Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 54

Novel Recommendation: Umbral Feast



I've fallen into another world. A world of monsters. The worst part is, I have become one myself. One dark night, I was hunted by those glowing white eyes. After narrowly surviving, the hunted has become the hunter. I woke up in a dungeon, a mysterious place with its own strange logic. Now I hunt, kill, and FEAST on the flesh of monsters as I struggle to adapt to my new instincts. The hunt, the Umbral Feast, begins.


Another great GL novel. Please give it a try :)

A solemn mood hangs heavy in the air, casting a veil of quiet introspection and contemplation over the room. The atmosphere is hushed, with a sense of stillness and reverence that reverberates through every corner, enveloping all within its somber embrace. An atmosphere that Liz desperately tried to change.


"Hey, guys, cheer up! You're all feeling too disheartened," Liz said, trying to lift the spirits of the group.


"Of course, we would feel disheartened after watching that match! We can't possibly win against a team that strong!" Clarence voiced his frustration.


"Come on, we can't give up before we even fight them!" Liz sought to motivate us.


"What do you mean fight? That girl is gonna decimate us to the point where it won't even qualify as a fight! Did you see what she did to Blitz? Are we even watching the same match? It's best we surrender before we make a shit show out of ourselves!" Clarence exclaimed, his emotions escalating again.


I can't blame him, though. After seeing that match, anyone in their right mind would be discouraged from fighting Lua after that feat. Especially considering how strong the Paragons were from our previous scrim match, wherein they beat us handily.


Setting aside our upcoming encounter with them, there is a more pressing matter that requires my attention for now.


I suddenly rose from my seat, preparing to head out of the room.


"K-kat, where are you going," Liz said, a bit shocked by my sudden movement.


"...I need some time alone to think,” I made an excuse.


"If you're creating a countermeasure against her, don't bother. I know you're good at creating tactics and strategies, but no matter what tactic in the world we use, I don't think we have a chance against her. She is as strong as or even stronger than a pro. She shouldn't even be allowed to participate in a tournament like this! That's clearly illegal!" Clarence expressed his frustration.


"You're letting your emotions overtake you again. Please try to compose yourself, and we can discuss our strategy when I return," I suggested, aiming to pacify him.


His eyes widened in recognition. It dawned on him that his susceptibility to emotional outbursts was indeed his primary weakness, a trait I had been emphasizing for him to control during our recent training sessions.


“We're not as weak as we used to be, and I do believe trying is better than surrendering, even if we do not stand a chance. At least we can uphold our dignity and face the challenge with our heads held high," I added.


If he wanted to go pro, he would likely face many more challenges, and a defeatist mindset would do him no good.


After saying my piece, I left my teammates to contemplate for themselves. Liz is there, so I'm sure she can lighten up the mood so we can have a meaningful discussion on what to do with our next fight.


As I exited our room, I traversed the hallway to the location of one of the competing teams, the Paragons. The hallway doesn’t have many people since this area is reserved for the participants and is guarded heavily to deter fans from entering.


Upon arriving at my destination, a familiar voice emanated from the other side of the door, although the sound was muffled by the barrier of the room, making it challenging to discern the speaker's identity.


Summoning my courage, I knocked lightly on the door, motivated by the desire to check on their well-being, particularly Aria, whom I presumed would be grappling with self-criticism over the results of the recent confrontation.


The door creaked open briefly, revealing a familiar face that welcomed me.


"Oh, Katherine! What's up? Are you here to revel in my guildmates' defeat and add insult to injury?" Celeste quipped jovially with a friendly smile.


I'm not surprised she's here. She would always be the first one to cheer up our team after a bad performance when we were still practicing for the first CoA. Besides that, I'm sure she also cares for everyone on the new Paragons team.


I sighed at her antics. "You know that's not my intention... Are they... okay?" I inquired tentatively.


She smiled, why not take a look for yourself?" She said as she playfully pulled me inside the room. Playfully for her, but I was dragged by her bulging muscles and had no way out, not having any chance to even put up any semblance of resistance.


"Look who I brought in, guys!" Celeste said cheerfully.


As I entered, I scanned the room and noticed that only three people were there. Aria is nowhere to be found.


“Katherine? What brings you here? Are you here to gather info for your next fight?" Seer queried.


It's no shock that he would ask that. We have become a bit close over the past few days because we help each other gather information about the tournament participants and exchange tactics and strategies. He's actually fun to talk to since he brings a lot of insights to the table. It may just be me finding a kindred spirit to talk to.


I shook my head. "I just wanted to check up on you guys."


"That's sweet of you, but we're fine," Lucy said appreciatively.


