Valterion: The Space/Arch? Mage

Chapter 75: Arch? Mage

Chapter 75: Arch? Mage

Location: Magicon Empire; Valterion Duchy; Valterion System; Nua; Alburgh; Doctor Philipps’ Clinic

“She’s kind of an Archmage now,” Doctor Philipps states and my eyes fly wide open.


They must have noticed my movement, as suddenly all eyes are on me. “Uhh, hi,” I say. “What happened and why did you just say Archmage?”

Doctor Philipps clears his throat. “Well, what I can tell you is that I successfully removed the Artifact from your core. Everything went well to this point and preliminary readings confirmed, that your Space core was well in the Master rank of power. Then your core suddenly went on a rampage and, I can’t describe it any other way, it devoured your Utility core. Both your cores are now a single one. Per definition, this makes you an Archmage, even if you are still missing A&D magic. This is a precedent… But Maja also told me that the devouring process had already started when she implanted the Utility core. My best guess is that the Artifact stopped the merging back then and that’s what knocked you out for a week.”

I still stare at him wide eyed. “What does this mean for me now?”

He shrugs. “At this point, I can only make guesses. You probably have to do lots of testing soon with your parents,” he glances at them. “And myself as well, if I’m allowed?”

Dad shrugs. “We’ll see…”

The Doctor continues. “Anyway, what I can say is that your Space core has fully returned to its Master power rank, meaning you have all the benefits that come with it, mainly Space Sense and unrestricted teleportation with or without a ship.”

I lift my hand to stop him. “Uh, I already had access to Space Sense…”

“Truly?” I nod. He takes off his glasses to clean them. “Fascinating… Truly fascinating. Your magic must have overcome the Artifact… “

He continues to mumble, till almost all of us clear their throats. “Right, sorry. Moving on, as your Utility core merged with your Space core, you now should be at Master rank in Utility magic too. You’ll have to test that as well. Maybe you even have the additional power boost of the Archmage rank in both your magic classes. Again, I only make guesses here, this has never happened before.”

I continue to stare at him. This is intense! I’m an Archmage and also not? I try to sit up, but Mom is immediately at my side and holds me down. “Easy there. You’ll want to take it slow. The merging of cores takes a lot out of you. It’s crazy that you’re even awake now. It’s only been five hours. Normally you sleep for half a day when you reach the Archmage rank.”

I look at Mom and shrug. “I feel fine, though… can I at least sit up? I feel like Sleeping Beauty when I just lie there, and you all talk about me.”

Mom sighs but takes away her arm. “Fine but take it slow.”

I nod and slowly sit up. I get a little dizzy, but my head clears shortly after. I grin at her. “See? I’m fine.” I turn to Doctor Philipps. “Is there anything else you have to do or am I good to go as soon as my parents allow it?”

The man flashes a short grin at Mom’s scowl and nods. “Yes, you’re perfectly healthy and your core is stable. I’ve done my job, and I don’t see any reason for you to stay as soon as you feel fine. I suggest waiting till tomorrow before trying out your magic, just so that your core can settle a bit more. With that I’ll also take my leave, I’ve got another patient coming in soon. Let me know if you want me to join when you test your new capabilities.”

I nod and after thanking him, I wave him goodbye. Now I’m alone with Maja and my parents. I flash them a grin. “Archmage, huh?”

Dad starts laughing and we all quickly join in.

“Oh, you should have seen the Doctor’s face when It happened,” Maja snorts which has us laughing even louder.

It takes a while, but we finally calm down. “Seriously though, what does this mean for me?”

Dad sits down at the side of my bed. “We’ll have to talk about this in more detail later, but I suggest we keep the fact that you have merged cores hidden. While we are one of the ruling families, you also were already kidnapped once… Who knows what some magical fanatics will do if they learn about your special core… You also miss A&D magic, which can make you a bit vulnerable. Especially now that it’ll take a long while till you can get access to it.”

He's probably right… I mean I was kidnapped right under the nose of two Archmages. But the last part? “Huh, what do you mean with this?”

Dad looks me in the eyes. “Doctor Philipps did a bit of testing while you were unconscious, and his tests concluded that you can’t use another artificial core to unlock A&D magic.”

I blanch, realizing what this means. I need a real Artifact core, just like Conor Valterion and his wife! Dad must have interpreted my reaction the wrong way, as he lifts his hands to calm me down. “Relax, this doesn’t mean you can’t get access to A&D magic, just that it’s a lot harder now. You’ll need an Artifact core, and those things are very rare. But we’ll find one for you. I promise.”

“Thanks, Dad. Can we leave now? I really feel fine.”

Mom sighs. “Fine… But remember, no magic until tomorrow. And I won’t risk teleporting you, so we’ll take another shuttle.”

I grin and quickly agree. Then I stand up, my legs are a little weak, but I can stand on my own. Then we leave Doctor Philipps place and Dad orders a shuttle. The trip home is relatively quick, and soon after I find myself sitting on the couch with a scowling Mom daring me to stand up. I lean back in defeat and let them take care of me.

A while later, Maja tells me that she’s going back to the others so that I can relax a bit more. It’s a good idea, I think. The procedure took a lot more out of me than I’m willing to admit if I’m being honest. I can meet the others tomorrow and tell them about my new power.

Before Maja can leave though, Dad stops her, saying that we have to discuss something before she leaves. So a few minutes later, Maja sits next to me and we both look expectantly at my parents.

