soldiers. Nevertheless, they are a threat that is sent for distracting and secluding us from contacting the other Regular cities and Ferandel... If possible Ranrak will have to approach the sea route to escape the vicious scheming"

Ranrak was in the south most but that did not mean they are the only ones in there. There was a large piece of land beneath them that was isolated and made as taboos to be entered. Though there was a route to enter the sea route in order to flee from there it was said that there are vicious amphibians of seas dwelling in the port of  Hasgo.

This meant that option was a suicidal one which could devastate the people. Being in the south sure isolated Ranrak.

"So you are all conveying that I will have to fight Barani using the given soldiers which is about ten thousand against a whole city that possesses about thirty thousand outlaws."

Nix's words were indeed right on point. Barani possessed about thirty thousand Outlaws and none would miss such a great opportunity. Unlike Ranrak which possesses civilians that should be protected, they have did not have anything that refrained them. 

In fact, Outlaws were always great in number considering the convenience and freedom most do choose to join their factions in that sense Outlaws were quite huge in number plus Barani was the most vicious and vantage point for Outlaws. Nix knew this has he stayed there.

The crime was an everyday thing as such he could vividly imagine what would happen to the civilians in the aftermath which should be barbaric. 

"War Commander Nix you boast a great power. You possess our Ex knight captain, The infamous Spear master Cinzia who once assisted the Revolutionary Damian, A orc chieftain, An angel... We do not see any big threat in fighting them. We also heard you possess the ability to kill devils as such you do not have to worry."

The economical minister uttered.

Nix immediately placed his sword on his neck emitting his mana.

The immense pressure transmitted a shiver up their spine. The official's faces contored while the pig-like man pissed his pants.

"You filthy pig. Have you ever been in a fight? Or are you going to participate in the war? You officials should shut the fuck up."

"Haha, the fuck? You pissed your pants?"

Bageran laughed while patting Nix's shoulder.

"Son, you could have gone easy against him. And look at these faces."

He said pointing at the officials who stared at Nix with fear evident in their eyes. Nix did not show fear. He did not. From the beginning, he did not like them.

"Alright, we will leave."

One of the officials, a woman said and left the place.

"Jaliea! Stop!"

Breon yelled yet, the woman left.

"Hah, Lord Nix... Why did you..."

Breon said turning towards Nix with a sigh since the woman already left before getting stopped.

Bageran smiled and began speaking in Nix's place.

"If not for those money leeching pigs. This city would have developed tremendously including yourselves. You people turned a blind eye and now you act worried and even hire a guy who you dare banished? And now you people want respect? I don't see anything wrong here."

"The Era of Royal ruling in chaos mainland is no more if not for your pitiful king. He has drifted away from the right path."

As he finished speaking the Angel began talking while looking at both Bageran and Nix.

"Are you stating that this city will be defeated? You dare defy the command of the gods?"

"Haha, No-No!"

Bageran said with a laugh and continued.

"I merely stated what's about to happen."

"War commander Bageran, please do not disrespect the royal council."


Bageran shrugged and looked at Nix with a smile.

"So, are we going to leave now?"

Camila said looking at Nix.

"Blow the sirens! Hoist the flags! Prepare for war!"

Breon uttered in a loud voice looking straight at the alley gate that connects to the colosseum where two men stood holding being sirens.

As the sirens were blown the battalions began to start standing in their formations.


Two days later,

The night was colder than ever, Amidst the quiet eerie desert of Barani was Several tents, thousands of soldiers, devils, other racial soldiers, siege weapons were in an impregnable formation. Ready for war to utterly destroy their enemies.

Amidst them standing tall, facing straight towards the direction of Ranrak was a bald man.

He took the telescope towards his eyes and viewed through it while munching on a large leg piece of a monster.

"Commander Waltner... It seems the Ranrak's war commander has begun marching."

One of the bald man's henchmen uttered as Waltner was reading the terrain's movements and the sudden shift in the atmosphere.

"Blow the sirens!"

Waltner said chewing the meat as the growls of Mutinos resounded through the sky and the land from the far distance.

Immediately the soldiers, No the Outlaws began to ready up their siege weapons as soon as the siren was blown.

"Nigh is the war! "

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