Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 51 - Levi's Whereabouts

A few stories up from where the rest of the group was located, Ascalon stood in the middle of a room. He was effortlessly parrying multiple attacks with his bare hands, with minimal, but precise movements. The irritation and awe of his opponents was visible on their faces, as they tried to strike the blonde man to no avail.

As for Loreno, he stood in a corner, holding tight to the girl they had seen before and aiming a huge knife to her neck. Loreno felt not only agitated, but also terrified. He was strong, amongst the strongest in the city, and only maybe below Ian.

But he realized that Ascalon was in a different league, a whole other realm of might. It had been almost a miracle that he had managed to evade Ascalon for so long, and he felt powerless as soon as he realized the knight wasn't even serious. The hostage was the only thing keeping the man at bay, as the other thugs were completely useless before him.

“You are despicable.” Ascalon's voice boomed through the room, the people surrounding him flinching back.

“Yeah, but that's just how it is! I didn't get to where I am by playing fair!” Loreno replied, his voice shaky and full of fake bravado.

“I have seen plenty of men like you.” Ascalon stated, punching a nearby thug in the face, who collapsed immediately. “They were all held high at the tip of my spear.” He declared, sending shivers through Loreno's whole body.

“Shut up! Shut up or I'll kill her!” Loreno shrieked, his voice brimming with panic and desperation as he pressed the knife’s tip against the girl’s neck. She yelped, with tears rolling down her face, and Ascalon's patience reached its limit.

The personal skill - Unfathomable Presence - Has been activated in the surrounding zone.

Those of vile hearts crumble to their knees, bowing down to absolute righteousness!

—Skill info—

Ascalon Rendland’s unique skill.

Rank: SSS - Level 100.

Potential: SSS.

Attribute: Holy.


Those considered as enemies by Ascalon Rendland are burdened by his immense willpower, and are rendered unable to move momentarily.

Additional effects:

* Strong willed individuals may resist the effect depending on their combined stats levels.

* Has a 10% chance to bypass all resistances.

* Effect duration is determined by the user’s focus and the target’s level.

In the next moment, Ascalon's presence expanded, and the whole room froze, as if time itself had stopped to marvel at his might. The surrounding thugs couldn't move an inch, including a terrified Loreno, who trembled in place as he struggled to regain control of his body.

“W-wh... at...?!” Loreno stuttered, as he couldn't even control his own lips. The girl, feeling Loreno’s grasp weaken, hurriedly scurried away to freedom, fleeing without a second thought. Ascalon exhaled in relief, and set his gaze on Loreno.

“Hmmm… perhaps I should take some measures.” Ascalon wondered aloud, his voice exuding a cold calmness. With evident ease, he began to punch the thugs one by one, each of them easily knocked unconscious. The sound of Ascalon’s fist meeting their faces echoed in the room, as Loreno watched in helpless fear and indignation.

“Now then.” Ascalon muttered. Loreno struggled harder, his fingertips moving slightly as the knight approached. Without hesitation, Ascalon grabbed the man by the neck, and dragged him back toward the entrance, his powerful grip feeling like an inescapable sentence to Loreno.

Moments later, Ascalon appeared in front of his friends, who looked at him with mixed expressions of surprise and relief. Ascalon himself was slightly surprised by the maid’s presence, realizing how focused, and enraged, he had been while dealing with Loreno.

The maid bowed at him, her body twitching briefly. She seemed feverish, her cheeks a bit reddened—probably had overexerted herself, Ascalon assumed. Of course he had no idea what was going on through her mind.

The rest approached him cautiously, seeing the man he had been dragging around with him. “Uh… is he alive?” Selorien asked, peeking at Loreno. He noticed the man was indeed awake, and that he trembled while letting out muffled sounds.

“Yes, he is fine—for now.” Ascalon remarked, a somber tone in his voice. Lilithra looked at Loreno with disgust, yet a bit of pity, her kindness always shining through. Lyra, on the other hand, seemed really impatient, her eyes darting anxiously from Loreno to Ascalon, as if pleading.

Most likely, she wanted to know if Loreno had talked about Levi’s whereabouts. Ascalon faced her and spoke. “You shall have the opportunity to question him about Sir Levi soon, Lady Lyra.” He began, Lyra’s face lighting up with relief. “But first—is there any way we could contact Sir Ryan?” Ascalon added out of nowhere, confusion spreading among his friends.

“Ryan? The Lieutenant?” Selorien asked, his eyes narrowed as he pondered. “Oh!” He suddenly exclaimed, as a thought crossed his mind. Ascalon noticed Selorien’s expression, and spoke.

“I want all of these lowlifes to face the law.” He declared, his sole eye fixing on Loreno, who twitched in response.

“If you would excuse my rudeness.” Escarlata interjected, her red eyes locked onto Ascalon’s gaze with firmness. “I have a direct line of contact with the city’s authorities. I could ask for Lieutenant Ryan specifically.” She explained, her tone respectful but eager.

