Vagabond’s Ambition

48: Chelsea, Duchess of the North


Having spent the night camping out in the wilderness, the group of adventurers set out in the morning, making their way towards Kaneth. Coming up on Kaneth, a vast majority of the first time adventurers were shocked. 

Soaring walls, heavy gates, a stone fortress, Kaneth. Resembling a vast fortress complex rather than a normal city, all the first time adventurers walked towards the city with their jaws agape. The city had elaborate stone walls, these walls were not only well-decorated, but also were patrolled by a number of guards to ensure safety at all times. 

Peeking over the soaring stone walls were a number of spires, large towers made of stone yet decorated with color, blowing away the dreary, heavy atmosphere provided by the walls. 

Two massive gates blocking the entrance to the city, the party of adventurers were greeted by an impressive sight, two lines of knights extended out along the pathway leading to the gate. These knights, standing with the utmost discipline, were ramrod straight, each holding their sword up. 

Watching messengers scuttle their way into the city from the smaller side gates, Rachel, stars in her eyes, asked Kaitlyn, “Is it usually this much fanfare? It seems like... like a complete overkill.”

Getting to the first knights that lined the path, Kaitlyn shrugged back, “I’m not sure... I’m pretty sure it’s always this big, but the amount of knights that line the path leading up to the city is always different.”

“I see...” Rachel fell silent, her head, similar to many others, now on a swivel, taking in the sights around them, burning them into their memories. 

With the S-Ranked adventurers in the front, and the previous party that killed the Demon King in the very, very front, leading the way, the group came to a stop before the heavy gate, watching it creak open as two groups of people pulled it open. 

As the gates opened, a marvelous sight was revealed, a colorful small town, covered in a layer of snow, its building small, but cozy and warm. 

With a main street leading from the gate all the way to the large castle in the middle of the city, the sides of the street were blocked off, knights being placed on both sides of the street every few steps. Behind the knights were lines of citizens, all cheering, jubilant at the yearly migration of adventurers to their city. 

Walking along the street, Dexter whistled, his arms behind his back, “The spectacle this year is amazing... They even did banners this year.”

The banners, being hung from the roofs of buildings, were colored in a multitude of bright colors, several of them decorated with details of the S-Ranked adventurers, others just a blend of colors.

However, having walked down the main street, the adventurers came to a stop in the large plaza in front of the castle, stopping at the bottom of a wide wooden staircase. At the top of the stairs was a platform that connected to the main door of the castle. 

The adventurers still, gathered in a group at the base of the stairs, two groups of drummers stationed on either side of the platform began beating their drums. 

Raising a hand to her chest, Kaitlyn looked at the wide smiles on the faces of those around her, unaware of the smile on her face as well, murmuring, “I forgot how much these drums hit you in the chest...”

Looking up at the platform, Kaitlyn watched as the two gates opened and a small group of people strolled out. 

With a group of servants in the back, the stars of the show were the people in the front: the leaders of the duchy. 

Having made a journey to Jayce’s Kingdom in the past, Millicent, having returned safely strode out, the large warhammer on her back still visible as her muscular body moved forward with purpose. 

Next to Millicent, was a man of a slender build, also striding forward with a confident gait. Wearing a clean outfit, one tailored to his precise measurements, he gave off a graceful air with his long black hair tied back that fluttered in the wind that brought a light snowfall. 

However the star of the show was Chelsea, leading the group out of the gates. As she walked out, the citizens on either side of the road broke out in deafening cheers, clapping, cheering, and whistling. 

Wearing a long coat as a cape, Chelsea’s cape fluttered in the wind as she walked forward, revealing her muscular, yet not overbearing frame. Her hair, a fiery red with a silver streak through it blew behind her, specks of snow decorating her hair. Wearing a well fitting shirt and a pair of sturdy boots and long pants, Chelsea’s fearless, determined, exuberant smile seemed to light up the entire crowd as she walked out, waving to the crowd as she came to a stop. Coming to a stop with her arms crossed, her silver eyes twinkled as she recognized several of her old friends in the crowd below. 

Her weapons stowed away, Chelsea waited for the crowd to die down before beginning her short speech, “Welcome dear adventurers! Our duchy welcomes you and honors you for the work you’ll be doing here during the upcoming days and weeks.” 

The crowd hushed and silent, clinging onto Chelsea’s every word, she continued, “S-Ranked Adventurers and above, come inside behind me! I’ll continue the details there, any adventurers below, stay put and several assistants from my duchy will come out and assist you in finding housing!” 

Deciding to keep her speech short, Chelsea turned on her heel, walking back into the gates as those behind her parted to let her through. 

A hushed silence fell on the group, with the new adventurers still shocked at her entrance, some flustered seeing Chelsea’s beautiful features, the higher ranked adventurers began to move, following Chelsea in before the servants closed the gate behind them. 

Shaking her head, Kaitlyn could only think to herself while walking along behind Dexter, ‘Chelsea never lets up on being the star of the show...’

Thanks for reading~!! Please leave a comment~!!

sooo... awkward- totally forgot to schedule a chapter before going to sleep, luckily had to get up early today for a class so i'm posting it right now like an hour late...

Chelsea is so cool tho- ... i mean i made her cool but still... she's so cooooolllllll
... not me simping over my own character again-

Thanks for reading, take care all your reader people~!! <3

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