"Yeah, just the normal stuff. Getting bashed in the social media for tarnishing the Paragons name, getting death threats from diehard fans of the previous Paragons, all that," Blitz said with a carefree tone.


I don't think you could consider that ‘normal’ at all...


Noticing the disbelief in my expression, Celeste followed up.


"It's mostly my fault they are in this mess. I'm the one who suggested they take on the mantle of the old Paragons team, partly because of my selfishness in wanting to bring back the old glory days..." Celeste admitted, her demeanor shifting to a somber tone, an unusual departure from her usual jovial self.


Noticing her mood, Lucy suddenly interjected. "Ms. Calah! You're not to blame for any of this! We are the ones who wanted this! We looked up to you guys, our mentors, and decided from the start to build a team of our own. Being named the next Paragon team was a dream come true for us!" Her emotions flowed passionately in her words.


"That is right! If anyone is to blame, it should be me. I knew right from the start, after a couple of exchanges, that my opponent was far above my league, but my pride got the better of me, so I didn't retreat," Blitz affirmed.


"You guys are mistaken. The primary responsibility falls on me for failing to devise effective counterstrategies against our opponents. I was also too passive in the fight for fear of my cannonball hitting Aria. I should've played more aggressively; then, maybe I could've landed a lucky shot on Lua,” Seer interjected, assuming accountability for the team's performance.


“That's out of your control, though. They were both moving so fast that I couldn't even follow them with my eyes! If anyone is to blame, then it would be me for dying too fast," Lucy joined in.


"...Yeah, I agree. You did die a little too fast. It kinda distracted me in my fight against Lua seeing your death notification," Blitz teased, trying to lighten up the mood.


"W-what do you expect? There I was up against two of their players; we were ambushed!" Lucy retorted.


I smiled at their antics. It looks like I have nothing to worry about here, after all. I'm sure they will be back, stronger than ever, from learning from this experience if they can take this loss to heart.


"By the way, where is Aria?" I asked the question that had been weighing on my mind the moment I entered the room.



"She said she's just going for a stroll to stretch her muscles, but I'm pretty sure she just wants some time alone after... what happened," Lucy said solemnly.


"I see..." I murmured to myself, thinking of what I should do next.


Seeing me hesitating, Celeste immediately nudged me.


"Why don't you go look for her? I'm sure she is blaming herself for the team's loss. That girl is way too straightforward, and I don't think anything we say will get through to her. But~ if there is anyone who can cheer her up, then it would be you," she gave me a meaningful wink.


Locking eyes with her, I nodded in acknowledgment.


"I'll go find her..." I affirmed before exiting the room.


As I ventured out, a hunch guided me toward a possible secluded spot where someone seeking solitude might retreat. I directed my gaze toward the fire exit designated for tournament participants. As I ascend the fire exit stairwell, each step echoes with a resolute determination that propels me upward toward the stadium's rooftop. The sound of my footsteps reverberates against the concrete walls, a steady rhythm that mirrors the beating of my heart as I climb higher and higher.


The stairwell is dimly lit, with flickering fluorescent lights casting long shadows that dance along the walls. The air is cool and still, carrying a faint scent of dust and metal, adding to the sense of solitude I feel in this place.


With each step, I draw closer to my destination. As I reach the final flight of stairs and push open the door to the rooftop, a rush of fresh air greets me, carrying with it the sounds and sights of the city below. The expanse of the stadium rooftop unfolds before me, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding skyline and the bustling cityscape beyond.


Amidst the surroundings, my attention was drawn to a lone figure, the very individual I sought, who turned towards me in response to the sound of the rooftop door being opened.


“K-Katherine?” she exclaimed, surprise evident on her face as she saw me.

I stayed quiet, walking serenely beside her toward the rooftop handrails.


“I thought you might appreciate some company,” I finally replied as I positioned myself next to her.


She turned away from my gaze before replying. “I... I’m fine.”


I doubt that. I’m sure it was evident to both of us by now that she was merely masking her true emotions with a facade of strength.


“Are you really? You know you could always confide in me. I’m always here for you.” I reassured her with as much empathy as I could convey in my voice.


She met my gaze with an inscrutable expression before tears welled up in her eyes. In a moment, her composure crumbled, the dam suddenly burst, and tears streamed down her cheeks.


“Wha!- what's the matter!?” I exclaimed in shock as Aria cried in front of me.


I had anticipated that the match outcome would deeply affect her, but witnessing her in this much distress was entirely unexpected.


“I-I'm sorry! I tarnished the Paragon's name. I had failed everyone. And I... I let you down!” She apologized profusely as she covered her face to hide her tears.