Ascalon appraised her with a bit of doubt. Although their interactions had been brief and she seemed like a neutral party for the most part, he knew she served under Selorien’s grandfather, Theoldorien, and Ascalon had his concerns about the old elf.

Still, it didn’t seem like she was hiding an ulterior motive, and her expecting, intense gaze made him feel somewhat uneasy. “If you would, please. I shall be in your debt.” Ascalon exclaimed solemnly, bowing to her.

Escarlata suddenly squealed, the cutest of sounds escaping her lips, taking everyone off-guard, especially Selorien. She quickly recomposed herself and cleared her throat, her expression an impassive, cold one.

“Pardon me. I will contact Ryan immediately.” She excused herself and walked away with a sophisticated grace, though Ascalon noticed she was tightly clenching one of her fists. Selorien, on the other hand, showed the most mischievous grin to ever have graced the earth, as his mind rushed with knowing thoughts.

Lilithra and Lyra exchanged looks, and both realized something was fishy about the maid, their instincts kicking in. But before anyone could delve deeper into Escarlata’s demeanor, Ascalon’s voice drew their attention.

“Now then. It is time for Loreno to speak.” He declared, as he held Loreno high. The man felt in control of his body once more, and quickly unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks toward Ascalon, surprising everyone with his tenacity.

Still, Ascalon remained unfazed, and as Loren’s fists started to hurt, he realized there was no point in struggling. “Y-you… just who are you? Why did you have to come here?!” Loreno reproached, grabbing tightly onto Ascalon’s hand.

“You’ll ruin it all! My empire, my plans, everything! And for why, some random guy?!” He kept venting in agitation, clearly frustrated. “Damn it!” He blurted out, as he stopped struggling.

“You brought this upon yourself.” Ascalon replied calmly, as Loreno gazed at him with curiosity and hopelessness. “You were overconfident.” He remarked, frowning slightly. Loreno couldn’t help but agree in his mind, as everything might have been fine if he hadn’t underestimated the knight.

“Cease your pointless tantrum and tell us about Sir Levi.” Ascalon demanded, his resolute voice making Loreno wince in frustration. He pondered for a moment, biting his lips and finally resigning himself.

“He’s in the dungeon.” Loreno spoke, as everyone, especially Lyra, perked up with anticipation. Escarlata subtly rejoined them as Loreno continued. “The entrance is inside the sewers, at the east edge of the lower districts…” Loreno explained, taking a moment to breathe since Ascalon’s clutch on his neck was quite painful.

“You’ll have to go through some abandoned tunnels, and I hope you enjoy the fucking labyrinth down there!” Loreno scoffed, a mocking smile spreading through his face.

“Wanna know why the dungeon was so well hidden?” He asked, noticing their suspicious stares. “Because it’s through a damn hole! We only found it because a clueless imbecile fell right into it!” He managed to let out a laugh, which turned into coughing as Ascalon’s grip tightened.

“W-we marked it, so you won’t have that much trouble finding it.” Loreno concluded, and Ascalon let out a thoughtful ‘hmmm’ as he pondered. While Selorien and Lilithra exchanged glances, Escarlata decided it was a good time to interject.

“Lieutenant Ryan will arrive shortly.” She stated, drawing everyone’s attention. Lilithra smiled with relief, while Lyra seemed deep in thought, likely considering the information they had obtained.

Selorien took the opportunity to chime in, raising a question. “Now, what are you gonna do, Ascalon?” He asked, his expression turning serious. “You know what kind of scum he is…” Selorien continued, as Lilithra looked at him with a concerned but intrigued expression.

“Yes, I understand that he will be released shortly after being apprehended.” Ascalon replied, as Lilithra and Lyra understood their conversation. Most likely, Loreno would count on his wealthy friends and politicians to get him out of prison—that was the kind of man they were dealing with, after all.

“S-so what, are you gonna kill him?!” Lilithra asked with agitation, anguish clear in her voice. Loreno appraised her with a skeptical look, as if he couldn’t believe her words. Ascalon smiled at her, seeing her as the kindhearted beacon of light she always was. He wished in his heart that she wouldn’t ever change, that she wouldn’t lose her compassion.

“I-I understand I might sound hypocritical, I know a lot of people died today…” Lilithra continued, clearly conflicted about her own thoughts. “B-but still!” She retorted with a shaky voice, not knowing what to believe in.

On one hand, she was completely disgusted by Loreno. She had seen his cruelty firsthand, and knew there were countless girls held against their will in the very building they stood in. Thinking more deeply, she could easily picture that this had been going on for a while, and wondered just how many women, men, and even children, had disappeared once they had crossed Loreno’s doors.

She trembled with anger, but at the same time, she didn’t want to see Ascalon as an executioner. The guards that had died at Escarlata’s hands were trying to kill them, but Loreno was pretty much helpless, one could say he had already surrendered. Wouldn’t it be better to let justice handle it, then?