Dad grins. “First of all, Sara, I haven’t told you yet how proud I am of you. Your new magical power is simply unheard of at your age and that you traveled through half the galaxy as only a Novice and later Junior is simply said remarkable. So yes, Sara, I’m proud that you are my daughter.”

Mom quickly voices her agreement and I beam my biggest smile back at them. “Thanks! That you are my parents is also way better than I could have dreamt of.”

Next, Dad puts on a serious face. “But your new power also comes with a lot of problems. As I said, no one was that powerful at your age before. And then there is also your let’s call it pseudo-Archmage nature. That could make you a target if the news gets out. Sure, we could keep you safe, but only if you stay close to us all the time until you get your Artifact core. But I can’t imagine that’s what you want.”

I am quick to shake my head. Sure being with my parents is nice, but all the time? Nah, that’s too much.

“Alternatively, we could deck you out with a squad of bodyguards, but if you are even a little bit similar to me, I can’t imagine that you want this.” He chuckles when I shake my head again.

“Thought so. You’ll probably want to avoid having guards as long as possible. If you get the honor of being Duchess in the future though, you’ll have some. Jas and I do as well, even If she sends hers on vacation all the time,” he laughs a bit.

That’s what I’m doing as well if it comes to this someday!

“That means, you now have a decision to make. Announcing you as an Archmage is off the table, but we could proceed with our original plan and announce you as our daughter who was educated abroad to get a wider worldview and is now back. That would mean that we also announce that you reached Master rank in both Space and Utility magic during your travels, making you one of the youngest Grandmasters ever. You would then interact with all the Nobles of your age, and you would join the Royal Magic Academy in the capital with all the benefits of being one of the highest Nobles there are, and make your name among the nobility.”

He pauses for a moment. “But this also means that none of your friends can join you as they lack the Noble heritage and the fifth Emperor declared that only the Nobles without their retainers can join the academy. It would also mean that you have to deal with all those annoying upstarts who’d like to get their piece of the pie.”

Ugh, it does sound pretty amazing… I would be something like a princess, I guess but dealing with backstabbing young Nobles? I don’t know. “What’s the alternative?”

“Well, it’s similar, but also quite different. You would live kind of a double life at least for a while. We get you a new identity with a rich background or something, Jas is quite good at that.” He winks at Mom. “And then you can visit one of the normal magical colleges to learn more about magic. I fear now that you are this powerful, there is no way around a thorough magical education. We simply don’t have the time to teach you that much. This time we would only announce you as a Master Space Mage and Junior or Senior in Utility, making you strong, but not suspiciously so. Also, a few of your friends could join you and you don’t have to deal with too many Nobles.”

He grins again, I think he favors that option and I’m inclined to agree. But he said double life… There is another shoe to drop.

“That said, you would still be announced to the upper levels of nobility. I mean your great grandfather on your mother’s side would kill me if I don’t introduce you to him.”

Great grandfather… wait, that’s the Emperor, right?

He reads me like a book and laughs. “I see Jas has already told you. What I mean is that you still get to know all of the Big Five and maybe a few Silvanis as well, but that should be it, at least in the beginning. So what do you think?”

Uhh, that’s a bit fast? This is a BIG decision.

“Give her a bit of time, Dan. That’s a big decision,” Mom says, reading me like a book as well. I should really work on that…

“Thanks, Mom. Yeah, I really need to think a bit, give me a few minutes please.”

My parents nod and I lean back and close my eyes. Going the Noble route would make me unrestricted… But I have to leave my friends behind. And I have to deal with all the young Nobles. It sounded like they were like a pit of vipers… There’s also the risk that my high power could cause suspicions even if I don’t announce my nature as a pseudo-Archmage. The commoner route on the other hand sounds pretty nice. I’d still be with my friends and I’m surrounded by normal people… But my Utility magic would be restricted or at least I can’t use it at full strength. But I also don’t know what the Master rank of Utility entails besides magical video calls across any distance. I guess I could do without it in school. I’d also still get a bit of the Noble experience, that’s also a plus, probably. I guess I’ve made my decision… Now only one question remains.

I sit back up and look at my parents. “I’m done. But I still have a question which could change my decision.”

Mom nods. “Go ahead.”

“Is there a difference in the quality of things I can learn in the colleges? I mean would I miss out on stuff if I decide to go to a normal college?”

Both my parents shake their heads. “No,” Mom says. “That’s where money comes in. If you choose that route, we will get you into Ferdinand Benson College. That was the founder of Magicon Incorporated by the way.” I have to suppress a knowing grin and I think I succeeded this time. “It’s basically the sister school to RMA and is located pretty close to RMA. There are even the same teachers in a few of the subjects…”

So there is a chance that I still have to interact with a few of those Nobles… But that doesn’t change my decision. “Okay, then I think I’ve made up my mind.” I take a deep breath. “I’ll go with the second option and join FBC.”

Both of them grin. “Great, that’s settled then. You still have time. The next semester begins in three months,” Dad is all smiles and stands up to hug me which I quickly return.

Mom also joins the hug and whispers. “I’ll have Miranda setting up an identity for you till then.”

“Uhh, could I still go with Sara Valtron or is this too close?”

She shrugs. “I’ll have Miranda checking it and we’ll see. Now it’s time to go to bed for you though. You have a big day tomorrow. I finally want to hear your story!”

Ugh, how old am I, ten? But she’s right… I am very tired.

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