Unlimited Isekai and Other Unfortunate Magic

[-6-] Jobs

Dave approached the front desk of the Adventurers Guild, taking in the unique appearance of the Guild Secretary. She looked like a strange fusion of human and jellyfish, slightly translucent silver skin revealing intricate networks of gossamer strands beneath. Her hair, a curious cascade of jellyfish-like gold-silver tendrils, undulated around her head as if caught in an unseen current. He also noticed a small, dark, pearlescent Kitlix perched in a bronze goblet on the woman's desk.

"Welcome to the Church of Saint Kellsion, the first Adventurer," the woman said, her smile warm. "I'm Guild Secretary, Sister Antiqilla."

As Dave stepped to the desk, the Kitlix's large, pale eyes fixed upon him with an intensity that made him slightly uncomfortable.

"Token?" the Secretary asked.

Dave carefully unclasped the token from the chain on his wrist and handed it to her. As she received it, the Kitlix let out a soft, musical trill. Then, the creature gracefully leaped onto the desk and began to circle his token, its body pulsing.

"Oh, don't mind Opal," the Secretary commented on Dave's gaze. "She's just scanning your token."

Dave watched as Opal completed her circuit around the token.

"Now... Applicant Dave. Please present your hand if you wish to acquire jobs from the Guild."

Dave hesitated for a moment before extending his hand.

Opal trotted next to Dave's outstretched palm and poked it with her cute snout. As the Kitlix face made contact with his skin, Dave felt a strange tingling sensation. The creature's body pulsed with an inner light, and its eyes seemed to grow even larger.

Suddenly, Opal let out a shrill, discordant note that made both Dave and the Secretary wince. The Kitlix quickly scampered back to the Secretary's shoulder twinkling something into her ear. The secretary's silver-blue eyes became thin slits.

Dave swallowed, not sure where this was going.

"I'm afraid I need to ask you a few questions. Opal has detected some... unusual energies about you. Are you, by any chance, a practitioner of necromancy?"

"I am definitely not a necromancer," Dave said, rapidly switching all of his points into Wisdom to accelerate his rational thinking. "Sorry, I'm rather new to this world and still figuring things out. What is necromancy and why is it illegal in Shandria?"

At his words Opal ignited from within with a soft green glow.

Dave deduced that the Kitlix had the now familiar truth spell running through her. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the constant use of truth-detecting magic by the Shandrian officials. It reminded him of the invasive polygraph tests Serv0tek used to conduct during drug screenings.

"Necromancy is the manipulation of death energies and the raising of the dead. It's a forbidden practice in Shandria due to... unfortunate past events," the Secretary revealed.

"What kind of events?"

The Secretary's expression darkened. "Almost two decades ago, our previous Monarch was assassinated by a powerful necromancer. This mad mage raised an army of the dead, plunging our city into chaos. Since then, Shandria banned all necromancy-affiliated skills and eliminated potential sources of corpses. We have no cemeteries, and the disposal of the dead is strictly regulated by our Guild and the City Watch."

"I see. But... what exactly is necromancy? What can necromancers do?"

The Secretary raised an eyebrow. "You truly are new to this world, aren't you?" She sighed, her voice taking on a patient, instructional tone. "Necromancy involves various death-related magics. This can include raising corpses as mindless undead, fusing dead bodies to make advanced undead such as ghouls, vampires or goreflesh abominations, commanding the dead, draining life force, stealing knowledge from the recently deceased and manipulating souls of the departed."

Dave tried not to freak out as he realized that his Phantomancy abilities fit under this umbrella. He tried to keep his voice steady as he asked, "And all of these practices are illegal?"

"Absolutely," the Secretary affirmed, her tone grave. "The use of any death-related magic is punishable by immediate imprisonment and public execution. We take these matters very seriously in Shandria. So, what is your primary magic skill, Sir Dave?"

Dave felt his heart racing as he contemplated his response. He knew he had to be careful with his words, especially with the truth-detecting Kitlix watching his every move.

The violin in his soul began to play a subtle, guiding melody. Dave listened intently, understanding that Sherlock was trying to help him navigate this delicate situation.

He recalled his conversation with the Kitlix salesgirl.

