
Chapter 44: Power up?

(A/N): There was some confusion regarding the BloodLine skills, so previously Night did unlock them but they were restricted until the 2nd ascension but after his meeting with Nyx, those skills were removed. (^_^)

"Okay..here goes nothing " Night muttered as he clicked on his character information.

Player Night(Cursed)

Level 100

Class- GrandMaster/????

Titles: Eternally cursed soul, cursed soul, Liege, Slayer, Wilderness Hunter.

Subject: Shade (Guardian of the Forest of Silence)

Pet: Noctis(Creature of chaos)


(Available stat points 134)

VIT:499 HP: 24,950 Def: 998

DEX:503 Spd: 351.5 Eva: 2.515%

STR:499 PhyDmg: 2,495

INT:369 MagDmg : 1,845 Mp: 36,900

Luck: ?


Willpower: 10


Weapon Mastery+C: Break class restrictions and become a master of all weapons.

Eyes of the Primordials(max): No being can escape your eyes, no matter the grade.

However, beings more than 100 levels higher than the user are able to negate this skill.

Umbrakinesis: "You are darkness"

The user has absolute authority and control over darkness and shadows.

However, for proficient use, the user must master the skill

Circadian Manipulation: "Manipulate the flow of night and day"

Cast a domain skill that controls the day/night cycle. Under the domain, the user gains 50% light resistance or 50% dark resistance, depending on the domain that's cast. Domain radius: maximum- 100 meters. The maximum distance can be increased depending on the skill proficiency. Skill Mp cost: 5,000 per second.

One of the Night(Passive): The user is empowered in dark places or at night. Damage, Crit rate, Armour penetration, increased by 10%. The buff increases as the proficiency increases.

BloodLine: Nyx, Goddess of the Night.

BloodLine Skills:

Night Vision(Passive): Allows the user to clearly see in total darkness.

Darkness Generation: "and darkness is you"

The user is able to generate 'pure darkness' in any situation.

Mp cost: 10,000 per second

The quality of the darkness increases depending on the skill proficiency.

Weapon skills:

FirstLight: ????/ Can only be triggered when the Bow is shattered.

"Is this even a GrandMaster's skillset? *sigh* not to mention Noctis is absolutely broken, his stats are better than mine as well. I assumed my stats would be doubled since the curse was removed but it looks like it was only halved at the beginning. AND WHAT'S WITH ALL THE BUFFS THAT ARE ONLY APPLICABLE DURING THE NIGHT?? oh and it looks like my luck, charm, and willpower stat changed as well."

"*Sigh*... I really hope I don't need to use those skills," just the thought sent shivers down his spine, "well for now let's head back?" Night asked his companions.

"As you wish My Lord," Shade said while slightly bowing.


Noctis flew around and proceeded to sit on Night's head.

// // //

" I don't want anyone knowing anything about Night, of course, as of now nobody knows anything about him, it is possible we were the only ones to meet him in-game. Until he wishes to announce to the world, we will help him maintain his privacy, I've already contacted him regarding the Montreal event, so let us wait," naturally this was Valerian talking to his group, "Oh and Eve, please make sure your siblings don't make a fuss during the event, I understand that they value your protection but they tend to go overboard sometimes, so please," Valerian said with a pure smile.

"*Sigh* Of course Val, I'll talk to them," said Aurora.

// // //

"HOW?!" Kira cried while he threw everything off his table.

"Not only was I beaten by Night but also by some other nobody???!!, YOU", Kira screamed while he pointed to someone.


"Find out everything you can about this 'Sephiroth' and while you're at it, do the same with Night, I don't care if KYOJIN refuses to leak any information, try again, do anything you want but just find out something. NOW ALL OF YOU GET OUT,"

Kira was left alone in his office room, as he fell to the ground, he was tired, he pushed himself since the day Genesis launched and yet he couldn't beat Night.

// // //


"Sir, is this alright? won't the balance of the game be destroyed, now that Night unlocked all these new skills?" Reed asked.

The chairman was now seated at the head of the table and was blankly looking at Reed, other members of the development team were present as well but none of them spoke a word as they waited for Kenny to speak.

Finally, after a few minutes, Kenny let out a sigh and said, "Reed, no all of you, I'm sure you guys realize that if there is a need to correct anything in the game and if there is an element that is disturbing the balance of the game, ATHENA will take care of it, in fact, the game's balance as of now is perfect considering the fact that ATHENA hasn't reacted yet, besides do you think I had anything to do with the skills? the only thing I did was include a simple easter egg, of course, I didn't expect the easter egg to be triggered while selecting the character, the probability of that happening is almost negligible. We can only wait and see when the others might be triggered."

"hahaha, others? wait SIR??!?! others??!! if that means what I think it does then the balance is sure to be broken" Reed said as he got up from his seat in surprise, it wasn't only him, everyone in the room was surprised.

"Reed, calm down will you? I'm not sure how Night managed to trigger the curse but it wasn't meant to happen, you can only blame his luck, as for what I meant by others, yes other easter eggs like Nyx's curse exist and to be completely honest, Nyx's curse was meant to be the weakest of them all, HAHA that only means this "Night" is a monster. Of course, I'm only talking about the curse, out of all the Primordials, Nyx is considered one of the strongest." Kenny said while laughing.

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