
Chapter 209: A safe place to stay.

"What brings you, gentlemen, here? Oh and I see the young princess is here as well?"

"Drop the act boy. I now know where that kid gets his wits from. With you as a father, it only makes sense Nate is as calculative as he is," K replied. Not much was known of family heads, and the current generation heads were said to be the greatest. Arthur Richardson and Elena Richardson shared the role, with Elena being the driving force and Arthur being the one who plans everything out.

"What do want th-" 

"Solomon Covencut. The current head of the Covencut family. Genius businessman. Son of Edward Covencut. Father of Basile and Nathaniel Covencut. You may try to hide how you treated your younger one, but everyone here knows the truth. You wanted a sledgehammer strong enough to take down Hector. After all, you have the brains, the influence won't be an issue, money, and an army doesn't even matter. You just need someone capable of taking down my son….." Jace stated as he took a step towards Solomon.

"Congratulations you read my social media wall," Solomon replied while clapping. "I wanted someone strong enough to take down Hector. You're right. So what, you're here to kill my son and rid him of the opportunity to even try? Is that how scared you are? Haha, Basile is my wife's only disciple. The only one who has the potential to complete her training. He's never lost a spar, never lost a duel, never lost a fight, unti-"

"Until my disciple stepped in," K smiled after finishing Solomon's sentence. "Basile's definitely strong, stronger than I could ever be, and there's no doubt that Cara is stronger than me, but with the same confidence, I can tell you. Luke will never lose,"

"....Who is he…" Solomon thought about what to say, but there was one question he couldn't answer, and it was how he managed to beat both Basile and Elena at once. "….And how is he able to fight two geniuses at once?"

"Huh? What does that mean?" Jace asked, the first thought that popped up into his head was the spar they just told Aurora about. However, there was no way that Solomon could know that.

"…You don't know….? He fought off the brat of the Richardson's and Basile at the same time..." Solomon muttered as he looked at them. It was confusing to think about Luke. After all, he didn't know that Luke was in an equally bad condition. "Regardless! What kind of drug did you feed him? What gives him the ability to see through the dark???!"

"What??! What do you mean "see through the dark", you better not be saying something stupid to throw us off????" Jace growled at the mentioning of something absurd. As much as everyone in the room was aware of Luke's inhumane capabilities, seeing through the dark is an entirely different game. 

There were multiple reports all over the world, where people claim to have the ability to see through the dark, however, the majority of these were from anonymous platforms, while the rest of the people who have claimed such a thing, have somehow disappeared or have taken back their reports. 

Due to the nature of the anonymous reports, it's hard to believe or prove it, which is the reason as to why Solomon or anyone in the room found it hard to believe. However, after seeing the condition in which Luke put his son, he had no choice but to think of him as someone who trained in the dark all his life, or something less unlikely, that is a human who can actually see through the dark.

'There's no way right?...there's no way he can actually do that…there has to be some kind of a misunderstanding...'

The possibility of it being the work of some medicine was high, however, if such a medicine did exist then it would probably belong to one of the other families. Which meant that Luke didn't have any ordinary background. However, it was already established that he had a normal and innocent family.

'Unless…..Nate hid his background….so what if…? No. There's no way. The only possibility is that he's adopted? It's not out of the question to think so…..'

"Stop playing the fool! You expect me to believe that it wasn't the Cirillo's that helped him? Which other family is he connected to? It's definitely not the Richardson's, and obviously not my family! So it leaves only a few more, but none of them should have the power or resources to make such medicine…."

"Playing the fool? Do you think we're backing him? If you actually think so then you're the fool! Any decision to support anyone is made by Andromeda and Hector, and the two of them haven't even met Luke. So it must be you who is playing around, stop spewing such lies, and next time, make sure you don't almost lose a child," Jace declared before storming off. The thought of Luke being able to see through the dark left him unsettled, however, deep down, he had a feeling there was some truth to what Solomon had said.

The main reason they found it hard to believe was that the words were said by Solomon Covencut, who was said to be annoyingly cunning. So pretending or joking about something that had the potential to be the truth was most definitely something he would take advantage of.

After all, to Solomon, everything was like chess, every move mattered, and every pawn taken out, is a step closer to winning the game. His main goal was simply to take out the Cirillo family and to be established as the strongest of the mysterious families.

His game plan was heavily dependent on covering all bases, which included Genesis as well, especially considering the fact that KYOJIN and Genesis are now more than for entertainment, the game now moved to become a jackpot for any businessman or any company that sought to gain huge returns.

Looking at her grandfather storm out of the room, Aurora decided to follow the two men. After all, they were all still in the enemy's base, and she didn't feel comfortable to alone in a room with the head of another family.

"So…what now…?" she asked as she jogged to catch up to them. Despite their age, both men were unquestionably beasts.

"What do you mean? Now we just resume to our normal daily lives. That's something I would never say, aren't those two the best at the game or something? They should use all the money that's coming their way to get a safe place to live. Preferably for the family as well," K answered as he looked at Jace's rather distressed expression.

"I'll get to it then," Aurora replied, the most important thing for anyone who could be considered famous, is privacy. Privacy was important so the world doesn't learn of things it wasn't meant to. In this case, it would be the existence of the families. Although the Cirillo's were an exception, they managed to cover it up with the front of martial arts.

Aurora immediately pulled out her phone and dialed up a number,

"Yeah, it's me. I need you to get me a list of properties that are available. It needs to be a place where even people like myself or my father can live peacefully. You know what I mean, yes? Alright then…get back to me once you have something important,"

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