"My primary magical skill... is called 'the Wingman'." Dave began slowly, choosing his words with care as he flipped all of his points to Foresight. "The Wingman helps me find lost things. It's like... there's this music, a violin in my head advising me what to look for. It helped me find a dead body in the wilds, for example. Here, this bracelet belonged to the dead Adventurer I found behind a waterfall thanks to my Wingman skill."

Dave clipped the 2nd bracelet off his wrist and put it onto the table.

"Music-aided Search? That sounds pretty unique." The Secretary asked. "Is it Wisdom or Foresight related?"

"I do have almost thirty points in Foresight right now," Dave nodded, squinting at the Kitlix which remained green. "I'd like to get a job from the Guild so that I can buy a Felix Kitlix and hopefully use it to amplify stuff-finding magic."

"Thirty points in Foresight?!" The Secretary's eyes went wide. "What kind of a beast or mage did you slay to get that much Foresight while being only Level 3? That... that's highly irregular!"

"That's the thing, I didn't kill any beasts or people, only about thirty metal bugs," Dave shook his head. "My primary skill sort of just... appeared a few minutes after I put this weird bracelet on. I swear I didn't do anything extraordinary to earn it, unless isekai-spell reincarnation does that sort of a thing?"

"Stranger things have happened, I suppose," the Secretary tapped her chin. "It is rather odd that Opal is picking up heavy necromantic alignment from you though."

"I, um," Dave swallowed. "I'm definitely not planning to overthrow the local government. And I have no idea how to make vampires, ghouls, zombies or whatever goreflesh is."

"Uh-huh," the Secretary glanced at her green-colored Kitlix and then back at Dave's face as if she suspected of him being a future undead-wielding revolutionary.

"I was summoned to this world just a couple of days ago by a Gold Dragon God-Emperor," Dave revealed.

The Secretary's expression softened slightly, but suspicion still lingered in her eyes. "Summoned, you say? That would explain some unusual readings, but Opal is quite specific. She's sensing death magic on you, lots of it."

"Oh! That might be because of where I was summoned to," Dave said, feigning sudden realization. "I appeared in this awful place - a city made of bones, if you can believe it. Spent a whole day there before I managed to escape. Could that be what Opal is sensing? Residual death energy or something?"

The Secretary's jellyfish tendrils swayed thoughtfully as she considered his words. "A city of bones? That sounds absolutely dreadful. It is possible that prolonged exposure to such a place could leave traces of death magic on a person. It is not often that we get to scan people who manage to escape from the Gold Dragon God-Emperor's domain. Very well. Right... I see you have another person's bracelet and token?"

Dave nodded. The Secretary ordered her Kitlix to scan the dead man's bracelet. Opal spun around the dead man's token.

After a moment, as the Kitlix leapt back onto Antiqilla's shoulder, the Secretary sighed and said, "That was Adventurer Harkoni Steelwind, may his soul find peace." She looked back at Dave. "Well done on finding his body. You can return this bracelet to the bank and receive two silver for it."

Dave's eyes lit up at the prospect of some actual currency. "Really? That's great!" he exclaimed, already imagining what he could do with the money.

However, a thought quickly dampened his excitement. "Uhm, will the bank also interrogate me about my skill?"

"Oh, absolutely," the Secretary nodded solemnly. "In fact, I must advise you to visit the public bathhouse as soon as possible. You need to wash the stench of necromancy and any bone dust off yourself, lest you get arrested by the next person who scans you. The Merkin should help with that." She paused. "Opal tells me that you've already been pinged twice as a suspicious person within the Guild's database. A third time could lead to... unfortunate consequences, such as your imprisonment. The City Watch Scrutimancers are rather busy these days with highborn squabbles and a string of thefts, so you might end up in a cellar for a week or more waiting for a full interrogation."

"Thank you for the advice," Dave said, knowing full well that he could not wash Phantomancy off his soul. "I'll head to the bathhouse right away."

Staying in Shandria seemed like a rather bad deal for a Phantomancer. Perhaps there was a city nearby that wasn't so set on imprisoning people who could talk to ghosts?

"Are there other cities nearby?" He asked hopefully.

