Valterion: The Space/Arch? Mage

Chapter 101: News

Chapter 101: News

Location: Magicon Empire; Magicon System; Terra; Imperia; FBC

I can’t stop grinning when I give Tim, Nick, and Alina a proper tour through the Stargazer. It’s amazing how a simple ship can cause such a reaction from them. Well, at least from Nick and Alina. They both walk through the ship with open mouths and take in every single detail. Lucy and Lydia hide their grins well, but I know they are just as amused as I am.

Tim on the other hand is a mystery… Again! He does show his amazement, but somehow it feels faked or forced, I don’t know. Like the ship is nothing special for him. Now I’m the one giving him weird looks…

The tour takes an hour, and we end up back on the bridge in the end. Suddenly, I find myself in a big hug and Alina whispers in my ear. “This is amazing. I’m so glad that I asked you about the Exploration course.”

“I know, right? With the Stargazer, nothing can stop us!”

Tim grunts his agreement. “Yeah, that’s probably the most overqualified exploration vessel ever. Didn’t you say it’s an old ship? This looks brand new…” He turns back to me with a raised eyebrow. “Where did you get that ship anyway?”

Nick turns around the grav chair he’s sitting in to face us. “Yeah, what he’s saying. VHI ships are extremely expensive.”

I just shrug in reply. “Well, we found it in a scrapyard and the dealer made us an irresistible deal. Actually, my parents found it, I was a little girl back then. But I always loved that ship. My parents must have restored it in secret, as it came as a complete surprise when they gifted it to me for my twentieth birthday. That was the best day ever.”

I manage to say all this without stumbling at all. I trained for that moment for over a month after all. Grandma Amelia created this line for line, as everything else would be completely unbelievable. Especially the truth.

“Wow, I wish my parents had a gift like this for my birthday. You’re really lucky, Sara,” Alina replies.

Nick just shakes his head and leans back in his chair, while Tim tilts his head in consideration. In the end, he stays silent though.

Anyway, after all this, we finish up, and I teleport us all back down to the planet. We appear in our girl's dorm’s living room, as I don’t want to walk across campus. It’s been a long day, and I want to rest my legs a bit. The boys ask if we want to go out to eat, but Alina is the only one who accepts. This leaves me alone with Lucy and Lydia, which is perfect.

I sit on the sofa with my legs up and call out to both of them. “Hey, Lucy and Lydia, do you have a moment?”

They both come over and sit on the other sofa and an armchair respectively. “Sure, what is it?” Lydia asks while Lucy just nods.

I take a deep breath. “Okay, I’ve been thinking… What if Dad manages to open the family’s vault and finds the coordinates for Earth? Do you think we could take Earth as our destination for the Exploration course?”

“Hmmm,” Lucy scratches her chin. “He would have to find the coordinates pretty fast. I guess we have to decide which system we want to explore soonish. But technically… Yeah, I think it would be possible.”

Lydia agrees as well. “Yeah, that should definitely work out. I mean all the possibilities… We could focus in our report on why it would be good to resettle the Solar System and all. There is so much to discover on the planet. You’ve only seen a fraction of the planet and came away with Maja’s body and the location of the Stargazer. Just imagine what else we could find there.”

“Wait!” Lucy suddenly shouts. “What you’re describing is practically archeology. What if we could make a tag team with Dave’s group? I mean, Sara, you’re their taxi anyway. How cool would that be?”

I find myself nodding. “Yeah, you’re right! That would be amazing. Maybe we can even get credit for both courses? And who knows if this will even count as an exploit that comes with benefits…”

“Right, I can totally see the college staff rewarding something like that,” Lydia agrees. “If we use the Stargazer for everything, this even frees up one of the starships in the Archeology course.”

We all agree to that and continue to discuss the possibilities a bit more. In the end, it’s Lucy who brings us back down from the hype train. “It all stands and falls with your dad and the vault though… Do you have any news yet?”

