
Chapter 222: Establishing Order And Chaos

"Oh don't be so shocked," Yama snickered as he turned around and took a seat. He made himself a cup of tea and continued sipping it as the shock settled in. "I'm not afraid. I hope you know that. You may be a Divine Being trapped in a mortal's body, but that doesn't worry me in the slightest," he chuckled and continued, "I'm just a human being, much like that mage you occupy," 

Status, levels, grades. These were some of the main characteristics that made an individual strong. Titles were another major feature of the game that alloted a lot of strength into a person. Yama was a mysterious presence that didn't exactly follow these confines set by ATHENA. Naturally, it wasn't like he was a bug, he was simply a being that wasn't part of the "normal" list of NPCs 

"....What are you….." Artemis in Damianos's body asked as she walked and took a seat opposite him.

"Hmm?" Yama cocked his head, "did you not hear me? Besides, haven't you always been this on the edge around me? What's with the sudden interview?" 

The truth which Artemis obviously couldn't reveal to Yama was that ever since the tremor that shook the world, she had rather wary of everyone. The suspicion that it was caused by someone other than one of the Big Three lurked around at the back of her mind.

(A/N: Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Yeah your welcome)

"Hah, so I can't be a little curious?" Artemis asked as she sipped some of the tea that was made. She was a God, and Olympian at that. However, not only is her soul occupying a mortal's body, she was also faced heavy restrictions from the system. ATHENA couldn't simply allow Divine beings coming down and doing as they saw please. Although, that was exactly what Artemis was doing.

"Well…you know what they say about curiosity," Yama smirked, he noticed that Artemis slowly regained her composure, he was someone who had lived since the beginning of the world in Genesis, if not the start, he was definitely someone who lived for more than a thousand years. "A woman who wears a broken mask…."


"I'm just thinking of all the different humans who are as strong as me," Yama smiled as he paused to think, "Ah, there's the Dragonborn King…..although he technically isn't human. There's ahaha this is funny, but there's the man who stole from the Gods. Oh, he's strong alright, hahahah. Ah my O my… there are so many names, it's funny how you Olympians think you guys are so mighty,"

"....." At that moment, her immediate thought was that Yama was bluffing, but unfortunately, her personality wasn't that serene or calm. "Surely, you're bluffing, right? We're Gods, we get our power from the supreme Chaos. Where do you get your power from? Us?"

"A foolish question," Yama instantly shot her absurd statement down. "You're so proud of being one of Chaos, when you're real origin is simply one of the titans. Compared to your ancestors, you're nowhere close to being one of Chaos,"

"Look around. Everything you perceive, feel, smell, everything definite. Is made up of energy that has nothing to do with you Gods,"

"Chaos is indefinite. It has no shape, it has no body, no feelings, nothing. Nobody makes sense of it. Whereas, Order? Everything you feel, everything you touch, all of that energy, belongs to Order. For you, Chaos is an infinite abode. For us, Order is a void that continues to grow until it consumes everything. Haha, a void that consumes everything if you will," Yama said as he thought of someone he had met many decades ago.

"…..I do not wish to entertain such sophistry. You seriously expect me to believe that a bunch of mere humans have a separate root than the rest of us? What about the Humans blessed by the Gods then? Do they share two sources?"

"Humans blessed by the Gods? Hah, that's easy. You flatter yourself too much. You Olympians are far from being direct descendants of Chaos. Why don't you run back to your father and ask him for the truth," Yama replied without a care for his tone.

Artemis swallowed all her pride, and at this point, there wasn't much of it left. She couldn't react negatively, not at that second. Even if she was a Divine being, she knew very well that she wasn't capable of taking on that man right now.

"What…..do you mean…" she grit her teeth and asked. She was behaving nothing like herself, and this was an all-time low for her. For a human, a mere human to make her behave such a way. It almost reminded her when she took over the body she currently occupied.

"Hmm? You want to know?" Yama asked after sipping his tea. He smiled and leaned forward, "The Primordials. They're the true descendants of Chaos,"

"....What?!" Artemis growled in a low tone. It was clearly not the answer that she had been expecting, although, in Yama's defense, there was no possible answer that would get a good reaction from her.

"You mean the Gods that are no more? Haha, you're funny, aren't you? Don't fck with me human. Even if I can't take you on, don't you dare mess with a God," she roared as she flipped the table over. Yama, on the other hand, calmly looked at her throwing a tantrum while sipping his tea.

"Sit," he took another sip as he crossed his legs.

"What??! Who do you think you're tal-"

"Sit…" he glared at her. A sinister pressure spread throughout the magic tower. From the outside, it looked like Mount Tempest was soon to erupt. The trembling seemed to get stronger and stronger, till the point it wasn't just books falling off shelves. The walls of the building slowly had cracks forming, they were like vines, however, they were spreading thickly and quickly and had no intention of stopping anytime soon.

The pressure was serene. It was much like the pressure emitted by Night, but it was nowhere as messy and raw. Yama's pressure was more calm and absolute. It was as if it had been refined through his thousands of years of existence. The air and everything around him trembled excitedly, it was as if they were reacting to a call.

Artemis, The Ultimate Hunter, was someone who faced off against Titans, Giants, and even Heroes who possess power that cannot be fathomed. However, for some reason, this pressure she felt was something she could not resist. It was as if something demanded obedience. Something demanded….Order.

Yama looked as the shivering Artemis slowly took her seat. It wasn't every day he would release his pressure loose. However, it seemed like even someone who lived as long as him, had a line, and Artemis was way over it.

"Much better. Isn't this so much easier?" Yama asked as he put his cup of tea on the side table. "You ask questions seeking answers, and yet, when answered, you are not satisfied. You seek the truth and faced with it, you deny reality."

"Fine. You want an answer? A mortal blessed by the direct descendants of Chaos? Just the thought of such a monster shakes me to my very core. The power of Order and Chaos existing in one being, the potential to tap into both these sources….however…the difficulty the human being might face…..it's better to call it a curse….yes…A Curse."

"Imagine this….someone with the ability to tap into this infinite abode of energy, and also this void that never stops growing. It would truly be a sight to see…..ah yes…."

Artemis watched quietly as Yama drifted into his own thoughts. The possibilities were endless. Yama wasn't humanity's enemy. In fact, he was the ruler of the first magic tower. Unfortunately, new towers were formed, and since Damianos's rise, the reputation of their magic tower had completely been butchered. Although to be fair, Yama and his tower didn't exactly have any reputation.

'Which Primordial....what if there exists such a person…..which Primordial's Curse do they bear? What is their existence? What is the meaning behind the individual? Can there be such a being? Someone breaking the laws of reality….'

'Wait…what about one Cursed by the Primordials and Blessed by the Gods??? No, there's no way a God would be that stupid. They wouldn't dare to overstep and defy a Primordial…..Unless…..no wait….this is only if their existence is proved…'

There was no stopping his thoughts now. After all, for most of his life, the only thing that kept him company were his thoughts, it would be unfair to suddenly abandon them.

"Ahem…yes…Now for the reason I'm here. What was the tremor about? Surely such a thing should have caused quite the disturbance up there," Yama chuckled as he imagined Zeus's rage.

"That's all? That's your reason for invading my tower? Well if that's true then I do not know as well.. For a second I thought it had something to do with you," Artemis answered as she mentally removed Yama's name from her list.

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