Valterion: The Space/Arch? Mage

Chapter 48: Liberation

Chapter 48: Liberation

Location: Estriduros Republic; Estriduros System; Estriduros; Duros

We return to our hotel, too much out of it to talk very much. Meeting Don Fernando was intense. Back in our room, I sit down on the couch and let out a long sigh. “Sorry guys, for pulling you into this…”

“Don’t worry too much, we knew what we were getting into when we removed my collar,” Jack replies, while Alex hugs me.

“Yeah, we’ve got this,” she says. “He doesn’t know that you are a Mage too, right?”

“I don’t think so… I think you’re right! He only ever talked about Jack being a Mage. We can use this. But we should make a plan sooner than later.”

Alex releases me and stands back up. “I agree, let’s go over it right now.”

I pull out the tablet while calling out to my AI. “S-57, can you summarize everything we got from Don Fernando.”

“Certainly, one moment…”

While we wait, we gather around the small couch table, I lay down the tablet, and roll it out to its maximum size. A few minutes later, a holographic representation of a warehouse appears above it, and S-57 starts speaking through the speaker.

“This is the target of your mission. Your source estimates a number of ten cargo crates filled with merchandise for you to liberate.”

A door in the back gets highlighted and the roof of the building disappears, so we can see the crates standing inside.

“That’s where your source wants you to enter and exit through. Meanwhile, they will start a distraction at the main entrance in the front. Your source believes that this will pull all the guards to the front, leaving a clear path for you to rob the place.”

I glance at the projection and think about what S-57 just said. It can work quite nicely if all the guards leave. But that’s a big if… “What do you guys think?”

Jack frowns. “It could work, but we’re screwed if they leave some guards behind to guard the rear exit.”

“My thoughts as well. How’s your Cloaking spell coming along? That should make things much easier.”

“It’s not quite there yet, unfortunately. What about your telekinesis?”

I shake my head. “Same here… I don’t think I’ll get it ready in one day. Dang it.”

Alex interjects. “How about you play the invisible protector for Jack? With your shield watch, you should be able to deflect lasers, right?”

My face brightens. “That’s a good idea! Jack can focus on getting the crates out, while I take care of the guards.” If necessary, an invisible club to the head will do nicely. I smile.

“What is it?” Jack asks.

I continue smiling. “I’m just imagining the guards getting knocked unconscious by someone invisible.”

That makes the others smile as well, till Alex drops her hands on the table, creating an audible clang. “Alright, that’s our plan then. I’ll drive the getaway car and you both go inside to get the goods.”

Jack and I both nod. It’s an okay plan, I guess. Could be better, but what do we know? It’s our first and hopefully last break in anyway.

The next day comes and goes, and we just sit around in anticipation. It can’t be midnight soon enough. I don’t want to wait anymore!

Finally, it’s almost time. At ten in the evening, we leave the hotel and start heading down to the lower levels again. The address, Don Fernando included in the briefing is another warehouse, probably one of his organization.

I ring the bell at the entrance and a minute later, the door opens a bit and is held in place by a chain. A dark-skinned man looks through the gap. “What do you want?”

“We, uh, we were told to come here by Don Fernando?”

The man shows no reaction but closes the door in our faces. I look at the others. “What the…” Then the door opens again, this time in full. The man who opened for us is massive, almost two meters tall, and just as wide! He grins broadly.

“So you are the special guys, the Don told us about. Come in, the others are already waiting.” He points with one hand behind himself, and his coat moves a bit to the side. Holy smokes, he’s loaded. Below his coat, there is a full array of weapons. I notice several laser guns, but also a projectile rifle, and at least one hilt of an energy blade. They’re surely expecting trouble.

We enter the warehouse through the short hallway. Around thirty people are waiting inside. Each of them looks just as tough as the guy who let us in. In front of them stands Don Fernando, slightly grinning once he sees us. “Ahh, the magical reinforcement.” Everyone turns to look at us. Confusion about how the Don managed to get Mages to help him, turns to even more confusion when they notice the lack of collars around our necks.

“Is this a joke,” one of them mutters and several others nod in agreement while frowning.

Don Fernando laughs and looks at Jack. “I think a short demonstration is in order if you’re willing?”

Jack just shrugs and concentrates a bit. A few seconds later, one of the crates in the corner of the room begins to float and makes its way over to the group.

Fernando claps a single time to get the attention of the slack-jawed people back to himself. For them, it’s simply impossible to see an uncollared Mage. I chuckle, they don’t know half of it.

The Don continues to speak. “Yes, it’s real magic, and that’s how we’re going to rob the Snakes clean!” Everyone starts cheering and the Don claps again to have them quiet down. “Alright, everyone. Let’s go over the last details…”

An hour later, Alex, Jack, and I sit inside of a small truck driven by the man who let us into the warehouse. His name’s Marc and he’s quite a nice fellow, even if he’s a criminal. We’re currently closing in at the warehouse we’re about to rob. The other vehicles have already left us and are about to assault the front of the building. We’re just waiting for the signal to engage.

Marc puts his hand to his ear, probably receiving a message on his earpiece. He slams down the gas pedal and we lurch forward, the grav generators straining to keep up. We’re still pressed into our seats a bit, but a minute later, we stop at the back door of our target. “Alright guys, do your thing, I’ll guard the entrance of the alley. Don’t wait for me once you’re finished. You know the way back.

He leaves the truck and walks down the walkway, while the truck floats right above. I look at the others and see looks of determination. “Let’s do this.”

