Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 68: Meet the Mom

I better make breakfast for her, I guess.

After returning home and finding out that our mother has returned, I set Hikari's breakfast on the table and head to the kitchen to begin preparing one for my mother.

While doing so, it would seem that the scent of the meal I'm preparing woke her up as she silently snuck up behind and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, embracing me from behind.

"Mmm~ That smells nice. What are you making?" She asked with a sleepish voice.

"Your favourite. Omurice."

"I see. Do you need Momma to help you with anything?"

"Get two eggs from the fridge, would you?"

"No problem, sweetie."

Mom grabbed the eggs that I had asked for and handed them to me.

"Thanks, Mom. And... Welcome home."

Mom smiled and giggled when I said that. "I'm home, Yoruto."

She then sat by the dining table and watched as I cooked the omelette and placed it on the rice, completing the dish which I then handed it to her.

"Here you go, Mom."

"That looks good." Mom remarked, drooling as she probably has not had her favourite dish in a while.

But before digging in, she turned to me. "Let's eat together, shall we?" She said, asking me to eat breakfast with her.

"No need. I've already eaten." I turned her down.

"Oh." She said, disappointed. Then, looked up at the Hikari's breakfast I had left on the table. "Then whose is that?" She asked.

"Hikari, who I am going to wake up now so just eat without me." I said and left Mom be. "Also, put on some clothes." I added that remark as well, asking Mom to do so for the nth hundred times.


Of course, she would said that as she then turned to her food.

"I shall humbly receive~!" She said and dug in.

"Mom, seriously... Put on a damn shirt at least."

"Don't wanna. Momma wants to be free from those insufferable restrictions known as clothes. Therefore, NO!" She declared her intent loud and clear, continuing to enjoy her meal.

Screw it. I give up.

I went and picked up her clothes that she'd littered on the floor, tossed them into the washing machine and headed upstairs to wake Hikari up.

"Hikari, are you awake?" I knocked on her door.

There was no response, so I entered her room on my own and could see that my little sister was still asleep.

"Hey, wake up."

"Mmnn..." Hikari groaned, slowly opening her eyes.

"Gooood morning, Bro... What time is it?"

"It's twenty minutes past ten in the morning. Get up now. I've brought you breakfast made by Sanae's father."


Hikari rubbed her eyes, lazily got off her bed and stretched her limbs. Feeling a little bit more awake, she then bluntly asked me out of the blue.

"So, how was sex with Sis Sanae last night?"

"Wonderful. Any other questions?"

"Will I be an aunt soon?"

"One day. But not soon. Also, Mom's back now. Remember to welcome her home after you've washed up."

"Oh, thank god because I'm not ready to be an aunt yet." Hikari cheerfully replied with a sigh of relief, before blinking twice as she took a second to realise what I just said.

"Wait... Mom's back?"


"Is she naked?"

"She's downstairs eating breakfast that I have made for her before waking you up."

"But is she naked though?"

"What do you think?"

Hikari then became silent for a second.

"I'm gonna go with... yes."

"Wash up and come down for your breakfast. I'll reheat your meal in the meantime."


Hikari ran off to the bathroom after that. While I head back downstairs to reheat her meal and have a chat with our mother during that time.

"Ahh~ Thank you for the meal." Said Mom, finishing her omurice cleanly with satisfaction.

"You know I really missed your cooking, sweetie. It was delicious."

"I'm glad to hear it."

I took her plate away once she had finished and washed it in the sink.

During which, Mom snuck up to me again and embraced me from behind.

"Momma missed you and Hikari too, just so you know. Were you two alright while I was gone?" She asked, whispering into my ear.

"Yes. We were, Mom. Same as usual."

"I see. Then have you been alright, sweetie?"

"Yes, Mom. I have."

"I see. Then Momma is glad." She finally lets go of me.

"Oh! By the way, sweetie, did you see the image Momma sent you before?" Mom changed the subject next, bringing up that time when she sent me an image which I rather not remember.

"You mean the image of your nude selfie in a hotel bathroom? Yeah, I saw that and deleted it right away."

"Aw, why did you delete it? It was— Wait, what did you just say?" Mom asked, seemingly confused.

"You sent me an image of you nude, did you not?"

"Did I!?"

Mom quickly rushed to the couch where her phone was and checked, scrolling through her messages as she soon found the chat between me and her, and learned of her mistake. Dropping her jaw wide open in shock.

"I take it that you weren't supposed to send me that?" I questioned.

"Of course not!" She instantly answered back. "The image I wanted to send you was a beautiful scenery of a temple in Bali. Not my nude selfie! Why would you think that was the image I wanted to send you!?"

"Because it wasn't the first time you've sent me photos of yourself naked. As I recall correctly, you've sent me a photo of your naked butt facing the camera."

"Oh, that one was intentional. My friends and I were playing King's Game and I got ordered to do it."

"You've also sent me another photo of you spreading your legs in front of the camera with the caption 'Momma's ready' along with a heart emoji."

"And that one was from a Truth or Dare game where I was dared to do that."

"Yeah. And because of photos like those, you wondered why I wouldn't think that your nude selfie would be an image you didn't want to send me."

"Hmm, yeah. Fair point, I guess. But still... God, is it embarrassing to send a nude selfie to my son by accident!"

