Veilbound Secrets: The Oath Bearer's Curse

Chapter 7 - Whispers Beneath the Veil ‘2’

I couldn't shake the feeling that the thinning of the Veil wasn't just some natural occurrence. The creatures that slipped through weren't mere accidents. Was there a force behind it, something or someone that wanted the Veil torn down?

And then there was the relic. The cursed relic of the Oswin family, with its whispers and strange power that seemed to feed on the bearer's very soul. The connection between the relic and the Veil wasn't fully understood. Maybe it was tied to the same power source, something that strained the Veil with each generation of Oswins that dared to wield it. Maybe that was the reason why my family was so intimately connected to these breaches, to these thin spots where reality itself seemed to buckle under pressure.

"Or maybe it's something else," I whispered, the idea taking root, "something pulling from the other side."

Was there something, or someone, actively trying to come through? Was I merely a pawn in a much larger game, pulling on a thread that someone else had already unraveled? The very thought sent a chill down my spine.

Suddenly, I felt the faintest shift in the air again—a whisper on the wind that didn't quite feel right. It wasn't the same as before; it was softer, almost like a sigh. It wasn't a creature this time, but it was a reminder. A reminder that every pull of mana, every whisper of power I took from the Veil, had consequences.

What if my actions were nothing more than an invitation?

The thought settled into my mind like a stone sinking into a deep, dark well. If that were true, I needed answers—and fast. I couldn't afford to be reckless. If I continued on this path without understanding the rules of the game, I'd likely find myself at the mercy of something far beyond my control.

But where to start? Liora had mentioned old texts, the forgotten volumes hidden away in the Oswin estate's forbidden library. And then there was harmony. Perhaps that was where I could find the answers I needed—if I dared to venture into the heart of it all.

I exhaled slowly, feeling the weight of the unknown pressing in from all sides. I needed to learn more about the Veil, about these Convergence Points, and most importantly, about what or who was weakening it. And I had to learn fast.

"Guess there's no turning back now," I murmured, clenching my fist, feeling the raw mana simmer beneath my skin. Whatever was behind the thinning Veil—whether it was me, some ancient force, or a darker intention—I would find out.

One way or another, the Veil would reveal its secrets to me. Or I'd tear them out of it, thread by thread.

A soft rustle echoed behind me. My muscles tensed, and I spun around, my senses sharpening. The forest was deathly silent—no birds, no wind, only the faintest sound of leaves brushing against each other. The hair on my arms stood on end. I could feel it—a subtle, almost imperceptible shift in the air, like the world had taken a breath and was holding it.

"...Is something there?" I whispered, half-expecting an answer.

Then, I saw it—a shimmer in the air, a ripple that distorted the trees behind it. The space seemed to twist and pulse, like heat waves rising from a desert. I didn't need to guess what that meant.

A thin spot in the Veil. And it was getting thinner.

"Not good," I muttered, backing away slowly. I could feel my pulse quicken, the instinctual urge to flee rising in my chest. But running wouldn't help. If something came through, I had to be ready.

'I fucking had to go and jinx it, I shouldn't have thought about it. It feels like someone is doing this on purpose after hearing my thoughts, tch.' I was honestly pissed.

I concentrated, pulling mana from the Veil once more, feeling it rush into me like ice-cold water surging through my veins. This time, I didn't let it build too fast. I kept it in check, focusing it into my limbs, reinforcing my muscles and bones, sharpening my senses. I needed to be prepared for whatever might emerge.

The shimmer grew more defined, a tear-like line that wavered in the air, slowly widening. Shadows bled from its edges, curling and twisting like smoke. A low hum began to vibrate through the ground, an otherworldly sound that set my teeth on edge.

Then it happened—a clawed limb, black and glistening, tore through the shimmer, gripping the air as if it were solid. It was followed by another limb, and then a head—elongated, with too many eyes, each one a different size, and a mouth that opened horizontally, splitting the face in two.

"Oh, hell," I breathed, taking a step back. The creature's form was wrong, shifting in ways that defied logic, like it was both there and not there. Its eyes—each one—fixed on me, unblinking, filled with a kind of hunger that made my skin crawl.

"Focus," I told myself, grounding my stance. "You wanted to get stronger, right? Here's your chance."

The creature lunged. I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding its swipe, and lashed out with my mana-infused fist. It connected with a sickening crunch, and the creature screeched, its body twisting away, the space around it warping in response to the impact.

