Valterion: The Space/Arch? Mage

Chapter 92: Taxi

Chapter 92: Taxi

Location: Magicon Empire; Magicon System; Terra; Imperia; FBC

The lesson continues with headmaster Benson telling us a few more things about the courses at FBC and what to expect from them. Most importantly, he tells us that the course requirements aren’t hard facts at all. If we are for example only a Junior Mage and want to attend an advanced course, we can present some arguments to the Professor and then they get to decide if they let you join or not. Mostly it’s the student telling them that they are close to an advancement, or that they get some power enhancements soon. I keep that fact in the back of my head, as this would allow me to visit the advanced course for Utility as well if the beginner course was too simple.

After that, the headmaster calls the course finished for the day and tells us that tomorrow Professor Williston will take over the lessons. He says goodbye and wishes us a successful first year at FBC. Then he simply vanishes. The other students sit still for another moment, then a great uproar goes through the seats, and all the Senior Space Mages and above are swarmed by the students around them. Myself included.

“Can you join my team?”

“… just need a Space Mage.”


“I’m Jason, nice to meet you.”

I’m immediately overwhelmed and look helplessly at Alina. She sees my discomfort and claps her hands. The sound must have been magically enhanced, as it’s unnaturally loud. But it does its job and the crowd around me stills. “Guys, relax. You’re scaring her. Keep it civilized and form a line!” Alina calls out.

It seems to work for a moment until some people try to push themselves forward or try to form a second and third line. Alina explodes. “For fuck’s sake, are you too dumb to form a line? I thought we all learned how to do it at registration! Do it right, or we’re gone, and you lose out on one of the strongest Space Mages in our year.”

Oh wow, she has a temper. And did she just increase my value during her rant? I know that I’m probably the strongest here, but she doesn’t! She only knows that I’m a Master, and from what I saw, Masters aren’t that rare… Well, not that I care… Might be able to ask for more if I’m going to play taxi. I wonder if they are up to pay with other things than money? If it’s one thing I don’t need, it’s money. Shoot, but Sara Green probably does… Maybe I can ask for a little money and something on top?

Anyway, Alina’s rant was effective, and the students around us start forming an orderly line. Alina smiles, and Lucy and Lydia stand protectively behind me. “Good, now it’s probably the time to tell you, that my friend Sara here already has a team for the Exploration course,” Alina continues, indicating herself, Lydia, and Lucy.

There are a few groans throughout the line, and a few people already start leaving. “You’re only four, though,” calls out one voice from the middle of the line. Others nod in agreement and one of those who left even steps back into the line.

“I shake my head, deciding it’s time for me to speak up. “Sorry guys, but Alina is right. If you’re looking for a Space Mage for the Exploration course, you’re wrong here. We’ve already got a full team of six.”

This time they get it and start leaving with defeated expressions. It’s about a quarter of the people who formed up before me, but that still leaves almost thirty people with hopeful expressions. I cock my head. That should be possible and would make things easier, than sitting here in the stands of the stadium.

“Clara, is there like an office that fits all those people we can rent?” Lucy raises an eyebrow when she hears this, and Alina’s eyes light up. Yeah, she gets it. Teleporting thirty-plus people is another sign of my strength and raises my value.

“There sure is, I’ve taken the liberty and reserved one, meaning you can teleport right inside. Whenever you’re ready.”

She locks in a set of coordinates, and I grin broadly at the other students, waiting in line. “Alright guys, if you’re still interested, move closer, and we move the negotiations to a better place. Just don’t resist.”

I get a few questioning glances, but everyone moves closer. I flex a bit with my magic power and envelope everyone, then I grin broadly and trigger the Teleportation spell. A fraction of a second later, we’re inside the office, Clara has just booked. A few students look at me wide-eyed, while others wobble a bit on their feet. First-time teleporters, I guess.

I let out a soft chuckle and sit down behind the main desk in the room. “Alright, take a seat, then we can start discussing what you might need from me.”

Most of the others sit down at the big conference table before me, while my friends sit down next to me. One of the few who keeps standing looks at me with a conflicted expression. “Did you just kidnap us? Where are we? Is this even legal?”

I’m about to answer when I get a notification on my interface. It’s another reward! I start laughing when I see just what I’m getting. This is perfect. The man who just asked starts scowling. “What’s so funny?”