"And sending one on purpose isn't!? Also, you're naked in front of me right now. What's the point of being embarrassed when you're showing everything to me regardless!?"

"Hey! First off, key word: 'accident'. And secondly, being naked in front of my son and sending a photo of myself to my son are two different things."

"How!? I'm seeing you naked either way, Mom!"

"It's different because Momma says so! Now come here and give me a massage, sweetie." Mom ended the conversation immediately and lied down on the couch, demanding a massage just as I was done washing her dish.

"Mom, I still have chores to do."

"Do it later. Give Momma a good fingering first."

Phrasing, Mom. Phrasing!

"Hi, Mom. Welcome back!"

Just then, Hikari was done washing up and arrived downstairs. Greeting our mother in her usual energetic tone.

Mom propped up upon seeing Hikari, greeting her with a smile.

"Ah! Good morning, Hikari! How have you been doing?"

"Good. Very good." Hikari replied cheerfully, giving Mom a hug when she spread her arms out asking for it. "But I'm hungry now." She then said and turned to me. "Bro, where's my breakfast?"

"On the table. It's been waiting for you for a while now." I answered.

"Oh wow. That's a lot of fried stuff."

"You don't have to eat it all if it's too much. I'll add the leftovers for lunch later."

"Okie dokie!"

"Yorutoooo~ Hurry up and give Momma a massage! I miss your golden touch."

"Later, Mom. I need to do the laundry first."

"Aww come on!"

And with that, the morning continued as usual except with Mom included in it now.


Meanwhile at the Dusk Entertainment office...

The number of employees has increased, the company is working splendidly, as for one of founding members, Yuki, he dashed across the hallway, catching up to his friend and fellow co-worker, Rindou, calling out to him.

"Hey Rindou!" He shouted, causing the man to turn around.

"What's the matter, Yuki? You look kind of breathless. Have you been exercising?"

"What? No. You know I don't do that."

"Yeeeaaahh, you're not that kind of guy, huh. So what's up?" Rindou asked.

"There's something important I need to discuss with you. Where the hell were you by the way?"

"I was in the restroom. You might not want to go in there for a while..."

"Riiiight... Thanks for the head's up. Anyways, it's about Yoru."

"Yoru, huh? It has only been a few days since we nerfed her, didn't we?"

"Yes. And apparently, she has already made progress to break our game again."

"Seriously? Damn, someone needs to tell her to chill. How were you able to figure that out by the way?"

"Well... Knowing this would happen, I basically put a tracker on Yoru that will give me a log report detailing every action she's taken while playing."

"Huh? That's pretty clever. So what about her did you want to discuss with me about? Shouldn't you be discussing this with Suzuki or Monika instead?"

"Oh, I already did that. Suzuki wanted me to do something about her, while Monika told me to simply keep observing for the time being."

"What about Aki? Did you get his opinion yet?"

"He's a bit busy with his thing so I'm leaving him out of it. But basically, I agree with Suzuki that we should do something about Yoru, but on the other hand I don't want to do anything too drastic. After all, I don't think we can nerf Yoru again after doing that just a few days ago."

"I agree. If we did that, it would be clear to the players that we're openly against Yoru."

"Well actually, we kinda already are... But yes, like you've said. And not only that, from what I've seen in the forums and other social media platforms, the player community of our game has quite the thing for her as a player and raid boss. To target her is essentially making an enemy out of our playerbase and we do not want that. Plus, we've already discussed making her the face of our game, haven't we? Monika's already made plans for that and it'd be bad if we were to make an enemy out of her through these targeted patches."

"Yeah. As you said, Yuki. So what do you plan to do then?"

"That's what I wanted to discuss with you. I have a brilliant idea. But in order to accomplish that idea, I'm going to need your help, Rindou, my friend."

"Somehow, I don't like the sound of this idea of yours already."

"Oh, no. You'll definitely like it. Come closer."

Listening to what his friend has to say, Rindou lends Yuki an ear and hears him out with Yuki whispering into it. Upon hearing the so-called brilliant idea that Yuki has cooked up, Rindou's face lit up with excitement and anticipation as Yuki then asks him.

"So what do you think? You in or nah?"

"Buy me a box of Toblerones and sign me the fuck up."

"Hell yeah! I knew I could count on you, Rindou!"

The two shook hands, affirming their partnership in this idea of Yuki's with a devious smile on their faces. As they let go, Rindou, however, couldn't help but to ask...

"By the way, just one question: Wouldn't this idea of yours make Yoru even stronger than she is now?"

"Oh, totally man. It will..."

"Didn't Suzuki tell you to nerf her instead?"

"He said to 'do something about her'. Not nerf her specifically. And that's why I intend on 'doing something', just not the way he wants. I also want to piss Suzuki off just for spite, you see."

"Hm. Fair enough. Let's start working on it now, shall we?"

"Of course. I look forward to the end result of your contribution, my friend."

"Don't worry about that, my friend. I'll make it gooood!"

Yuki and Rindou, the sinister friends, proceed to head back to their desks and begin working on the idea in secret.

However, what exactly is this idea that Yuki had concocted?

Time will only tell as we let them cook.

Sorry you all, I forgot to upload yesterday for Sunday.

Anyways, thanks for reading. 🍫

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