
Chapter 77: Checkmate.

"Oy who're you?" Sephiroth asked as he saw two figures walking towards him, even though he saw two figures his question was directed only at the female figure.

"Huh? someone's here, who the heck are you?" Zane asked.


"Who the f*ck are you ignori-"

"Female, does this chattering animal speak for you?" Sephiroth asked as he looked at Elion.


Both Elion and Zane couldn't say anything, they weren't exactly the strongest of players, they were definitely unique players but not in terms of battling.

"Well, guys I'll just add your heads to my collection," Sephiroth said as he stepped forward while revealing his twin double sided-axes.


"Huh? where am I?"

A fourth figure was now seen on the field but the appearance of this figure definitely was not normal, he appeared out of thin air, literally. Both the parties, Zane and Elion and Sephiroth now stared at the fourth figure with wide eyes, teleporting was possible but once again it was locked for players who crossed level 100. Naturally, everyone there immediately assumed the newcomer was someone who was level 100.

'Where am I? I logged off in Hecate's domain....did she teleport me here?' Nate thought as he completely ignored the other figures.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth now looked at Nate with red eyes, there weren't many players who crossed level 100, other than Sephiroth himself and Kira, Night, and a few others, there's was nobody who ascended. Of course, even if one were to ascend that wouldn't mean they could use teleport, and Nate by no means looked like an NPC.

"You...are you ..Night?" Sephiroth asked while pointing one of his ax towards Nate.

'Huh? how does he know Luke? they aren't acquainted for sure....'

"What if I am?" Nate countered.

"Haha, that answers my question I guess...I want your head, come here and kneel," Sephiroth said with a domineering tone, his brutal aura violently cutting through the air.

'That's Night?' both Elion and Zane shared the same expression, they assumed Night would be more proud or at least not someone who would be willing to listen. Just looking at the way Nate held himself they had their doubts. One of his hands was behind his head and the other in his pocket. His sandy appearance didn't belong to someone named 'Night', he had a symbol on his right hand and his eyes were hazel which very awkwardly suited his light brown hair. Nate was a few inches shorter than Luke and appearance-wise they were on different extremes.

"That's an interesting choice but I'll have to pass, I'm curious though, who are you?" Nate asked, he was aware that Sephiroth was stronger than him, just by the aura he could guess that Sephiroth was almost 20 levels above him, putting him somewhere in the mid-'80s.

"Hahaha, brave but I can see through your facade, you're scared...haha, very well it doesn't really matter so I guess I'll tell you...I'm Sephiroth, the one you barely beat, I'm going to crush you now so come here," he said before rushing towards Nate.

"Blood and Glory!!" Sephiroth activated his skill.

Blood and Glory was one of the skills he received from Ares, it more than tripled his damage output but at the cost of taking 50% of his hp, and the status effect remained for 10 mins.

'Wait, Sephiroth? if that's actually him there's no way I can beat him...he's level 100 or something ... what do I do...he's attacking me? f*ck it let's just use this opportunity to test out my new skills' Nate's thoughts were flowing at an unbelievable rate, he was slowly analyzing what was happening.

"Disciple of the God of Magic- 1st Stage: Three Moons Dispersion,"

[Hecate's torches activated]

Three Moons Dispersion, a skill that negates all magic used by the opponent, was a target skill that not only negated magic but any status enhancements as well, further, the skill doesn't allow the target to use any magic or status enhancements for the next 5 minutes, and when the skill is used, a single crescent moon appears and revolves around the user, in this case, Nate.

The two bystanders were surprised, not only by Sephiroth's sudden attack but by Nate's casual response, they weren't aware of how much Nate panicked internally but what surprised them more was Nate's skill, they saw three Crescent moons appear in front of him, the moons acted as one and emitted one large wave of energy that was directed at Sephiroth.

// // //

"Alright, I'm ready," Night said as he stood in front of Frode with a thick cloth covering his eyes.

"Oy, he was serious about it"

"What do you think? he's standing there!!"

"Oy, Oleg look!"

The crowd, as excited as they were, couldn't control themselves, they were under the impression that Night was mocking Frode.

"I'll allow you to attack first," Frode said with a smile, he was completely oblivious to the fact that Night could 'see' even with his eyes closed. Night fought monsters blindfolded and they were considered unpredictable, so fighting another human who was somewhat predictable was going to be easy, especially since Night had the terrain advantage here, literally.

"Alright, I won't be humble then,"

'I guess I won't be needing my domain for this,'

Night dashed towards Frode and whipped his right leg towards Frode's face, with a smug expression he casually raised his left hand to block the attack but the second Night's leg touched the ground again, he launched his left leg towards Frode's right knee-joint, it was a risky move that people usually wouldn't use, it was because of the difference in the toughness of the bones, the knee joint could potentially break the foot joint but Night had a plan, just before Frode could tighten his knee, Night used Frost Touch to control the ice under Frode's left foot, causing him to lose balance and weakening his posture as well as making him lose the strength in his legs. At the last second, however, Night just decided to aim for his Achilles tendon which was more than enough to make him fall backward.

"Checkmate?" Night asked with a wide grin.

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