Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 1 Silence

Ange was awakened by the sound of pecking, his soul was slowly ignited, and the fluctuations radiated from the empty eye sockets, and he could perceive what he touched. This is the way the skeleton observes the outside world.

The soul stretched out and landed on Ange's chest ribs, where the sound of pecking sounded. A bird was pecking at the damaged part of Ange's ribs, pecking out the grass seeds embedded there and eating them.

Ange kept the original posture without moving, and let the bird clean his body. This was a good thing for him. The grass seeds embedded in it would germinate and swell when wet, breaking his bones.

After the little bird flew away, Ange got up from the ground and checked his body.

It's broken a lot, it needs to be replaced...

After a winter's sleep, Ange's skeleton has been damaged a lot compared to last year. If it is not replaced, it is likely to affect his activities.

But when he thought of this problem, Ange turned his head in distress, and looked at the palace like a mountain behind. After so many years, only the king's palace has well-preserved bones. To replace the bones, you need to go inside to find them. , this is something that bothers him.

Although the undead king had been missing for a thousand years, the power remaining in An Ge's soul still made him reluctant to approach the palace.

I will use it this year, let's talk about it next year... Ange gave up the idea of ​​looking for replacement bones in the palace, and walked to the field not far away.

The place where he got up was a haystack, which was also Ange’s sleeping and shade home. In the past, the sun was so fierce during the day that he couldn’t bear the sun, so he would hide in the haystack to rest in the sun, and wait for the sun to go down soon. Come out to work until the next day, day and night is the normal routine of undead creatures.

When he had companions before, they would dive headlong into the haystack, and crawl out covered in dead grass at dusk.

Ange found that this was not good. The haystack was damp and dark, where bugs would grow and bones would be corroded.

So Ange would bundle the grass stems into bundles, pile up a semi-closed cavity, and then drill into the hole, so that the rain would not be exposed to the sun, and the condition of the skeleton would be much better than that of his companions.

In recent years, he has not cared much about the sunshine, but the work and rest he developed before still affects him, allowing him to maintain the habit of resting at sunrise and working at sunset. Now it is the evening of the day, and it is time for hard work time.

Ange is a small vegetable grower on a farm near the Resting Palace. He is responsible for farming 50 acres of farmland. It has been 1,100 years.

In the past, there were more than 60 vegetable-growing skeletons like Ange in the whole farm, and each was responsible for farming 50 acres of farmland. Ange was just an ordinary one among them. The only special thing is that he lived longer than others Bar.

Ordinary skeletons never take care of their bones. They like to drive away birds and dig into haystacks. Therefore, after more than ten years, the bones on their bodies decay to the point of being unusable and fall to the ground.

Occasionally, a high-level undead creature would pass through the air and find that a certain farmland was deserted. It would know that the responsible skeleton had decayed, and would report it. After ten days, a new skeleton would be assigned.

Of course, the farmland that has been abandoned for a period of time will definitely not be harvested this year, but it doesn't matter, undead creatures don't need to eat, and the things grown here are just for storage to entertain visiting human missions when needed .

However, given the bad relationship between the Undead Empire and humans, there may not necessarily be humans visiting for hundreds of years.

But what does that matter? The cost of input was not high, there were only sixty or so skeletons, and it was effortless to maintain the operation of the farm. Later, the high-level officials of the undead empire even forgot the existence of such a farm, and it was maintained like this only by inertia.

In such a farm that is maintained by inertia, no one has ever noticed Ange, a particularly long-lived skeleton. Intelligent, high-level undead creatures rarely come here, and he is not decayed, so naturally no one will throw him And he found a way to prolong his life.

Some skeletons were rotten and lost the ability to move, but not the whole body was rotten, some had only broken hands, some had only rotten lumbar vertebrae, but most of them had broken feet.

While the skeletons were lying on the ground and could not move, Ange would remove the parts that were still intact and replace the rotten parts of himself.

After more than a hundred years like this, the companions have been replaced by more than a dozen waves, and Ange is still maintaining it in tatters. Then in the 139th year, he woke up from the long sleep in winter again. Grid found that the whole world had changed.

The surroundings became absolutely quiet, there were no wailing of wraiths, screams of ominous spirits, and no high-level undead creatures flying across the sky from time to time, even the companions on the farm were gone.

Anger didn't realize what happened. He repeated the work of more than 100 years step by step, weeding, plowing, and sowing. After a week, he noticed that, except for the area he was in charge of, Everywhere else is barren.

Another skeleton decayed?

As usual, he immediately set off to find replacement bones. After rummaging through all the abandoned blocks, Ange found fifty-nine skeletons that were not seriously decayed, and even the fire of the soul had been extinguished.

At this point, An Ge finally felt that something was wrong, but he was just a low-level vegetable-growing skeleton, and he couldn't think of anything wrong, but harvested more than fifty intact skeletons, which made him happy for a long time.

Ange used a method invented by himself to store these skeletons in haystacks. In the next two hundred years, relying on the replacement of these skeletons, Ange passed it safely.

In the past two hundred years, Ange has been completing his own work, sowing and harvesting. The harvested crops will leave seeds, and the rest will be dragged to a large burrow at the edge of the farm and thrown down the slide.

The crypt is covered with soil, which can keep crops for a long, long time, and the space inside is very large. If Ange alone relies on it, it may take a thousand years to fill the crypt.

Time passed day by day, and the skeleton would eventually be used up, especially as time went by, the bones stored in the cavity slowly decayed.

After the last spare skeletons were used up, Ange's foot was broken, which forced him to limped out of the farm that he hadn't left for three hundred years.

The entire Undead Empire was silent, not a single soul could be seen, but there were many broken and weathered bones on the ground. Judging from the degree of decay, they had been dead for at least two hundred years.

Why is this so? Ange walked in this dead land with doubts, looking for replacement bones, and finally found the palace.

The Palace of Rest is the supreme existence of the undead empire, the resting place of the undead king who is in charge of the soul and immortality, and it has a natural coercion on low-level undead creatures.

Ange wandered around for several days before he got used to this coercion, and stepped into the scope of the Palace of Rest, where the smell of death is strong, and the soil on the ground is thick, and the soil can inactivate and dry all objects, and can preserve longer time.

In the soil, Ange found some relatively strong and sturdy skeletons. If Ange was a low-level dry bone skeleton, then these strong and sturdy bones once belonged to a higher-level gray bone or white bone skeleton.

It's a pity that these skeletons, which were once stronger than Ang, have lost their souls, leaving only a pile of bones. If they were not buried in the soil, they might have decayed like their counterparts outside.

Anger picked up a bunch of bones and pieced them together into a complete skeleton, then transferred his soul to it, and transformed into a more advanced gray bone skeleton.

Although he wanted to piece together a more advanced silver skeleton, he found that the soul was too weak to drive it, so he had to give up.

In this way, Ange returned to the farm, and continued his life of resting at sunrise and working at sunset, until his bones decayed again.

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