"There are nine great cities in the Shadow Empire, with the capital being Illium. Besides Shandria, we have Nocturna, Umbria, Starveil, Gloomhaven, Duskhollow, Rustspring, Ebonspire, and Tenebria. I would not recommend leaving the Empire of her Divine Shadow. The other domains are rather less willing to entertain the newly summoned and usually just collar them right away. The general rationale is that a summoned must pay off the debt for being given a second chance at life. You're very lucky to have gotten away from that madman's domain."

"Yeah," Dave nodded, recalling the collared guards at the Citadel of bones. "So, can I freely travel between the cities of the Shadow Empire?"

"You can." The Secretary nodded. "But, I must warn you that crossing the mountains will likely result in your demise. The wildlife out there is incredibly dangerous and likes eating people. Moreover, no caravan or gate mage would be willing to take you on until you're of a higher level." She glanced at his token, noting the negative balance. "Plus, you currently have no funds for such a journey."

Dave sighed, realizing that he was effectively trapped in Shandria for the time being. The prospect of remaining in a city that was so hostile to his abilities was disheartening, but he knew he had to make the best of his situation. At least in Shandria he would not be collared into servitude until he reached minus twenty silver.

"Soo.... uh, how can I get a job from you here?" he asked, trying to refocus on more immediate concerns.

"Oh, of course," the Secretary replied, handing Dave the dead man's bracelet and his own token. "Opal and I will add you to our Guild's Ledger. Your official title is now Iron Rank Adventurer Dave. Feel free to peruse the Iron Rank job board. As you complete more jobs for the Guild, you will rise in rank. Higher rank boards are on higher floors of the cathedral, if you're wondering. I deal with the Irons on the main floor. The Iron job list is over here."

The Secretary pointed at a large board on Dave's left.

Approaching the board adorned with iron tablets, Dave perused the various jobs posted for fledgling adventurers like himself. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the assortment of tasks, which ranged from the mundane to the peculiar. Most of the jobs seemed more fitting for a handyman or a babysitter than for an aspiring hero, but he supposed that all great adventurers had to start somewhere.

Among the more amusing jobs he noticed were:

"Serpent Sitter: Caring for a family of mischievous baby basilisks. Must provide own blindfold."

"Goblin Negotiator: Convincing a horde of goblin vagabonds to vacate a local farmer's barn. Diplomacy skills are a plus."

"Potion Taster: Sampling a selection of experimental potions to test their effects. Strong constitution aka high Vitality over thirty and willingness to experience temporary side effects required."

"Haunted Housekeeper: Tidying up an old manor infested with poltergeists. Patience and a good sense of humor essential."

"Damsel Escort: Accompanying a noblewoman on her daily errands while fending off unwanted suitors. Must be adept at wielding a fan and delivering polite yet firm rejections."

"Pixie Pest Control: Rounding up a swarm of mischievous pixies that have overrun a local bakery. Previous experience with butterfly nets and a love of pastries a bonus."

Among the more conventional listings, he spotted:

"Sewer Maintenance: Clear blockages and repair minor damage in the city's underground waterways. Waterproof boots and a strong stomach required."

"Herb Gathering: Collect rare medicinal plants from the wild Southern fields. Must be able to differentiate between healing herbs and poisonous look-alikes."

"Courier Service: Deliver sensitive documents to various locations around the city. Discretion and swift feet are a must."

Interspersed with these were far more unusual opportunities:

"Mimic Hunter: Neutralize shape-shifting creatures that have infiltrated the long term storage catacombs. Ability to distinguish between regular and carnivorous chairs a plus."

"Aquatic Pest Control: Remove an infestation of water sprites from the city's old fountains. Swimming skills and waterproof equipment essential."

"Magical Waste Disposal: Safely remove and neutralize by-products of failed potion experiments. High vitality and basic alchemy knowledge required."

At the very bottom in the right corner he saw the Quest which had ended the life of the adventurer whose body he found behind the waterfall.

"So, has anything caught your eye, Iron Rank Dave?" The Secretary asked.

"The quest to bring metal bugs to the Divaliss Smithy seems manageable," Dave said.

"Are you certain? Those creatures can be quite dangerous, especially for a novice."

"I think I can handle it," he said with more confidence than he felt. "I've had some... experience with them already, got thirty of them killed."

The Secretary raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. "Very well. To accept the Quest, simply tap your token on the iron plate beneath the job listing."