I slump down on my pillow. “No, nothing at all, unfortunately.”

Lucy shrugs. “Then I guess, we have to keep waiting.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Now we sit there and look at each other in silence. A minute later, Lydia’s stomach suddenly makes a rumbling noise. I look at her, and she chuckles. “I guess, I should have taken the boys’ offer after all… Now I’m hungry and they’re already gone.”

Lucy agrees. “Yeah, in hindsight, we should have gone with them… I could make us some eggs?”

Lydia makes a face, then shrugs. “Yeah, that’s better than nothing,” she turns to me. “Or do you want to get us something?”

I shake my head. “Not really, no. I think I’m going to sleep now. I’m quite exhausted…”

“Alright, no problem. Eggs it is then, thanks, Lucy, and goodnight, Sara.”

I stand up and say goodnight to them as well, then I go to the bathroom to get ready for the night. Half an hour later, I hear the door opening and closing, probably Alina coming back. I don’t care though, as I’m already half asleep.

When I wake up the next morning, I’m greeted by a big red announcement on my interface: ‘Citizens of the Magicon Empire. Today at 3 p.m. our Emperor will speak to you with important news. Therefore, today will be a national holiday. We wish you a wonderful day!’

I do a double-take. What? A nationwide holiday just for a speech from Grandpa John?

What would be so important…?

Oh! Could it be?

I have to call Dad!

Suddenly, my stomach rumbles. Right, breakfast first.

When I exit my room, Alina almost jumps into me. “Sara!! Have you seen the news?!”

I take a step back. “Whoa, hold on. Yeah, I’ve seen it. Not that I could have missed it, as the message filled my whole vision.”

Alina chuckles awkwardly. “Right, sorry. But that’s still amazing. I’ve never seen something like that… Cancelling a whole day just for a speech. This must be very important. Do you have a guess what it could be about?”

I shake my head. “No, I’ve got no clue. Do you know If something like that has ever happened before?”

Alina tilts her head in thought. “Dunno, but I’d guess yes. I mean It’s been 11.000 years since The Empire was founded…”

“Yeah, I agree. Still crazy.”

Just now, I hear another door opening and Lucy comes running out, still in her sleeping clothes. “Have you seen this?” She almost shouts when she catches sight of us.

I nod and Alina replies. “Yeah, we have. We were just discussing it. Do you have a guess what this could be about?”

Lucy glances at me and I give a slight shake of my head. She must have thought the same thing. The timing of this is crazy. We were just talking about it yesterday. “Nope, but I’d say it’s either a war or a groundbreaking discovery… Hmm, maybe someone advanced beyond Archmage?”

Huh, would that even be possible? But good thought by Lucy. Alina barks a short laugh. “That would be something, but I don’t think that’s possible. I guess we’ll have to wait. At least we’ve got time for a nice breakfast now.”

She’s right! We won’t have any courses today because of it. Bit of a bummer, as it would have been my first joined class with RMA students. But the timing is pretty good, as it would have been the History of The Empire course. If I’m right, and Grandpa John really announces Earth, then the curriculum in that course has to change.

“Yeah, let’s make the most out of the day and go to the city,” I reply. “Maybe breakfast at Nick’s place? His grandma makes the best food.”

Lucy nods eagerly. “Great idea! I’m going to give him a call. Oh, can one of you wake Lydia?”

“Yes, go ahead. I’ll wake her up,” Alina answers.

They both do their things, and I stay where I am. With a shrug, I cast the Communication spell and give Tim a call. I don’t want to keep him out of our group breakfast.

The spell connects. “Morning Tim! I guess you saw the news?”

“Hi, Sara. Hell yeah, I have. This is… I don’t know what to say? No one in my family has seen something like that before.”

“Crazy, right? But I wanted to ask you if you’d be down going out for breakfast with us in half an hour or something?”

“Uh, sure… But what about the holiday? Are the breakfast places even open today?”

He’s got a point here… “Err, one moment.”

