Unrivaled System

Chapter 181: (Blood Eagle)

All of the women have a hint of fear in their faces while anticipating what will happen next. Scáthach frowned when she saw this before quickly covering them with her aura, since it seemed that he was still having trouble repairing the magic circle.

The moment Scáthach protected them... all of them thanked her.

Luckily, it didn't take long before the summoned beast appeared.


An ear piercing scream sounded as a big looking bird soared through to the sky.

He was glad that he reacted quickly by using [Fortification Barrier] to cover all of his women or else they would be hurt by that scream.

All of them lifted their heads to the sky... what they saw was a big red eagle with both of it's wing spread wide that almost covered their view of the sky. Alexia's phoenix and Clara's golden crow couldn't even compare with it's size. This was the true size of those legendary beast. If the phoenix and the golden crow reach the immortal realm... maybe it would be the same size as this.

"What the... Blood Eagle." Scáthach was really surprised and there was also a hint on her face of something indescribable. Fear? Madness? Excited? It's as if she couldn't wait to fight anymore. This was the same kind of face she had when she and Alex fought before.

"What is it?." He frowned of course he sense what Scáthach was feeling.

"Blood Eagle. It was said that the blood eagle was one of the most terrible beasts that can be called a killing machine. All of it's abilities are meant to kill and slaughter. It's main ability was to control blood so that's why it was so terrifying. What if the blood eagle suddenly controlled the blood in ones body? In an instant you would meet your end.

It's skill was called [Rupture]. There was a saying that if there is a time that you are the target of the Blood Eagle. 'Don't run and accept your fate' because there is no escape." Scáthach finished her explanation.

"So dangerous..." Alexia said and all the others nodded in agreement.

"Control the blood huh? I wouldn't even dare to think how terrifying that skill is." Violette said.

"There would be restriction right? If that is the case wouldn't the skill be so unfair?." Clara said.

"Maybe... but I think only those who are stronger than it can resist." Catherine said.

"Why was this Scathe's beast?." Eva asked.

"I don't know... why is this beast suited her?." Selena also asked.

"Maybe she has something on her that is related to it?." Rose wondered.

"And what would that be?." Kiara said.

"Oh right! You girls still didn't know... Little scathy got this beast should be because of how they are quite the same in terms of killing. Behind that pretty face of hers she has already slaughtered many be it people or monsters." He smiled.

"What? Well, it is somewhat right! Since she is already an immortal so it would be weird if she didn't kill so many people." Violette said she has also killed quite a lot. The other women nodded and her reasoning is acceptable in this world.

"Haha, I guess." He laughed a bit... He thought that it would be unnecessary to tell them that she had already killed millions... if they know he wondered how would they react. Scared? Admiration? who knows.

"Little Scathy, quickly communicate with it and tell me what it want... An immortal beast should have a very hard requirement." He said.

"It's easy... I have already communicated with it." Scáthach smiled... with her strength it was easy for her to communicate with the blood eagle who was up above the sky.

"Oh? Then, what does it want?." He got curious since she said it was easy.

"It's simple... she wants to test my killing intent." Scáthach said.

"That's all? It really is easy." He nodded.

"Mhn... I'll start. Protect them." Scáthach said as she leaped through the air to get closer with the blood eagle.

"I know... but quickly end it. I can't hold on that long." He said... it was still quite a stretch for him to hold her killing intent... and especially with the blood eagle added.

"Got it." Scáthach nodded.


"Okay... gather." He ordered... and all the women quickly gather close to each other.

After they have gathered, he strengthened his [Fortification Barrier] with his [Infinite], covering the outside layer of the barrier with his [Nihility] while also activating his aura.

"This should be enough to last a couple of minutes." He said.

"Sorry... we're a burden." Alexia said.

"Yeah..." Catherine nodded.

"Don't worry, you will soon get strong enough. You girls will be the one protecting me right?." He smiled.

"Hehe, that's right leave it to me." Clara said.

"I guess, it is also my responsibility. I am still your girlfriend after all." Kiara said

"Consider yourself lucky." Eva said

"It won't be long." Violette said

"You don't need to ask." Selena smiled.

"I'll work hard." Rose said.

"Okay..." Zeth nodded. I guess, she was talking a lot right now. Well, compared to before.

"That's good." He smiled.


Floating in the air... Scáthach unleashed her killing intent.


The Blood Eagle bellowed as also all of her killing intent was realeased.

The whole sky was painted red. The time of the monsters and people's death could be sensed

Cries of pain, grief, hatred, and more negative emotions could be felt.

Even all the women who were being protected by him could see and hear it. All their face was so pale. He smiled wryly looking at them.

After a couple of minutes both of them still didn't stop and by each second their killing intent even increased. If this continues his barrier won't hold off and at that time when the killing intent keep increasing. He already used a lot of his means... like [King's aura], killing intent,and other more.

