Undead Emperor

Chapter 1 - Genius framed by others

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Chapter One Genius Framed by People

The Vientiane Sect is located in the depths of the Luoxia Mountains and is composed of hundreds of Lingfeng Mountains. One of the lush vegetation, the cliff cliffs, and the dwarf peaks covered with exotic flowers and grasses are called ‘Outer Gate Peaks’ and are specially designed to accommodate Outside disciple.

It’s midsummer and the sun is burning like fire.

Under a waterfall at Waimen Peak, a teenager is practicing naked with his shirtless. The young man is about sixteen or seventeen years old, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and magnificent spirits.

“Boom”, “Boom” …

The 100-meter-high waterfall plummeted like a giant dragon into a cold lake, splashing water and mist rising.

The young man stood under the waterfall, and under the pressure of the waterfall, lifted a pound of copper tripod above his head. The huge impact, as well as the slippery feet, made him tired and gasping. The young man’s arms bulged with blue muscles, coiled like a snake, and his skin was crimson. But he hasn’t let go, like a loose pin, rooted on a cliff, and will not move!

At this time, a group of outside disciples came on the mountain road next to him. After seeing him, there was a lot of discussion–

“Look, isn’t that Brother Su Zhen? He really has perseverance. For the past three years, regardless of the severe winter and extreme heat, he has been holding the trip.”

“How can we have perseverance? Dan Tian is broken, can’t store true energy, and even a strong body is an ordinary child!” A disciple disdained: “Huh, I really can’t think of his majestic” outside door first “. Zhuyang Huocao attacked Brother Han Yunfeng, the most despicable and shameless man from outside! Fortunately, Brother Han Yunfeng’s swordsmanship was exquisite, and a sword pierced his Dantian to avoid being hurt by poison. “

“I always felt a little bit miserable.”

A young boy has some doubts: “Although Yang Huo Cao is precious, Brother Su Zhen is the first outside door, and has a lot of resource rewards, so that he won’t be turned over because of a spirit grass? Also, when he cultivated to the ‘Congenital Realm Tenth’ “Chong ‘, Brother Han Yunfeng’s” eighth congenital realm “, under his sneak attack, how can he still fight back with Jedi? Is there another secret?”

“What’s the secret? You don’t believe Han Yunfeng, you should also believe Sister Feifei!”

Disdainful disciple coldly said: “Sister Feifei was Su Zhen’s pursuer. At that time, she went to the mission and witnessed the whole process with her own eyes. Would it be false? As for why sneak attack on Brother Han Yunfeng? Well, Sister Feifei said, the reason why he practiced The speed is so fast because the potential has been squeezed out after taking the banned drugs. Brother Han Yunfeng catches up and is afraid, so he does such a heart-wrenching thing. Similarly, the reason why Brother Han Yunfeng can fight back in Jedi is because the realm of Su Zhen is forbidden. The medicine is raised and the foundation is not stable. Naturally, it is not the opponent of Brother Han Yunfeng. “

After hearing these words, the young disciples suddenly realized.

But he still had something unclear, so he asked: “Since Su Zhen dares to kill the same fellow, why not expel him from the mountain gate?”

When asked this question, the disdainful disciples suddenly showed their admiration, like a passer-by secretly crushing the goddess. “It was Sister Feifei who was kind-hearted and could not bear to see him being expelled from the mountain gate and pleading with the elders before leaving him outside. But it doesn’t matter, there is another half-year exam for the outside gate. This year is Su Zhen’s fifth year at the outside gate. According to the rules, those who still pass the assessment after five years will be deported down the mountain. He is a broken waste person in Dantian, and it is impossible to pass. The deportation down the mountain is a nail. “

“So it is.”

“It’s a good thing for us to expel this scourge one day earlier.”

A few outside disciples talked over the waterfall.

The young man under the waterfall, also known as ‘Su Zhen’, laughed a bit at the corner of his mouth after hearing the conversation: “Han Yunfeng, Liu Feifei, you guys and men are really good! Upside down black and white, just in a single thought! , Deserve to be robbed by this. But what you have done to me, I swear to give it back ten times and one hundred times. “

Vientiane Sect is the first major sect in Longyuan Province and the only martial sect of Buddhism, known as ‘Holy Land’.

Residents of Longyuan Province are proud to visit this sect.

Therefore, every year when the Vientiane Sect opens schools to accept students, there are tens of millions of school-age children who come to participate in the assessment like a crucian carp and want to embark on martial arts and change their destiny. However, because of the difficulty of the assessment, the talent requirements are extremely high, and few can really pass.

Countless wealthy businessmen, wealthy families, and children of Jianghumen School have all failed. And Su Zhen, an orphan who was unable to eat enough, passed by accident and became an outside disciple!

Outer disciples refer to elementary students who have just entered Zongmen and are like blank sheets of paper in all respects.

After they entered the sect, they received costumes, wooden swords, Pei Yuandan, entry qigong books, assigned dormitory, after completing daily tasks such as weeding grass, cleaning mountain roads, repairing the hut, followed the enlightenment to practice qigong, and strive to become a monk!

Su Zhen was the first monk in that session.

There is a clear division of monk levels. The first stage is ‘congenital realm’, which is divided into ten levels, such as one innate and two innate. At this stage, it is mainly to sense the spirit of the world, to spit the essence, and to cultivate the true qi. When the first true qi seed is cultivated in the Dantian, it enters the ‘innate one weight’ and becomes a true monk.

According to experience, it takes about three months for a new disciple to cultivate a true qi seed, while Su Zhen took only three weeks.