I call out to Lucy. “Lucy, can you ask Nick if his grandma opened her café today?”

She lifts a finger and nods in acknowledgment. A few seconds later she nods. “He said yes, so we’re good.”

“Perfect, thanks!”

I focus back on my communication with Tim. “Nick’s grandma’s place is open today, so all is good. Just come over as soon as you are able, okay?”

“Perfect, I’ll be right over. Just a quick shower. See you!”

We both cut the spell, and I tell the others the news. Then I follow Tim’s example and take a quick shower as well.

I hear the knocks at our door when I finish drying my hair. I still have to use a dryer… Can’t wait to learn some useful spells for all those things in the Utility magic lessons.

Anyway, I leave my room and join the others in the living room. Someone has already opened the front door, and Tim and Nick stand ready.

I wave at them “Hey there! Shall we?”

Then I whisper to Clara. “Can you get me the coordinates to a jump room close to Nick’s café?”

Before Clara can reply, Nick speaks up. “Actually, I’ve got a better idea. You’ve got Space Sense as a Master, right?” When I nod, he continues. “Perfect, then how about we use the coordinates of the café, and you tweak the spell with Space Sense that we land in my room one floor above? That way we can save us a lot of walking as the closest jump room is at the spaceport a few blocks away.”

I nod slowly. “Yeah, that should be possible, I think. Right, Clara?”

“Yes, he’s right. He’s pretty well-informed. That’s not common knowledge after all.”

I give Nick a thumbs-up. Clara says we’re good. Are you all ready then?”

When I get a nod from everyone, I cast the Teleportation spell and grab onto all my friends. Clara provides the café’s coordinates, then I trigger the spell. Before arriving right in the middle of the café, I clamp down hard with Space Sense and stop the teleportation.

I suddenly have a weird feeling of stopped time and focusing on the surroundings with Space Sense. I see the empty room above and set it as our new destination, then I take a mental step back and let the spell finish. We reappear in what I guess is Nick’s old bedroom.

His face flushes in embarrassment, and he quickly ushers us out of the room. Of course, I noticed his child-like starship linens, and keep them in my head for later teasing. We step down a set of stairs and are greeted by an older-looking lady on the ground floor. She is quick to hug Nick, which makes him blush even more. We do quick introductions, then Nick’s grandma shows us to an empty table. She takes our orders, and less than ten minutes later, everyone has a steaming cup and a large breakfast before them.

It was just as good as last time! After breakfast, we go all our separate ways. Before that though, I invite everyone to watch the Emperor’s speech up on the Stargazer. They all agree of course.

Once I’m walking alone through the city, I spin up a Communication spell and aim for Dad. It’s one of the first times I’m using the long-distance version. Voice only, of course. I didn’t even start practicing the Video Call one. The spell takes a while to connect. Dad’s either very far away, or he’s busy. Maybe even both?

Anyway, he finally picks up.

“Sara! Nice to hear from you. I didn’t expect your call at all… Don’t you have lessons today?”

Yeah, I don’t hear the irony at all… Not a single bit of it.

“Nice try, Dad. You know exactly why I’m calling you. Did you finally manage to open it?”

Dad bursts out laughing. “Guilty as charged. The vault is open, and I’ve got Earth’s location. Oh, and I also found Conor’s initial message. It’s exactly like we thought and sends the current head of the Valterion family on a trip to Earth to get the evidence.”

“That’s amazing! I wish I was there when you opened the vault though.”

“Ah, don’t worry. It wasn’t that spectacular. You should be more excited about John’s speech later on.”

“Huh, he’s talking about Earth, right? Or is there more to it?”

I can almost feel Dad’s amusement through our connection. “Oh, I won’t tell you that. Your Grandfather wants to surprise you. I’m sure you will like it.”

Dang it, I should’ve called later. Now I have to wait hours in anticipation. “Come on, Dad. At least give me a clue, pretty please.”

“Nope, sorry, I have to go. See you around.”