“What a naive girl.” Escarlata’s voice cut through the tense atmosphere, and Lilithra stared at her with her brows furrowed in frustration. Lyra placed a hand on Lilithra’s shoulder, trying to show her some encouragement. Selorien didn’t know what to say, since he would clearly lean more into a bloody resolution.

“I have to agree!” Loreno suddenly blurted out, his tone a mocking, confident one. “I will be out by nightfall, dumb girl! And you will all fucking regret it!” He cackled, before Ascalon tightened the grip on his neck, making him wince. Lilithra felt anxious, her desire to uphold righteousness clashing against her anger toward Loreno.

“I cannot have that.” Escarlata exclaimed in response to the man’s words, pointing toward him with a swift motion. In the next moment, a long, thin blade emerged from her sleeve, piercing through Loreno’s chest and heart in a flash.

“Ugh… ni-nice… choi-ce.” Loreno stuttered, managing a bold smile. Ascalon released his grip as he sighed in resignation, and Loreno’s body crumbled to the ground.

Lyra gasped, covering her mouth, while Lilithra recoiled as she whispered in defeat. “No…” Lilithra clenched her fists, cursing at her own powerlessness. She looked at Escarlata defiantly, while the maid skillfully withdrew her blade, spraying the blood off the edge and onto the floor before concealing it once more.

“My apologies, but the young master’s safety comes first.” The maid said as she bowed, a clear courteousness in her tone. Lilithra wanted to lash out at her, but, deep in her heart, she knew it would make no difference.

After all, she wasn’t that clueless. She knew that if Ascalon had wanted it, he could have easily deflected the attack. She looked at him, who returned her gaze with a shameful expression, his brows furrowed in consternation. Unable to hold back any longer, she lunged at him.

Lilithra hugged Ascalon tightly, her face burrowed in his chest as she let out muffled sniffles. Lyra quickly held her from behind, enveloping her in a warm embrace, wanting to show her support. Selorien simply sighed with a soft smile, as he side eyed Escarlata, who looked like she really, really wanted to join in.

Ascalon patted Lilithra’s head, knowing that he had taken a cruel decision out of her hands. He had delivered death to countless people in his time, some worse than Loreno, some that didn’t deserve it as much—but no matter how evil they were, blood was on his hands nevertheless.

After a brief moment, Lilithra pried away, with Lyra stepping back in response. She rubbed her eyes, wiping them away, her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. “S-sorry, that was… nevermind, sorry.” She exclaimed, stammering over her words as she smiled awkwardly.

Lilithra felt weak and pitiful, and Escarlata’s proud presence did nothing but elevate her feelings. She didn’t want to be like the cold, ruthless maid, but wished she had at least a sliver of her strength, of her unwavering resolve. Yet, amidst her despair, Lilithra was forgetting that she too could be resolute and determined!

As her thoughts spiraled, she felt a gentle tug on her cheeks. Lyra was softly pinching them, smiling sheepishly. Seeing Lilithra’s confused look, she spoke. “M-my brother used to do this for me when I felt upset…” Lyra explained, her cheeks reddening softly.

It was an unorthodox way of showing affection, but Lilithra felt touched, her cloudy thoughts slowly drifting away. Lilithra smiled at her caring friend and giggled, remembering why they were there in the first place, while the rest watched over them with a mix of relief and warmth in their hearts.

Except for Escarlata, that is, who remained expressionless. One could perceive just what kind of life the maid had endured to be so detached from other people, but that wasn’t important at the moment.

Before anyone else could exchange words, Ascalon perked up as he felt the presence of Ryan and his military companions, who swiftly swept through the building.

Having received Escarlata’s instructions, the disciplined men apprehended the remaining thugs, helped out the girls and others that were there against their will, and secured the area in case of any other possible threats.

After the dust settled, Ryan met with Ascalon and his group, his face full of delight. “I’m glad you asked for my help, sir!” Ryan spoke, his tone brimming with joy. “I promise these people will rot in prison!” He added, puffing his chest out

Ascalon bowed in appreciation, as Ryan continued “I’ll make sure the people we rescued are brought to their families, just leave it to me!” His confident tone earned him relieved smiles from Lilithra and Lyra, who were the most worried after all.

“Still… something weird’s going on.” Ryan said with a hint of concern in his voice. “Loreno was a scumbag, but he was never this greedy—he really dropped the ball this time.” He added, proud to finally catch the bastard. “The whole lower district seems restless, honestly… but I’m just rambling here!” Ryan smiled awkwardly, the rest exchanging curious glances.

They had seen something like that before, and the memory made Ascalon feel a tingle in his chest. Though he was unaware that it was coming from his emblem.

“Anyway! You have helped Starugnia immensely…” Ryan said as he bowed his head. “I will make sure things like this won’t happen again.” He declared, conviction burning fiercely behind his words.

After a while of exchanging information, the group was escorted out of the building, greeted once again by the unrelenting sun. Selorien felt like his clothes were dried up in an instant, though it may have been an exaggeration.

As they bid their goodbyes to Ryan and his companions, and with Loreno’s matter settled, the group set out for their next objective: the dungeon.

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