I had known the loss from earlier would take a huge toll on her mentally, but I did not expect it to be this severe. It is unusual and wholly unexpected for me to witness her vulnerabilities so starkly revealed before me as she usually is one to put up a brave front.


I know I should do something, but I don't know what to do about things like this! No idea at all!


Wait! Calm down, Kat! Just imitate someone you think is good at comforting people and making them happy. As I thought that, Liz immediately came to mind. As a result, I posed a question to myself. What would Liz do in a situation like this?


I had an inkling of what she would surely do, but I hesitated. Should I really do that?


I glanced at Aria, who was sobbing uncontrollably; her defeated look was incredibly heartbreaking to watch.


I gulped. Well, it seems like I have no choice; here goes nothing.


Putting all hesitations aside, I enveloped her in a gentle embrace, offering comfort and solace in the warmth of my arms as I pulled her closer to me.


"H-huh!? W-what are you-!" she exclaimed in shock.


She almost recoiled in surprise, but I pulled her in strongly. I've gotten this far; I might as well go all out.


After a couple of seconds, she finally got accustomed to it and began to relax, and any semblance of her crying from earlier was completely gone. I hope this helps her in her mental state, even if just a little bit.


As she became comfortable, I whispered to her.


"You know, it's inevitable to experience failure. Every individual faces setbacks at some juncture in their life. However, what truly matters is the ability to rise once more after stumbling," I said what was on the forefront of my mind.


“B-but! I can't afford to fail! I'm your protégé. You never lose! I just want to be like you! Someone people can rely on to pull through no matter how hard the battle is!” she exclaimed.


"You're wrong about that, though," I denied her claims.


“H-huh? What do you mean?” she replied, a bit confused.


"What I'm trying to say is that I'm not as invincible as you perceive me to be. I maintain a facade of reliability to be the ideal mentor when I'm with you, but in reality, I’m not perfect, far from it," I confessed.


"Th-that's..." she faltered, at a loss for words, prompting me to elaborate.


"I've faced hundreds, even thousands of defeats in my pursuit of growth within the game. I've encountered daunting challenges, battling adversaries, monsters, and players far above my level of skills when I was just starting out.”


I paused for her to digest my words.


"I-is that true?" she whispered, seeking confirmation.


I gently released her from my embrace, locking eyes with her while firmly grasping both of her hands. "Yes... However, each defeat has been a stepping stone for me to grow stronger and more resilient, enhance my skills, and accumulate valuable experience with each setback. I hope you make this loss a reason to become stronger and not give up on improving yourself. No one should blame you for this setback, and those who do are individuals who lack genuine concern for you and only want to put you down to satisfy their warped sense of ego."


As our gazes locked and I studied her expression, I noticed her cheeks tinted a crimson hue, likely from shedding tears.


"...I see," she murmured, breaking the eye contact, appearing slightly flustered.


It was evident that she felt uncomfortable revealing this vulnerable facet of herself. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight, finding her reaction endearing.


Puzzled by my sudden action, she inquired, "Why are you laughing?"


"Oh, nothing. It just seems that I still have a lot to teach you as your mentor,” I said, giving her an uncharacteristic smile to try to cheer her up.


She retorted, "Hmph, feeling quite confident now, aren't you?" Noticing my intention to lighten the mood, she relented and mustered a slight smile.


"Feeling better now?" I inquired.


"Yes... Thank you..." she responded softly.


Releasing my hold, I gave her space to collect herself, then turned my attention towards the cityscape.

We found solace in a serene moment, gazing at the urban panorama. After a while, she posed a question that probably weighed heavily on her mind.


"Can you… defeat her... Lua?"


I paused for a moment to ponder on her question. "...To be honest, judging by my skills alone, the current me has no chance against her," I told her the unbiased truth.


I noted a sudden shift in her expression to one of despondency. "I... See..."


Internally, I sighed, recognizing that I couldn't afford to be defeated by Lua, especially if she was going to make that kind of face.


"But you know, in a fight, a player’s skills are not the only thing that matters. Knowing your opponent's strengths and weaknesses also plays a big factor in determining the outcome of a battle," I added.


"What do you mean?" she inquired.


"What I'm getting at is, as a graduation lesson from your mentor, I'll teach you her weakness," I gave her a confident smile.


“Her... weakness..." she expressed her curiosity.


I nodded, meeting her gaze with as much determination as I could muster.

"So, I want you to watch my fight closely. I promise I won't lose.”


Her eyes glinted in response. It made me glad to see those eyes again—the eyes of my protege who always relied on me in the past.


I always thought you didn’t need me anymore, given how much you’ve grown, but it looks like I do have some things I could teach you, after all.


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