They nod and Alex jumps into the driver’s seat, while Jack and I exit the truck. I grab the club and laser gun I got from Marc and confirm the stunning setting. I don’t want to kill anyone! Right before us is the back entrance to our target warehouse. It’s a double door, so we shouldn’t run into any issues with the crates when we leave. I look around, Marc is no longer in sight, so I cast the Cloaking spell as quickly as I’m able and vanish. Jack has cast his Communication spell in the meantime and I can suddenly hear his voice in my ear, despite his still closed lips. Mental communication, that’s so cool. I’m going to learn this one right after Telekinesis!

“Can you hear me, Sara?”

I answer out loud. “Yeah, loud and clear.”

“You don’t need to speak, as long as the spell is active, just think what you want to say and will it along the connection. You should feel it, right?”

I wasn’t looking for it before, but now that he says it, there is something there. Hmm, I’ll just try it. “Like so? Oh, and I’m invisible, right?”

I can hear him chuckling through the connection. “Exactly, and yes I can’t see you anymore… Ready to go in?”

I tap his shoulder to show him that I’m there. He jumps a little and I grin. Got him! “I’ve got your back! Let’s move.”

Jack steps forward and tries to open the doors. They’re locked, of course. His magic surges and suddenly, the doors swing open forcefully, the locking bolt is completely deformed, and I notice, that the doors would open the other way around normally. I sigh inwardly. Learning the last bits of the Telekinesis spell can’t come soon enough. This is so cool.

With the way now cleared, we step inside. To the right, there is a man who looks very surprised. I mean doors don’t open in the wrong direction regularly. Next, he looks at Jack and is about to shout a warning. But I’m faster, I’ve already rushed forward and swung my invisible club at his head. He drops like a sack of potatoes.

“Is he okay?” Jack asks with an expression of concern.

I squat down next to the man and check his pulse. It’s steady. “All good, he’s just unconscious.”

Before us the room opens up to a quite large shop floor and to the left, stacked in a corner, I see our target: Ten large crates filled with merchandise. I still wonder what’s inside. Let’s find out! The way is clear, the man behind me was the only one left behind. Looks like the distraction is successful.

Jack and I rush over to the crates, and he starts doing his thing. He told me before, that he can only handle two crates at once, so we have to do a few trips. While he’s preparing to take the first two out to the truck, I lift the lid of one of them and look inside. I gulp. There are hundreds of small packages, filled with a white substance. Drugs! I knew it would be something illegal, but drugs? Dang it, but we can’t back out now. We’re already committed…

“It’s drugs, Jack. We better hurry up. I don’t think they’ll react kindly to us taking their stuff. Who knows, maybe they do regular checkups with the guy inside.”

The first two crates begin floating and he nods. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll go as fast as I can. Follow me.”

He walks in between the two crates while they float toward the exit. I meanwhile discarded the club and draw my stun gun. If someone comes looking, I’m too far away to knock them unconscious with the club, so it’s the stun gun’s turn now. Luckily, I’m a good shot – Space Sense for the win.

We deliver the first two crates without issues and return for the next few. I check on the guard and find him still unconscious. Good! Jack makes another two crates floating alongside him and walks back to the exit. Right when he walks outside, I see someone entering from the front.

“Hurry up, there’s already one guy checking the room… I’ll take care of him, but please be faster.”

Jack grunts. “I’m working as fast as I can, just three more trips.”

Due to my invisibility, I have more than enough time to aim the gun. Once I’ve got him right in the crosshairs, I pull the trigger, and the gun discharges with a slight hiss. The laser bolt shoots out, it’s blue this time, and hits the man square in the chest. His eyes roll up and he collapses right on the spot, his chest raising in a steady rhythm. Good, the stun worked.

Jack comes running inside, he starts to sweat but still grabs the next two crates with his Telekinesis. We’re almost there – just four more.

The next run goes by without issues and soon Jack comes back for the last two. He’s completely sweaty now, but he still manages to lift them. I guard his back, and we slowly walk toward the exit. Luckily, there didn’t come another guy from the front while we liberated the goods.

On our way out, a strange feeling enters my body. Something’s wrong! What did I miss? I can’t figure it out. Then when we exit the warehouse, it clicks. The first guy wasn’t lying next to the door anymore! He’s now standing right in front of Jack with a gun pointed at Jack’s head. Shit, I don’t have a clear line to shoot!

While I’m panicking, the man demands Jack’s surrender and Jack asks where I am and why I’m not helping over the Communication spell.

I quickly explain the situation and tell him to duck, as soon as he sets down the crates.

Jack calls out. “Okay, okay, I’ll surrender. Please don’t shoot me!”

He cancels his Telekinesis and the crates lower themselves to the floor, then he drops himself to the floor as well. The man fires his gun out of reflex right at where Jack was standing moments before, meaning he shot right at me as I was standing right behind Jack. But I’m ready and have the shield-watch ready and activated. It catches the laser bolt and I pull the trigger in return. Before the man can react and point his gun at the prone Jack, he has a blue bolt hitting his chest and he falls unconscious. Again.

While Jack takes care of the crates, I cancel my invisibility and run to the truck to look after Alex. I’ve got a bad feeling. I arrive at the truck and open the driver’s door. Alex is inside and has blood running down the side of her head. But she’s breathing! I let out a sigh of relief. He’s only knocked her out.

I call out to Jack and explain the situation. No need to be silent anymore. He finishes loading and closes the cargo compartment. Then we both move Alex to the passenger seat very carefully. Jack sits behind the wheel and slams down the gas.

We did it! It got a bit messy in the end, but we did it. We’ll get our IDs and Don Fernando better put something on top of that! Stealing drugs was not the deal.

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