
Chapter 224: Great Beings Of The World.

[You are the first player to clear the Sacred Phantom Trials of the Assassins Den!]

[You are the first individual to ever clear the Trials in Hardcore mode!]

[Your performance was exceptional! A Phenomenal show of talent and skills! You have outplayed every trial thrown at you. Your reward for clearing the trial shall be modified!]

[The Ancestors nod with dissatisfaction. You have cleared the challenges of another class!]

[As the first player to clear the Phantom Trials you are allowed to learn and use the skills of an assassin as long you equip a dagger-type weapon of the minimum rarity of epic. However, the skills available can never reach the maximum level and shall be capped at a level lower than the maximum]

[World Announcement: Congratulations Player Night for being the first player to pass the Phantom Trials!]

[World Announcement: Congratulations Player Night for being the first individual to pass the Phantom Trials on the hardcore mode!]

[Calculating reward for clearing…]

[Your performance in the first Trial was perfect. You blame yourself for the death of a cherished one. However, it was the same individual that has lifted the curse on your heart]

[Your performance in the second Trial was exceptional! You have transcended all expectations! You bore the burden of taking every enemy's life, just so that another life fighting with you remained safe. There is darkness in you, not one that belongs to the Primordial, but one that has been birthed by you]

[Your performance in the second Trial was exceptional! You have transcended all expectations! You fought to make a statement and prove a point. You slaughtered the undead beasts with nothing but the strength you achieved on your own, allowing you to break yet another limiter in your mental space]

[Reward for clearing the Phantom trials on Hardcore mode: Immediate boost to level 200!]

[World Announcement: Congratulations Player Night for being the first player to reach the second ascension stage!]

[Great beings of the human kind have noticed your presence!]

[They raise their eyebrows at the emergence of a new presence that could potentially threaten their existence]

[You have acquired the title, "Destined" for being the first player to catch the attention of these Great beings]

[Be aware that, regardless of the common name, some of these beings are enemies of humanity]

"..." It was weird seeing Genesis warn him, the game wasn't particularly generous when it came to information. So being told that some of these so-called Great Beings weren't friendly was rather unexpected, especially when Night wasn't even done with reading all the notifications.

[You are the first player to become an Epic. All primary stats +100. All special stats- Willpower, Charm, Luck, Command increased to 100]

[Error unable to change Luck stat!]

[Due to the command stats increase, your orders and your words are now perceived better! Training your subject has become easier!]

[World Announcement: Congratulations Player Night for being the first Player to become an Epic]

[Your struggles have been noticed and felt by The Primordial Nyx. She deeply sympathizes with you and is enraged by the actions taken by others towards you. She notices something in you that she recognizes but doesn't recall. Nyx truly wishes to see you succeed and overcome the hurdles thrown at you]

[The Primordial Nyx urges you to use the Ring of Creation wisely]

["As the Prince of Darkness, it only makes sense for you to have a weapon that fits you"]

"...Wait…" Night's eyes widened as he recalled the voice he heard in reality, it was too much of a stretch, but the timing was rather questionable. There was no doubt this item was priceless and not something that should be used without any thought. He smiled as he looked at the notification, it was comforting to know that someone cared about him so much, that they would go to such an extent.

[Warriors of Olympus are on the lookout for the being that caused the tremble that shook reality]

[You are only one step away from entering the Hall of Fame. Keep pushing, work harder and soon you shall step into the Realm of the Legends]

The truth was that a player could easily become a Legend through luck. A simple class change book or a class change quest was all they needed. Although, the class change quests involve a lot of effort.

It was beyond anything he expected. The trials truly rewarded him with something he needed to face off against Neo Thallius. However, Night stood there outside the conference room in the Den, looking at his status with a happy but tired smile on his face.

Player Night(Cursed) (Epic)

Level 200

Class- Grandmaster/ Night's Descendant

Titles: The Dark Prince; Emperor of Frost-...

