
Chapter 57: Different Ego's


"It's ARES! you f*ckin peasant" he growled. "After all the help I've given you...you still call me by my name and the wrong one on that, ungrateful trash,"

"Tch, you only did so for your entertainment," Sephiroth argued.

"Oh you've misunderstood me," Ares said while playfully frowning.

"I only helped you kill a few hundred because I heard your cries, hahaha well how bout it? wanna absolutely f*ckin disfigure hundreds more?" Ares's eyes shone with excitement.

Regardless of how much Ares enraged Sephiroth, the one thing the two of them fully agreed on was the brutal slaughter of millions.

Sephiroth was first approached by Ares when he was level 10, unlike most players who focused on honing their skills, Sephiroth focused on those players who were honing their skills, of course, he'd kill anyone who he thought was easy and felt like, by the time he reached level 50 he had nearly 100 kills. The brutal slaughter of a single Berserker was definitely heard but nobody knew the identity of the person, he never left any witnesses and would constantly change his clothing.

Sephiroth was a Berserker who was 'blessed' by Ares, the Greek God of War, unlike his alter ego Mars, the God of War and Agriculture, Ares was said to be brutal and merciless who focused on war and its bloodier aspects.

The reason as to why Sephiroth was confused was because both Ares and Mars looked identical, except for the very obvious bloodlust oozing from one and the difference in both their auras, there wasn't any other method to differentiate between the two.

"Well anyway, here you go, spill more blood, offer me more lives, allow heads to fly, and most of all create more 'Chaos'," Ares said.

[Class Quest: Blood of thousands

Quest Grade:?

Requirements: Claim a thousand lives. (Both and Players and NPC's count)


1)Lions Pride x2

2)Unlock Hidden Class-change quest


"*Sigh* if you say so"

"Right because if I didn't ask you to do so, you would've never hurt a soul,"

Sephiroth just smiled and looked at Ares before turning around, the instant he turned around he was back, just like Night was the first player to enter Nyx's domain, Sephiroth was the first to enter Ares's domain.

"Well, time to have some fun I guess? hahah," he said with a vile smirk that betrays all innocence, his malicious intent clearly let loose, he was one of few players to cross-level 100.

[Congratulations player "@^$%13" for being the first to enter the Nether Region of Tartarus]

// // //

Zane and Elion, respectively Arthur and Elena Richardson, were vague players, despite Zane/Arthurs physique, he was extremely plotting and Elion/Elena was someone talented and crafty enough to carry out the plots laid out by her brother.

Unlike other Arcane Knights who entered the Barracks or the Academy to train, Zane refused to enter either of the two, in fact since the start of the game he never followed the path laid out, he was rather adamant on following his own road.

He never took a quest from any NPC, he never collected 10 herbs to give an old woman who couldn't walk nor did he deliver any old man's letters. He focused on killing mobs to reach the basic level and then proceeded to explore the lands.

According to KYOJIN, Genesis was extremely vast and would take roughly a decade in-game to properly explore, even then the players would only be touching the surface of the lands. Various treasures and achievements awaited those ready to claim, some achievements were announced as world announcements but some weren't, this was taken care of by ATHENA the supercomputer.

"Brother, this feels weird, we've set out to find unique locations and regions that cant easily be reached but for some reason, we haven't even managed to come across a single unique situation, no portals or gates or domains, nothing," Elion said.

"Well, if it was that easy then you can expect an announcement to go off the very next second HAHHAHAH,"

[Congratulations player "@^$%13" for being the first to enter the Nether Region of Tartarus]



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