Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 81 Stronger Light

Still can't change into Nexus' red youth form?

The Fountain understood this the moment he returned to being Nexus.

But he was not surprised. The light he possessed had been passed down for hundreds of generations. The light itself had engraved enough bonds, but after it was taken away again, only the original ones remained.

It is easy to come from nothing, but the process required to go from something to nothing and then to something is no longer that simple.

Their bond still exists, but the power of their predecessors will not be passed down. If you want to open the red youth form of Nexus, you can only open it by the source yourself, and no one can help him.

This light was not left to him.

Because everything is starting from scratch.

But even if he cannot transform into Nexus' red youth form, Nexus can still feel that his power is several times stronger than before.

The physical quality may not have been strengthened much, but the belief in the heart responded to the call of the light. When they complemented each other, the two increased exponentially, allowing Nexus to be greatly strengthened even in his infant form. .

It is conceivable that if Nexus can activate the red youth form, he will become stronger.

But he hasn't reached that time yet.

Oguma and Jiga came together and stood beside each other, and Tiga also came to Nexus's side. After the two Ultraman nodded to each other, they both made fighting gestures. , facing a powerful enemy that had defeated them before.

"Nexus and Tiga are fighting side by side." Seeing this scene, everyone in the victory team finally felt relieved.

Two versus two, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose.

There was no referee and no instructions, but both sides set off at the same time and rushed towards each other.

Diga jumped up and jumped on Jiga's body. The two hugged each other and rolled to the side.

Oguma and Nexus punched each other in the chest. Oguma took a few steps back, and Nexus also took a few steps back.

But this is beyond Oguma's calculations. According to Nexus's combat power, Oguma's punch should be enough to knock Nexus away, and Nexus's power is not enough to shake him. It's just right.

But in the confrontation just now, there was a situation where the two were evenly matched.

How can this be?

However, just seven hours later, how could Nexus go from being worth mentioning to a level that is evenly matched with it?

In these seven hours, could Nexus still take a big tonic pill?

But no matter how much Oguma didn't believe it, Nexus rushed forward again and suffered a heavy blow to the chest. Although it hurt, he abandoned his distracting thoughts and stopped thinking about those things that were there and not during the battle.

Burdened with too many expectations and responsibilities, Yuan Yuan was completely different from the person he was seven hours ago.

Although the form of the new Nexus has not changed, its combat power is completely different.

Oguma opened the data scan and once again began to calculate the current Nexus' data. The moment the two sides touched, Nexus grabbed Oguma's arm with both hands and turned around and stuck his body in the A kick to Oguma's rear forced him to his knees.

But Oguma also had a strategy to deal with it. He bent down and lifted Nexus up, flipping him to the ground in front of him.

Oguma stood up and strode forward, preparing to give Nexus a head-on blow.

But as soon as Oguma stood up, he was attacked by a white energy cursor.

Not far away, Diga, who separated after a close fight with Jijia, launched this auxiliary attack, and then avoided Jijia's continuous attacks. His hands were crossed and gathered above his head, and the diamond-shaped crystal flashed with red light.

The compound type was converted into a powerful type, and Ao's entire body shape became a lot stronger.

Diga clenched his fist and punched Jiga hard on the chest. The powerful punch knocked Jiga back a few steps.

Seeing this, Tiga rushed forward, not giving Kiga any chance to block his position.

Nexus, who rolled around and stood up again, immediately released the particle razor, which extended in his palm to become a particle lightsaber. This is a brand new trick developed on a whim last time. Although it is activated by the small skill of Particle Razor, it is much more powerful than Particle Razor.

Facing this kind of mechanical life form, punching and kicking are of no use. The real reason is to have weapons in hand.

If it weren't for lack of time, Yuanquan would definitely think about how to develop cutting skills.

After all, the gamma light knife is only the basic skill of the juvenile form, and it won't be of much use against such a rough-skinned guy.

I have to try if I can turn the gamma light knife into a gamma light wheel, so that I can lift it up and behead it.

Only when facing this kind of mechanical life form, Yuanquan really envied Ace's cutting skills.

To deal with this kind of mechanical life form, the cutting technique is really useful.

Seeing the particle lightsaber appear, Oguma hesitated for a moment. Both the intensity of the light and the solidification of the lightsaber were more terrifying than they were seven hours ago.

The last time it was able to cause damage to it, even leaving wounds on its body, now looking at the stronger Nexus, with a stronger lightsaber in front of him, the damage caused would only be more terrifying.

But everything comes first with the execution of the mission. The mechanical life form knows no fear or fear. Oguma strides forward. The thunder condensed above his head has begun to brew. The next attack will definitely spread to the entire audience.

The electric current, which was harmless to their mechanical life forms, was a very serious injury to the two Ultramans.

But Nexus would not give Oguma this chance. He strode forward with his particle lightsaber in hand. The lightsaber in front of him emitted fluorescence. Before the final contact, Nexus jumped on his feet and leaped in mid-air. .

At the same time, Oguma's lightning strike was also released. Of course, such a close attack would not miss, and all hit Nexus.

But at the same time, the particle lightsaber also cut off the sharp bulge on Oguma's head. As the particle lightsaber broke, the horn that released the lightning strike was also cut off, resulting in a lose-lose outcome for both parties.

But now that the particle lightsaber is gone, Nexus can continue to make it.

The sharp horn on Oguma's head is gone, but it is real.

The mechanical island began to provide help, and the organic metal began to climb along Oguma's feet to the top of its head. Soon, the raised sharp angle cut off by the particle lightsaber reappeared.

The action of forcibly cutting off the sharp horn after enduring the electric current attack seemed to be completely useless in this situation.

As long as you stand on the mechanical island, won't you suffer much damage?

so what? Is this an invincible enemy?

I think too highly of myself.

Clenching his fists, Nexus strode forward, and Oguma followed suit. The two sides collided and started a close fight. Every attack that landed on Oguma's body would leave a mark of a fist, which meant that Nexus' power had exceeded its upper limit.

Oguma is constantly creating files about the current Nexus, but just after creating them, he deletes the files from the previous moment and records them again in the next second of the attack.

Because in Oguma's induction, the power of Nexus's next attack will always be heavier than the previous attack, as if there is no limit and it keeps breaking through.

The move to let Oguma establish a database was completely in vain, which also caused a brief chaos in Oguma.

In the close combat, he was actually suppressed by Nexus, and his whole body was marked with fist marks.

Oguma's reaction began to slow down, but Nexus didn't know that it was due to data confusion and a built-in error, which caused problems in controlling itself.

Release yourself in fighting wholeheartedly, and in return you will be able to release yourself with every punch.

The fist is covered with a bandage called a bond.

Carrying a bond called responsibility.

Let every punch be stronger than your previous self.

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