I didn't stop. I drove forward, striking again, this time aiming for what looked like its center. Mana flowed through me, each strike a burst of force that distorted the air. The creature shrieked, its form flickering like a dying flame, but it wasn't enough. It slashed at me with a clawed hand, and I barely managed to block it, feeling the raw power behind its blow. My arms burned with the effort.

"I have to close the tear," I muttered through gritted teeth. "Or more of these things might come through."

But how? I'd never been taught how to mend a tear in the Veil—if that was even possible. All I could do was try to push this thing back through and hope the Veil would seal itself.

I focused all the mana I could muster into my palms, feeling the power build to a fever pitch. "Get back!" I roared, thrusting my hands forward. A blast of raw, condensed energy erupted from my palms, slamming into the creature. It screeched, its body twisting and contorting as it was forced back toward the tear.

The tear began to shrink, the shimmering edges folding in on themselves. I could feel the strain of holding the mana, the burning in my veins. But I kept pushing, pouring everything I had into that final blast.

With a final, distorted shriek, the creature was sucked back through, and the tear snapped shut, the forest falling silent once more.

I staggered, panting heavily, sweat dripping down my face. My muscles ached, my head throbbed, but it was done. The Veil had held... for now.

"Guess that's a lesson learned," I muttered, my breath ragged. "Mess with the Veil, and the Veil messes back."

But there was no denying it—I needed this power. And if I was going to master it, I had to understand the risks. Because the next time a tear opened, I might not be so lucky.

And I had a feeling it wouldn't be long before it happened again.

I couldn't shake the feeling that the thinning of the Veil wasn't just some natural occurrence. The creatures that slipped through weren't mere accidents. Was there a force behind it, something or someone that wanted the Veil torn down?

And then there was the relic—the cursed relic of the Oswin family, with its whispers and strange power that seemed to feed on the bearer's very soul. Its connection to the Veil wasn't fully understood, but I suspected there was a link. Perhaps it was tied to the same power source, something that strained the Veil with each generation of Oswins that dared to wield it. Could that be the reason my family was so intimately connected to these breaches, these thin spots where reality itself seemed to buckle under pressure?

"Or maybe it's something else," I whispered, the idea taking root. "Something pulling from the other side."

Was there something—or someone—actively trying to come through? Was I merely a pawn in a much larger game, pulling on a thread that someone else had already unraveled? The very thought sent a chill down my spine.

A whisper, faint and almost imperceptible, brushed against my ear like a cold breath.

You seek answers…

I froze, my pulse quickening. This was not the first time I'd heard this voice. It came from nowhere, a disembodied sound carried by the wind, but its presence was unmistakable—a voice that seemed to speak directly to my mind, bypassing the natural order of things. The white figure.

"Who are you?" I demanded, my voice barely a tremor. "What do you want?"

To guide. To teach. But you must go where the threads of fate converge.

It never answered directly. The voice was always cryptic, always elusive, like it was playing a game where only it knew the rules. But I had learned one thing—wherever this presence wanted me to go, there were always more questions than answers.

"Harmony," I whispered, the city name rolling off my tongue like a curse. "That's where you want me to go, isn't it?"

It is where you need to go, the voice replied, an edge of insistence in its tone. The answers lie beyond the walls of that ancient city, among those who hide secrets in shadows.

A part of me resisted. I had just begun to grasp the basics of this new world, to make sense of the chaos that surrounded me. But another part, the one that had seen too many shadows and whispers in the night, knew that staying put would do me no good. I needed to understand the Veil, the relic, and the strange forces that seemed intent on toying with reality.

The voice interrupted my thoughts, sharper now, cutting through my hesitation.

You do not have the luxury of time, Aric. The Veil weakens further with each passing day. Those who seek to cross it will not wait for you to be ready.

I could feel a chill spread through my body. It wasn't wrong; the breaches were becoming more frequent. I could sense them even now, like subtle ripples in a pond. And I could also sense something else—something just beyond my awareness, lurking and waiting.

"So, what then? You want me to march into Harmony with nothing but blind faith that you'll show me the way?" My voice was filled with frustration, yet I couldn't ignore the truth of its words.

Faith is a tool for fools, it replied, almost amused. Knowledge is what you seek, and Harmony is where it lies. Go. Find the hidden texts, the forbidden knowledge. Only then will you learn to command the Veil instead of merely reacting to its whims.

You are learning, Aric. But do not become complacent. The path ahead is treacherous, and Harmony awaits.

I nodded, more to myself than to the voice. "Fine. Harmony it is."


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