The spell disconnects. Somehow, I have the feeling this was on purpose so that he could have the last word in…

This spells hours of waiting now. It’s probably the best to try practicing my spells. Otherwise, I’ll die of boredom. With that, I return to my dorm room and sit down on my bed cross-legged. I fall into a trance while practicing my spells and before I know it, it’s almost time for Grandpa John’s speech. The others are already waiting in the living room, and a quick jump later, we’re up on the Stargazer.

We sit down on the armchair and sofas in the onboard living room, and I flip on the holographic projectors in the room. Punctually, at 3 p.m., a life-size hologram of Grandpa John appears before us.

I actually have to do a double take, as I almost don’t recognize him. He looks just so different! Gone are his normal clothes and kind smiles. He now wears a stern expression and the clothes he wears are what you would expect of a ruler. He holds something resembling a scepter in his left hand and there is a crown full of gemstones on his head. He’s silent at the moment, but his green gaze seems to look directly into our eyes, even through the hologram.

Then he starts speaking. Even his voice sounds a bit different. I don’t know how to describe it. The closest approximation would be more regal? Yeah, I decide at that moment to tease him about all this when I see him next time.

“Citizens of the Magicon Empire, it is a rare occurrence that an Emperor speaks to you like this. In fact, this is only the 121st time in the history of our Empire. The reasons for such speeches were various, but they always carried a certain weight. Today is no different. Arguably, today's news is the greatest we’ve had in the past 2.000 years, maybe even longer. Therefore, I’m announcing a week-long holiday for celebration, beginning tomorrow.”

After a short pause, then Grandpa John stares even more intensely into the camera.

“Recently, a member of the Big Five families managed to find a place which we thought lost forever.”

Lucy and Lydia look at me with a knowing smirk. All the others stare at Grandpa John’s hologram with wide eyes.

“They managed to bring their discovery back home to us, and after checking the evidence, I can now proudly present you the rediscovery of planet Earth in the Solar System!”

Next to him appears another hologram. This time it’s a short video, consisting of various pictures. There are gasps all around me, and I can’t help myself and gasp as well. Those are my pictures that are now shown to every single person within The Empire and who knows where else!

Of course, Grandpa John only shows the pictures where I’m not visible, but still…

Nick, Tim, and Alina talk over each other, and I don’t understand a single word. Before I can comprehend anything, Grandpa John continues speaking and everyone quiets down again.

“But this is not all. Not only have we found Earth, but we’ve also managed to confirm that all the radiation caused by the Worldender Ship is gone.”

Another short pause, to let the fact sink in. Tim manages to voice his thoughts. “That… That means… Holy shit, that means someone can get there!”

“Yes, you heard right. This means that we can now return to the Solar System. Now, our nation wouldn’t be as it is today if we made it easy and convenient for everyone. Therefore, access to Earth will be heavily restricted during the next ten years. Earth and the Solar System will be used for our brilliant youth to fulfill their potential and go even a step beyond.

“Top performing students at our prime universities and Peacekeeper academies will be assigned to various teams that explore Earth and the Solar System. Those teams compete with each other, fighting for the grand prize: The Noble title of Count and oversight of the Solar System, which will be integrated into The Empire as a new County.”

I let out a loud laugh after hearing this. Everything just comes bursting out. When I get some questioning glances, I compose myself a bit. “You guys know what this means, right? We’re so going to join that competition!”

This causes a short discussion, but in the end, everyone agrees.

Surprisingly, Grandpa John was silent during our conversation as if he was waiting for us to finish. Hmm, maybe that’s even true…

“The competition starts after the current college year ends and will last for the full following year. So, to our students, I wish you good luck, and may the best and brightest of you win. John Benson out!”

“Fuuuuuuck!” Tim calls out again. “I can’t believe it. This is crazy. I… Sorry guys, but I have to go…”

He suddenly teleports out with a purple flash. I just stare at where he’s just been. What the hell?

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