“Sorry, sorry. I just got a reward for starting a negotiation from a position of power. I guess I did something to impress the college staff… Anyway, don’t worry, we’re still on campus, I just booked us an office here so that we don’t have to do all the negotiating in the stadium.”

The young man nods and sits down. “I guess you got something good then?”

Oh, absolutely. I’ve just got a coupon for a free Magitech personal shield device. This is a nice upgrade to my shield watch, as it covers my full body. Not that I’m telling him that. “I did, yeah.”

He grunts, and all the others still standing sit down as well. An awkward silence fills the room, until I clear my throat. “What are you waiting for? You’re the ones who want me as your taxi.”

The same young man from earlier speaks up again. “Hi, sorry for earlier. I’ve just never been teleported without prior warning… My name’s Dave, and I’m planning to take the Archeology course together with my friends,” he indicates the people next to him. “Since pretty much all the planets in the vicinity have already been archaeologically investigated, we’re thinking of trying our luck further out. Maybe we’re even lucky and find the long-lost Solar System?” He ends the sentence with a weak chuckle, and I have to fight very hard to keep my expression neutral. That was a close one. Maybe it’s even possible? I mean Dad is still trying to open the vault and if he manages, Grandpa John probably announces Earth.

“Therefore, we need a strong Space Mage, as we’re otherwise not able to cross the needed distance to find some interesting places. What do you think?” He looks at me with a hopeful expression, and his friends almost make puppy eyes.

I can’t say I’m not interested… Maybe such archeological sites even contain magical Artifacts? Maybe even a core? That would be insane! “Let’s say I’m interested, Dave, what can you offer me?”

He cringes, and his expression drops a little. “We’re all on a scholarship…” There are some sardonic chuckles around the room, and I whisper to Clara.

“Mark those people, please. I don’t think I want to work with them.”


Five people light up on my interface, they all sit close to a young man with clothes that just scream money. He even wears a weird symbol on his outer coat, right above his heart. It doesn’t look like a company logo, more like a family crest. Is that a Noble? He wears a confident smirk on his face and seems to enjoy Dave’s discomfort.

I must have spaced out longer than intended, as I only hear the last words from Dave’s next sentence. “…part of our findings.” He looks back up with hope in his eyes.

Dammit, now I feel like an idiot. “Sorry, Dave, can you repeat what you just said? I spaced out a little.” The probably Noble dude snorts and Dave’s face fills with anger.

“And here I thought you would be different…” He starts to get up, and his friends join him. They all turn to leave the room, and the Noble dude suddenly wears a satisfied expression. Do they know each other?

“Clara, what did he offer me?” I whisper again, while Dave and his crew leave the room.

“He offered you part of their findings and a co-authorship of any papers they write. Sorry for not telling you earlier, I was researching your new Noble friend over there…”

Huh, that’s the perfect offer! Dang, why didn’t I listen? “Can you contact Dave and ask them to wait in an adjoining room? Book it, if necessary. I don’t care, but I want on their team. I can’t miss the chance of possibly finding an Artifact, even if it’s a low chance. Tell him I take their offer if he doesn’t want to wait, but don’t let them leave!”

“I’ve got you… One second. Room is booked, and Dave got the message. You should probably continue with the others. You’ve been silent for a while. I’ll keep you posted about Dave.”

She’s right. “Sorry everyone, I had to deal with something that came up, but now I’m back. For your information, I’m happy with other forms of payment besides money, and I also offered Dave to be their Space Mage for the Archeology course. I didn’t mean to drive him off…”

Now the Noble dude scowls in my direction and stands up. “I hope you just made a joke… I and my team would also like to contract you for the Archeology course. My name is Charles Ferdinand Junbun, grandson of Baron Junbun of the Armortec Duchy. I’m happy to pay any price you want, just don’t take that charity case… You’re way better off with us. Consider this an offer to enter the Noble circles.”

Silence descends over the room. There are whispers about how crazy it is to get such an offer over a simple contract and questions of why I’m even hesitating. Luckily Clara comes to the rescue and gives me a quick overview.