(A/N: Decided not to mention every title and only showcase these two. The others still exist though)

Subject: Shade (Guardian of the Forest of Silence)

Pet: Noctis(Creature of chaos)


(Available stat points 1000)

VIT:836 (HP: 41,800 Def: 1,672)

DEX:712 (Spd: 456 Eva: 3.56%%)

STR:702 (PhyDmg: 3,510(+2000) )

INT:1,172 (MagDmg : 5,860(+2000) Mp: 117,200)

Luck: ??

Charm: 100

Willpower: 100

Command: 100


Weapon Mastery+C: Break class restrictions and become a master of all weapons.

Eyes of the Primordials(max): No being can escape your eyes, no matter the grade.

However, beings more than 100 levels higher than the user are able to negate this skill.

Umbrakinesis(Lvl 3): "You are darkness"

The user has absolute authority and control over darkness and shadows.

However, for proficient use, the user must master the skill.

Circadian Manipulation(2): "Manipulate the flow of night and day"

Cast a domain skill that controls the day/night cycle. Under the domain, the user gains 70% light resistance or 70% dark resistance, depending on the domain that's cast. Domain radius: maximum- 150 meters. The maximum distance can be increased depending on the skill proficiency. Skill Mp cost: 70,000 per second.

One of the Night(Lvl 2)(Passive): The user is empowered in dark places or at night. Damage, Crit rate, Armour penetration, increased by 20%. The buff increases as the proficiency increases.

BloodLine: Nyx, Goddess of the Night.

BloodLine Skills:

Night Vision(Passive): Allows the user to clearly see in total darkness.

Darkness Generation(2): "and darkness is you"

The user is able to generate 'pure darkness' in any situation.

Mp cost: 20,000 per second

The quality of the darkness increases depending on the skill proficiency.

Hermes Exploration

1)Passive: Flight unlocked! Mana consumption: 2 per second

2)Active: Speed and Evasion doubled when skill is used.

Mana consumption 1000 per second.

Weapon skills:

FirstLight: ????/ Can only be triggered when the Bow is shattered.

Poetry that Personifies The Night created

Your Martial Arts currently holds no equal. You are able to determine to flow of energy itself.

Disseminate(passive)- When using the form, Poetry that Personifies The Night, every hit landed shall disperse a small percentage of opponents total mana.

Flow of Reality(passive)- Currently, you are only able to determine to flow of the opponent's mana.

Niflheim- Skill tree: To unlock more skills, level up currently available skills.

Winter's Malice: A beautiful yet deadly sphere consisting of the ice and dark elements, targets hit by the skill are slowed down by 10% for 10 seconds, damage dealt is 200% of MagDmg where 100% is dark element damage and the other 100% is ice element damage. MP required: 10,000. Cool Down: 2 minutes.

"xxxxxx": New title is unlocked once proficiency in handling Ice and Dark element is increased.

There were a lot of changes, his status was normal by no means. His INT stat was heavily influenced by a single title, the Emperor of Frost. It was slightly unnatural to come across a title that could add 600 points to a state, it was something that was more common in the end game stages.

He had no time to test out his new strength, his power, his current standing, all of it was put on a hold. When he got out of the Trials, Night was surrounded by dozens of superiors who belonged to the Den. After talking for a bit, Taka, a Grand elder managed to convince everyone there to move to another room.

The contents of the Trials and the rewards were something that could greatly affect the upcoming Assassins and the Den itself. However, it wasn't something he was forced to share, this was confidential information, something that normal players would pay a large sum for.

"So you're telling me….you faced three trials…all of them were somewhat personal, and the reward you received was an Epic class?" Taka asked as he tried to comprehend what Night had just told them.

The issue here was that explaining the leveling system would be a bad move, therefore, Night thought it would be best to put it in terms that even the NPCs were familiar with.

"Well…not exactly….I didn't get an Epic class…it's just that I upgraded into one? It's not receiving if I always had it in me…so" Night explained as he scratched the back of his head. The others around him were too stunned to even speak.. Shade and Noctis, on the other hand, were looking at him with great admiration, for some reason, they couldn't take their eyes off him. 

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