His talent at the time shocked the enlightenment.

When other disciples, one after another, cultivated the seeds of true qi, Su Zhen had already entered the ‘innate duality’. Afterwards, he surpassed the old disciples by leaps and bounds, continually surpassing the old disciples, and cultivated to ‘innate tenfold’, and became a well-deserved external disciple, only a foot away from entering the internal gate.

At that time, he was infinitely beautiful.

Among the disciples of the same period as Su Zhen, there was a young master named Jiang Yunzongmen of Han Yunfeng, who also possessed an amazing and talented talent. When the other disciples were still struggling with the “congenital fourfolds”, they cultivated the “congenital eightfolds.” Created the top ten fastest record in the history of Vientiane Sect.

But Han Yunfeng was unfortunate. He and Su Zhensheng were in the same era, and Feng Mang was robbed in the past.

Vientiane Sect only knew Su Zhen, but not Han Yunfeng.

In the same way, even some young girls love Su Zhen and regard Han Yunfeng as the air. Among them, one of the most beautiful girls is called ‘Liu Feifei’. They are tired of Su Zhen every day. The suitor Han Yunfeng sees nothing.

A large number of disciples regarded Su Zhen as an idol.

Even some inner disciples were polite to Su Zhen. Because they know that sooner or later this little teacher can enter the inner door, and surpass them, it is wise to make a good relationship in advance.

At that time, Su Zhen was at the peak of his life.

However, at the peak of Su Zhen’s life, an accident occurred …

Three years ago, Han Yunfeng invited him to do the sect mission with Liu Feifei. Because of their good relationship, Su Zhen readily agreed. The three came to the depths of the Luoxia Mountains, collected herbs, and found a sacred fireweed in a deserted canyon. Yanghuo grass is worth 300 points of contribution and can be exchanged for many immortals, which is a wealth for them.

However, Su Zhen had already stepped into the inner door with half a foot at that time.

After thanking Han Yunfeng, he reached out to gather herbs, and Su Zhen turned his attention elsewhere. However, when he was not prepared, Han Yunfeng suddenly attacked and pierced his sword to his Dantian!

Su Zhen was shocked.

But after all, he was the first outside door, cultivated to be advanced, and evaded during the crisis. What made him unexpected again was that Liu Feifei suddenly shot and scattered a bag of loose muscles on his face. Being betrayed by both friends and girlfriends at the same time, Su Zhen is difficult to guard against even if he is cultivated to be advanced, and finally he is defeated by Dan Tian and becomes a waste person.

At that time, Su Zhen was furious and wondered why they were like this.

Han Yunfeng, Liu Feifei explained the reason …

It turned out that the family of the two was a family friend, and they had already set up their relatives, and agreed to join together in Vientiane Sect to revitalize the family!

But what surprised them was that there was a Su Zhen in the same session, who pressed them everywhere, like an insurmountable mountain. After several efforts to surpass, they understood that unless Su Zhen died, they would never be mixed. So Han Yunfeng thought of a strategy, let Liu Feifei take the initiative to pursue Su Zhen, become his girlfriend, gain trust, and then look for opportunities, the two teamed up to kill him.

This opportunity is today!

After the two men finished the conspiracy, they laughed wildly, making Su Zhen’s memory fresh.

Vientiane Sect banned the fratricidal, especially the genius disciples such as Su Zhen. The unexpected sect will investigate severely, but Han Yunfeng and Liu Feifei’s minds have once again been proven.

As the true girlfriend of Su Zhen, Liu Feifei distorted the facts, reversed black and white, and blinded everyone. After all, she is Su Zhen’s girlfriend, and it is impossible to help outsiders, and the appearance of Ehhua bringing rain to Su Zhen’s “pleading” also makes everyone believe that Su Zhen is a mean and shameless villain!

That change not only caused Su Zhenxiu to lose everything and become a waste person, but also lost his reputation and became a street mouse.

In contrast, Han Yunfeng and Liu Feifei took advantage of the trend.

Han Yunfeng leaned on the firewood plant and spent half a year to break through the congenital realm and enter the inner door! It is said that now the sixth level of “Birthland” has been repaired, and it has begun to impact the “Neimen Mountain and River List”. Liu Feifei entered the inner door a year ago, relying on her good looks, mixed with the reputation of “one of the four beauties of the inner door”, the popularity is very high.

One side shines, and the other side spurns.

Since then, the worlds of the two sides are completely different.

Recalling the events of that year, Su Zhen’s blaze raged in his chest, even though the waterfall could not be destroyed. “Han Yunfeng, Liu Feifei you are waiting, lost, I will take it back by hand!”

Su Zhen’s eyes were red, his breath was short, and his thoughts were chaotic.

He wanted to take revenge, but it was difficult. A few of the outside disciples just now were right. He was broken in Dantian and could not be cultivated. No matter how strong he is, he is a mortal. And the outside entrance exam will come half a year later. If he can’t pass this time, he will be expelled down the mountain. By that time, even the last hint of revenge was gone.

The gap between the two sides is widening and revenge is slim. Once expelled down the mountain, hope is completely lost.

Su Zhen hated it, but had no choice but to help.

The turbulent waterfall poured into the copper tripod, the rushing Su Zhen wobbled, and the slippery rocks under his feet made it difficult for him to stand firm.


Lianren took the tripod and fell into the cold lake, and “Gurulu” sank to the bottom of the lake.

Su Zhen was choked by the water, waking up, struggling to surface, and just as he was about to float, a blood-colored energy group suddenly emerged from the bottom of the pool and got into his body!

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