“First of all, such an offer is crazy. He’s basically inviting you to be one of his retainers. Your power really must have impressed him. If you took this offer you’d be basically part of the Junbun Barony with all the benefits and obligations. Not that I advise you to take that offer, as they are bottom rank of what Nobles can be. Even below that if he’s not attending RMA, but that’s a topic for later, as I’ve just got a message from Dave saying, that they’ll wait in the second office to talk to you later.”

Perfect, this Noble guy just rubs me wrong… I’d rather take Dave’s offer a thousand times over. I clear my throat. “Thanks for the offer, Charles.” There are sharp intakes of breath, and Charles and his goons start scowling.

“The correct form of address would have been Lord Junbun or at least Mister Junbun. You pretty much just insulted him,” Clara chuckles in my ear and I shrug inwardly.

“But I have to decline. I’ve already offered to be Dave’s Space Mage, and I don’t plan to go back on my word.”

Charles jumps up and slams his hands on the table. His face is red in anger, and he starts shouting. “Do you even know who I am? Who are you, a country bumpkin? Don’t you know what I just offered you?” He starts radiating magic. It feels like Senior in strength in both Utility and A&D. Does he want to intimidate me? I have to suppress a snort. What an idiot.

Lucy starts radiating her magic as well to counter him, but I put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. “Leave it, he’s not worth it.” She stops, and I turn back to Charles. “Mate, I don’t care who you are, and I know full well what you just offered. I just don’t care. And stop flexing your magic, you make the others uncomfortable.”

He just continues sneering. “You’ll regret this, mark my words.” His friends get up, and he suddenly focuses all his magic on me and my friends.

This time I don’t stop Lucy from pushing back, and his eyes go wide when Lucy hits his magic with her Master power level. I see multiple people groaning under the magical assault, and this is the last straw for me.

“Get the fuck out,” I shout at them, “if you’d have any kind of relevance in The Empire, you would be at RMA, now piss off, and don’t think anyone cares about the grandson of a random third-class Baron!”

Clara reads my mind and supplies me with a set of coordinates. I grab them roughly with the Teleportation spell, and before they can retort, teleport them to the jump room we jumped into earlier today during lunch break.

I let out a long sigh… Now I know why Mom hates dealing with Nobles so much. “Sorry everyone, he was just an ass…”

The others in the room just stare at me, not believing what I just did. Everyone is too stunned to make a noise. I can just shrug inwardly. First of all, I don’t have a clue about Noble politics and second, I’m just way above him in the hierarchy… That probably sounds a bit arrogant, but what can I do? Well, I guess I made my life as Sara Green just a bit harder, but if worst comes to worst, I’ll just ditch the disguise, even if that means I have to deal with even more Nobles…

I hear a gasp from my left and notice Dave standing at the open door with his jaw on the ground. “Did you just?”

“Yeah, I did… I’m really sorry about earlier, I was researching that dude when you made your offer because his goons laughed at you, that’s why I missed you talking.”

He nods slowly but steps back into the room, his friends follow soon after. “Do you know what you just did? You’ve made an enemy today… And, and just for us?”

“Bah, I’ve dealt with worse, and I like your offer way better than theirs. Who knows what we’re going to find? But that’s something for later, when we talk about the fine details, for now, let’s just say you’ve got your Space Mage.”

His team lets out sighs of relief and Dave answers. “Thank you!”

With that out of the way, I encourage the others to continue making their offers. It takes a while to get them over their shock, but in the end, they start talking again. I take on the one and other offer while declining a few as well. At least things don’t escalate anymore, and everything stays civil. In the end, I’m contracted by three additional teams, helping out in the Diplomacy, Security, and Courier courses.

The last one comes as a surprise and is a luxury service that deals with bringing goods from A to B as fast as possible. As I didn’t know what they even learn in that course, I asked them and when they answered, I was even more surprised. Apparently, they aim to exploit the system and get a reward, as the normal workload of the Courier course is negotiating deals with cargo companies and booking slots on freighters to find the fastest possible route for the goods they have to transport. It’s basically an advanced and practical negotiation and strategic thinking course. The students who contracted me, hope to exploit the system by hiring me and skipping all the negotiating and planning stuff. I laughed out loud when I heard this, and immediately accepted. It’s also the only contract where I accepted only money as payment without asking for more, as I’m just too curious of the outcome.

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