Dave tapped the bug-collection quest plate with his token. The iron plate responded with a flash, and in tandem, a blue screen materialized above the surface of his bracelet.

[Shandria Adventurers Guild - Quest:

Bring 50+ Prismatic Beetles to the Dvaliss Smithy for a silver.]

[Accept: Y/N?]

"Yes," Dave said.

The iron plate disconnected from the board and clattered into a receptacle positioned below.

"Clip the job plate to your bracelet," the Secretary advised.

Dave picked up the square plate and attached it to the black bracelet.

"If the bugs chew your face off, the coroner will be able to identify you and we'll know what to put on your file," the Secretary quipped, "Adventurer Dave, a brave, young soul devoured by his ambitions... and metal bugs."

"Gee, thanks for that dark image," he commented.

"Gotta keep novices on their toes," the Secretary replied nonchalantly.

Next Dave's eyes became drawn to a plate etched with the Haunted Housekeeper job.

If this house was really haunted then maybe he could harvest more souls from this mansion.

With a determined tap of his token upon the iron plate, Dave accepted the 2nd Quest that now flashed over his wrist.

[Shandria Adventurers Guild - Quest:

Haunted Housekeeper: Tidying up an old manor infested with poltergeists. Patience and a good sense of humor essential. Reward: 50 silver.

Note: Any damage to the Estate will be subtracted from your reward or billed to you.]

[Accept: Y/N?]

Dave accepted it.

"I wouldn't recommend trying that one as your first," the Secretary commented.

"How come?" Dave asked.

"Plenty have attempted to best the poltergeist. Alas, it is rather difficult to vanquish something you cannot see."

"So the poltergeist is invisible?"

"Yes," the secretary confirmed. "One adventurer even brought a bag of flour with him to capture any telltale footsteps, but unfortunately, he too was met with failure. He returned here covered in flour head to toe, coughing madly as his lungs were filled with the stuff. He was billed thirty silver for the flour cleanup, so I suggest avoiding such a strategy."

Dave frowned. "So it's not merely a simple furniture rearranging job, then?"

The secretary shook her head. "Many of these jobs are far more complex than they appear at first glance," she explained. "If the tasks were so straightforward, the clients would simply handle them themselves."

"I see," Dave nodded.

"This job is really about finding the poltergeist and ultimately vanquishing it,” the secretary continued. “The challenge of it lies in achieving this without demolishing the entire manor in the process. Frankly, it's a rather difficult task to pull off. To be honest, I suggest you take on a less complex quest. This one seems alluring, but it has a rather high degree of failure, injury and incoming bills."

"How do I get to the manor?" Dave turned to the Secretary, refusing to back down.

The secretary pulled out a simple map of the city on a piece of parchment, marking the manor's location with a bold 'X'. As she described the path he should take, Dave nodded along. Then, she also marked the location of the Divaliss smithy.

"How many quests can I take?" He asked.

"As many as you think that you can handle," the Secretary shrugged. "If someone's already finished a particular job, the client will let you know."

"Fair enough. Might as well load up on options," he muttered to himself, tapping his token on several more job listings.

First, he accepted the "Sewer Maintenance" job. While the prospect of wading through underground waterways wasn't particularly appealing, Dave figured it might be a good way to familiarize himself with the city's layout. Plus, he reasoned, if things went south with his other quests, he could always fall back on this less glamorous but potentially safer option.

Next, he tapped on the "Courier Service" quest. Running sensitive documents around the city seemed straightforward enough, and it would give him an excuse to explore Shandria more thoroughly.

The "Herb Gathering" job also caught his eye. Dave had always enjoyed nature walks back on Earth, and he thought this might be a pleasant way to earn some coin while getting to know the local flora. The warning about poisonous look-alikes gave him pause, but he figured he could always consult with a local herbalist before venturing out.

Finally, against his better judgment, Dave accepted the "Mimic Hunter" quest. He wasn't sure how he'd distinguish between regular and carnivorous chairs, but he hoped his Phantomancy abilities might give him some advantage in detecting these creatures.

As the iron plates clattered into the receptacle, Dave collected them and clipped them to his bracelet alongside his other quests.

The Secretary raised an eyebrow at his selections, marking the quest locations on the same map. "Quite the ambitious start, Iron Rank Dave," she remarked. "Do try not to die."

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