
Chapter 64: NotYourTypicalMage's Efforts.

The view was definitely a terrifying one, a single man, standing alone amidst the corpses of thousands of monsters, even the nature around seemed to bend to his will, just like the skill used it was as if the entire world flat-lined, the only sound being that of a ripple and a high pitched noise that resembled a flat line on an ECG.

"Well, that went better than planned," Noel said breaking the silence.

"Whatchall think?" he asked while looking at the spectators, his voice easily reached them regardless of the distance.



"I just blinked....what happened here...?"


The guards along with the adventurers who stood near the and atop the walls were all shocked, some even slapped themselves, the second Noel used his skill they could feel something in them, a slight pain in the chest region,

'what if they weren't miles apart?' was the one thought that went through everyone's mind.

"Haha, y'see that Blade? Your Master's ju-"

"Midas Touch,"


"MASTER!" Blade screamed.

The moment Noel turned towards Blade and the others, a figure could be seen zipping through, within a second the figure covered the distance, leaving behind a trail of sparkly dust. The entire battlefield was now covered in dust and nothing could be seen.

Worried his master might've been hurt, Blade jumped down and rushed towards his master, unlike Noel he couldn't cover miles in a second. He was quick but the air seemed heavier, the pressure seemed off, gravity was stronger than usual, friction seemingly more resistive. It was as if everything was stopping Blade from moving towards Noel.

Finally, after enduring the pain of opposing nature, Blade could now see something, two figures, one with a sword so lustrous that it could be seen from thousands of miles away and the other standing with the lustrous sword stuck in his chest.

// // //

[Divine Being, Hecate, has summoned you to her domain!]

[Congratulations Player NotYourTypicalMage for being the first player to enter the Underworld All stats +50]

[Congratulations Player NotYourTypicalMage for being the first player to enter Hecate's Domain All stats +50]

(A/N): In case yall forgot, Nate's IGN is NotYourTypicalMage.

"Talented youngin eh?"


A figure levitated over a red cushion, she wore a knee-length gown/dress with boots that looked like they were used for hunting. Two torches were floating next to her, both seemed to be inextinguishable. Next to her were two beings? beasts? that were her familiars, a black dog-like creature and a pole-cat.

Nate continued to look around the room he currently was in, Hecate's domain was unique, it wasn't as big as the other God's domain but it was big enough to hold at least 50 people at a time, it was like a courtroom, a red carpet with purple borders leading all the way to the red cushion where she was levitating. There were no openings to enter or exit, the room was completely sealed, there wasn't any opening for ventilation. The walls were silver-ish almost like the moon and on the ceiling was a large painting of a crescent moon.

"Oy, you done with the invasion of privacy?" Hecate called out.

"Kekekeke, a creepy one huh?" the dog-like being snickered.

"Why's he here? Hmph!" the pole-cat said while looking away.

"Uh...Where am I?" Nate asked ignoring the comments.

"The Underworld, my domain to be specific."

"Oh.." he replied still somewhat confused about the whole situation.

"Bah, quiet one huh? very well this may be sudden but this Goddess has recognized your efforts, and to be honest, I must say, you certainly did surprise me, you managed to learn the basics of being a Mage, unlike those other pretentious filths. Anyway, what do you say, want me to help you out? it's somewhat like me making you my successor of sorts? no, no, disciple perhaps? yes, since I can't die, disciple is the better word,"



'Man....what on 'Earth' am I supposed to do...I wonder what Night would do?' he thought to himself.

// // //

"Uhhh, what was that?" Night said as he felt a cold sensation down his spine.

"Well... anyway here we are guys."

The three of them stood in front of a colossal building, it was the Smithing centre, where the items made by smiths were sold, it was also a centre for information, buying resources, etc.

"That bastard Sephiroth... really making us look like fools..tch disgraceful son of a-"

"Arne!! ya' f*ckin doofus, come back here"

While the trio stood right outside the smithing centre, Night's attention was caught when he could see a huge man that looked similar to the guard, storming away from another person who looked slightly shorter but was huge as well.

But what interested Night was the mentioning of the name, 'Sephiroth', the second player to reach level 100.

'Is it just a coincidence? or is he actually here? well, it could very well be a 'she' as well...' Night thought as he looked at the Norse Warriors arguing.

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