
Chapter 47: Damianos

"Awh you absolute fluffball, come here you," Aurora muttered as she played with Noctis who was now rolling around in her arms.

"Well, we're here so just continue to follow me and it shouldn't be an issue." Night said as they entered the royal castle. At first, the others were skeptical but they figured to leave it to Night once again. What surprised them was the fact that the guards bowed to him, not only did they not stop Night but they bowed to him meaning Night was someone important to the royal family.

Once they stepped into the corridor they stood outside the courtroom door as they met with a woman in a maid uniform, "Young Night, who are they? besides His Majesty is busy with some official business." Liza said with a smile.

"Ah, Liza, well the thing is they're here to meet with Madam Pythia, it's for a quest, don't worry I can vouch for them, they won't try anything funny," Night said realizing how it might look to Liza but Liza just laughed and said, "Haha that's quite alright Young Night, Madam Pythia is more than capable of defending herself, in fact, its safe to say she's the strongest in the Kingdom, of course, that's excluding your master, I'm sure you've seen Master Noel in action,"

Night just nodded his head and smiled.

"Anyway Madam Oracle is in the royal garden as of now, I'm sure she'll be glad to see you,"

"Ah thank you, Liza," Night said before he left. He didn't even want to look at Mocha's group as he was sure they had many questions, he soon led them to the royal garden where Pythia was.

"Great Oracle," Night called out as he bowed.

"Hmmm Oh? Night-boy, I assumed you left already, oh what's this? wait let me guess, you've brought a Bride and wanted my blessing. Hmmh certainly she is even playing with Noctis, so that must be it." Pythia said while looking at Aurora.

"WHAT.MY.SON.IS.GETTING.MARRIED????!?!?!?!" Cassandra screamed as she ran towards Night and Pythia.

"This..." Night didn't know what to say, he was tongue-tied for the first time, Aurora on the other hand was blushing and looking down, the behavior of the two certainly confused the others as they were now surprised when they saw Aurora blushing.

"Ahem, I hate to interrupt but we are actually here to talk to Madam Oracle about the monster wave that affected the region of Linto," Mocha said hoping they could focus on the quest.

The smile on Pythia's face slowly turned to a frown as Mocha proceeded to explain the situation and the second they heard the name Damianos, Cassandra fell to her knees whereas Pythia closed her eyes and looked up.

"Please come back tomorrow, and Night stay back there's something you need to know," Pythia said as she looked at the group, her eyes filled with sorrow.

"Alright," Night said as he understood, he guided them outside and promised he'll be out in a bit.

"Night..." Cassandra said before she began weeping.

"Child, that Damianos... was your master, Noel's friend...hah to call him just a friend would be an understatement, he was like a brother to Noel."

[World Quest: Legendary GrandMaster.

Grade SSS

Damianos- 'presumed to be dead'- was the rogue magician behind the monster invasion of Linto 10 years ago. Damianos's soul was sealed but his body was occupied by a Divine being. He was killed by GrandMaster Noel, allowing him to become a Legend in doing so, However, GrandMaster Noel believed he was responsible for everything as he couldn't fully protect his dear friend from a Divine being.

Quest Requirements:

1)Search for the truth behind Damianos and the Divine being that possesses his body.

2)Unseal Damianos's body and prove his innocence.

Quest rewards:


2) Affinity with Damianos and Noel increased to max.

Quest failure penalty:

1)Destruction of Linto

2)Damianos's death

Time remaining: 3 years ]

[Accept quest? Y/N]

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