Varocia : From Gamer to Mentor

Chapter 2 : Encounter

As Olgan continued onward, following the trail left by the previous Olgan, he encountered weird creatures: rabbits with horns, birds with no legs, slimes, among others.

Fortunately, none of these creatures appeared hostile, allowing him to pass by with only a mild startle.

Whether these animals were inherently docile or simply recognized humans as a superior predator, he couldn't be sure.

The plants were just as unusual, contributing to the mystery of this fantasical world.

He observed trees with web-like blue leaves, their roots suspended like an upside-down chandeliers in the sky, and bushes that shifted colors as he approached. Such alienate plant was rare; although most of the greenery here resembled the ordinary plants from his former life on Earth.

Navigating the forest with caution, Olgan followed the path of the previous Olgan. Lacking experience in camping or forest travel, he began to feel a creeping anxiety as the sun continues to fall towards the horizon.

Just when he was about to lose hope, he stumbled upon a long dirt road, its surface clearly worn by the passage of carriage wheels and numerous footprints.

Relieved, Olgan took a moment to consider his direction. He decided to climb the tallest tree for a better view.

From his vantage point, he saw an endless expanse of trees but no sign of civilization. The previous Olgan's footsteps now mixed with others, making it difficult to determine the original path taken by him.

"Why did he venture so deep into the forest?" Olgan muttered to himself.

Despite the uncertainty, he chose to proceed northeast, as the previous trail seemed to lead in that direction. Trusting his instincts, or luck, he continued on his way towards northeast.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting an orange hue that rendered the forest even more magical and enigmatic, Olgan finally discovered signs of human activity—a scattering of wood fragments, likely remnants of a broken carriage.

His senses heightened, he contemplated moving into the forest to conceal himself as he investigated the situation beyond the hill.

He reconsidered, realizing he was unsure of what had caused the carriage's destruction. The unknown threats of monsters or even hostile plants made hiding in the forest a potentially dangerous choice.

Moving cautiously along the road's edge instead of the forest, he approached the scene with caution.

Peering over the hill, Olgan witnessed a tense confrontation: a large group of bandits besieging the carriage. Though he saw their movements—shouting, clashing blades, and chanting mages—he heard nothing, despite his proximity.

"Silent Magic?" he wondered, intrigued but aware that now was not the time for curiosity.

The bandits, clad in ragged clothes and sporting menacing expressions, seemed to revel in their villainous roles. In contrast, the carriage's defenders wore gleaming medieval armor. However, Olgan's eye twitched at the sight of their over-the-top asymmetrical armor—a detail that clashed with his artistic sensibilities.

He didn't mind normal asymmetrical clothes, but what they wore were simply too much for him!

The knights were valiantly protecting a young woman, about eighteen years old, who was also clad in weirdly-shaped asymmetrical armor.

She has long wavy grey-and-white asymmetrical hair. Her striking appearance and figure would have made her a model on Earth. Her armor, divided in contrasting colors of grey and white just like her hair, matched the chaotic state of the battlefield.

Though the knights, lower on numbers, were heavily injured and their armor battered, they were managing well in fending off the bandits, who were clearly struggling to hold on.

Suddenly, a bandit hiding behind his comrades raised a red gem-embled staff high. The knights' faces contorted in shock as magical circles materialized above the bandit.

The knights watched in horror as thick wooden thorns erupted from the ground, impaling the knights as well as the disbelief bandits, not expecting to be killed by their own comrades. The spell's devastation was indiscriminate, leaving only two surviving knights and three bandits, including the spellcaster.

Among the survivors were the grey-and-white-haired female knight and another female knight with a blonde ponytail.

The two remaining bandits, seizing the opportunity, rushed towards the blonde female knight, while the mage bandit, visibly exhausted from unlaeshing a large-scale AoE(Area of Effect) spell, put away his staff and pulled out a short stick, readied another spell to finish off the heavily injured grey-and-white-haired female knight.

Just as all hope seemed lost for the two female knights, a new voice rang out, cutting through the chaos: "This is the police! You are under arrest!"

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