Still, this kind of protection is not enough.

"Little Scathy, is it still not enough?." He shouted.

"I'm trying, this bird is too stubborn. It even keeps increasing her killing intent." Scáthach shouted back.

"Try to unleash all of your killing intent... and quickly get this over with." He said.

"Okay..." Scáthach nodded and fully unleashed all of her killing intent

The Blood Eagle notice her and also unleashed all her killing intent.

And another minute passed... and it was still not over.

"Damn, this bird want a battle of attrition." Scáthach cursed.

"Shit! This bird is so arrogant..." He also cursed.

After thinking of how to end this... there is only one thing he could do... and that is to stop it himself. He can use his authority to control the laws and element in the dimension to stop the blood eagle but what if it won't accept Scáthach's contract? So he decided to beat the blood eagle on it's own game.

"I had enough. Get Down!." He ordered while activating his [Manifestation of Killing Intent].

Overflowing killing intent escaped from his body before quickly covering the whole place. Overpowering the two opposing killing intent which came from Scáthach and the blood eagle.


The Blood Eagle screamed as it panicked, the eagle didn't expect this. She struggled to protect herself with her very own by focusing all of it to cover her body.

At this time, Scáthach already took her killing intent off.

"It's futile. I said, Get Down!." He ordered yet again and focused all of his killing intent on one spot, which was the spot of the blood eagle.

Unlike this morning when he first used his killing intent, it spread out through half of the Land of Shadow, But now, he controlled it and directed it to only the blood eagle. No one could imagine how would the blood eagle resist this, even Scáthach herself couldn't.

It didn't even take long before the blood eagle couldn't endure all the pressure as it slowly got down from the ground with a pale face. Of course, she could fight as she is still an immortal being after all. However, she truly was defeated of the contest of killing intent,

Scáthach already got down besides them.

"Phew* This bird is really stubborn." He sighed in relief as he deactivated his skill.

"So strong..." Clara exclaimed.

"Yeah..." Kiara nodded.

"What kind of killing intent is that?." Violette asked with a shocked expression

"What do you mean?." Eva got confused.

"Well, that kind of killing intent can be achieved by having killed so many living beings... You also saw 'that' right? It means all the living beings that you saw was killed him and got converted to his killing intent." Catherine answered her.

"It is even more than Scathe's..." Rose nodded.

Zeth didn't say anything

"I didn't expect you to be this strong... So you are stronger than Scathe..." Selena said.

"You got this far huh? I guess, we need to work hard." Alexia smiled.

"Yes!." The others agreed with her.

"Well, I didn't expect you girls to recover that quickly, although you didn't feel the pressure but you still experienced that kind of killing intent." He got surprised. Even though their faces were still a bit pale but still... it is almost gone.

All the women were happy to hear that praise... Especially, Rose, she was really trying hard not to vomit looking at the death's of so many living beings.

'I wonder how they did that though? I'm pretty sure that normally, people would vomit or even pass out if they saw that.' He thought.


"Little Scathy, is the contract done?." He asked.

"It's done." The moment the blood eagle got down on the ground. Scáthach already passed the test as the blood eagle recognize her killing intent. With that, both of them had a contract.

"It's finally my turn!." He said.


A minute later.

Crack* Crack* Shatter*

Unlike before with Scáthach's case. The magic circle only cracked and the atmosphere got a bit affected.

This time, it was on a whole other level.

It didn't even take a second before the magic circle got destroyed with no time to repair. Unlike the other beast which was waiting to be summoned by the magic circle this one is different. It's as if the beast from the other side forcefully want to teleport in the magic circle... causing it to get destroyed.

All of the five element in the dimension were getting chaotic.

The lightning element formed thunder clouds up above the sky!

The wind element gathered to form huge hurricanes!

The earth started to quake caused by the earth element!

The water element in the surrounding lakes formed into a huge tsunami!

The fire element that existed on the surrounding formed a storm made of flames!

Although, the magic circle got destroyed. The beast causing this phenomenon still arrived.

"Who dares to summon the being such as I.." A loud resounding voice could be heard up above the sky.

He didn't quickly saw the beast as he and Scáthach was having trouble protecting the others. Even though, it was easy for him since he controls this dimension... He was still taken back when the five element was suddenly out of control... that he needed to calm it down himself.

After he calmed down all the five elements. He finally had the time to lift his head up above the sky.

"You gotta be kidding me! Who was it again that said... one can summon a beast with... was it one level above? or three level above? 'Cause, I'm telling you, you are dead wrong! Look at that! The pressure, the aura! How many levels is that above me!." He smiled wryly at himself

"Sistine... what realm?." He asked.

"Dear.... it's a Divine!." Sistine said

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